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1. All the students of the Palawan State University as well as the staffs
who will participate this event should wear plain white T-shirt or
white shirt with minimal print.
2. All the students of Palawan State University as well as the staffs are
free to join the game.
3. After the Zumba the participants will go to their respected areas by
colleges in the field. There will be eight (8) quadrants where each
quadrants has a flag representing the color of their college and a
water drum containing color powder and a basin container the water
of the color which their college represents.
4. As the game started, participants should throw the color power they
represent and use the water gun to the other team. Their goal is to
spread their color and be dominant to the crowd.
5. The participants should not throw their powder and water to their
teammates. Once not followed, the college will be disqualified.
6. Pushing, hurting, punching, or any form of coercive act is
prohibited. Any violation will be subject to reprimand to the Office of
the Student Affairs and Services.
7. The college color which will dominates the crowd will be the winner
of the University Color Warfare

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