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World Meteorological Day focuses on Climate and Water

Geneva, 23 March 2020 - One of the biggest impacts of climate change is on water, which in
turn affects sustainable development and security. But in contrast to internationally
coordinated information about rising temperatures, data on water resources is patchy and

This year’s World Water Day and World Meteorological Day are therefore both dedicated to
Climate and Water. One of the underlying themes is that we can’t manage what we don’t
monitor and measure – a message which has become unfortunately too familiar in the
ongoing COVID19 pandemic.

By uniting the two international observances, which fall on 22 and 23 March respectively,
the aim is to raise the profile of water in the climate debate.

“We feel the effects of climate change mostly through water: more floods,
more droughts, more pollution. Just like viruses, these climate and water-related shocks
respect no natural boundaries,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas.

”The world needs to demonstrate the same unity and commitment to climate action and
cutting greenhouse gas emissions as to containing the Coronavirus pandemic,” he said.

“Changes in the global distribution of rainfall are having a major impact in many countries.
Sea levels are rising at an increasing pace, driven by melting of the largest glaciers, like in
Greenland and Antarctica. This is exposing coastal areas and islands to a greater risk of
flooding and the submersion of low-lying areas,” said Mr Taalas.

Every drop counts

Water is life. On average, a human being cannot survive more than three days without
water. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 3 billion people worldwide lack basic
handwashing facilities.
Over two billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress, while around four
billion people face severe water scarcity for at least one month every year. By 2050, the
world’s demand for fresh water will be 20 to 30% higher than it is today.

Most rivers and freshwater bodies are transboundary, and decisions by one country on
water resource management often have implications for other countries, thus making water
a potential source of both peace and conflict.

Climate change and water

Climate change is impacting snow cover and the “water towers of the world” – the snow
and ice on mountains that feed fresh water supplies. Key glaciers have been melting for
more than three decades, according to international monitors, leading to an increase in
short-term hazards like landslides and avalanches and a long-term decrease in water
security for future generations.

A much greater proportion of annual precipitation is now falling in extreme precipitation

events rather than spread more evenly throughout the year, increasing the risk of flash
floods, one of the deadliest natural hazards.

In many parts of the world, seasonal rainfall patterns are becoming more erratic, affecting
agriculture and food security and the livelihoods of millions of people.

The multi-agency Statement on the State of the Global Climate 2019, coordinated by WMO,
said that after a decade of steady decline, hunger is on the rise again – over 820 million
people suffered from hunger in 2018.
The food security situation deteriorated markedly in 2019 in some countries of the Greater
Horn of Africa due to climate extremes, displacement, conflict and violence. Exceptional
dryness in March and April was followed by unusually heavy rainfall and floods in October-
December, contributing to the worst desert locust outbreak in decades.
According to the climate statement, more than 6.7 million new internal disaster
displacements were recorded between January and June 2019, triggered by floods and
tropical cyclones in Southeast Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean. This number was
forecast to reach close to 22 million in 2019, up from 17.2 million in 2018. Of all natural
hazards, floods and storms contributed most to displacement.

Count every drop

Climate and water data underpin the management of surface-water supplies and disaster
risk reduction. These include calculations of the frequency and duration of heavy rainfall,
the probable maximum precipitation and flood forecasting.

And yet, at a time when it is needed more than ever before, the capacity to forecast,
monitor and manage water is fragmented and inadequate.
Climate and water both lie at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals – the package
of 17 crosscutting themes adopted by the international community in 2015. With just 10
years remaining until the 2030 target for achieving the goals, WMO is stepping up its efforts.

“It is worrying to see that Sustainable Development Goal 6, which focuses on clean water
and sanitation, is so far off track now,” said Mr. Taalas.

Last year, the General Assembly decided that implementation must be sped up. Hand in
hand with UN Water and other key partners, WMO is working to deliver this through a
water and climate coalition that focuses on finances, data and information, governance,
capacity development, and innovation.

National Meteorological and Hydrological Services are central to this effort. Indeed,
breaking the silos between the meteorological and hydrological communities was a strategic
choice by the 18th World Meteorological Congress in 2019.

WMO is committed to eight long-term ambitions related to water:

• No one is surprised by a flood
• Everyone is prepared for drought
• Hydro-climate and meteorological data support the food security agenda
• High-quality data supports science
• Science provides a sound basis for operational hydrology
• We have a thorough knowledge of the water resources of our world
• Sustainable development is supported by information covering the full hydrological
• Water quality is known

World Meteorological Day takes place every year on 23 March and commemorates the
coming into force on 23 March 1950 of the Convention establishing the World
Meteorological Organization. It showcases the essential contribution of National
Meteorological and Hydrological Services to the safety and wellbeing of society and is
celebrated with activities around the world. The themes chosen for World Meteorological
Day reflect topical weather, climate or water-related issues.

For further information contact:

Jonathan Fowler. Email Cell +41766910314

Clare Nullis, media officer. Email Cell +41 79 709 13 97

The World Meteorological Organization is the United Nations System’s authoritative voice
on Weather, Climate and Water


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