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lantern iter . a oh A OME Lees Fools b> da) 10 Md Yale] igo P) u Table of Contents The 5/2Role Introduction to Human Design The 6/2 Role What is Human Design? The 6/3 Role Ra Uru Hu-the first Student Below the Line maa nezae aie OFientE ‘The Consciousness Crystals and the Monopole Colour & Tone ‘The Human Design Graph Zone The Mandala Wheel Colour ‘The Flow of Information in Human Design The Relationship of Colours é 4D ‘The Nodes of the Moon ‘The Crystal Bundles and the Incarnation Process TheLinknodes Human Conception The Personality Nodes Death and the Bardo Stages The Nodes are the glue The Nine E entre: The Design Primenode Single Definition (41% of population) The Personality Primenode eDetinid Tier a ; Double-Split Definition (12: Colour Resonance The Four Motors Linknodes Ba : = Interaction Type Mars The Lines and Roles Venus Thesis The Diamond rules the seven-centred being The 1/3 Role Uranus (sidetrack) The 1/4 Role Neptune (misinformation) The2/4Role Design Resonance ‘The2/5 Role The Circuits The 3/6 Role Collective Logical Circuit The 4/1 Role Communal Circuit The 5/1 Role Communal Willpower Circuit Communal Defence Circuit 55-39 Emoting/A design of moodiness Individualistic Circuit Group 20-57 The Brain Wave /A design of penetrating Individualistic Knowing Circuit awareness Self-survival Channels Individualistic Centring Circuit The Channels 10-34 Exploration 2A design of following one's Collective Logical Circuit convictions 5 ; adh Dies 5 oan ie 17-62 Acceptance /A design of an organisational beit Communal Willpower Circuit ~ , et 7 ¥ 2 of 15-5 Rhythm /A design of being in the flow ambition; ~ 5 . — ; 18-58 Judgement /A design of insatiability 40-37 Community /A design of being a part seekir p Collective Abstract Circuit 49-19 Synthesis /A design of sensitivity Astracti ‘onal ‘ , ea clarity Communal Defence Circuit 11-56 Curiosity /A design of a searcher 59-6 Mating /A design focused on reproduction 35-36 Transitoriness /A design of being a “Jack of all 22-50 Preservation /A design of custodianship wrades? Self-survival Channels 30-41 Recognition /A design of focused energy (feeli 20-10 Awakening /A design of commitment to higher 42-53 Maturation /A design of balanced development puinciples Goudic) 20-34 Charisma /A design where. its must Become 46-29 Discovery A design of succeeding where others fail deeds 23-13 The Prodigal /A design of a witness 34-57 Power /A design of an archetype Individualistic Knowing Circuit 10-52 Perfected Form A design for survival i ‘The Celestial Bodies and what they tell us The Cross of Life The Sun The Earth The Moon Mercury The Architecture of Life The Inanimate The Cell Steve Rhodes Also by Steve Rhodes Lumaa design BaanTu: The Key to Your Nature and Life The Proph f Ra Uru Hi Sow fo reed a graph eee First published 2015 by RME Publishing London United Kingdom ‘Second Edition (rev. 2) Copyright © 2015 by Steve Rhodes ‘Steve Rhodes asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, asallowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's and publisher'srights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Editor: Stephanie Sprague ‘The book is based on the knowledge the author received from Ra Uru Hu through being his student over seven years. Visit to find more out about the author and any news. You ‘can sign up for a newsletter so that you are first to hear about any new releases or products. Disclaimer: ‘This book is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers. tis sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged to render any type of psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Our views and rightsare the same: You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results. The amazing thing about water drops is that they always take the path of least resistance For humans it’s the exact opposite (troduction to Human Desiqu What is Human Desiqu? H uman Design is a science that had its beginnings in 1987 when a Canadian had a mystical encounter where he received information about the design of all living forms on Earth and a way to read the evolutionary Program. The essence of the message was that the human body began a dramatic mutation in 1781 that will be complete in 2027. There is anew form of (Rave) intelligence emerging in our bodies that is vastly different from the one we know. Our bodies and lives function differently than those born before 1781. The previous form had been around for more than 100,000 years and is what is widely known as Homo sapiens. It was a form that was guided primarily by strategic thought (to conquer our fear for survival), which in turn created the world of winners and losers that we inherited. ‘The new bodies after 1781 are called Uranian bodies and their purpose and way of life is no longer the same. We are no longer here to just fight and worry about our survival, letting our lives and thoughts be ruled by this. Now, it’s also about experiencing life and evolving our established civilisations. Our bodies house a dual consciousness. One is called Design and the other Personality. Personality is the one you associate closer with, because it’s responsible for mind and your thinking, but it can easily overstep its responsibilities. This is because many of us are not aware that there is another intelligence present, responsible for the physical body and its material life. While Human Design brings together some of the fundamental laws about how the new Uranian body operates, it’s BaanTu that opens the door for a new way of life, offering an understanding of what this all means in daily life. It's about freeing yourself from the clutches of the era of Homo Sapiens. We are no longer that. Their outdated principles don’t work for us. It’s like teaching a coffee machine to fly. It can't. In this book we won't talk about BaanTu, but focus on the basic laws of Human Design. I recommend you have the BaanTu book as well, and ideally read it first. The focus of this book is how to read a Human Design Graph and provide answers to where some of the things in BaanTu originated from. It’s an extension, and therefore you won't be able to make sense of this book without BaanTu. Ra Uru Hu — the first Student [ibis lo asian espn Bee given in the form of a revelation to a Canadian named Robert Alan Krakower, who started to call himself Ra after he disappeared in 1983. He left behind his old life, work and family, who eventually declared him dead. In Canada, he had owned a media company that produced some of the first rock ‘n roll videos as. wellas television commercials and fashion programs. After his disappearance, he ended up on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza where — after years of living wild with no money ~ he had a life-changing encounter in January 1987 with what he called the Voice. For eight nights and days, the Voice taught him the design of all forms, even new forms that will emerge in the future. From inanimate objects to humans to — what one day will be - the almost eternal form of the Eron. In essence, he had been given the entire history of our universe from its very beginning to approximately the next two billion years, which according to the Voice, will be the birth of it into something we do not know. The universe is an unborn living entity, the Voice told him. In these eight days, Ra did not sleep, eat or drink, while his dog Barley Barker was lying under his desk, not breathing. Although Ra referred to whatever it was that had taught him as “the Voice’, he said that the event was both acoustic and visual. It was also the most painful and frightening experience in his life. It was the Voice that gave Ra the title, Uru Hu. It was clear that there were many things he was not told about, and he could often tell that there had been difficulty in getting certain concepts down to his level. The Desiqn of Humans The Consciousness Crystals avid the Monopole All humans possess a Design Crystal, a Personality Crystal and a Magnetic Monopole. Head Centre — _—— Personality Crystal Aina Centre —_\ — Design Crystal GCente Magnetic Monopole —T_ Bi two Consciousness Crystals are tiny in size They are slightly bigger than a neutrino, which is an incredibly small particle to begin with. We call them “Crystals” in order to understand their characteristics and principles. They are not really Crystals. But it helps to understand the shattering, the filtering and the Fractal aspects. They are what science understands as dark matter, and it’s through them that we filter information, that we filter consciousness out of the neutrino ocean. Every Crystal is unique in shape and, therefore, must filter information in a unique way. Through that filtering, it actually produces more information. It’s a two-way process. We receive information and we also send out information that has been altered by going through our Crystals. This is how the consciousness program that governs the universe writes itself. It’s a never-ending cycle. So, when people think that there's this great intelligence at work and that there must have been some superior mind, it’s not true. We are /t and it is xs. And it’s evolving. We are the co-creators of the consciousness- field. We do it all the time, and for 14 billion years now, even when we sleep. At the time of our conception, the Design Crystal began to build our body in our mother’s womb until 88° to the Sun (in astrological terms) before the time of our birth, which is the equivalent of approximately three months. At this time, the form was ready to accept the second Crystal, the Personality Crystal, us. The Personality Crystal is what some might call our “soul”, the eternal part of us that incarnates over and over again in form. It is what you “think” is you. When a Personality Crystal is out of form (not incarnated), it resides within the Earth’s atmosphere anywhere from half a centimetre above ground to the end of the physical atmosphere of this planet. Personality Crystals reside in bundles when out of form. There are many Crystal bundles around the Earth, and some of these bundles are so massive in size in terms of Crystal numbers that it's not even possible to imagine such a number. What's interesting to know is that most of these Crystals never incarnate in form. We, the ones who do incarnate into human form, are only a small minority of these Personality Crystals. Kind of specialists. So when we look at the human incarnation process, first we have the Design Crystal that builds our body for approximately two-thirds of the human pregnancy before the neocortex is developed enough and ready to accept the Personality Crystal. The Personality is something that the ancient Eastern teachings used to call she witnesser. This arrival of the Personality is where the illusion starts. This is where your life starts. It’s also when the form becomes conscious. Homo sapiens, which existed for over 100,000 