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SANTALKA: Filologija, Edukologija / COACTIVITY: Philology, Educology 2014, 22(1): 82–88

ISSN 1822-430X / eISSN 2335-7711



Tatjana Rusko

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

Received 30 March 2014; accepted 13 May 2014

Currently, a lot of emphasis is placed of the ability of a person to successfully communicate in any sphere of
activity, which along with upbringing and education is among the factors that determine a person’s culture.
In the context of rapid scientific and technological progress, it is vital to constantly exchange relevant infor-
mation. The effectiveness of this process relies not only on the proficient knowledge of the subject and the
ability to make grammatically correct sentences, but to a large extent on the level of competence in scientific
language. The present article attempts to consider the interaction of discourse and vocabulary, different types
of cognitive phenomena responsible for the use of a language in real time and related to the language as a
means of storing and organising information. Analysing and classifying some key elements of a scientific
discourse lexicon contributes to the development of certain provisions of lexicology, functional stylistics,
cognitive linguistics and terminology. The results of the analysis may be advantageous both to linguistics and
teaching the language for specific purposes.

Keywords: scientific discourse, lexis, term, structural model, lexical-semantic category, nomination,


The majority of researches define the modern for understanding science as a form of public
society as an information society, because discourse. The unity of theoretical, pragmatic
“theoretical knowledge occupies the central and socio-cultural aspects of modern scientific
position, being the core of new equipment, discourse defines the essence of information
technology, economic growth and social strati- society innovation basis.
fication organization” (Bell 1999). In such a Human language is the basis and means
society, science not only performs an epistemo- of transformation in the post-modern society,
logical but also innovation, socio-cultural and which presupposes significant expansion in the
praxeological functions. Constant penetration scope of linguistic research and its consistent
of science into new social practices being rea­l­ correlation with other areas of the humanities.
ised through the use of information and com- The need to study both linguistic and com-
puter technology, gradually leads to the need munication problems through the perspective
Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by VGTU Press.
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COACTIVITY: Philology, Educology 2014, 22(1): 82–88 83

of other fields of science, reframing the tradi- In the course of study, the following methods
tional language concepts and studying different were used: logical methods of classification and
aspects of verbal and cognitive activities has systematisation, linguistic methods of compat-
arisen in modern linguistics. A cognitive dis- ibility, definition and contextual analysis, im-
course approach rooted in traditional linguistic mediate constituents and word-building.
analysis with the use of other sciences methods Scientific style lexicon is characterised by
has advanced linguistics to a qualitatively new conceptuality, marked use of nouns and ad-
level of cognition and discourse research on the jectives, use of terms with a clear and narrow
basis of the complex cognitive concept. Cogni- denotation, absence of expressive lexemes,
tive discourse paradigm presupposes the study exclusiveness and, therefore, high repetitive-
of language in action when the language is “an ness of lexis, resulting in quite a stereotypical
instrument, a tool, a means and a mechanism vocabulary and semantic condensation with
of reaching specific aims and realizing definite preference to noun groups (Knittlová 1990).
intentions of a person both in the sphere of A term is a dynamic phenomenon that is
the reality cognition and description and also born, formulated and delves into the process of
in the act of communication and interaction cognition, the transition from a concept (mental
by means of language” (Kubryakova 2002: 9). category) to a verbalised concept associated
From this point of view, a discourse is defined with some theory to conceptualise a particular
as “a coherent text in conjunction with the field of knowledge or activity (Leychik 2007:
extra linguistic, pragmatic, socio-cultural, 21–22). This understanding of the term is inex-
psychological, and other factors; the text in tricably linked with the implementation of the
event-driven aspect, speech, considered as main tasks of cognitive linguistics – explaining
a purposeful, social action, as a component of connections between the structures of lan-
involved in the interaction of people and their guage and knowledge structures, as the term
cognitive processes. Discourse is speech “im- acts as a “carrier” of information about these
mersed into life” (Arutyunova 1990: 136–137). relationships.
The aim of the present article is to overview
general specific features of a scientific discourse
from structural, semantic and morphological Discussion and results
points of view to facilitate scientific discourse
organisation. Scientific discourse lexis can be divided into
The material for the analysis has been taken terms and non-terms. Non-term lexis may be
from the dictionaries “Oxford Collocations of common use, general scientific and general
Dictionary” (2003); “Roget’s Thesaurus of technical one. The problem of scientific com-
English Words & Phrases” (2000); K. Wales “A munication optimization primarily requires the
Dictionary of Stylistics” (2001) and electronic analysis of non-term lexis because terms con-
sources of specific synchronous term-oriented stitute no more than 20% of the total number
text corpus related to scientific discourse. of the text lexis.
The research was performed within the The possibility to correlate a lexical unit
framework of the theory of a discourse and with a strictly scientific definition allows to
different aspects of scientific style analysis differentiate between the terms being special
(de Beaugrande 1997; Gee 1999; Giegerich 2004; professional lexical units from the common-
Talmy 2000; van Deyk 2001; Gvishiani 2008; literary words. This is particularly important
Danilenko 1975; Kubryakova 2000; Komarova while dealing with consubstantial terms, the
2004; Layonz 2003; Leychik 2007; Makarov ones that are congruent in form to common-
2003; Nikulina 2004; Prokhorov 2004; Ter- literary language words. They account for one-
Minasova 2004; Ufimtseva 2002; Yudina 2006). third of all terms.
84 Tatjana Rusko Lexical features of scientific discourse

