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@ 25 How to respond to challenges Who you ask for help When you ask for help Saying you need a break How you act How much effort you put to something Getting enough sleep 7 Whether or not . 1 you accept B Completing your yourself responsibi Owning up to your mistake ies THINGS YOU CAN CONTROL Whether Using an alnlook statement B tee negatives saying what or positives you need What you Howmuch | focus on in Pd 4 this very exercise irioment you do What goals fem setting your boundaries aly yourcrecte for yourself Respecting the personal space The kind of of others attitude you have When and if slew you forgive How you others PEE relate to your How often feelings you smile Whether you help someone out or not How you When you Pie take care of show empathy and treat your body Live a Meaningful Life @MCAMINCFUL MEK TRIBELIO

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