years, was the first species that was conscious of its own existence, the first being that actually had a mind. There was no one there to be conscious of the illusion, of existence, of the universe, before that. Not even Neanderthals. The mind allows you to see existence relative to yourself, but we tend to abuse it to control our lives out of fear for survival, which is not what it is intended to be used for, at least not for the Uranian body. Finally, we have the Magnetic Monopole, which is here to attract people and situations for us throughout our life. It is the “driver”. It sits in the G-Centre, which is one of nine Energy Centres that a human form possesses. It holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. It holds together the two Crystals, and arrived with the Design Crystal at conception. Initially, the Monopole was embedded into the Design Crystal. They both came from the single Design Crystal bundle that resides inside the Earth near its core. It’s the Monopole that structures existence and holds together the illusion of what we think is us and our body. It holds together our Personality and Design Crystals in the illusion of being separate from everything else. It’s the vanity of humans making them think they are in control of their lives, that sheyare the driver. They are not. It’san illusion. We are here for the ride. Our Design Crystal - when it’s incarnated and in form ~ sits in the Ajna Centre. The Personality Crystal sits in the Head Centre, slightly outside the body, which explains why the triangle in the Graph that represents the Head-Centre pierces through the shape of the human body. The Human Vesiqu Graph body with nine Energy Centres is called Uranian Body. On the other hand, the human (Saturnian) body, which existed until 1781, had seven Energy Centres. From 2027 onwards, we will see the emergence of a species (parallel to ours) that will have a Uranian body, like we do, but is no longer human at all. This will be the “true” Rave. That's the actual purpose of us: to give birth to the Rave. We are not Rave. We are humans inside a Rave-like body. You could say we have almost a Rave body with a different internal wiring. A “human wiring. Evolution came up with a very clever solution to make the emergence of the next species possible. It created a form that can house two species. The nine- centred Uranian body can house humans and Raves. Eventually, after tens of thousands of years, it will evolve into a form with 11 Energy Centres, and humans will disappear, like Neanderthals did. This process will be cut short though, because life on Earth will probably end in approximately 1,300 years. You can read about this in The Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu. But we are already at the threshold that marks the end of humans. We have already been robbed of the true human body and have to come to terms with living inside something that is not for us. We have to learn to adapt to the world of Raves. First, you have to go to to create a Graph. All you need is a precise date and time of birth to do this. The Graph is the result of two calculations, based around two specific points in time. The calculation on. the right is for the Personality Crystal and is based on your actual birth time. The calculation to the left is about the Design Crystal and derived from the time when the Sun was 88° earlier in the zodiac (approximately 3 months before). At these two different points in time, we look at the positions of 13 celestial bodies. They are: the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, the North and South nodes and eight other planets. In the two columns, you can see where the celestial bodies were in the Mandala wheel at these two moments. The Mandala Wheel represents a zodiac divided into 64 Hexagrams, beginning with Gate 17, 3.875° into Aries. Although it looks like the Hexagrams align at four points in the wheel with the star signs, they are slightly off by 0.125°. The Hexagrams are assigned to 64 Gates in the Graph. If you have a full Channel (both Gates active = both activated in the Mandala Wheel), it means the Energy Centres on both ends of that Channel will be active, too. The number after the dot, after the Gate number, is called Line. Lines give every Gate an additional flavour. 1's a more subtle way of looking at the Gates. If you look at the Mandala Wheel, you see that every Hexagram is subdivided into six Lines. The Sun needs approximately 365 days to make a full circle around the Wheel, Pluto 248 years. Luckily we have computers and clever software to make all these complicated calculations for us. The positions of the celestial bodies we need come from data that NASA has made available. It gives us the position of all the 13 celestial bodies in the zodiac we need for a certain point in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is similar to GMT. The only reason you have to input your birth location at is to find out the UTC when you were born. Your country might have had daylight savings time or not back then. We also need to know the time difference to UTC, so the software searches the history of all time zone records and rules. The actual location of your birth doesn’t matter. We only need it to find out the UTC at your place at that time, because we only know the position of the planets in UTC from NASA. The positions of the 13 celestial bodies (although the nodes are not a body, but only a position in the sky) determine the energetic “wiring” of your body for the duration of your life, as it never changes. They are responsible for the psychological and genetic imprint in the physical body. The Design Crystal and Personality Crystal have two different tasks in life. The Design is responsible for the physical body, its health and material wellbeing. The Personality is responsible for mind and communication. Both work together to fulfil your life purpose, which is not a choice you make, but rather the result of being alive. In order to understand your life, and that it’s not the result of choices, you have to understand what neutrinos are and what their purpose is. 7he Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu (Story of the Consciousness Crystals) has some interesting concepts to help with this, but we will talk a bit about them in one of the next chapters. The Maudala Wheel he ancient Chinese philosopher Shao Yung already used the circular arrangement of the 64 Hexagrams, and the Kabbalist Marguerite de Surany had the them allocated to the zodiac, but probably not in the same way as Ra Uru Hu. The zodiac represents the plane (ecliptic) on which all planets move around the Sun, seen from Earth. When you look at the planets, Sun and Moon, they seem to move around the ecliptic, with the Sun taking a full year to return to the same position. The zodiac is divided into 12 star signs (each 30°), which represent the “backdrop” in the sky and is the star constellation that can be seen behind a planet at a certain time, as seen from Earth. The zodiac begins at 0° Aries. The planets, moon and the Sun move counterclockwise around the zodiac, the nodes of the Moon in the opposite direction (clockwise). Since we watch the position of the celestial bodies in our Solar System relative to Earth (which itself rotates around the Sun), they can appear to move backwards at certain times, which is called retrograde movement (except for the Sun, which always moves forward). When an object is moving retrograde, it passes a point in the zodiac at least three times. For cycle charts in Human Design (for example Chiron/Saturn/nodal return) we use the first time it hits that point in the Wheel. The Mandala Wheel is divided into 64 Hexagrams. Every Hexagram is assigned a specific position in the zodiac. You then calculate the positions of the planets both at the time of your birth (Personality) and the time when the Sun was 88° earlier (Design). You then insert all the celestial bodies at their correct position in the Mandala Wheel. Now, you can see what Hexagrams (Gates) are active in your Graph. One Gate alone doesn’t do much. It’s a mere possibility for a full Channel. Only when we have both sides (Gates) of a Channel defined, we get an active Channel. The moment you have an active Channel, you automatically have a defined Energy Centre on both ends of the Channel, you have a supply of energy that can flow. Every Channel has a certain characteristic, determined by the quality of the Gates and Lines. This is very fixed way of expression in your design that is available throughout your life. But it’s not up to you and just your mind to use them at will. This is not how things actually work. What happens in the Graph with Channels is the result of all the Colours and Tones after the Monopole has captured the result. These Tones and Colours arrive from the Design and Personality Crystal. Only what comes from the Personality Crystal is what our mind is aware about. What's important to understand is that you not only have the Channels of your native design available, but also additional Channels that the daily transit field and the auric connection with other people bring. You look where the 13 celestial bodies are at the moment (which Gates) and add them to your Graph. This is actually what’s available to the Monopole in the moment. It's what you have to be prepared for how a person could react if the Monopole wants. You can see the transit and other people's influences at with the full or trial version. If someone hasa Self-survival Channel in their birth design, you always have to be ready that sucha person can act very selfishly. But not just that. They have a possibility to put themselves first without any guilt if necessary. If somebody has only Channels from the Community Circuit, it means they have to look for an agreement with the community and need its support in order to get a result. They also take promises and the concept of “one hand washes the other” quite seriously. How your mind and body works is influenced the flow of information, the change of frequency from Base to Colour. The Flow of formation in Human Design MAGNETIC MONOPOLE DESIGN CRYSTAL PERSONALITY CRYSTAL sine Faequency OUR) ‘aoNe) t all begins with a neutrino going through a Consciousness Crystal. What are neutrinos? The are incredibly tiny particles that have mass and travel almost at the speed of light. They go through everything: planets, humans, even a wall of lead, several light years thick (if such a thing would exist). But because neutrinos have mass, they also exchange information with the object they go through. Their oscillation changes. Neutrinos get produced in stars and it's our Sun that provides us with 70% of the neutrinos on Earth. About 65 billion Solar neutrinos per second pass through every square centimetre perpendicular to the direction of the Sun. Neutrinos are carriers of information. They carry information throughout the universe. They connect