The boundary between terminological and be related to; d) acquired knowledge testing – be
general vocabulary is unstable, its character convinced, be mixed with, be opposed to; e) find-
being not historical but functional one. The ings and conclusions – be concluded, be satisfied
process of term transformation into commonly with; f) knowledge transfer – be mentioned, be
used words and vice versa is constant. Common referred to, be said.
lexis item transition into a terminological one Verb lexemes functional peculiarities aware-
started with the use of the former in specific ness allows minimizing grammar forms to be
contexts. mastered. The verbs to aim, to involve, to pertain
Heterogeneous character of scientific dis- and some other function mainly in the form of
course terminology may be explained by the present and past participles, e.g.: aimed at smth.,
fact that research and technology knowledge (problem) involved, pertaining to smth.
had been predominantly formed on the basis Lexicalization of -ing and -ed verb forms
of experimental natural science. and their transition into adjectives and prepo-
Morphologically, the terms are mainly sitions is characteristic of a scientific discourse,
nouns, but they may also be verbs semanti- e.g.: given, preceding, underlying, unifying,
cally correlated with nouns and adjectives according to, concerning, provided, owing to.
most often derived from nouns, e.g. absorp- The problem of defining the field of lexical
tion ( n) – absorb (v), activation (n) – activate combinability of general scientific words prob-
(v); anion (n) – anionic (adj), corrosion (n) – ably remains among the most difficult ones
corrosive (adj), circle (n) – circular (adj). It in mastering a foreign language. The flow of
should be noted that rows of the same root speech segmentation into functional units is
word-terms function in a scientific discourse, instrumental in deeper understanding of the
e.g. adsorb–adsorption–adsorbent–adsorptive, lexical combinability pertaining to a scientific
corrode–corrosion–corrosive, diffuse–diffusion– discourse.
diffused–diffusible. Ultimate syntagmatic units have an ex-
Non-term lexis comprises polysemantic tremely high binding degree of their com-
and polyfunctional words and phrases that are ponents. For example, “Information validity,
the term’s lexical environment and may be of accuracy” semantic group is presented by the
general, general scientific and general technical following sequences: It is proved to be true…;
use. A word in a scientific discourse forms con- It is no longer true that…; It is still true that…;
textual relations marked by varying degree of There is no doubt that…; It is clear that…; It is
binding. The lexical core of a scientific discourse commonly assumed that… .
is a chain of interconnected units, its elements Phrases with prop word idiomatically prop-
being a word, morphosyntactically conditioned erly combining with a number of words also
phrase, reproductive phrase, ultimate syntactic present a considerable difficulty. In this case,
unit and a terminological unit. a speaker/writer is given a sufficient freedom
The following verbs, used predominantly of choice in coining a phrase. Thus, the verb
in the passive form in scientific discourse and to cause may be combined with the following
having a morphosyntactically confined usage, words: changes, effects, controversy, uncertainty,
may be grouped according to their semantics: a rise in smth. As a rule, the noun case functions
a) prognosis, prospects – be engaged in, be in the following attributive phrases in a scien-
exposed to, be found, be stated; b) knowledge tific discourse: general case, obvious case, nor-
acquisition – be accompanied by, be confronted mal case, particular case, special case; the noun
with, be devoted to, be derived from, be noted; point was found in such phrases as: beginning
c) acquired knowledge systematization and point, central point, final point, further point,
organising – be based on, be concerned with, be important point, limiting point, minor point,
confined to, be connected with, be excluded from, particular point, significant point, starting point.
COACTIVITY: Philology, Educology 2014, 22(1): 82–88 85

