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Once a topic has been chosen, ideas have been generated

through brainstorming and free writing, and a working thesis
has been created, the last step a writer can perform in the
prewriting stage is creating an outline. An outline allows a
writer to categorize the main points, to organize the
paragraphs into an order that makes sense, and to make sure
that each paragraph/idea can be fully developed. Essentially,
an outline helps prevent a writer from getting stuck when
performing the actual writing of the essay. 

An outline provides a map of where to go with the essay. A

well-developed outline will show what the thesis of the essay
is, what the main idea of each body paragraph is, and the
evidence/support that will be offered in each paragraph to
substantiate the main points. 

The following is an example of an outline:

Thesis :   In order to succeed in the classroom, college
students need to utilize the resources available to them
throughout their college careers.

I. Advising
A.  Find the right program(s) and/or career field
B. Implement a plan for fulfilling program requirements
C. Sign up for the correct classes
1. Verify prerequisites
2. Find times that work
3. Locate proper instructor
D. Evaluate progress
II. Help with content
A. Study groups
B. Tutoring
1. Drop-in
2. Individual
C. SI sessions
III. Technology
A. Computer Labs
B. Academic websites
C. Forums and online discussions

In this example, the Roman numerals I, II, and III are each of
the body paragraphs that will appear in the essay. Next to
each Roman numeral is the central idea behind each
paragraph and how it relates to the essay’s main point (or
thesis). The letters that appear under each Roman numeral
show the details that will be offered in each paragraph to
support the main idea of the paragraph. If some of the details
require multiple explanations, these are noted with numbers
under the letters.

Notice all that the above outline accomplishes: The main

ideas/paragraphs of the essay have been grouped into an
order that makes sense; the main idea behind each
paragraph is identified along with the support that will be
offered. Essentially, the essay is completely organized. Now
the writer can simply follow the outline and turn each idea
into a paragraph by expanding on the details that are

While creating an outline such as this will take a small

amount of time, the time put into creating this outline should
result in saving even more time during the writing phase. If
following the outline, the writer should not get stuck
wondering what comes next or how to expand upon an idea. 

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