everything. They don't connect everything randomly, but there is a special order - or you might call it hierarchy - in which information must flow in the universe. This is the how all the Crystals communicate with each other. They constantly receive and send information with the help of neutrinos going through them. We also call this hierarchy Fractal lines and it has to do with how the two Crystals out of which the universe came into existence (the Baan and the Tu) shattered. If you were able to put all the pieces back together before the shattering at the Big Bang, you would see lines of fracture. And it's along these lines, that information flows. Everything in life happens along these fracture lines, that we also call Fractal Lines in Human Design. Philosophically speaking, you could call the neutrinos the ocean of consciousness in the universe. But neutrinos and the information they carry is only part of the story. The Crystals act like a decoder. It’s not just decoding though. It’s more like adding unique information to the neutrino when it goes through, It’s why we call them Consciousness Crystals. They are actually the creators of the consciousness program. The stars only produce the medium to carry consciousness. Every Crystal in the universe is unique in its shattering and quality. No two crystals filter a neutrino in the same way. The actual information your Magnetic Monopole receives, which you could call the blueprint of life, comes out of two components: the neutrino and your Crystals. These Crystals interpret the neutrino ina very specific way. They will also only listen to the correct information that is meant for them — information that has been going through other Crystals before. The Crystals that were close to ours before the shattering at the Big Bang are the important ones. The closer they were to us before the shattering, the more important their message is for us. The most important people that you will meet in your life, no matter if they are people giving you something or people that you pass things on to, are the ones carrying Crystals that were close to you before the shattering — people who are on your Fractal Line. When you look at the illustrations with the two Crystals, you can see that a Crystal has five sides. These five sides represent in Human Design what we call Bases. This is where everything begins. When you look at your Sun/Earth in your design, you will notice that your Design and Personality Crystals have a certain Base. It’s the number 1-5 in the square boxes next to the Sun/Earth symbols. It means your Crystal isa specialist and will only listen to and deal with one kind of information that comes along. It’s like tuning into a certain radio frequency. The Base never changes for a Crystal as long as it exists, which can be as long as the universe exists. So it’s the Base that determines which kind of information is let into the Crystal, or you could say: the Crystal listens only to neutrinos coming in from one side. Once the neutrino is inside the Crystal, we enter the realm of Tone. Tone in Human Design points to a reason behind a decision because for that you would have to break it into the four components to understand the individual influences. In a nutshell, you could say that Colour from the Personality Sun/Earth holds the key for a person’s happiness. It's the reason “why” they are doing things. It's their underlying motivation for everything, but it’s also an orientation; what the mind of a person is interested in. But mind isn’t everything. We also have the interests of the body present and what we would call the “unconscious” side. Once both sides (Colours) are captured by the Monopole, they emerge at the “surface” where it all gets acted out and becomes visible. What we see at the surface is always a mix of the body (unconscious) and mind (conscious). But contrary to what the old Human Design System told you about unconscious and conscious, where they said it’s the Gates of a Channel that can be conscious or unconscious, in reality only Colour and Tone are. Once a Channel is present, you are always aware of it. That’s what the “surface” is. You seeit. Below the surface, you only have conscious access to the mind side. It means you seem to have control over it, where you can’t control the influence of the body side. The Lines in the Sun/Earth tell you “what” a person is here to do, what kind of job they have in this life. It’s what the sum total of your being will put to use for. It’s not about the interests of the “four areas” (two on the body and two on the mind side), that can be seen with Colour and Tone. Line is not what makes you happy, it’s what your job is similar to a 9-to-5 job. But all the Colours, Tones and things you are attracted to will have a strong influence and presence in how you are going to live out your Role. Finally, the Channels and their Circuits will tell you “how” they are going to do it, in what way. They are certain tools that are available to you to get your job (Role) done. Of course, then we have various other things that are important. But they are secondary to the three things above. For example, “Interaction Type” will tell us about our preferred way of interaction, or you should say our most likely way, because at times we do like to use other methods but not as often. It’s an additional quality to the Lines in the Roles. It makes a difference if the same job description of the Roles is used in combination with a Supporter or an Initiator. The Colour of the Design nodes will tell you what kind of environment your body is attracted (external). ‘The Colour of your Design Sun/Earth tells you what isimportant about the body itself (the internal side). Channels and Type are really just very small aspects of avery complex set of data that we get from Human Design. But you have to approach all of this with a great deal of humility. No matter how much we think we know, it will never be enough to let our mind and its limited understanding of Human Design totally govern our lives. You don’t need to understand life in order to live it. On the contrary. You can waste life- times trying to understand and failing to live it. Mind is just a component of the whole experience. It’s very much overrated today in terms of providing you with useful information in order to make any meaningful, sound and safe decisions for you. What’s even more important is to know that there is not one truth out there in the world that can guide you, that can tell you what's “good” and “bad” for you. It’s up to you to make use of all three kinds of intelligence that you have available: mind, the environment and the body. The only rule is that there isno rule. This knowledge only makesit easier for you to see, but nota slave. Conception avd Death the Crystal Buudles aud the lucaruation Process “Tbe Desien Crystals that we humans, all other forms and all cells carry come from one single bundle residing in the centre of the Earth, near its core. On the other hand, the Personality Crystals form a sheath around the Earth’s atmosphere where they reside when not in form. The Personality Crystals form many bundles, not just one. For example, there is the Christ bundle, the Buddha bundle, and so on. In the beginning, there were only 16 bundles, according to the 16 Faces, but now there is an enormous number of them. You have to imagine a layer of Crystals that encircles the whole Earth. These bundles move through the atmosphere and can also move through rooms. All neutrinos have to go through these Consciousness Crystals first before they reach life on Earth. If you could look at Earth froma great distance and you could see these Crystals, you would not see the Earth. All you would see is that the Earth is literally encased in - what appears to be - a Crystal sphere. You would see one big Crystal. The information that Ra received in his encounter came from the Design Crystal bundle that, as we already heard, usually resides in the centre of the Earth. He experienced it in the limitation of what it is to be human. His human form invented the Voice. There is no way to explain some things other than in ways we can handle them. We describe things in the way we can, and we identify them in the best way in which we can, whatever they really might be. You can call a bundle a ghost, a demon, a spirit or an angel, but in reality it’s part of the consciousness field of the totality. Human Couception t your conception, a Design Crystal was called from the bundle at the Earth’s core and started to build your vehicle. At the moment of orgasm, the sperm carrying the Design Crystal, guided by its embedded Magnetic Monopole, finds and enters the egg in your mother’s Sacral Centre via the Channel of Reproduction (59-6). Fertilisation will take place depending on whether this Channel is defined during the following 72 hour period. That can happen either through the right person stepping into the mother’s ‘Aura or by the transit of planets ~ unless she has the whole Channel in her own design. Most people probably get pregnant when they go down to the supermarket or café without knowing. When your body was ready to receive the Personality Crystal - which was three months before your birth, when the neocortex was enough developed = the Magnetic Monopole called it into the vehicle, offered it a seat and it left a particular Personality Crystal bundle in the Earth’s atmosphere. It will return to the same bundle after death and the completed Bardo stages. Your Personality Crystal has been doing this over and over again, hundreds and hundreds of times, experiencing the different levels of form development. This path of experimentation, the suffering of humanity, and all the pain of going in and out and not remembering, going in and out, and again not remembering, all that, is to serve a greater purpose of the potential of a form that truly can house consciousness. It is a consciousness that we ourselves are not even capable of glimpsing. Death avd the pardo Stages hen you are dying, the Design Crystal moves from your Ajna Centre down through the centre Channels into your G-Centre. There, it re-unites with the Magnetic Monopole and together they then exit your body — down via the centre Channels through your Sacral, and finally out through the Root Centre. This is the moment of your physical death. Your Personality Crystal still sits on top of your body in the Head Centre when that happens. It is not yet released. There are still small pockets of oxygen in your brain that allow you to have self-reflected consciousness. The corpse still serves the Personality Crystal in order to complete its process. There is still activity in the brain. Every human is supposed to go through the three Bardo stages (trinary) after the moment of physical death to fully complete its incarnation. This process takes up to 72 hours after which the Personality Crystal finally gets picked up from its Personality