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 Definition of Utilitarianism

-it is one of the best known and most influential moral theory that determines if it is
morally right or wrong by focusing on the outcomes.
-it is a form of consequentialism.
-it ought to maximize the good or pleasure that will bring about the greatest amount for
the greatest number of people concerned.

 Leading Proponents
o Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)

-argued that there is one ultimate moral principle namely, “The Principle of
Utility”. This principle states that whenever we have a choice between
alternative actions and social policies, we must choose the one that has the best
overall consequences for everyone affected.
o John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

-he stated that the ultimate end, with reference to and for the sake of which all
other things are desirable, is an existence exempt as free as possible from pain
and as rich as possible in enjoyments.

 Three Principles that Serves as the Axioms of Utilitarianism

1. Pleasure or happiness is the only thing that truly has intrinsic value.
2. Actions are right in so far as it promotes happiness, and wrong in so far as it
produce unhappiness.
3. Everyone’s happiness counts equally.

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