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Resistance during World War II

Resistance movements during World War II occurred in every occupied country by a variety of means, ranging from non-
cooperation to propaganda to hiding crashed pilots and even to outright warfare and the recapturing of towns. In many countries,
resistance movements were sometimes also referred to as The Underground.

Among the most notable resistance movements were the Polish Resistance, including the Polish Home Army, Leśni, and the
whole Polish Underground State; Yugoslav Partisans, the Soviet partisans,[a] the Italian Resistenza led mainly by the Italian CLN;
the French Resistance, the Belgian Resistance, the Norwegian Resistance, the Danish Resistance, the Greek Resistance, the Czech
resistance, the Albanian resistance, the Dutch Resistance especially the "LO" (national hiding organisation) and the politically
persecuted opposition in Germany itself (there were 16 main resistance groups and at least 27 failed attempts to assassinate Hitler
with many more planned): in short, across German-occupied Europe.

Many countries had resistance movements dedicated to fighting or undermining the Axis invaders, and Nazi Germany itself also
had an anti-Nazi movement. Although Britain was not occupied during the war, the British made complex preparations for a
British resistance movement. The main organisation was created by the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, aka MI6) and is now
known as Section VII.[1] In addition there was a short-term secret commando force called the Auxiliary Units.[2] Various
organizations were also formed to establish foreign resistance cells or support existing resistance movements, like the British
Special Operations Executive and the American Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency).

There were also resistance movements fighting against the Allied invaders. In Italian East Africa, after the Italian forces were
defeated during the East African Campaign, some Italians participated in a guerrilla war against the British (1941–1943). The
German Nazi resistance movement ("Werwolf") never amounted to much. The "Forest Brothers" of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
included many fighters who operated against the Soviet occupation of the Baltic States into the 1960s. During or after the war,
similar anti-Soviet resistance rose up in places like Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Chechnya. While the Japanese were
famous for "fighting to the last man", Japanese holdouts tended to be individually motivated and there is little indication that
there was any organized Japanese resistance after the war.

While historians and governments of some European countries have attempted to portray resistance to Nazi occupation as
widespread among their populations,[3] only a small minority of people participated in organized resistance, estimated at one to
three percent of the population of countries in western Europe. In eastern Europe where Nazi rule was more oppressive, a larger
percentage of people were in organized resistance movements, for example, an estimated 10-15 percent of the Polish population.
Passive resistance by non-cooperation with the occupiers was much more common. [4]

Forms of resistance
Resistance operations
Resistance movements during World War II
Notable individuals
External links

After the first shock following the Blitzkrieg, people slowly started to get organized, both locally and on a larger scale, especially
when Jews and other groups were starting to be deported and used for the Arbeitseinsatz (forced labor for the Germans).
Organization was dangerous, so much resistance was done by individuals. The possibilities depended much on the terrain; where
there were large tracts of uninhabited land, especially hills and forests, resistance could more easily get organised undetected.
This favoured in particular the Soviet partisans in Eastern Europe. In the much more densely populated Netherlands, the
Biesbosch wilderness could be used to go into hiding. In northern Italy, both the Alps and the Apennines offered shelter to
partisan brigades, though many groups operated directly inside the major cities.

There were many different types of groups, ranging in activity from humanitarian aid to armed resistance, and sometimes
cooperating to a varying degree. Resistance usually arose spontaneously, but was encouraged and helped mainly from London
and Moscow.

The five largest resistance movements in Europe were the Dutch, the French, the Polish, the Soviet and the Yugoslav; overall
their size can be seen as comparable, particularly in the years 1941-1944.

A number of sources note that the Polish Home Army was the largest resistance movement in Nazi-occupied Europe. Norman
Davies writes that the "Armia Krajowa (Home Army), the AK,... could fairly claim to be the largest of European resistance
[organizations]."[5] Gregor Dallas writes that the "Home Army (Armia Krajowa or AK) in late 1943 numbered around 400,000,
making it the largest resistance organization in Europe."[6] Mark Wyman writes that the "Armia Krajowa was considered the
largest underground resistance unit in wartime Europe."[7] However, the numbers of Soviet partisans were very similar to those of
the Polish resistance[8] as were the numbers of Yugoslav partisans.[9] For the French Resistance, François Marcot ventured an
estimate of 200,000 activists and a further 300,000 with substantial involvement in Resistance operations.Laffont, Robert (2006).
Dictionnaire historique de la Résistance. Paris: Bouquins. p. 339. ISBN 978-2-221-09997-1.

Forms of resistance
Various forms of resistance were:


Sabotage – the Arbeitseinsatz ("Work Contribution") forced locals to work for the Germans, but work was
often done slowly or intentionally badly
Strikes and demonstrations
Based on existing organizations, such as the churches, students, communists and doctors (professional
raids on distribution offices to get food coupons or various documents such as Ausweise or on birth registry
offices to get rid of information about Jews and others to whom the Nazis paid special attention
temporary liberation of areas, such as in Yugoslavia, Paris, and northern Italy, occasionally in cooperation
with the Allied forces
uprisings such as in Warsaw in 1943 and 1944, and in extermination camps such as in Sobibor in 1943 and
Auschwitz in 1944
continuing battle and guerrilla warfare, such as the partisans in the USSR and Yugoslavia and the Maquis in
Espionage, including sending reports of military importance (e.g. troop movements, weather reports etc.)
Illegal press to counter Nazi propaganda
Anti-Nazi propaganda including movies for example anti-Nazi color film Calling Mr. Smith (1943) about current
Nazi crimes in German-occupied Poland.
Covert listening to BBC broadcasts for news bulletins and coded messages
Political resistance to prepare for the reorganization after the war
Helping people to go into hiding (e.g., to escape the Arbeitseinsatz or deportation)—this was one of the main
activities in the Netherlands, due to the large number of Jews and the high level of administration, which made it
easy for the Germans to identify Jews.
Helping Allied military personnel caught behind Axis lines
Helping POWs with illegal supplies, breakouts, communication, etc.
Forgery of documents

Resistance operations

In March 1940, a partisan unit of the first guerilla organization of the Second
World War in Europe, led by Major Henryk Dobrzański (Hubal) completely
destroyed a battalion of German infantry in a skirmish near the Polish village of
Huciska. A few days later in an ambush near the village of Szałasy it inflicted
heavy casualties upon another German unit. As time progressed, resistance
forces grew in size and number. To counter this threat, the German authorities
formed a special 1,000 man-strong anti-partisan unit of combined SS-Wehrmacht
forces, including a Panzer group. Although Dobrzański's unit never exceeded
300 men, the Germans fielded at least 8,000 men in the area to secure it.[10][11] The first partisan of World War II
Hubal and his unit in Poland in winter
In 1940, Witold Pilecki, Polish resistance, presented to his superiors a plan to 1939
enter Germany's Auschwitz concentration camp, gather intelligence on the camp
from the inside, and organize inmate resistance.[12] The Home Army approved
this plan, provided him with a false identity card, and on 19 September 1940, he deliberately went out during a street roundup in
Warsaw-łapanka, and was caught by the Germans along with other civilians and sent to Auschwitz. In the camp he organized the
underground organization Związek Organizacji Wojskowej (ZOW).[13] From October 1940, ZOW sent the first reports about the
camp and its genocide to Home Army Headquarters in Warsaw through the resistance network organized in Auschwitz.[14]

On the night of January 21–22, 1940, in the Soviet-occupied Podolian town of Czortków, the Czortków Uprising started. It was
the first Polish uprising and the first anti-Soviet uprising of World War II. Anti-Soviet Poles, most of them teenagers from local
high schools, stormed the local Red Army barracks and a prison, in order to release Polish soldiers kept there.