Crystal bundle. Inorder for a Crystal to reincarnate, the body must be left undisturbed for at least 72 hours. That means: no burial, no cremation, no removal of organs, no putting it under ground and no autopsy. Death does not liberate the Personality Crystal from the body. If it gets put under ground before 72 hours have passed, it can’t return to its original bundle. Personality Crystal bundles can’t penetrate the Earth and therefore can’t “collect” its Crystal. While the Crystal is waiting to get picked up, ithas to go through three different Bardo stages. If the Bardo stages can’t be completed due to a lack ofa limited “functioning” body/brain, the Crystal will most likely not return to the original bundle and will end up as part of “rogue” bundles, moving around the Earth's surface and unable to make it back to the 16 original bundles. The Crystal will then “hang around” and will never be able to incarnate as human again. That is why today we have so many more than the initial 16 bundles from where we incarnated from. There are all these new rogue bundles of Crystals that couldn’t make it back to their original bundles. It explains why the 16 Faces, the gods, are losing their powers. They act as kind of a Centre for these 16 original bundles, but now they are overwhelmingly outnumbered by the mutative bundles that have formed over particularly the last 500 years because of the population explosion. There are an enormous number of Personality Crystals that have been depleted from the original 16. The gods have lost their power. If you look at all the religions on Earth, the only ones that have managed to survive are the ones oriented on the Centre, monotheism. They are no longer paying attention to the 16 Faces, who have lost so much power and which ultimately will lead us to the closing of a door. The quality of information we receive is retarding. It’s the ending of the Cycle of the the six Bardo Stages the potential Bardo Tvinavies 1 Time Time/Surrender/Chaos 2 Surrender Surrender/Chaos/Passage 3 Chaos Chaos/Passage/Reunion 4 Passage Passage/Reunion/Vision 5 Reunion Reunion/Vision/Time 6 Vision Vision/Time/Surrender 1-3 isa personal experience; 4~6 is transpersonal. Most people only remember the transpersonal when brought back from death. The tunnel, the light or meeting Uncle Harry. Decarnation is a sequential trinary process. The sequence is determined by the geometry of the Moon at death through resonance. The Nive Energy Ceutres _ Head Centre. Ajna Centre G Centre ipower Centre Ly eg Root Centre| Splenic Centre Since 1781, humans possess nine Energy Centres Head Centre (Inspiration) Ajna Centre (Thinking) Throat Centre (Manifestation) G Centre (Love and Identity) Willpower Centre (Motor) Sacral Centre (Life-force - Motor) Solar Plex (Emotions - Motor) Splenic Centre (Instinct) ee ewes ‘* Root Centre (Pressure Motor) Definition Centre is a source of energy similar to a power plant. If a Centre is filled in a Graph, it means energy is always available throughout your whole life. The truth is, it’s neither “good” nor “bad” if someone has lots of defined Centres or none at all. Transits and other people will always define the Centres you need. It just changes the method about how to get to a result and the likelihood of it. If you don’t have the energy to complete a certain job, you need other people to help you. /nitiators and Independent Workers, for example, always have enough energy available to do certain things without any outside help (they have a Motor going to the Throat). But when I say that having less defined Centres is no disadvantage, we have a different story when it comes to the psychology of your mind! It doesn’t always agree. Your mind can only do one thing very well and that is to compare. When something isn’t reliable and not always available, it can think there is a problem and wants to fix it. Or it might compare you to somebody else, noticing that you lack willpower or maybe the capacity to solve a logical problem. It can try to compensate for it. Wecall this phenomenon “conditioning of the open. Centres” in Human Design. Conditioning is not always a bad thing. It just means that it is not always the result of your own true nature. It might be the result of outside influences, and even your own mind. that is comparing you with other people and thinking you lack something in certain areas. In truth, it’s not so mucha problem but your own unique nature. This is one of the reason why open Centres can occasionally be the source of long-term health issues or resistance in life, because due to conditioning we took a few unnatural habits on board, without realising that we a hurting ourselves. This might be the time to tell you something essential in Human Design: you don’t have to do anything or learn Human Design in order to become yourself. You were born like this. The design you see in front of you isyou. There is no path you have to walk to get there. You don’t have to “find” yourself. Even conditioning is you. It’s not completely unnatural, because, of course, you have been given a design that is receptive towards certain kinds of conditioning. What this is really about is that you become aware of all these things taking place, which will alter everything you do in a way I can’t tell. It’s like it was really dark before and then you switch on the light. You will navigate differently. BaanTu doesn’t navigate for you. It only illuminates some mechanisms in life. There is another phenomenon that can bother the mind and cause a bit of conditioning. It’s what we call “Definition”. When somebody has a Single Definition, it means all the Centres in a Graph are connected together. If you have a Split Definition, a group of Centres and Channels are separate (disconnected) from another group of Centres and Channels. Mind again might think this is pointing to a “problem” and might create unhealthy interference. It’s not a problem in principle, but one might be a bit obsessed about a Gate in a Split, without knowing. We only make you aware of it. Single Defivition (4I% of population) S isle Definition means that all your defined Centres are connected together via defined Channels. All these Centres can communicate with each other without interruption. They are less dependent on other people because they have no Splits to bridge, and can process things quickly (Other people activate Gates and Channels by stepping into your Aura, as do transits of planets). Split Defivition (45%) H ere we can see two groups of defined Centres that are split off from each other. People with a Split can get hooked on people who join their Split with the missing Gate(s) by being in their Auras. If you look at the illustration, that would be someone carrying either Gate 16 or 15. The bridges that they need to connect their Split tend to become the deepest conditioning forces in their lives and they might be looking for that bridging so they can have the illusion of being whole. Their wholeness could become a kind of clinging to whoever is providing the bridges. The people can believe that every time they fill one of those harmonic Gates that link the Split, suddenly everything is right. It’s not because the other person is right, but finally they have something consistently that they thought they didn’t have. Remember the joke - because it’s a black joke. Look at a Split Definition and the single missing Gate that will join the Split, and you might see that this is the centre of that being’s life. It creates a strong decision-making strategy of their minds. ‘When it’s a single Gate that makes the bridge, you can often have this inner sense that this is something you lack, that it’s your fault, and that you have to do better. Basically, you might blame yourself. But when it’s a broad Split, where several Gates are required to bridge Splits, you could blame everybody else for why things are not working in your life as you think they should. Depending on the design, this can lead to all kinds of psychological problems, conditioning, and interference of the mind into things that are not its responsibility. Double-Split Definition (2%) his means we have three areas that are cut off from each other. Such people can like public places, because they hook them up without being dependent on one specific person. What makes them different form Single-Splits is that they have not so much of an interest in being whole. Actually, they can easily feel trapped by another human being. The way in which the Double-Split finds its wholeness is simply through the mundane movement ofits life. They can really like to be out in the physical world, to be mobile in their life, to live a great deal of their life in an open and public realm. The moment they do that, there is this transformation that can takes place inthem. It is a process that's fascinating. The Double-Split is here to experience its diverse potential. For example, they might not be comfortable with a partner who hooks them all up. You can take a Simple-Split Definition and you might give them their partner, that’s it. Everything is “fine” unless there are problems in the relationship that arise. But the moment you take a Double-Split and put them into a relationship that makes them whole, this might not be heaven at all. No Double-Split is really looking for a prince or princess charming. The concept of it can be even frightening, because the moment that it’s there, it might be very uncomfortable. The Double-Split is here to experience its diverse potential. They're often much better off when only two of their three aspects are actually linked by somebody who is fixed in their lives. It might be a lot easier for them. ion CI%> Triple-eplit Defi hese are rare, They are fixed beings because of their many definitions, yet incredibly fragile at the same time, because there are four elements in them that do not always communicate with each other. They can have many voices in them speaking at once, and not always in harmony. No Definition (1%) eople with no Definition are called Drifters by their Type. They have no defined Centres at all. the Four Motors a our Energy Centres in the Graph are known as Motors. They have more energy available than the other Centres and they are what “drives” a Circuit. © The Root * The Sacral * The Willpower © The Solar Plex It’s the “wiring” of these four Motors in the Graph that tells you what Type (Initiator, Worker, etc.) a design is. Physical Attributes Head Centre Pinealgland Ajna Centre Anterior / posterior pituitary glands GCentre Liver, blood WillpowerCentre Stomach, heart, gall bladder, thymusgland Sacral Centre Ovaries, testes Solar Plex Kidney, prostate, pancreas, colon, solar plexus neuron network, nervous system, lungs Splenic Centre Lymphatic system, immune system, spleen, B-cells Root Centre Adrenalglands \uteraction Type T he human form comes in four Interaction Types. They have their preferred way of how to interact with other