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Student: Terzea (David) Veronica


1.In about 150 words, write your opinions regarding the structure of the Romanian
education and the opportunities it offers.
From my point of view, the Romanian education system is very complex. It contains a lot
of information. School programs are extremely loaded with a lot of information that in some cases
seems to them unhelpful. Many students want a new and innovative teaching style. To help students
retain information better and be more attracted to school, the amount of information in school
curricula should be reduced. Looking at the good side, most of the teachers began to teach
interactive lessons. This attracts more students. In this way, students are more motivated and learn
much more interest. In Romania we have many Olympic children because of their efforts and the
dedication of the teachers in the teaching act. These students are national, international, and
2.Write twelve DOs and DON’Ts for successful oral presentations.
1. Be organized! The more organized and focused your presentation is, the more relaxed you'll
2. Breathe! (It helps you relax.)
3. Don't try to cover too much material. Remember you only have limited time.
4. Do speak clearly, slowly and at an appropriate level for your audience.
5. Use vocabulary that is appropriate for your audience. If you use new vocabulary, make sure
you explain it and write it on the board.
6. Do make eye contact with all members of your audience.
7. Do move end.
8. Do use hand gestures.
9. Do allow the audience to ask questions at the around your presentation.
10. Don't read your presentation. You can use short note, but reading a presentation is unnatural;
also, it makes it very difficult for your audience to follow.
11. Do practice your presentation with a partner or in front of the mirror.
12. Do remember to thank your audience and introduce the next speaker.

3.Think of one different eating and drinking establishment in your town/ area and give
it a description. You should consider:
a. type; e. cuisine;
b. location; f. dishes;
c. target customers; g. atmosphere;
d. prices; h. peculiar features.
Some of the following phrases might prove useful:
 friendly/ cosy/ relaxed/
sophisticated atmosphere

Student: Terzea (David) Veronica

 elegant surroundings
 authentic national/ traditional/ regional/ home-made dishes
 reasonably priced meals
 excellent cuisine
 live music
 quick/ impeccable service
 excellent wine cellar
 romantic dinners
 dinner and dancing
 business lunches
 have a snack with the drinks
 a la carte
 three-course, fixed price menu
 own band
 floor show
 Turkish coffee.

Café "From Low to High"

a.Type: The café is for parents and children

b.Location: The café is in the middle of Teliu commune
c. Target costumers: Parents, children
d.Prices: Prices vary depending on the order ordered and the time spent by the child at
the playground
e. Cuisine: The kitchen is run by a master chef specializing in traditional Romanesque
food. It also specializes in pastry. The cook makes special menus tailored to the needs of
their customers and their tastes
f. Dishes: The dishes are organic, purchased directly from the producers. No
ingredients are used unless they pass tests that verify their authenticity
g. Atmosphere: the atmosphere is pleasant because there is a band that plays live
music. Parents sit in the restaurant at the table serving what they want and relax and the
children are in a room next to the playground being supervised by a specialized teacher.
h. Peculiar features: The special features of this place are represented by the fact that at
the playground of the children, the restaurant organizes various activities such as puppet
theater, fun games, team competitions. This influences the well-being of the students.

4.Imagine an 10-reply dialogue for one of the following situations:

a. A good friend of yours has invited you to a movie. As you cannot remember details,
you give her a call.
Student: Terzea (David) Veronica

b. b. You are a teacher preparing an important event in your school. You have just been
informed that several changes have occurred regarding the number of guests, the menu and
entertainment staff. Call the principal to make things clear.

-What are you doing? I have a problem.
-I'm preparing for the movie! Do not tell me you can not come to the movie.
-For the movie, I looked at what time it would start.
-Film starts at 18 o'clock! Is this the only problem? You scared me you could not
accompany me.
-I promised to go, I'll go. Honestly to be with you, I forgot that it was today.
-How could you forget?
-Just ... I see you at 17:45 in front of the cinema.
-Sure will it be there?
-If I'm not talking on the phone, we'll definitely see you.
-Okay! I'll see you there.

5.In about 150 words, present the following subject of discussion at a meeting.
Background information: You are the manager of a Training School and have called a
meeting to discuss what to do about one of your staff, Ann Smith. She is an extremely
valuable person for the teaching team, but has recently expressed dissatisfaction with the job
and is thinking of leaving. You are looking for suggestions to make her change her mind.

-Hello, dear colleagues! I convened this meeting because our colleague, Ann Smith,
wants to leave our unit. We all know how dedicated she is to her work. We summoned this
meeting to find solutions for Ann not to leave us. I'm waiting for answers to questions and advice
from you. Ann, what's unpleasant to you?
-I am dissatisfied with the fact that I live too far from work and the shuttle is heavy.
- Deputy Director, I propose to find an apartment nearby. In this way we will pay the
rent and we will not give the money on the shuttle, and Ann will be easier.

-It is a good idea! Ann said. So I will have more time to focus on what I have to do for
the class and I will not waste my time going that big distance. Thank you!
-I'm glad we could solve this problem.

6.In about 150 words, give a presentation of your country/ town/ workplace etc.
considering relevant facts and figures.
Teliu commune
Student: Terzea (David) Veronica

Geographical location
Teliu Commune is located at the southern extremity of Brasov County, 25 km from
Brasov, along DN 10 that connects Brasov and Buzul Intorsura. It borders on the south with the
territory of Tarlungeni and Budila communes, to the west is Prejmer commune, and to the east-
south-east with the territory of the communes Acriş and Vama Buzăului. It is a hilly area with a
temperate continental climate and a flora specific to the sub-mountainous area. The commune is
at an altitude of 645 meters, the highest altitude being 1223 meters at the peak of Pilistea.

Related localities:Teliu
Main economic activities: agriculture - animal husbandry, furniture, timber processing,
Tourist Attractions: Reformed Church; the tunnel dug in the granite mountain at the
beginning of the century. XX; wooded hills and marked trails for tourists; dacian fortress with
three defense ditches dating from the sec. I Î.C
Holidays / Traditions: Teliu Days - September

7. In about 150 words, present a public situation in which you were dissatisfied and
specify what the course of action you took was.
The public situation in which I was unhappy is the situation where I had to give up work
for someone else. I was at my job and filed my file and my file was accepted. The day I went to
work to sign the papers, I found out that someone else took my place. I went to the employer and
told me that there was nothing to do because that's how he got the order from the mayor. I
investigated the matter and learned that the person concerned was a relative of the commune's
mayor. No matter how I tried to prove that it was illegal, I did not succeed. In this struggle it
overcomes injustice.
8.In about 150 words, say how Romanians usually spend their holiday. Refer to
types of tourisms they favour, resorts, comfort, price, location etc.
The Romans are among the most naughty nation. In Romania, for example, some of the
biggest electronic music festivals are organized. These are Untold, the Nevers. Untold is
organized in the city of Cluj in the mountains, and Neversea in the city of Constanta to the Black
Sea. Participating in these festivals, the Romans spend a lot of money because during the break
between speccoli, tourists participate in exclusive parties. In our country, tourists can also go in
unforgettable things for less money. Expenditure on the trip depends on each person. You can
have an unforgettable holiday with 2000 lei and 10000 lei.
Romania promotes all types of tourism because it has wild mountains, has open sea and has all
kinds of relief. The tourist just has to choose.

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