1940 was the year of establishing Warsaw Ghetto and infamous death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau by the German Nazis in
occupied Poland. Among the many activities of Polish resistance and Polish people one was helping endangered Jews. Polish
citizens have the world's highest count of individuals who have been recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem
as non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews from extermination during the Holocaust.[15]
One of the events that helped the growth of the French Resistance was the targeting of the French Jews, Communists, Gypsies,
homosexuals, Catholics, and others, forcing many into hiding. This in turn gave the French Resistance new people to incorporate
into their political structures.

The 'Special Operations Executive' SOE was a British World War II organisation. Following Cabinet approval, it was officially
formed by Minister of Economic Warfare Hugh Dalton on 22 July 1940, to develop a spirit of resistance in the occupied countries
and to prepare a fifth column of resistance fighters to engage in open opposition to the occupiers at such time that the United
Kingdom was able to return to the continent.[16] To aid in the transport of agents and the supply of the resistance fighters, a Royal
Air Force Special Duty Service was developed. Whereas the SIS was primarily involved in espionage, the SOE and the resistance
fighters were geared toward reconnaissance of German defenses and sabotage. In England the SOE was also involved in the
formation of the Auxiliary Units, a top secret stay-behind resistance organisation which would have been activated in the event of
a German invasion of Britain. The SOE operated in all countries or former countries occupied by or attacked by the Axis forces,
except where demarcation lines were agreed with Britain's principal allies (the Soviet Union and the United States).

After the war, the organisation was officially dissolved on 15 January 1946.

In February 1941, the Dutch Communist Party organized a general strike in Amsterdam and surrounding cities, known as the
February strike, in protest against anti-Jewish measures by the Nazi occupying force and violence by fascist street fighters against
Jews. Several hundreds of thousands of people participated in the strike. The strike was put down by the Nazis and some
participants were executed.

In April 1941, the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation was established in the Province of Ljubljana. Its armed wing were the
Slovene Partisans. It represented both the working class and the Slovene ethnicity.[17]

From April 1941, Bureau of Information and Propaganda of the Union for Armed Struggle started in Poland Operation N headed
by Tadeusz Żenczykowski. Action was complex of sabotage, subversion and black-propaganda activities carried out by the Polish
resistance against Nazi German occupation forces during World War II[18]

Beginning in March 1941, Witold Pilecki's reports were being forwarded via the Polish resistance to the Polish government in
exile and through it, to the British government in London and other Allied governments. These reports were the first information
about the Holocaust and the principal source of intelligence on Auschwitz for the Western Allies.[19]

In May 1941, the Resistance Team "Elevtheria" (Freedom) was established in Thessaloniki by politicians Paraskevas Barbas,
Apostolos Tzanis, Ioannis Passalidis, Simos Kerasidis, Athanasios Fidas, Ioannis Evthimiadis and military officer Dimitrios
Psarros. Its armed wing concluded two armed forces; Athanasios Diakos with armed action in Kroussia, with Christodoulos
Moschos (captain "Petros") as leader, and Odysseas Androutsos with armed action in Visaltia, with Athanasios Genios (captain
"Lassanis") as leader.[20][21][22]

The first anti-soviet uprising during World War II began on June 22, 1941 (the start-date of Operation Barbarossa) in Lithuania.

Also on June 22, 1941 as a reaction to Nazi invasion of USSR Sisak People's Liberation Partisan Detachment was formed in
Croatia, near the town of Sisak. It was first armed Anti-Fascist partisan detachment in Croatia.

Communist-initiated uprising against Axis started in Serbia on July 7, 1941., and six days later in Montenegro. The Republic of
Užice (Ужичка република) was a short-lived liberated Yugoslav territory, the first part of occupied Europe to be liberated.
Organized as a military mini-state it existed throughout the autumn of 1941 in the western part of Serbia. The Republic was
established by the Partisan resistance movement and its administrative center was in the town of Užice. The government was
made of "people's councils" (odbors), and the Communists opened schools and published a newspaper, Borba (meaning
"Struggle"). They even managed to run a postal system and around 145 km (90 mi) of railway and operated an ammunition
factory from the vaults beneath the bank in Užice.

In July 1941 Mieczysław Słowikowski (using the codename "Rygor"—Polish for "Rigor") set up "Agency Africa," one of World
War II's most successful intelligence organizations.[23] His Polish allies in these endeavors included Lt. Col. Gwido Langer and
Major Maksymilian Ciężki. The information gathered by the Agency was used by the Americans and British in planning the
amphibious November 1942 Operation Torch[24][25] landings in North Africa.

On 13 July 1941, in Italian-occupied Montenegro, Montenegrin separatist Sekula Drljević proclaimed an Independent State of
Montenegro under Italian protectorate, upon which a nationwide rebellion escalated raised by Partisans, Yugoslav Royal officers
and various other armed personnel. It was the first organized armed uprising in then occupied Europe, and involved 32,000
people. Most of Montenegro was quickly liberated, except major cities where Italian forces were well fortified. On 12 August —
after a major Italian offensive involving 5 divisions and 30,000 soldiers — the uprising collapsed as units were disintegrating;
poor leadership occurred as well as collaboration. The final toll of July 13 uprising in Montenegro was 735 dead, 1120 wounded
and 2070 captured Italians and 72 dead and 53 wounded Montenegrins.

The Battle of Loznica, 31 August 1941, Chetniks attacked and freed the town of Loznica in Serbia from the Germans. Several
Germans were killed and wounded; 93 were captured.

On 11 October 1941, in Bulgarian-occupied Prilep, Macedonians attacked post of the Bulgarian occupation police, which was the
start of Macedonian resistance against the fascists who occupied Macedonia: Germans, Italians, Bulgarians and Albanians. The
resistance finished successfully in August–November 1944 when the independent Macedonian state was formed, which was later
added to the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.

