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Major Advances in technology are transforming how we live, work & interact with one another they

are upending the status quo, shaking Industries to the core and causing companies to re-examine
business strategies especially when it comes to customer experience.

Well on the one hand this shift presents challenges, on the other it implies an entirely new set of
extraordinary opportunities to transform the business

A Digital Transformation Roadmap that enables customer centric innovation and rapid growth is the
real imperative for business today. However, when we see the current workforce who is certified by
a few leading Digital Marketing Academies are unaware of the concepts that drives the customer
sentiments. There exists a huge Skill Gap.

It’s time to up skill the workforce to meet the changing market dynamics.

We at Paradox Marketer understand the changing business dynamics and have revamped the Digital
Marketing Industry by coming up with a different approach of creating a new age of Digital
Marketing Scientists rather than just Digital Marketers or optimizers genre that is prevalent across.

We strongly believe that there is a whole lot of Science that works to drive customer sentiments to
reach business objectives. We have curated our Courses and Modules which is a Unique Blend of
Marketing Science Principles & Digital Marketing Concepts.

We enable you to, in the words of American software engineer Matt Cutts, "think about what the
user is going to type".

Our Digital Marketing Transformation Program has been created as a response to the challenges of
digital silos in organizations.

We help our clients evaluate the digital capabilities of their teams & define ways in which they can
up skill them.

Paradox Marketer will add considerable value to your business by providing specialized, flexible and
scalable training programs that meet your digital marketing transformation needs.

At Paradox Marketer, we cover a wide range of topics in our training programs. Not only do the
programs have a separate solution for every business and model, we also create a customized
curriculum to meet your needs.

If this Interests you do get back to us and get a chance of free Marketing Audit for your Organisation.

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