people. You can find a detailed description of all four Types in the Saan7u book. Here we only focus on how to identify them ina Graph. Worker (70%) Prefers to wait for right opportunities Dislikes initiating A theme of frustration or satisfaction Surrender control of your life [Defined Sacral (Life-Force) Centre] Initiator (9%) Prefers to initiate (helps to inform before acting) Has a tendency to ignore opportunities and invitations Atheme of anger or peace Take control of your life {Open Sacral Centre, but Motor connected to Throat Centre] Supporter (20%) Prefers to wait for the right invitation Not often interested in opportunities and dislikes initiating Atheme of bitterness or success Surrender to the other [Open Sacral Centre, no Motor connected to Throat Centre] Drifter (1%) Has no preferred Interaction Type Doesn't always like to be serious and opinionated A theme of disappointment or surprise Surrender to your own existence [No defined Centre, no defined Channel] The Worker can be further divided into: Independent Worker (35%) [In addition: Motor connected to Throat Centre] Team Worker (35%) [No Motor to Throat Centre] The Lines aud Roles The |2 Roles | n Human Design, we have 12 Roles. They consist of two numbers. The first number refers to the Personality Sun/Earth Line and the second to the Design Sun/Earth Line. Right Augle Cross ~ Fersoual Destiny 1/3 Protector/ Warrior (14.6% of population) 1/4 Protector/Opportunist (2%) 2/4 Discoverer/Opportunist (14.6%) 2/5 Discoverer/Distributor (2%) 3/5 Warrior/Distributor (14.6%) 3/6 Warrior/Perfectionist (2%) 4/6 Opportunist/Perfectionist (14.6%) Turtaposition Cross ~ Fixed Destiny 4/1 Opportunist/Protector (2%) Left Angle Cross ~ Wapersonal Destiny 5/1 Distributor/Protector (14.6%) 5/2 Distributor/Discoverer (2%) 6/2 Perfectionist/Discoverer (14.6%) 6/3 Perfectionist/ Warrior (2%) BS ecause the calculations of Design and Personality are 88 degrees apart and not 90 degrees, we never have the same Lines in both the Design and Personality. If we did, we wouldn't be alive. The Lines in the Roles shift similar to the DNA helix, like a spiral. A right angle Cross refers to the angle between the Hexagrams of the Personality Sun/Earth to the Design Sun/Earth. That means if you just count the Hexagrams, you will see the Hexagrams in the Mandala Wheel form a right angle. It also means that these Roles, which are the majority, have no transpersonal karma. They have no “karma” with anyone else. They will get to their personal destiny independent of anybody else. Every human being carries two Roles (Lines). One is the Role of the Personality and the other the Role of the Design. The Role is also what other people see in you. You carry this in your DNA as a frequency that others pick up. If you understand your Lines and Roles, you know why people come to you and what the broad outline of your job is in the world. With this information your mind can relax and settle into where life has to go. You never have to “do” anything with any information that Human Design or BaanTu gives you. It only helps to understand the journey. You can find a detailed description of the 6 Lines in the BaanTu book. For example, Role 7/3 means the Personality Sun/Earth is in Line 1 and the Design Sun/Earth in Line 3. The six Lines T o understand Roles, you first have to know what a Line is. Every Hexagram canbe divided into six Lines and, as we know, there are 64 Hexagrams in the Mandala Wheel. And with that, I don’t just mean the six yin and yang lines of a Hexagram. I mean when you look at the big circle in the Wheel with the Hexagram numbers, you see that every segment within one Hexagram or Gate number is divided into six smaller ones. Six Lines make up the space for one Hexagram number. Hexagram and Line together define a precise position on the Mandala Wheel for every planet that you have in your chart. Every Line then can be further divided into six Colours. Every Colour into six Tones and every Tone into five Bases. That means there are 1,080 variations of one Gate or Hexagram possible. So next time you see the same Gate in another human being, don’t assume it is the same. It also means you need a very precise birth time to get down to, let’s say, Tone level of a design. A few minutes can make a big difference. ‘You cau divide a Hexaqravn into the Lower avd Upper Triqrava TT te lower Trigram isintemally based 1s focused and absorbed in its own process. These Lines are all self-absorbed. Lines 4, 5, and 6 - the upper Trigram ~ are looking across the Channel, towards the other. The lower Trigram is not even aware of the other and does not have the same communication skills as the upper Trigram, which is here to externalise and to work with the other. The upper Trigram is totally aware of the other. They work with what the lower Trigram has built, and try to get it outwards to people. There isa relationship of harmony between the Lines of the upper and lower Trigrams. There is a harmony between Line 1 and Line 4, a harmony between Line 2 and Line 5, and one between Line 3 and Line 6, similar to music when notes are an octave higher. the 4 Bole ProtectorWarvior Right Augle Behavioural identity: /rvestigator Projected attitude: Authoritarian Limited perspective: Empathy Aspired-to role: Creativity Bonding strategy: Pursuer/Pursued Security strategy: Se/fProvider/Coveter Nature: Martyr Type: Anarchist Memory: Pessimism Direction: Sustainment Sexuality: Bonds made and broken Humanity: Bonds made and broken the V4 Role Protector /Opportunist Right Augle Behavioural identity: Jnvestigator Projected attitude: Authoritarian Limited perspective: Empathy Aspired-to role: Creativity Bonding strategy: Pursuer/Pursued Security strategy: Sei*Provider/Coveter Nature: Opportunist Type: Abdicator Memory: Fatigue Direction: A/oneness Sexuality: Confidante or not Humanity: Benefactor/Dependant The 2/4 Role Discoverer /Opportuniist Right Auqle Behavioural identity: Hermit Projected attitude: Democrat Limited perspective: Bigotry Aspired-to role: Harmony Bonding strategy: Shyness/Boldness Security strategy: Nourisher/Depleter Nature: Opportunist ‘Type: Abdicator Memory: Fatigue Direction: A/oneness Sexuality: Confidante or not Humanity: Benefactor/Dependant The 2/5 Role Discoverer Distributor Right Auqle Behavioural identity: Hermit Projected attitude: Democrat Limited perspective: Bigotry Aspired-to role: Harmony Bonding strategy: Shyness/Boldness Security strategy: Mourisher/Depleter Nature: Heretic Type: General Memory: Saviour Direction: Attractiveness Sexuality: Seducer/Seduced Humanity: Distributor/Hoarder The 3/5 Role Wavvior/vistributor Right Auqle Behavioural identity: Martyr Projected attitude: Anarchist Limited perspective: Pessimism Aspired-to role: Sustainment Bonding strategy: Bonds made and broken Security strategy: Bonds made and broken Nature: Heretic Type: General Memory: Saviour Direction: Attractiveness Sexuality: Seducer/Seduced Humanity: Distributor/Hoarder The 3/ Bole Warrior Perfectionist Right Augle Behavioural identity: Martyr Projected attitude: Anarchist Limited perspective: Pessimism Aspired-to role: Sustainment Bonding strategy: Bonds made and broken Security strategy: Bonds made and broken Nature: Role Model Type: Administrator Memory: Optimist Direction: Objectivity Sexuality: Sou/ Mate or not Humanity: Zrust or not the 4/ Role Opportuvist Perfectionist Right Auqle Behavioural identity: Qpportunist Projected attitude: Addicator ited perspective: Fatigue Aspired-to role: A/oneness Bonding strategy: Confidante or not Security strategy: Benefactor/Dependant Nature: RoleModel Type: Administrator Memory: Optimist Direction: Objectivity Sexuality: Sou/ Mate or not Humanity: Trust or not the 4A Role Opportwist/Protector Tuxtaposition Behavioural identity: Qyportunist Projected attitude: Addicator Limited perspective: Fatigue Aspired-to role: Aloneness Bonding strategy: Confidante or not Security strategy: Benefactor/Dependant Nature: /nvestigator ‘Type: Authoritarian Memory: Empathy Direction: Creativity Sexuality: Pursuer/Pursued Humanity: Seif-Provider/Coveter The 5/ Role Distributor/Protector Left Angle Behavioural identity: Heretic Projected attitude: General Limited perspective: Saviour Aspired-to role: Attractiveness Bonding strategy: Seducer/Seduced Security strategy: Distributor/Hoarder Nature: /nvestigator Type: Authoritarian Memory: Empathy Direction: Creativity Sexuality: Pursuer/Pursued Humanity: Self/Provider/Coveter The 5/2 Role Distributor Discoverer Left Augle Behavioural identity: Heretic Projected attitude: General Limited perspective: Saviour Aspired-to role: Attractiveness Bonding strategy: Seducer/Seduced Security strategy: Distributor/Hoarder Nature: Hermit Type: Democrat Memory: Bigotry Direction: Harmony Sexuality: Shyness/Boldness Humanity: Mourisher/Depleter The b/2 Role Perfectionist/Viscoverer Left Augle Behavioural identity: Role Model Projected attitude: Administrator Limited perspective: Optimist Aspired-to role: Objectivity Bonding strategy: Sou/ mate or not Security strategy: Trust or not Nature: Hermit Type: Democrat Memory: Bigotry Direction: Harmony Sexuality: Shyness/Boldness Humanity: Mourisher/Depleter The 6/3 Role Perfectionist/Warrior Left Augle Behavioural identity: Role Model Projected attitude: Administrator Limited perspective: Optimist Aspired-to role: Objectivity Bonding strategy: Sou/ mate or not Security strategy: 7vust or not Nature: Martyr ‘Type: Anarchist Memory: Pessimism Direction: Sustainment Sexuality: Bonds made and broken Humanity: Bonds made and broken Below the Live Se even-centred beings mastered the material plane with such ease. But it’s become very difficult for nine-centred beings, because they are not equipped in the same way. This is not what we're here for. We're not here to enslave all the mammals. We're not here to Killeach other. We're not here for all that stuff. The nine-centred form is a natural survival machine. We're not here to be concerned but rather to experience awareness - with our vehicles in automatic pilot. It’s the beauty of our journey. Every time you see with awareness, you grow. Everything about this knowledge, especially in this chapter, is about giving you signposts. Because once you see them, you give your mind exactly the reference points it needs to navigate better. You are finally able to see the process undistorted, to simply watch the perfection of the form at work, to enjoy this ride and the entertainment until the end. Each level of the substructure (Base, Tone, Colour) provides us with a mechanical key. As we explore deeper and deeper, all it does is illustrate the nuances of the mechanics. Below the line, underneath the “surface”, you really get to see the mechanism that drives it all. On the Design side, everything is about the form, accepting and taking on board the intelligence about its correct nourishment, both internally and externally. On the Personality side, it’s about