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Android Studio 3.

6 – Everything You
Need to Know

The part of Google Integrated Development Environment,

Android Studio 3.6 comes with the new features and upgrade
to share the finer performance and higher stability. The latest
release of Android Studio incorporates the latest features
along with the old ones. This upgrade has been released for
the developers to help in the smooth debugging and editing of
codes. Also, the improved quality is another attempt made to
share a better experience.
What’s New has been introduced in the
Latest version of Android Studio 3.6

The new release of Android Studio 3.6 includes
a plethora of new improvements and features.
Check out the key features supported by the
latest release:
Design Editor with Split View
The new split view has been introduced for the
Navigation and Layout Editors. This clearly
states that now the developers can view the
code and UI design together on a single screen.
Also, the older version of the preview window
has been replaced with the new one.
Now, the Mobile app development can do the
split view configuration according to the files
and also able to manage the contextual detail
as per what befits the use cases. These details
include options like Design View and Zoom
factor. One can simply click on the ‘Split’
window to enable the split view.
Google Maps UI in Android

Yes! Android Emulator is available in the integration with
Google Maps present in its Control panel. This means,
developers are no longer required to type manually in
the GPS coordinates for adding the location feature in
the application for testing. Also, this offers a more
convenient way to check the emulated device location.
Now, the developer can easily distinguish the
virtual location and also can generate virtual
routes from location pairs. These improvements
offer better application optimization. Also, it
becomes easy to detect errors and memory
leakage for fragments.

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