Numerous studies have shown a scientific Computing terminology is an example of

discourse to possess a sufficiently high degree young terminology: being formed in the mid-
of predictability. Thus, scientific discourse as if dle of the XX century it is still in the process of
automatically specifies a set of lexical means. active development. The dynamic character of
General scientific lexis constitutes the se- computing terminology makes it suitable for the
mantic basis of a scientific discourse. Universal study of means of linguistic nomination.
character of the general scientific lexis is fully Keeping in mind that terminology is a sub-
manifested in its interrelation with terminology. system of the overall lexical-semantic system
Lexical units that constitute the core of general of a language, it contains all structural word
scientific lexis are both the lexical-semantic types, all means of nomination and all semantic
basis of scientific communication in the broad- processes that are characteristic of the lexis in
est context and are also used in coining various general.
terminological phrases. The verb to accept is The system of computing terminology
the basis of reproductive collocations, such as: means of nomination can be considered from
to accept an idea/an approach/ a theory/a view/ different points of view: terms structural types,
conclusions, and also the constituent of widely ways of terms formation, distinguishing units
used ultimate syntagmatic units such as: It of primary and secondary nomination. These
seems to be generally accepted…; These principles approaches do not contradict but rather com-
are generally accepted… plement each other enabling to create a com-
The amount of common lexis is relatively prehensive pattern of computing terminology.
small in a scientific discourse. Nevertheless, Analysis of linguistic literature on the sub-
common lexis is represented by all parts of ject made it possible to distinguish the following
speech, both notional and functional, e.g. verbs: structural types of terms: underived, derived,
appear, begin, find, hold, see, etc.; adjectives: compound, terminological word combinations,
good, great, large, new, small, same, etc.; nouns: abbreviations.
air, side, thing, month, wall, etc.; adverbs: along, Term’s structural model is understood to
already, always, often, very, just, suddenly, etc.; be the total amount of term-elements and their
prepositions: of, in, to, for, on, at, etc. system organisation (Danilenko 1975).
The problem of system character of word- Structural model of a nominal radical mor-
formation is linked to the problems of morpho- pheme type (e.g. card, code, deck, file, etc.) is the
logical divisibility, word-formation derivation, most productive one among underived English
word-building relations and potencies. computing terms.
Word-building system is understood to be Terms-underived words are characterised
a peculiarly organised unity, which is different by a developed semantic system, which in its
from other linguistic systems both in its com- turn allows concluding that semantic method
position from specific units and in the way of of word-formation and is productive for the
their structural organisation and distribution. analysed terminology. Metaphoric change and
The system character in word-formation restriction of meaning are two main types of
can be studied on the basis of terminology semantic changes.
primarily because terminology is consistent The number of derived terms by far out-
and the system of terms defines interrelated numbers the underived ones; though the varia­
concepts. bility of their affixes is somewhat limited. This
Due to intensive development of com- feature proves the regular character of comput-
puter technologies, the possibility to consider ing term-formation system.
terminological lexis from different points of The word-building structure of terms-
view, namely to analyse its morpheme, word- derived words contains a large number of
building and semantic structure seems timely. word-building models, the most productive
86 Tatjana Rusko Lexical features of scientific discourse