the possibility to surrender more to watching and communicating, although there is no rule. Any human being is able to awaken more because the mechanics say so. You can look deeply into anyone’s mechanics and see that if they are oriented “correctly” to live their life with full awareness. Yet, it’s not so easy to be able to distinguish what the signposts are. This is the value of the knowledge at this level. Any analysis that you do here has to begin with the nodes, because this is the foundation for the life itself. Many have a misunderstanding about what it means to experience real awareness, as if one has to be disconnected or detached. But that’s not the case at all. Asa matter of fact, you're actually more absorbed in your life. It’s just simply in a very different way. You're more absorbed in the experience of that life. You're not absorbed in trying to handle the vagaries of life itself. You're not “managing” that life, trying to change it into something you “think” it should be instead. That is ultimately the difference. It is more “non-interference” out of more awareness. Awareness isnothing but seeing with more clarity. False Authority T here is no unique perception if mind is also the dominant authority running your life. You end up forced to lie, forced to prevaricate, forced to tell half-truths. Because the moment that your mind becomes responsible for your life, you know you're in situations where you want to control what's going on and therefore you're going to control what you say. You get a kind of “internal censorship” that literally distorts the life process. The mind is here to be the great commentator. It’s about watching and communicating. It doesn’t have to be this brute force that is controlling everything in your life. This is our entertainment after all. We are stuck with each other. It’s amazing that certain couples, for example, don't communicate. Communication is something that is so profound, and understanding the other is something that is so important. If we are going to be organised, there have to be lines of communication. Because without them, there is no organisation. These lines of communication have their origins deep under the surface of the illusion that is our life. It all begins with Base orientation. Base Ovieutation oS ase orientation, first and foremost, is about maintaining the Maya. It isn’t personal. There’sno question that orientation and positioning are very important. But Base does not have the same personal value as Colour and Tone, because its basic underlying purpose is maintaining the viability of the Maya. There is no dualism at the Base level. Each and every one of us carries a continuum of Bases that can only operate through a singularity. Base is just the encounter of the neutrino with a Crystal. Later with Tone, you're looking at everything that is the infrastructure of the Crystal and the way in which the uniqueness of the Crystal is intended to ultimately manifest on the surface. The great value of Base orientation and Variable is our ability to see how we are organised in large groupings. In the shattering (at the Big Bang), there were two ways in which Crystals emerged. We see the inversion of the 3-5 system (see Base illustrations) when you compare the arrangement of the numbers in the illustrations on the next page about the Design and Personality Crystals. The duality of the Maya emerged out of these two formulas. This is the whole key. The deeper you go into understanding the Base construct, the more you begin to orient towards seeing the two different founding formulas and how everything else emerged. We live ina binary. This is the core, the root, the Base in our language of the whole binary program. PERSONALITY Mind/Electron Ego/Neutrino SE. EVOLUTION «— crvitrsarion ——» DESIGN >@< 2 NN 4 4 i HUMANITY SPACE EARTH Personality 5 a “Ss hs F BEING <——— ricrion ——» MOVEMENT X Body/Quark Individuality /Monopole DESIGN Spirit Manifestation SE INTEGRATIVE «—— sreep ———» PROGRESSIVE >@< 2 NN LO 4 F MATERIAL OBJECTIVE POSITION Trajectory 3 $e Ss ba X REACTIVE <——— rorce ———» SUBJECTIVE 3K Perspective Timing The Bases of our Personalities never change through any incarnation. It’s through the dimension of all the Bases that the illusion of the Maya emerges. One also sees the limitation of certain Bases. They can never directly reach any Base that is diagonal. Movement (1) can’t connect directly to Evolution (2). Diagonals are something of a blind-spot. Here, you get an insight into the flow of Fractals and how Personality Crystals connect. These positions are carried throughout every level of life. For example, you see how the mind is cut off from individuality. We find it through our design or our being. When you look at the position of your Base, it will tell you a lot about yourself and how you connect to others. Bu ropasiys SSN wuts [isn St leo sunaostans fuze0} 5 wont oun seed ‘ois ues s anuassid od Ayevosing tue 5 eds seeds rT cre "Ainsnue) ain s!Gujaus 4200 pul 5 sabi) 61901 Hom, ssoito s anionas ’ 495 suarieg owoH ofa aun sunning 8 W6sa0 sis20 hepete. Teng 595 Axowoo5 705 9 not Auwosta0 vorel ste wey pote) sLisne £ sn2.09 5008 #00 sone 5 61 bet Ts "ue Sam wonestanut 31075 aise. anne ansel 5] AOudol ssqueusy ungeredes, Ascot 5 Ane z 20% 1epeRD Pu aL Avery 5 voor Loan coger ‘Waanounry 9 edeaspuey anmodsiad adeospueT 5 fu9s ‘onenur ‘uses 9 voneaD auyoa 1 oper wreak t ssauonowh any Aaenpripur | __vogeat st uouaron wawaron Bouton amen Wo}suoUE OaTAEN woruaNG ‘AIUEUINH / SOWSGOOIDIN ‘SSI9ANUN OUI | SOUISODODEM A g g i Ble z 5 2 iP 2 fa a 2 5 gf 2 88le ef BSPge ae £33 fgs SaFeC/SER. |B S.s/EEGS |e 883 e/ESs2e|Soengleteval 2s geelsolo £| 285 28/Se2eo) eb eeelSeoceleesey 5|22855[26225|32225|/ 95255 | 86292 g 7 g g jg le |¢ 4 lg ase leg | 8 5 | 3 by (dba bee. [see | al|fabd [Gat [amr [fe eam The five glyphs represent each of these Bases. The first thing to understand is that they’re dimensional. This is a very special kind of way in which each and every one of us are instruments of the totality in how the Maya functions. We are the projectors through which the light of the Maya passes. The neutrino ocean passes through, and out comes the world and the universe that we live in. It’s not something that is there “outside”. It is something that we all carry. One of the most extraordinary things about this simple formula is that everything operates out of it, from the very root of genetic life all the way to the most sophisticated constructs. Everything carries it because it is carried by the Consciousness Crystals. They break up the neutrino ocean into a filter of these dimensional fields in such a way that the “construct” emerges out of it. We make up the world we live in. We are the instruments of the Maya. We're not just. simply nv the Maya. We are the Maya. We make the Maya. We breathe Maya. It’s in every cell. Every cell has a Design Crystal. You can’t count how many cells there are on this planet. It is beyond imagination. And every single one of them filters the neutrino ocean ina specific way. You see this with the Personality construct. The way in which it filters the ocean is different from the design. The laws are different. The rules are different. As an intellectual, it’s great to be able to go deep and have all these nice answers, but it doesn’t help you live a better life. It doesn’t help you live your life as yourself. It’s just interesting within the context of a new knowledge. Your life is ruled by how yownavigate and who the navigator is. As long as the navigator is the Personality alone, you limit your level of awareness greatly. Because you can see in the whole construct, in the way in which it is designed and how the process evolved, that the passenger (Personality) is not really a part of the navigation. Through the alignment between the nodes, you finally have the ability to properly navigate the nuance of the current you're flowing in. But the Personality cannot take responsibility for it. It cannot control it. It cannot direct it. It cannot stop it. With your Base, you see a certain orientation towards others, but no possibility of a connection to some when the Base is diagonally opposed. You literally get to see how the underlying connectivity is there for everyone. What happens in the Graph is the potential for some kind of perception of it, because we are “surface beings” (things that happen at the Line or Gate level). Yet, the vast majority of humanity gets lost in “surface” connectivity. The Base is there before everything. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is where the neutrino hits the Crystal. The Base literally is before everything. The connectivity patterns are pre-established. They are inherent in the way in which this Base binary construct operates. Think about the principle of what Base is: this illustration of how the moving neutrino hits the Crystal. It is that place of impact at the Crystal, the frequency that is established between the neutrino and the Crystal. It is frequency that we refer to as Base. If the neutrino stream has nothing to go through, it is simply an ocean of static data, in fact worthless data, because only through the Crystals, does the neutrino carry actual information. A neutrino is just a medium to transfer data. It’s this enormous data stream. What turns the data stream into Maya is when the neutrino meets the Base. No Base, no Maya. The Personality Crystal that you're endowed with has been in existence since the beginning. For 14 billion years, it has been a consistent element, processing neutrinos through the same Base. Incarnating Personality Crystals get to ride in a variety of different vehicles. But the Personality Crystal remains consistent. This is an orientation that never changes and implies many things about the nature of beings that are necessary around your li The Base of the Design Crystal is important. It is the master orientation for the vehicle in its life and as such takes on important values. When we move away from the actual Crystals themselves so that we're dealing with the Bases in resonance, we see what part of us gets aligned to the world around us and gets to meet that world around us. It’s important that we have the right orientation in our movement that resonates to a specific positioning. This is the Cross of Life. It establishes our presence in the world. It gives us the illusion of our form. It places us in a specific position. It gives us a certain way in which we both approach and look at the other, and the way in which we conceptualise. Underneath all of that is an orientation towards a specific affiliation, a specific connection. But this is not the kind of connection that has the genetic power we're used to on the surface, when looking at the Graph where you see that you have a hanging Gate and a powerful influence that could be there (genetic attraction). All of this is deeply significant. It brings to the foreground what has been