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[ordtds1i@vmohstdsc003 appsutil]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil

[ordtds1i@vmohstdsc003 appsutil]$ mkdir wallet

[ordtds1i@vmohstdsc003 appsutil]$ cd wallet

[ordtds1i@vmohstdsc003 wallet]$

orapki wallet create -wallet /dtds1i/oracle/product/12102/appsutil/wallet -auto_login -pwd oracle123

<----------------creates an empty wallet with auto login

orapki wallet display -wallet /dtds1i/oracle/product/12102/appsutil/wallet <---------------displays the

wallet content(should be empty)

Open Firefox and login to URL ""


3. In the browser window, double-click on the padlock at the bottom of the page to view the Certificates.

NOTE: if there is no padlock, then on the top toolbar select File->Properties->Certificates

4. Click on the Certification Path Tab.

5. For each certificate listed:

Click View Certificate

Click Details Tab

Click Copy to File (or Export) - follow directions and export in the Base 64 encoded X.509 (.CER) format.


If you are using Google Chrome, click on Lock icon in the URL bar and then navigate to Connection-->Certificate
Information to download the certificates.

Open VNC



Wallet  New

Click on “Yes”
Select Directory: /dtds1i/oracle/product/12102/appsutil/wallet and click OK
Wallet password: oracle123

Click on Operations  Import Trusted certificate

Wallet  Save  Exit
>>>>>>> Once this wallet is created, set the profile Database Wallet Directory to the directory
This completes the creation of database wallet. We can verify that secure communication from database
to ECServlet can be established by running the following sql:
sqlplus apps/*****
variable wallet_loc varchar2(300);

exec begin :wallet_loc := iby_netutils_pvt.path_to_url('value_of_FND_DB_WALLET_DIR'); end;

select utl_http.request('', null,

'file:/dtds1i/oracle/product/12102/appsutil/wallet', null) from dual;

Must return:
H2:Results:OapfCode: IBY_204704:BR:OapfStatus:BR...

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