During the time within which Hitler gave his anti-resistance Nacht und Nebel decree – made on the very day of the Attack on
Pearl Harbor in the Pacific – the planning for Britain's Operation Anthropoid was underway, as a resistance move during World
War II to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich, the Deputy Protector of Bohemia and Moravia and the chief of the Final Solution, by
the Czech resistance in Prague. Over fifteen thousand Czechs were killed in reprisals, with the most infamous incidents being the
complete destruction of the towns of Lidice and Ležáky.

The Luxembourgish general strike of 1942 was a passive resistance movement organised within a short time period to protest
against a directive that incorporated the Luxembourg youth into the Wehrmacht. A national general strike, originating mainly in
Wiltz, paralysed the country and forced the occupying German authorities to respond violently by sentencing 21 strikers to death.

On 27 May 1942 operation Anthropoid took place. Two armed Czechoslovak members of the army in exile ( Jan Kubiš and Jozef
Gabčík ) attempted to assassinate the SS-obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich. Heydrich was not killed on the spot but died
later at the hospital from his wounds. He is the highest ranked Nazi to have been assassinated during the war.

In September 1942, "The Council to Aid Jews Żegota" was founded by Zofia Kossak-Szczucka and Wanda Krahelska-
Filipowicz ("Alinka") and made up of Polish Democrats as well as other Catholic activists. Poland was the only country in
occupied Europe where there existed such a dedicated secret organization. Half of the Jews who survived the war (thus over
50,000) were aided in some shape or form by Żegota.[26] The most known activist of Żegota was Irena Sendler head of the
children's division who saved 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto, providing them false
documents, and sheltering them in individual and group children's homes outside the Ghetto.[27]
On the night of 7–8 October 1942, Operation Wieniec started. It targeted rail infrastructure near Warsaw. Similar operations
aimed at disrupting German transport and communication in occupied Poland occurred in the coming months and years. It
targeted railroads, bridges and supply depots, primarily near transport hubs such as Warsaw and Lublin.

On 25 November, Greek guerrillas with the help of twelve British saboteurs[28] carried out a successful operation which disrupted
the German ammunition transportation to the German Africa Corps under Rommel—the destruction of Gorgopotamos bridge
(Operation Harling).[29][30]

On 20 June 1942, the most spectacular escape from Auschwitz concentration camp took place. Four Poles, Eugeniusz
Bendera,[31] Kazimierz Piechowski, Stanisław Gustaw Jaster and Józef Lempart made a daring escape.[32] The escapees were
dressed as members of the SS-Totenkopfverbände, fully armed and in an SS staff car. They drove out the main gate in a stolen
Rudolf Hoss automobile Steyr 220 with a smuggled report from Witold Pilecki about the Holocaust. The Germans never
recaptured any of them.[33]

The Zamość Uprising was an armed uprising of Armia Krajowa and Bataliony Chłopskie against the forced expulsion of Poles
from the Zamość region (Zamość Lands, Zamojszczyzna) under the Nazi Generalplan Ost. Nazi Germans attempting to remove
the local Poles from the Greater Zamosc area (through forced removal, transfer to forced labor camps, or, in rare cases, mass
murder) to get it ready for German colonization. It lasted from 1942–1944, and despite heavy casualties suffered by the
Underground, the Germans failed.


By the middle of 1943 partisan resistance to the Germans and their allies had grown from the dimensions of a
mere nuisance to those of a major factor in the general situation. In many parts of occupied Europe Germany was
suffering losses at the hands of partisans that he could ill afford. Nowhere were these losses heavier than in

— Basil Davidson

In early January 1943, the 20,000 strong main operational

group of the Yugoslav Partisans, stationed in western
Bosnia, came under ferocious attack by over 150,000
German and Axis troops, supported by about 200
Luftwaffe aircraft in what became known as the Battle of
the Neretva (the German codename was "Fall Weiss" or
Soviet partisan fighters
behind German front "Case White").[35] The Axis rallied eleven divisions, six Belorussia, 1943. A
lines in Belarus, 1943. German, three Italian, and two divisions of the Jewish partisan group of
Independent State of Croatia (supported by Ustaše the Chkalov Brigade.
formations) as well as a number of Chetnik brigades.[36]
The goal was to destroy the Partisan HQ and main field hospital (all Partisan wounded and
prisoners faced certain execution), but this was thwarted by the diversion and retreat across the Neretva river, planned by the
Partisan supreme command led by Marshal Josip Broz Tito. The main Partisan force escaped into Serbia.

On 19 April 1943, three members of the Belgian resistance movement were able to stop the Twentieth convoy, which was the
20th prisoner transport in Belgium organised by the Germans during World War II. The exceptional action by members of the
Belgian resistance occurred to free Jewish and Romani ("gypsy") civilians who were being transported by train from the Dossin
army base located in Mechelen, Belgium to the concentration camp Auschwitz. The 20th train convoy transported 1,631 Jews
(men, women and children). Some of the prisoners were able to escape and marked this particular kind of liberation action by the
Belgian resistance movement as unique in the European history of the Holocaust.

In October 1943, the rescue of the Danish Jews meant that nearly all of the Danish Jews were saved from KZ camps by the
Danish resistance. This action is considered one of the bravest and most significant displays of public defiance against the Nazis.
However, the action was largely due to the personal intervention of German diplomat Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, who both
leaked news of the intended round up of the Jews to both the Danish opposition and Jewish groups and negotiated with the
Swedes to ensure Danish Jews would be accepted in Sweden.

On 26 March 1943 in Warsaw, Operation Arsenal was conducted by the Szare Szeregi (Gray Ranks) Polish Underground
formation and led to the release of arrested troop leader Jan Bytnar "Rudy". In an attack on the prison, Bytnar and 24 other
prisoners were set free.[37] The Battle of Sutjeska from 15 May-16 June 1943 was a joint attack of the Axis forces that once again
attempted to destroy the main Yugoslav Partisan force, near the Sutjeska river in southeastern Bosnia. The Axis rallied 127,000
troops for the offensive, including German, Italian, NDH, Bulgarian and Cossack units, as well as over 300 airplanes (under
German operational command), against 18,000 soldiers of the primary Yugoslav Partisans operational group organised in 16
brigades. Facing almost exclusively German troops in the final encirclement, the Yugoslav Partisans finally succeeded in
breaking out across the Sutjeska river through the lines of the German 118th Jäger Division, 104th Jäger Division and 369th
(Croatian) Infantry Division in the northwestern direction, towards eastern Bosnia. Three brigades and the central hospital with
over 2,000 wounded remained surrounded and, following Hitler's instructions, German commander-in-chief General Alexander
Löhr ordered and carried out their annihilation, including the wounded and unarmed medical personnel. In addition, Partisan
troops suffered from a severe lack of food and medical supplies, and many were struck down by typhoid. However, the failure of
the offensive marked a turning point for Yugoslavia during World War II.