ones consisting of verbal root morpheme and necessity to define the meaning of the notion
suffixes. The most widely used suffixes are: most accurately.
-er/-or, -ion/-tion, -ing, -ity. Terms ending in Syntactic way of computing term formation
-er/-or are the most recurrent ones. This may comprises two-, three- and four-component
be explained by the very object of this realm of word-combinations. The distinguishing fea-
science and technology. ture of a word-combination as opposed to a
Compound terms are not numerous in compound is manifested above all in formal
computing terminology. Compound is close grammatical peculiarities of its composition, in
both to a word and to a word-combination. its structural characteristics. Two-component
Compound terms are not structurally homog- attributive word combinations with a modifier
enous: simplex, derivative, compound stems, in preposition that correspond to structural
clipped first and second components, abbre- models A + N and N + N having the meaning
viations and codificators may be components “modifier-modified” are the most widely used
of compound terms. Compound terms formed types of terminological word-combinations.
according to the models adj + n, n + n are the Nominal word-combinations are the most
most frequently used ones. In many cases the active ones, the right position component be-
following tendency is true: the more productive ing their nucleus: system, computer, device,
is the word-building model, the more frequently program, control, storage, memory, unit, code,
it is used. Compound terms reflect computing data, method, mode, set, etc. In the left position
notions in different ways. There exists a con- the most active components are: data program,
nection between the structure of a term and its control, system, disc, address, machine, file, etc.
lexical meaning. The presence of a large number of termi-
Compound terms of adj + n type are recur- nological word-combinations in computing
rent in describing the principles of a computer terminology system brings about an opposite
structure, its parameters, hardware, software phenomenon, i.e. compression, which leads to
and programming languages: higher-speed, the formation of a substantial number of ab-
mainframe, general-purpose, special-purpose, breviations, being of syllable type, letter-syllable
low-cost, small-system, single-board, high- and clipped. Terminological units recurrent
performance, low-level, high-end, long-term, both in literature and discourse and denoting
single-step, variable-point, single-precision, new- basic concepts of computing manifest the ten-
line, high-pass, low-byte, discrete-time, double- dency to abbreviation.
precision, double-length, deep-depletion, high- There exist a large number of abbreviations
volume, high-density; computer input-output connected with the terms “memory”, “register”,
control description: double-density, hard-copy, “unit”, “system”, “processor”, etc.: RW memory,
high-quality, highest-quality, full-screen, single- RAM, USB-memory-stick., HAM; TBR, PR;
rock, single-density, digital-readout, narrow- CPU, NTU, ACU; DBS, ESS, HDBMS; HEP, ISP,
band, operational amplifier, small-input, full- GWP, etc.
duplex, parallel-data, serial-data, single-wire; Semantics of computing terms is deter-
for naming computer elements, including the mined to a great extent by logical-conceptual
description of logical scheme, triggers, integral system of this realm of science. Based on the
microcircuits: single-input, open-collector, dis- semantics of a nuclear component, it is possible
crete-component, positive temperature, thin-film, to distinguish lexical-semantic categories (LSC)
single-chip, multiple-function, continuous-path, particular to the lexical-semantic computing
complementary-symmetry. terminology system in general:
Syntactic way of computing term formation 1. LSC “an object/material body” (terms that
is a productive one due to the complex logical- denote objects of reality: computers, details,
conceptual system of such terminology and the elements, devices, etc.);
COACTIVITY: Philology, Educology 2014, 22(1): 82–88 87

2. LSC “process/movement” (terms that and its numerous relations with other no-
denote process, action, state); tions within the computing terminological
3. LSC “quality/feature” (terms that denote system.
quality quantity, extent, characteristic features); Hence terminological word-combinations
4. LSC “abstract logical notions” (terms that meet the requirements of terminological
specify most general logical notions, math- nomination in the full, and are widely used
ematical notions, programming languages, etc.). as means of linguistic nomination.
A definite set of structural models is mainly 5. Identifying scientific terms functioning pat-
used in term-formation of a certain LSC. Terms terns through the analysis of the most com-
that belong to LSC “object/physical body” are mon lexical collocations units, contributes
formed according to the models N + N, A + N, both to identifying term coinage process
PI + N, N + A + N. Terms that constitute and understanding some aspects of scientific
LSC “process/movement” have structural knowledge production.
A + PI, PII + N.
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Tatjana Rusko
Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Saulėtekio al.11, LT-10223, Vilnius, Lietuva
El. paštas

Šiuo metu ypač akcentuojamas asmens gebėjimas sėkmingai bendrauti bet kurioje veiklos sferoje. Kartu su
individo auklėjimu ir švietimu šis gebėjimas yra vienas iš svarbiausių asmenybės kultūrą lemiančių veiksnių.
Sparčios mokslo ir technikos pažangos kontekste išryškėja informacijos pasikeitimo svarba. Šio proceso efek-
tyvumas priklauso ne tiek nuo įgytų dalykinių žinių kiekio ir gebėjimo gramatiškai taisyklingai formuluoti
mintis, kiek nuo individo mokslinės kalbos žinių lygmens. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiama kalbos diskurso ir
žodyno sąveika, įvairių tipų kognityviniai reiškiniai, susiję su kalbos vartojimu realiu laiku ir gaunamos in-
formacijos tvarkymu bei saugojimu. Straipsnyje analizuojami esminiai mokslinio diskurso leksikos elementai,
lemiantys leksikologijos, funkcinės stilistikos, kognityvinės lingvistikos ir terminologijos raidą. Straipsnyje
pateiktos mokslinės analizės rezultatai galėtų būti naudingi tiek kalbotyros specialistams, tiek ir užsienio
kalbų dėstytojams.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: mokslinis diskursas, leksika, terminas, struktūrinis modelis, leksinė-semantinė kate-
gorija, nominacija, sistema.

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