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Most of the time, we have to complete tasks

involving creativity. Tonight is the deadline for

the job, you really want to finish it. You keep
thinking but you get stuck. So you sit, you stare,
and you fidget. You start to second guess
yourself, your work. “Maybe im not gifted”,
“Maybe im not cut out for this job”. And you
stop thinking, stop trying to creat beautiful
Lucky for you, Rita Mae Brown is kind enough
to share the magic spell for conjuring creativity.

She says “Creativity comes from trust. Trust

your instincts”.
It can be sum up in to words: Trust yourself.
Most often, the thing that’s got us stalled out is
some kind of fear or doubt. That’s why Ms.
Brown says that creativity comes from trusting
our instincts; when we start to second guess
ourselves and our work, we get caught up in the
noise, stop working, thinking and believing.
Strong beliefs can help ordinary people do
incredible things. On the contrary, lack of beliefs
can stunt the most talented people. Your beliefs
not only influence the actions and results you
gain, but also affect others when they interact
with you. So there are some tips to trust yourself:
1. start by dropping your own judgement about
yourself. Stop thinking that you will never be
good enough or not gifted. Try to focus on
improving yourself instead. and not only the
faults will disappear, but what other people say
will also become less and less important.
2. Self-praise yourself after doing your work
successfully. It will help trusting yourself and
make you believe that you can become better day
by day.
3. Accept that no one is perfectly perfect, you are
great in the way you are. No one is perfect.
Which is why pencils were made with erasers,
and apologizes were created. Many of us in life
have made mistakes, big or small. The point is
what you can learn from those mistakes and keep
going forward.
As soon as you get back in motion, the muse will
show up, and ready to help you create something

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