Operation Heads started—an action of serial assassinations of the Nazi personnel sentenced to death by the Special Courts for
crimes against Polish citizens in occupied Poland. The Resistance fighters of Polish Home Army's unit Agat kill Franz Bürkl
during Operation Bürkl in 1943, and Franz Kutschera during Operation Kutschera in 1944. Both men were high-ranking Nazi
German SS and secret police officers responsible for the murder and brutal interrogation of thousands of Polish Jews and Polish
resistance fighters and supporters.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising lasted from 19 April-16 May, and cost the Nazi forces 17 dead and 93 wounded.

On 30 September the German forces occupying the Italian city of Naples were forced out by the townsfolk and the Italian
Resistance before the arrival of the first Allied forces in the city on 1 October. This popular uprising is known as the Four days of

On October 9, 1943, the Kinabalu guerillas launched the Jesselton Revolt against the Japanese occupation of British Borneo.

From November 1943, Operation Most III started. The Armia Krajowa provided the Allies with crucial intelligence on the
German V-2 rocket. In effect, some 50 kg (110 lb) of the most important parts of the captured V-2, as well as the final report,
analyses, sketches and photos, were transported to Brindisi by a Royal Air Force Douglas Dakota aircraft. In late July 1944, the
V-2 parts were delivered to London.[39]

On 11 February 1944, the Resistance fighters of Polish Home Army's unit Agat executed Franz Kutschera, SS and Reich's Police
Chief in Warsaw in action known as Operation Kutschera.[40][41]
In the spring of 1944, a plan was laid out by the Allies to kidnap General Müller, whose harsh
repressive measures had earned him the nickname "the Butcher of Crete". The operation was
led by Major Patrick Leigh Fermor, together with Captain W. Stanley Moss, Greek SOE
agents and Cretan resistance fighters. However, Müller left the island before the plan could be
carried out. Undeterred, Fermor decided to abduct General Heinrich Kreipe instead.

On the night of 26 April, General Kreipe left his headquarters in Archanes and headed without Member of the Polish
escort to his well-guarded residence, "Villa Ariadni", approximately 50 ft 6 in (15.39 m)25 km Home Army defending a
outside Heraklion. Major Fermor and Captain Moss, dressed as German military policemen, barricade in Warsaw's
Powiśle district during
waited for him 1 km (0.62 mi) before his residence. They asked the driver to stop and asked
the Warsaw Uprising,
for their papers. As soon as the car stopped, Fermor quickly opened Kreipe's door, rushed in August 1944
and threatened him with his gun while Moss took the driver's seat. After driving some distance
the British left the car, with suitable decoy material being planted that suggesting an escape
off the island had been made by submarine, and with the General began a cross-country
march. Hunted by German patrols, the group moved across the mountains to reach the
southern side of the island, where a British Motor Launch (ML 842, commanded by Brian
Coleman) was to pick them up. Eventually, on 14 May 1944, they were picked up (from
Peristeres beach near Rhodakino) and transferred to Egypt.
Warsaw Uprising, August
In April–May 1944, the SS launched the daring airborne Raid on Drvar aimed at capturing 1944
Marshal Josip Broz Tito, the commander-in-chief of the Yugoslav Partisans, as well as
disrupting their leadership and command structure. The Partisan headquarters were in the hills
near Drvar, Bosnia at the time. The representatives of the Allies, Britain's Randolph Churchill
and Evelyn Waugh, were also present. Elite German SS parachute commando units fought
their way to Tito's cave headquarters and exchanged heavy gunfire resulting in numerous
casualties on both sides.[42] Chetniks under Draža Mihailović also flocked to the firefight in
their own attempt to capture Tito. By the time German forces had penetrated to the cave,
however, Tito had already fled the scene. He had a train waiting for him that took him to the
Members of the French
town of Jajce. It would appear that Tito and his staff were well prepared for emergencies. The
resistance group Maquis
commandos were only able to retrieve Tito’s marshal's uniform, which was later displayed in in La Tresorerie, 14
Vienna. After fierce fighting in and around the village cemetery, the Germans were able to September 1944,
link up with mountain troops. By that time, Tito, his British guests and Partisan survivors Boulogne
were fêted aboard the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Blackmore and her captain Lt. Carson, RN.

An intricate series of resistance operations were launched in France prior to, and during,
Operation Overlord. On June 5, 1944, the BBC broadcast a group of unusual sentences, which
the Germans knew were code words—possibly for the invasion of Normandy. The BBC
would regularly transmit hundreds of personal messages, of which only a few were really
significant. A few days before D-Day, the commanding officers of the Resistance heard the
first line of Verlaine's poem, "Chanson d'automne", "Les sanglots longs des violons de
Members of the Dutch
l'automne" (Long sobs of autumn violins) which meant that the "day" was imminent. When
Resistance with troops of
the second line "Blessent mon cœur d'une langueur monotone" (wound my heart with a the US 101st Airborne
monotonous langour) was heard, the Resistance knew that the invasion would take place Division in front of the
within the next 48 hours. They then knew it was time to go about their respective pre-assigned Lambertus church in
missions. All over France resistance groups had been coordinated, and various groups Veghel during Operation
throughout the country increased their sabotage. Communications were cut, trains derailed, Market Garden,
September 1944
roads, water towers and ammunition depots destroyed and German garrisons were attacked.
Some relayed info about German defensive positions on the beaches of Normandy to
American and British commanders by radio, just prior to 6 June. Victory did not come easily;
in June and July, in the Vercors plateau a newly reinforced maquis group fought more than
10,000 German soldiers (no Waffen-SS) under General Karl Pflaum and was defeated, with
840 casualties (639 fighters and 201 civilians). Following the Tulle Murders, Major Otto
Diekmann's Waffen-SS company wiped out the village of Oradour-sur-Glane on 10 June. The
resistance also assisted the later Allied invasion in the south of France (Operation Dragoon).
They started insurrections in cities such as Paris when allied forces came close. The Vemork
hydroelectric plant in
Operation Halyard, which took place between August and December 1944,[43] was an Allied Norway, site of the heavy
airlift operation behind enemy lines during World War II conducted by Chetniks in occupied water production, and a
Yugoslavia. In July 1944, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) drew up plans to send a team part of the German
to Chetniks led by General Draža Mihailović in the German-occupied Territory of the Military nuclear program,
sabotaged by
Commander in Serbia for the purpose of evacuating Allied airmen shot down over that
Norwegians between
area.[44] This team, known as the Halyard team, was commanded by Lieutenant George 1942 and 1944
Musulin, along with Master Sergeant Michael Rajacich, and Specialist Arthur Jibilian, the
radio operator. The team was detailed to the United States Fifteenth Air Force and designated
as the 1st Air Crew Rescue Unit.[45] It was the largest rescue operation of American Airmen
in history.[46] According to historian Professor Jozo Tomasevich, a report submitted to the
OSS showed that 417[47] Allied airmen who had been downed over occupied Yugoslavia were
rescued by Mihailović's Chetniks,[48] and airlifted out by the Fifteenth Air Force.[44]
According to Lt. Cmdr. Richard M. Kelly (OSS) grand total of 432 U.S. and 80 Allied
personnel were airlifted during the Halyard Mission.[49]