a mystical, esoteric or spiritual premise for a very long time: that there is a unifying principle that binds all of us. If you're looking for the principle of God that binds all of us, you will find the principle, but it is called Base. This is the binding principle of the Maya. You can look at the Base of your nodes to see how you connect to other Personalities or Designs (Sun/Earth). With Bases, we have no resonance as with Colour. The best connection or line of communication exists when the Base of your Personality Linknode is the same as the Base of the other person’s Personality Sun/Earth. Of course, you could also see how the other person connects to you by looking at the Base in their nodes and your Sun/Earth. All of this is more or less an intellectual game, because most people don’t have precise enough birth data for Base analysis. Again, you're not supposed to “do” anything with any of this. Allofit “happens”. Every Base orientation, except the ones in the centre (5 for Personality and 3 for Design), has a diagonal Base that it can’t reach directly. For example, on the Personality side, Base 1 can’t reach Base 2, because Base 5 is in the way. There is no direct connection possible. But you can have some kind of connection along the sides of the Base pyramid. A Base 1 can connect to Base 4 and Base 3. When Base 2 and Base 4 meet, they create civilisation. A Base that is in the centre (Personality 5 and Design 3) can connect to all the other numbers, but the other numbers can’t really connect well to them. For every upside there is always a downside, right? The 5 and 3 are kind of looking out from a window to all the other numbers, but the others can’t really see in, as if the windows had a film onone side. Take, for example, a politician. Let's say this politician has the 2 as his Personality Base orientation. We know right away that he has one perfect audience and three who can understand him. He also has a group with Base 1 who don’t know what the hell he is talking about. This is one of the things to understand about Fractal lines, that whole history of geometry. Fractal lines are very important. Somebody who is on your Fractal isn’t necessarily someone who is going to be your teacher, your student, your friend, your lover or your relative. It could be a stranger. It could be your enemy. It could be something you overhear from someone. It could be all kinds of things. Because what the Fractal represents is a clear line of communication. Your Personality and my Personality may have a Fractal relationship with each other, but it doesn’t mean our vehicles, our lives, are going to bring us together. Life is very complex! Colour ¢ Tone hen we come to Tone and Colour, we leave the illusion of the quantum of Design and Personality (the Maya) behind. Here, we look at the components that make up our individual existence. A Gate is divided into six Lines, a Line into six Colours, and one Colour into six Tones. When a neutrino passes through the Design or Personality Crystal, it emits a Colour frequency, which is captured by the Magnetic Monopole. Tone is about your cognition and awareness. It shows how you take in information from the world around you. There are two sides of cognition: the Design side (body) with its six physical senses and the Personality side with its six forms of mental cognition. Every Tone is connected to one of three Awareness Centres, which determines the form of interpretation. Colour is about your determination and orientation. At the internal Design side, we also call it motivation, which is your key to happiness, something I explore further in the BaanTubook. If you want to know “why” people’s Personalities are into certain things, look no further than their Personality Colour in the Sun/Earth. But to be happy is not the same as being “holistically correct”, which is a correct balance of body and mind. Holistically correct means not just doing what mind wants, but also acknowledging the body and its demands, which in turn will lead to better health and awareness. We have no conscious access to Tone or Colour at the Design side. It’s called the unconscious. Yet, they are equally important than mind. We live in the illusion it’s our mind that makes all decisions, which is not true. Decisions are also influenced by the body (Design), but a strong mind can overshadow it. By decoding our Tones and Colour, we get an idea about what our body and mind are looking for and, as a broad thematic, where they want to go. Usually, we have a pretty clear understanding of where the Mind side wants to go to, because it’s the conscious side of our being and we seem to have total control over it. It’s the body side which mind can be a bit ignorant about. Yes, we kind of know it’s there, we can feel the energies that the body is communicating, but it’s very easy for mind to ignore it, because it might not have a logical explanation for it. BaanTu makes it easier to identify what the body is interested in and sensitive about. It’s can make it easier to recognise what the body is trying to communicate. When the Magnetic Monopole captures the Colour frequency, it gets translated onto the surface of our life and into the Graph via our defined Channels and Energy Centres. This also includes daily transits and people activating Channels through uric connections. The Colour information that has been captured by the Monopole opens our Energy Centres like floodgates to our Channels and we can see and feel how the decisions begin to emerge in the Maya. Any Channels below the throat emerge as “acting” and any Channels above as “thinking” and “communicating”. scting/Doing ==> Thinking Seeing Communicating —_—___ feenroraren] (asa) Inside P[a@ls =| = ___ © se [eametcto] © «/@ AIP Pastve (Tone 38) Tone (Awareness) Colour (Orentaton/Resonance) em o> ower Vion (bx) tion (ring) 2's (bo) Uncertainty (ri) 1 Snel oxy) Cea na) ==) P=. AO] iy | comer [ys [OA Actnatone 3) 4 Inner ison (bey) eitaten und). Ne Ain nterterence ot competive Exetel egolece SOLAR PLEXUS ‘emotions) (SAN tng ty) ere rie) ‘Papi us (bo) ‘tear (rie) ee —_yee —|-_ee —laoaty The neutrinos and the Baan Crystals represent the intelligence of the universe, the consciousness that’s available. You could also call it the divine building plan, the architect. The universe is a living entity and everything is about building it. What Tone and Colour do is bring the building plan into the realm of atomic form, which is the body of the universe. When a neutrino passes through the Design Crystal, it tells our body, what to do and what “decisions” to make to fulfil the plan by releasing the correct energies through the Channelsin the Graph. Tone gives you an idea how your being is trying to make sense of what's taking place around it. The neutrino and the Crystals, on the other hand, have the information for how the Design and Personality should react, accordingly, to build what's required. Based on Colour, we get the final release of energy in the body, which is the manifestation of a decision that’s been made, with only a part coming from our conscious mind. If your Sun/Earth Tone is 5 (electromagnetic feeling) on the Design side, you have a body that is always paying attention to the emotional aspect of whatever it’s taking in. It’sa relatively new method of interpreting information. The oldest ones would be Tone 1-4 (smell, taste, vision). Tone 1-4 have been around in the human body for over 100,000 years, but Tone 5-6 only since 1781. It’s no longer primarily logic and fear, which are looking for patterns to make the future secure, that are making decisions alone. It’s a feeling emerging through experiences that can show the correct way. It's a decision that might offer no logical explanation. It’s what we call receptive intelligence compared with the strategic intelligence that Tone 1-3 provide. I talk in great detail in the BaanTu book about all the various Tones, Colours and differences between —active/strategic = and. passive/receptivecharacteristics. It’s through Tone and Colour that we can see how the body likes to take in nutrition, how it likes to learn, and what kind of environment it is drawn to. ‘We also see what kind of mind you have and what you are supposed to see. As I said before, there is nothing to “do” with Tone and Colour information. You can’t change any of that. But you can change your understanding of your own nature and the tools that are available to you. You can change your mind that might be ignorant of the body’s intelligence and a connected life, an environment that can also offer you guidance if you let the intelligence of the body guide you to your correct environment. Tone and Colour help you understand what the Crystals want to do. Every Colour that we see resonates to another Colour. But not only do they resonate to the same Colour, they also resonate slightly weaker to any Colour that is three Colours away. For example, any Colour 2 also resonates to Colour 5. These two have a relationship. Because of this, we always get every Colour in pairs. You always have a slightly weaker aspect (the related Colour) that comes with your primary Colour. If you have an orientation in any of the four areas (mind internal/external + body internal/external) towards a certain Colour, you are also attracted, to a slightly lesser degree, to the related Colour that is three Colours away. You will see that these two Colours compliment each other nicely. The lower Colours are more about yourself, and the upper Colours what you communicate to others. In the Graph, we have four important areas for Tone: Internal Personality Sun/Earth Mind Design Sun/Earth Brain/Memory/Body External Personality Nodes View Design Nodes Life/Environment Any of these four areas are either active “A” (Tone 1-3) or passive “P” (Tone 4-6). They are called Variables. We have 16 possible combinations of active and passive aspects (see Variable table). Before 1781, only a few people had any passive Variables. By 2027, the development of the Solar Plex intelligence (passive) will be complete and people with strategic Personalities might struggle unless they accept a less- strategic outlook on life. People with passive Variables struggled in the past, because the world was dominated by the active/strategic. But as 2027 approaches, the more their time will come. From 2027 onwards, the evolutionary Program will give the new emerging Rave species its full support and will turn its back a little on humanity. People with receptive Variables will struggle less, and people with strategic Variables will need more people with receptive Variables to guide them in such a world, because their long-term strategies won't work as they did in the past. The receptive brain/mind carries information that no strategic version has inside of it. They have access to information about where life needs to go and how humanity can still survive. Strategic Personalities <—}—» Receptive Personalities