Operation Tempest launched in Poland in 1944 would lead to several major actions by Armia
Krajowa, most notable of them being the Warsaw Uprising that took place in between August
1 and October 2, and failed due to the Soviet refusal, due to differences in ideology, to help; Polish resistance
another one was Operation Ostra Brama: the Armia Krajowa or Home Army turned the soldiers during 1944
weapons given to them by the Nazi Germans (in hope that they would fight the incoming Warsaw Uprising.

Soviets) against the nazi Germans—in the end the Home Army together with the Soviet troops
took over the Greater Vilnius area to the dismay of the Lithuanians.

On 25 June 1944, the Battle of Osuchy started—one of the largest battles between the Polish resistance and Nazi Germany in
occupied Poland during World War II, essentially a continuation of the Zamosc Uprising.[50] During Operation Most III, in 1944,
the Polish Home Army or Armia Krajowa provided the British with the parts of the V-2 rocket.

Norwegian sabotages of the German nuclear program drew to a close after three years on 20 February 1944, with the saboteur
bombing of the ferry SF Hydro. The ferry was to carry railway cars with heavy water drums from the Vemork hydroelectric plant,
where they were produced, across Lake Tinn so they could be shipped to Germany. Its sinking effectively ended Nazi nuclear
ambitions. The series of raids on the plant was later dubbed by the British SOE as the most successful act of sabotage in all of
World War II, and was used as a basis for the US war movie The Heroes of Telemark.

As an initiation of their uprising, Slovakian rebels entered Banská Bystrica on the morning of 30 August 1944, the second day of
the rebellion, and made it their headquarters. By 10 September, the insurgents gained control of large areas of central and eastern
Slovakia. That included two captured airfields, and as a result of the two-week-old insurgency, the Soviet Air Force were able to
begin flying in equipment to Slovakian and Soviet partisans.

Resistance movements during World War II

British resistance movements [2][51]
SIS Section D and Section VII (planned Resistance organisations)
Auxiliary Units (planned hidden commando force to operate during military
anti-invasion campaign)
Resistance to German occupation of the Channel Islands
Albanian resistance movement

National Liberation Movement

Balli Kombëtar (anti-Italian and later anti-communist and anti-Yugoslav
resistance movements)
Austrian resistance movement (e.g. O5)

Österreichische Freiheitsfront
Vierergruppen in Hamburg, Munich and Vienna* Belarusian resistance
Chorny Kot (anti-communist)
Belgian Resistance Yugoslav Partisan fighter
Stjepan "Stevo" Filipović
Armée Belge Reconstituée (ABR) shouting "Smrt fašizmu
Armée secrète (AS) sloboda narodu!" ("Death
Comité de Défense des Juifs (CDJ, Jewish resistance) to fascism, freedom to
Front de l'Indépendance (FI) the people!") (the
Groupe G Partisan slogan) seconds
Kempische Legioen (KL) before plunging to his
Légion Belge death.
Milices Patriotiques (MP-PM)
Mouvement National Belge (MNB)
Mouvement National Royaliste (MNR-NKB)
Organisation Militaire Belge de Résistance (OMBR)
Partisans Armés (PA)
Service D
Witte Brigade
Borneo resistance movement
Bulgarian resistance movement Berlin memorial plaque,
Ruth Andreas-Friedrich
Goryani, Bulgarian anti-communist resistance from 1944
(Onkel Emil)
Burmese resistance movement (AFPFL – Anti-Fascist People's Freedom
Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian anti-Soviet resistance movements ("Forest
Chechen resistance (anti-Soviet)
Chinese resistance movements

Anti-Japanese Army For The Salvation Of The Country

Chinese People's National Salvation Army
Heilungkiang National Salvation Army
Jilin Self-Defence Army
Northeast Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army
Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army
Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army
Northeast People's Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army
Northeastern Loyal and Brave Army
Northeastern People's Revolutionary Army An Italian partisan in
Florence on August 14,
Northeastern Volunteer Righteous & Brave Fighters
Islamic resistance movement against Japan

Muslim Detachment (回民義勇隊 Huimin Zhidui)

Muslim corps
Czech resistance movement
Danish resistance movement
Dutch resistance movement

The Stijkel Group, a Dutch resistance movement, which mainly operated

around the S-Gravenhage area.
Three Italian partisans
Valkenburg resistance
executed by public
Estonian resistance movement hanging in Rimini,
French resistance movement August 1944
Bureau Central de Renseignements et d'Action (BCRA)
Conseil National de la Résistance (CNR)
Francs-tireurs et Partisans (FTP)
Free French Forces (FFL)
French Forces of the Interior (FFI)
German anti-Nazi resistance movements

Bästlein-Jacob-Abshagen Group
Confessing Church
Edelweiss Pirates
Ehrenfeld Group
European Union
Kreisau Circle
Neu Beginnen
Red Orchestra
Robert Uhrig Group
Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein Organization
Solf Circle
Vierergruppen in Hamburg, Munich and Vienna
White Rose
German pro-Nazi resistance in Allied-occupied areas

Werwolf, the Nazi resistance against the Allied occupation

Greek Resistance

List of Greek Resistance organizations

Cretan resistance
National Liberation Front (EAM) and the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS), EAM's guerrilla forces
National Republican Greek League (EDES)
National and Social Liberation (EKKA)
Hong Kong resistance movements
Indian resistance movements:

Quit India Movement, largely non-violent anti-British resistance within Indian territory
Indian National Army, pro-Japanese force fighting against Allied forces in SE Asia and along India's eastern-
most borderlands
Italian resistance movement

Arditi del Popolo

Assisi Network
Brigate Fiamme Verdi
Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale
Concentrazione Antifascista Italiana
Democrazia Cristiana
Four days of Naples
Giustizia e Libertà
Italian Civil War
Italian Co-Belligerent Army, Navy, and Air Force
Italian Communist Party (PCI)
Italian Partisan Republics
Italian Socialist Party (PSI)
Labour Democratic Party (PDL)
Movimento Comunista d'Italia
National Liberation Committee for Northern Italy
Partito d'Azione
Italian resistance against the Allies

Italian guerrilla war in Ethiopia

Japanese dissidence during the Shōwa period

Japanese People's Emancipation League

Japanese People's Anti-war Alliance
League to Raise the Political Consciousness of Japanese Troops
Jewish resistance under Nazi rule (transnational)
Korea resistance movement

Korean Liberation Army

Korean Volunteer Army
Latvian resistance movement
Libyan resistance movement
Lithuanian resistance during World War II

Lithuanian Activist Front

Lithuanian Freedom Army
Luxembourgish resistance during World War II
Malayan resistance movemment
Norwegian resistance movement

Norwegian Independent Company 1 (Kompani Linge)
Osvald Group
Philippine resistance movement

Allied guerrillas (composed of unsurrendered USAFFE troops including Filipino civilians).[52]

Moro Muslim resistance movement
Polish resistance movement

Armia Krajowa (Home Army—mainstream: Authoritarian/Western Democracy)

Armia Ludowa (Peoples' Army [Soviet proxy])
Bataliony Chłopskie (Farmers' Battalions—mainstream, apolitical, stress on private property)
Cursed soldiers (anti-communist)
Gwardia Ludowa (Peoples' Guard [Soviet proxy])
Gwardia Ludowa WRN (The Peoples' Guard Freedom Equailty Independence—mainstream Polish Socialist
Party's underground, progressive, anti—nazi and anti—Soviet)
Leśni (various "forest People")
Narodowe Siły Zbrojne (National Armed Forces – Anti-Nazi, Anti-Communist)
Polish Secret State
Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa (ZOB, Jewish Fighting Organisation in Poland)
Zydowski Zwiazek Walki (ZZW, Jewish Fighting Union in Poland)
Romanian resistance movement (anti-communist)
Singaporean resistance movement

Force 136
Slovak resistance movement
Soviet resistance movement
Thai resistance movement
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (anti-German, anti-Soviet and anti-Polish resistance movement)
Ukrainian People's Revolutionary Army (anti-German, anti-Soviet and anti-Polish resistance movement)
Viet Minh (Vietnamese resistance organization that fought Vichy France and the Japanese, and later against the
French attempt to re-occupy Vietnam)
Yugoslav resistance movement

Yugoslav Partisans (People's Liberation Army — pro-Soviet Yugoslav communist-led anti-fascist [anti-Axis],
and anti-Yugoslav royalist [anti-Chetniks] resistance movement)
Chetniks (Yugoslav Army in the Homeland — Yugoslav royalist anti-Axis [anti-Ustaše, anti-Nazi German, anti-
Albanian], and anti-Yugoslav communist resistance movement)

Notable individuals
Witold Pilecki Sydir Kovpak
Giorgio Amendola Nikolai Kuznetsov
Mordechaj Anielewicz Albert Kwok
Dawid Apfelbaum Hans Litten
Yitzhak Arad Martin Linge
Walter Audisio Luigi Longo
Alexander Bogen Juozas Lukša
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Pavel Luspekayev
Tadeusz Bor-Komorowski Max Manus
Petr Braiko Pyotr Masherov
Pierre Brossolette Ho Chi Minh
Masha Bruskina Mustapha bin Harun
Taras Bulba-Borovets Ma Benzhai (zh:馬本齋)
Alexander Chekalin Jean Moulin
Marek Edelman Omar Mukhtar
Henri Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves Otomars Oškalns
D'Arcy Osborne, 12th Duke of Leeds Ferruccio Parri
Oleksiy Fedorov Alexander Pechersky
Manolis Glezos Motiejus Pečiulionis (lt)
Marianne Golz Salipada Pendatun
Stefan Grot-Rowecki Sandro Pertini
Jens Christian Hauge Gumbay Piang
Enver Hoxha Witold Pilecki
Khasan Israilov Christian Pineau
Jan Karski Panteleimon Ponomarenko
Stanisław Aronson Zinaida Portnova
Vassili Kononov Lepa Radić
Oleg Koshevoy Adolfas Ramanauskas
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya
Semyon Rudniev Luis Taruc
Alexander Saburov Josip Broz Tito
Hannie Schaft Palmiro Togliatti
Pierre Schunck Aris Velouchiotis
Sophie Scholl Pyotr Vershigora
Baron Jean de Selys Longchamps Nancy Wake
Roman Shukhevych Napoleon Zervas
Henk Sneevliet Simcha Zorin
Arturs Sproģis Jonas Žemaitis
Ilya Starinov Kaji Wataru
Claus von Stauffenberg Sanzo Nosaka
Imants Sudmalis Gijs van Hall
Ramon Magsaysay Walraven van Hall
Gunnar Sønsteby Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema

Confusion was their business (from the BBC series Secrets of World War II is a documentary about the SOE
(Special Operations Executive) and its operations
The Real Heroes of Telemark is a book and documentary by survival expert Ray Mears about the Norwegian
sabotage of the German nuclear program (Norwegian heavy water sabotage)
Making Choices: The Dutch Resistance during World War II ( (2005) This award-
winning, hour-long documentary tells the stories of four participants in the Dutch Resistance and the miracles that
saved them from certain death at the hands of the Nazis.

'Allo 'Allo! (1982–1992) a situation comedy about the French resistance movement (a parody of Secret Army)
L’Armée des ombres (1969) internal and external battles of the French resistance. Directed by Jean-Pierre
Battle of Neretva (film) (1969) is a movie depicting events that took place during the Fourth anti-Partisan
Offensive (Fall Weiss), also known as The Battle for the Wounded
Black Book (film) (2006) depicts double and triple crosses amongst the Dutch Resistance
Bonhoeffer (2004 premier at the Acacia Theatre) is a play about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor in the Confessing
Church executed for his participation in the German resistance.
Boško Buha (1978) tells the tale of a boy who conned his way into partisan ranks at age of 15 and became
legendary for his talent of destroying enemy bunkers
Charlotte Gray (2001) – thought to be based on Nancy Wake
Come and See (1985) is a Soviet made film about partisans in Belarus, as well as war crimes committed by the
war's various factions.
Defiance (2008) tells the story of the Bielski partisans, a group of Jewish resistance fighters operating in
Flame & Citron (2008) is a movie based on two Danish resistance fighters who were in the Holger Danske
(resistance group).
The Four Days of Naples (1962) is a movie based on the popular uprising against the German forces occupying
the Italian city of Naples.
A Generation (1955) (Polish) two young men involved in resistance by GL
The Heroes of Telemark (1965) is very loosely based on the Norwegian sabotage of the German nuclear
program (the later Real Heroes of Telemark is more accurate)
Het Meisje met het Rode Haar (1982) (Dutch) is about Dutch resistance fighter Hannie Schaft
Kanał (1956) (Polish) first film ever to depict Warsaw Uprising
The Longest Day (1962) features scenes of the resistance operations during Operation Overlord
Massacre in Rome (1973) is based on a true story about Nazi retaliation after a resistance attack in Rome
My Opposition: the Diaries of Friedrich Kellner (2007) is a Canadian film about Justice Inspector Friedrich Kellner
of Laubach who challenged the Nazis before and during the war
Resistance (2003): a film based on a 1995 book of the same title by Anita Shreve. The plot revolves around a
downed American pilot who is sheltered by the Belgian resistance.
Secret Army (1977) a television series about the Belgian resistance movement, based on real events
Sea Of Blood (1971) a North Korean opera depicting Anti-Japanese resistance
Soldaat van Oranje (1977) (Dutch) is about some Dutch students who enter the resistance in cooperation with
Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage (2005) is about the last days in the life of Sophie Scholl
Stärker als die Nacht (1954) (East German) follows the story of a group of German Communist resistance
The Battle of Sutjeska (1973) is a movie based on the events that took place during the Fifth anti-Partisan
Offensive (Fall Schwartz)
Winter in Wartime (film), 2008 adaptation of Jan Terlouw's 1972 novel, about a Dutch youth whose favors for
members of the Dutch Resistance during the last winter of World War II have a devastating impact on his family
The_Resistance_Banker Bankier van het verzet (film), is a 2018 Dutch World-War-II-period drama film directed
by Joram Lürsen. The film is based on the life of banker Walraven van Hall, who financed the Dutch resistance
during the Second World War.

a ^ Sources vary with regard to what was the largest resistance movement during World War II. The confusion often stems from
the fact that as war progressed, some resistance movements grew larger – and other diminished. In particular, Polish and Soviet
territories were mostly freed from Nazi German control in the years 1944-1945, eliminating the need for their respective (anti-
Nazi) partisan forces (in Poland, cursed soldiers continued to fight against the Soviets). Fighting in Yugoslavia, however, with
Yugoslavian partisans fighting German units, continued till the end of the war. The numbers for each of those three movements
can be roughly estimated as approaching 100,000 in 1941, and 200,000 in 1942, with Polish and Soviet partisan numbers peaking
around 1944 at 350,000-400,000, and Yugoslavian, growing till the very end till they reached the 800,000.[53][53][54]

Several sources note that Polish Armia Krajowa was the largest resistance movement in Nazi-occupied Europe. For example,
Norman Davies wrote "Armia Krajowa (Home Army), the AK, which could fairly claim to be the largest of European
resistance";[55] Gregor Dallas wrote "Home Army (Armia Krajowa or AK) in late 1943 numbered around 400,000, making it the
largest resistance organization in Europe";[56] Mark Wyman wrote "Armia Krajowa was considered the largest underground
resistance unit in wartime Europe".[57] Certainly, Polish resistance was the largest resistance till German invasion of Yugoslavia
and invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.

After that point, the numbers of Soviet partisans and Yugoslav partisans begun growing rapidly. The numbers of Soviet partisans
quickly caught up and were very similar to that of the Polish resistance (a graph is also available here).[53][58]

The numbers of Tito's Yugoslav partisans were roughly similar to those of the Polish and Soviet partisans in the first years of the
war (1941–1942), but grew rapidly in the latter years, outnumbering the Polish and Soviet partisans by 2:1 or more (estimates
give Yugoslavian forces about 800,000 in 1945, to Polish and Soviet forces of 400,000 in 1944).[53][54] Some authors also call it
the largest resistance movement in Nazi-occupied Europe, for example, Kathleen Malley-Morrison wrote: "The Yugoslav partisan
guerrilla campaign, which developed into the largest resistance army in occupied Western and Central Europe...".[59]

The numbers of French resistance were smaller, around 10,000 in 1942, and swelling to 200,000 by 1944.[60]

1. Atkin, Malcolm (2015). Fighting Nazi Occupation: British Resistance 1939-1945. Barnsley: Pen and Sword.
pp. Chapter 11. ISBN 978-1-47383-377-7.
2. "British Resistance Archive – Churchill's Auxiliary Units – A comprehensive online resource" (http://www.coleshill
3. Rosbottom, Ronald C. (2014), When Paris Went Dark, New York: Little, Brown and Company, pp. 198-199
4. Wieviorka, Olivier and Tebinka, Jacek, "Resisters: From Everyday Life to Counter-state," in Surviving Hitler and
Mussolini (2006), eds: Robert Gildea, Olvier Wieviorka, and Anette Warring, Oxford: Berg, p. 153
5. Norman Davies (28 February 2005). God's Playground: 1795 to the present (
EBpghdZeIwAC&pg=PA344). Columbia University Press. p. 344. ISBN 978-0-231-12819-3. Retrieved 30 May
6. Gregor Dallas, 1945: The War That Never Ended, Yale University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-300-10980-6, Google
Print, p.79 (
7. Mark Wyman, DPs: Europe's Displaced Persons, 1945–1951, Cornell University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-8014-
8542-8, Google Print, p.34 (
8. See, for example, Leonid D. Grenkevich, The Soviet Partisan Movement, 1941–44: A Critical Historiographical
Analysis, p. 229, and Walter Laqueur, The Guerilla Reader: A Historical Anthology, New York, Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1990, p. 233.
9. Cohen, Philip J.; Riesman, David (1996). Serbia's Secret War: Propaganda and the Deceit of History (https://boo Texas A&M University Press. p. 96. ISBN 0-89096-760-1.
10. *Marek Szymanski: Oddzial majora Hubala, Warszawa 1999, ISBN 978-83-912237-0-3
11. *Aleksandra Ziolkowska-Boehm: Polish Hero Roman Rodziewicz Fate of a Hubal Soldier in Auschwitz,
Buchenwald and Postwar England, Lexington Books, 2013, ISBN 978-0-7391-8535-3
12. Jozef Garlinski, Fighting Auschwitz: the Resistance Movement in the Concentration Camp, Fawcett, 1975,
ISBN 978-0-449-22599-8, reprinted by Time Life Education, 1993. ISBN 978-0-8094-8925-1
13. Hershel Edelheit, History of the Holocaust: A Handbook and Dictionary, Westview Press, 1994, ISBN 978-0-
8133-2240-7, Google Print, p.413 (
14. Adam Cyra, Ochotnik do Auschwitz – Witold Pilecki 1901–1948 ["Volunteer for Auschwitz"], Oświęcim 2000.
ISBN 978-83-912000-3-2
15. "Names of Righteous by Country" (
16. Foot 2004, p. 14.
17. Hribar, Tine (2004). Euroslovenstvo ( [European Slovenehood]
(in Slovenian). Slovenska matica. ISBN 961-213-129-5.
18. Halina Auderska, Zygmunt Ziółek, Akcja N. Wspomnienia 1939–1945 (Action N. Memoirs 1939–1945),
Wydawnictwo Czytelnik, Warszawa, 1972 ‹See Tfd›(in Polish)
19. Norman Davies, Europe: A History, Oxford University Presse, 1996, ISBN
20. newspaper Αυγή (Avgi), article: 68 years from the liberation of Thessaloniki from the nazis (
21. newspaper Πρώτη Σελίδα (Proti Selida), article: 11th Reunion of Kilkisiotes, The Kilkisiotes of Athens honored
the Holocaust of Kroussia (
9%CE%BA%CE%AE/4377.html) Archived (
gr/%CE%A0%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%B9%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AE/4377.html) 2013-06-03 at the
Wayback Machine
22. newspaper Ριζοσπάστης (Rizospastis), article: The murder of the members of the Macedonian Bureau of the
Communist Party of Greece (
23. Tessa Stirling et al., Intelligence Co-operation between Poland and Great Britain during World War II, vol. I: The
Report of the Anglo-Polish Historical Committee, London, Vallentine Mitchell, 2005
24. Churchill, Winston Spencer (1951). The Second World War: Closing the Ring. Houghton Mifflin Company,
Boston. p. 643.
25. Major General Rygor Slowikowski, "In the secret service – The lightning of the Torch", The Windrush Press,
London 1988, s. 285
26. Tadeusz Piotrowski (1997). "Assistance to Jews". Poland's Holocaust (
arch_s). McFarland & Company. p. 118. ISBN 978-0-7864-0371-4.
27. Baczynska, Gabriela; JonBoyle (2008-05-12). "Sendler, savior of Warsaw Ghetto children, dies" (https://www.was Washington Post. The Washington
Post Company. Retrieved 2008-05-12.
28. Christopher M. Woodhouse, "The struggle for Greece, 1941–1949", Hart-Davis Mc-Gibbon, 1977, Google print,
p.37 (
29. Richard Clogg, "A Short History of Modern Greece", Cambridge University Press, 1979 Google print, pp.142-143
30. Procopis Papastratis, "British policy towards Greece during the Second World War, 1941-1944", Cambridge
University Press, 1984 Google print, p.129 (
31. Wojciech Zawadzki (2012), Eugeniusz Bendera (1906-po 1970). (
Przedborski Słownik Biograficzny, via Internet Archive.
32. "Byłem Numerem: swiadectwa Z Auschwitz" by Kazimierz Piechowski, Eugenia Bozena Kodecka-Kaczynska,
Michal Ziokowski, Hardcover, Wydawn. Siostr Loretanek, ISBN 83-7257-122-8
33. (
Archived (
ent&task=view&id=578&Itemid=8) May 22, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
34. "Basil Davidson: PARTISAN PICTURE" (
35. Operation WEISS – The Battle of Neretva (
36. Battles & Campaigns during World War 2 in Yugoslavia (
37. Meksyk II ( Archived (
3106/ June 20, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
38. Barbagallo, Corrado, Napoli contro il terrore nazista. Maone, Naples.
39. Ordway, Frederick I., III. The Rocket Team. Apogee Books Space Series 36 (pp. 158, 173)
40. Piotr Stachniewicz, "Akcja" "Kutschera", Książka i Wiedza, Warszawa 1982,
41. Joachim Lilla (Bearb.): Die Stellvertretenden Gauleiter und die Vertretung der Gauleiter der NSDAP im „Dritten
Reich“, Koblenz 2003, S. 52-3 (Materialien aus dem Bundesarchiv, Heft 13) ISBN 978-3-86509-020-1
42. pp. 343-376, Eyre
43. Miodrag D. Pešić (2004). Misija Haljard: spasavanje savezničkih pilota od strane četnika Draže Mihailovića u
Drugom svetskom ratu ( Pogledi.
44. Leary (1995), p. 30
45. Ford (1992), p. 100
46. "US commemorates Serbian support during WWII" (
47. Tomasevich (1975), p. 378
48. Leary (1995), p. 32
49. Kelly (1946), p. 62
50. Martin Gilbert, Second World War A Complete History, Holt Paperbacks, 2004, ISBN 978-0-8050-7623-3, Google
Print, p.542 (
51. Atkin, Malcolm (2015). Fighting Nazi Occupation: British Resistance 1939 – 1945. Barnsley: Pen and Sword.
pp. Chapters 4 and 11. ISBN 978-1-47383-377-7.
52. "HyperWar: US Army in WWII: Triumph in the Philippines [Chapter 33]" (
53. Velimir Vukšić (23 July 2003). Tito's partisans 1941-45 (
PA11). Osprey Publishing. pp. 11–. ISBN 978-1-84176-675-1. Retrieved 1 March 2011.
54. Anna M. Cienciala, The coming of the War and Eastern Europe in World War II. (
t557/lect16.htm), History 557 Lecture Notes
55. Norman Davies, God's Playground: A History of Poland, Columbia University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-231-12819-3,
Google Print p.344 (
56. Gregor Dallas, 1945: The War That Never Ended, Yale University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-300-10980-6, Google
Print, p.79 (
57. Mark Wyman, DPs: Europe's Displaced Persons, 1945-1951, Cornell University Press, 1998, ISBN 0-8014-8542-
8, Google Print, p.34 (
58. See for example: Leonid D. Grenkevich in The Soviet Partisan Movement, 1941-44: A Critical Historiographical
Analysis, p.229 or Walter Laqueur in The Guerilla Reader: A Historical Anthology, (New York, Charles Scribiner,
1990, p.233.
59. Kathleen Malley-Morrison (30 October 2009). State Violence and the Right to Peace: Western Europe and North
America ( ABC-CLIO. pp. 1–. ISBN 978-0-
275-99651-2. Retrieved 1 March 2011.
60. Jean-Benoît Nadeau; Julie Barlow (2003). Sixty million Frenchmen can't be wrong: why we love France but not
the French ( Sourcebooks, Inc. pp. 89–.
ISBN 978-1-4022-0045-8. Retrieved 6 March 2011.

External links
Jewish Armed Resistance and Rebellions (
-armed-resistance.html) on the Yad Vashem website
Home of the British Resistance Movement (
European Resistance Archive (
Interviews from the Underground ( Eyewitness accounts of Russia's Jewish
resistance during World War II; website & documentary film.
Serials and Miscellaneous Publications of the Underground Movements in Europe During World War II, 1936-
1945 ( From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division (https://w at the Library of Congress
Underground Movement Collection ( From the Rare Book
and Special Collections Division ( at the Library of Congress
"British Resistance in WW2" ( 2015.

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