Part of evolutionary movement to receptive intelligence Can have Rave child {| Drop-out of the evolutionary flow J suspicious of the future 1, _ 1 No transitional Role (1/4, 2/5, 316, 4/1, 512, 6/3) is part of this Design Sunvearth SranMomany ve (kes to lea) Personality SuniEarth inancawaton ‘Acstategie (must prepare) al remember tings Was to know paseo (shouldnt “sudy") 'P-non-statoge(alaysprocard) sntremamee hinge Exomole: Doser care about why? Leams though experince Thinks witout conceptuatsing AiP PiA Design Nodes UtefErwirorment Aractvelbusy ents environmenuife ach bserves role Prpossvciroloxed Wants rlexed envronmentito ‘Gosewver ale Poreonalty Nooo ‘ie ‘Actocuses ‘Actively searching Wheto lok at Prelaced Does the pressure ok Sees eceptnely The lower left and upper right quadrant of the Variable table (when you divide the whole table in four groups) are the editors, the critics, the adjusters and the commenters - the ones free of this evolutionary drive and who are not specifically part of it. The top left and bottom right quadrants are part of the evolutionary flow to receptive passive intelligence anda new way of life. What we see is progress (top left & bottom right) colliding with tradition (lower left), with the upper right acting asa bridge. It’s only people from the “flow” group who could have a Rave child (new species coming into the world after 2027). Another requirement to have Rave babies is for both parents to be born after the discovery of Sedna (14th November 2003). There are more criteria, too. In 7he Prophecy of Ra Uru Hu, we learned the Camel incarnated on Earth from 1936-1941 and only people born at that time carry the mutation (which gets passed onto children and grandchildren). Of course, the obvious one is that a “real” Rave has to be born as “quad-passive” in the Variable table. Based on all this, you get a sense of the relative low birth numbers of actual Raves after 2027 compared with humans. The nodes in the Variable square (bottom row of the four Variables) shows how people fractally align. Even those who are “out of the flow”, free from the evolutionary movement, have a way to participate. Because their life stories will be similar to the life stories of these other three means they're going to relate. It means they're going to interact. If you look at matching shades of gray in the Variable table illustration with the 16 combinations of active/passive, you see one level of a Fractal connection. There are, of course, many more, For example, another one would come out of Base Orientation. But most of them are unknown to us. Tone Tone (triangle) in the Design Sun/Earth tells us which Awareness Centre and sense the physical body is using in order to make decisions about the internal body process. Tone in the Design nodes tells us about the way the physical body is influencing decisions concerning its correct environment and the people in it. A detailed description is available in the BeanTu book. Active: Tone 1 - Smell (Spleen) Tone 2 - Taste (Spleen) Tone 3 - Outer Vision (Ajna) Tone 4 - Inner Vision (Ajna) Tone 5 - Electromagnetic Fields (Solar Plex) Tone 6 - Psychic Touch (Solar Plex) Tone in the Personality Sun/Earth and nodes is about mental awareness and cognition. Tone 1 - Certainty (Spleen) Tone 2 - Uncertainty (Spleen) Tone 3 - Action (Ajna) Receptive: Tone 4 - Meditation (Ajna) Tone 5 - Judgment (Solar Plex) Tone 6 - Acceptance (Solar Plex) Colour In the same four places within the Graph, as we looked earlier for Tone, we find four important Colours (hexagon): Internal Personality Sun/Earth Six Minds/Motivations Design Sun/Earth Six Diets/Study Methods External Personality Nodes Six Views/Perspectives Design Nodes Six Environments Here is an example for the mind (motivation) showing relationship between primary and secondary Colours: 1- Fear <> 4- Need (Master/Novice) 2-Hope <> 5 - Guilt (Manipulator/Manipulated) 3- Desire <> 6 - Innocence (Observer/Observed) 4-Need <> 1- Fear (Group Person) 5-Guilt <> 2- Hope (Believer/Nonbeliever) 6- Innocence <> 3 - Desire (Leader/Follower) Six Diets (Design Sun/Earth): Conditions: Colour 1-Oneatatime Consecutive/Alternating Colour 2 - Very selective Open/Closed Colour 3 - Stimulating Hot/Cold Circumstances: Colour 4-Nervous system Calm/Excited Colour 5 -Soundlevel Lowd/Quiet Colour 6 -Light High/Low Six Environments (Design Nodes): Offers you something: Colour 1 - Caves Colour 2 - Markets Colour 3 - Kitchens Communication to others: Colour 4 - Connections Colour 5 - Exposure Colour 6 - Contrast Six Minds/ Motivations (Personality Sun/Earth): Colour 1-Fear Group Person / Loner Colour 2 -Hope Believer / Nonbeliever Colour 3 - Desire Leader / Follower Colour 4 -Need Master / Novice Colour 5 - Guilt Manipulator /Manipulated Colour 6 -Innocence Odserver / Observed Six Views (Personality Nodes): Colour 1 - Priorities Colour 2 - Possibilities Colour 3 -Trouble Colour 4 - People Colour 5 - Probabilities Colour 6 - Potential the Relationship of Colours INTERNAL DETERMINATION EXTERNAL DETERMINATION BRAIN/BODY ENVIRONMENT (Design Sun/Earth Colour) (Design Nodes Colour) 3 4 THIRST TOUCH HOT/COLD CALM/EXCITED KITCHENS CONNECTIONS 2 5 TASTE SOUND OPEN/CLOSED HIGH/LOW MARKETS EXPOSUI 1 6 APPETITE UGHT CONSECUTIVE/ALTERNATING HIGH/LOW cal CONTRASTS INTERNAL PERSONALITY EXTERNAL PERSONALITY MOTIVATION (MIND) VIEW (Personality Sun/Earth Colour) (Personality Nodes Colour) 3 4 DESIRE NEED PRIEST PROPHET LEADER/FOLLOWER MASTER/NOVICE ROUBL PEOPLE 2 5 HOPE cuit GURU MESSENGER BELIEVER/NON-BELIEVER MANIPULATOR/ MANIPULATED POSSIBILITY PROBABILITY 1 6 FEAR INNOCENCE, TEACHER BUDDHA GROUP-PERSON/LONER _OBSERVER/OBSERVED. PRIORITY POTENTIAL the Nodes of the Moon E verything about the nodes is about the transpersonal. This is what makes them so different from the Sun/Earth. The Sun/Earth gives you this unique Role as a patina over the mechanism. The nodes are about the connection with the rest of the world. Not only that, but where to connect, how to connect, and the style of the connection. They show your journey through life and the “neighbourhoods” you are passing through. The nodes are about life on Earth. The Sun/Earth is about the character that you play, and the Role that you act out (your Incarnation Cross). But the Role is dependent on where you are in relationship to the other, because everything ultimately is about the other. We are not here alone. The nodes represent our movement in the environment and what we observe there from birth to death. Regardless of your state, whether you're aware or deeply homogenised, your nodal trajectory is something that’s alive. The nodes are so different from everything else that we look at in Human Design mechanics. Everything in mechanics is rooted in the Sun, the Earth, the planetary objects, and the Moon - rooted in the filtering of those objects. The movement of those objects is very specific. With the nodes you come to something that is totally different. It is really the opposite of everything else that is there, particularly in its relationship to the Sun/Earth. These are not objects. They are “positions” and they operate in a totally different way because their general movement is retrograde. With the nodes, we're dealing with something that is special because this is where we are designed to take in trans-Solar information that in essence links us to the totality itself. Many think the real mystical trip is discovering your Cross of Life, your Incarnation Cross, the Role, its purpose and all of that. But in fact, the most deeply mystical aspect of your Cross of Life isn’t the costume that we're given (which we see through the Sun/Earth), but your connection to the totality. ‘The nodes align us to what we are here to be attracted to in our environment and the Magnetic Monopole holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. In the Graph, there are three elements of the form principle: the Personality Crystal (directly related to the Personality Sun/Earth), the Design Crystal (directly connected to the Design Sun/Earth) and the Magnetic Monopole, which operates through the nodes. It's through the agency of the Monopole and its relationship to the nodes that we're able to pull these “two stories” together and become one. We become a synthesised holistic frequency. ‘The nodes are very odd because they are the only element where the Design side and the Personality side are linked to each other. There is no other place where they are linked to each other. The nodes function in such a way that one on each side is designed to connect to the other side. And these two are called the Linknodes. This is what holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. It is what gives us our direction. Everything about incarnating into form is incarnating onto a nodal track. It makes the nodes so deeply mysterious. Their very movement aligns them to the cosmos, to the greater outer cycles. In many ways, it holds together the whole possibility of what it is to be us, the potential of living fully the nine-centred possibility. To be a nine-centred being and to be complete and whole is the top of the evolutionary chain for now. You can point to the nodes and you can say: that’s why there is existence. In doing so, you point to the Magnetic Monopole. That’s what gives existence its potential. It gives the form, with its marriage to the Personality Crystal, its potential. The greatest struggle that we have right now is the Personality's full acceptance of its place within the juxtaposed, holistic life. It's so difficult for the Personality (mind) to stop being so vain about “this is your life”, about being able to let go and surrender. It’s so difficult for the Personality to surrender to the concept of no choice and to acknowledge the importance of the form intelligence. For the vast majority of humanity, this is not something they are able to do or will ever do. They're never going to be able to fully embrace what it is to be in these forms, because their minds will never be ready to surrender to helplessness. They are still so deeply caught up in the trap of what the homogenised human-like world delivers and what they are ready to swallow. The nodes have a relationship that is outside of the personal body and personal life. They are the continuity to the greater movement in the totality that’s been there since the beginning. The nodes are profoundly important in understanding how we are orchestrated in this incredible movement that we are all part of. ‘The Design nodes represent, in essence, the potential for a quality physical life, which means being connected with the people on your fractal that have tremendous value. If you are not in the right place, you have no real life and no true potential to see and communicate your full awareness. re een oalea Seon AO 40.5 || 37.5 P y 16.3 ||_9.3 od ae ver BETTE A@lerellsrs|? 8 [sal sre A 7 LINK PRIME = LINK PRIME = Arone fiope nove —CI=®SE Node Nope @=coLouR i ¥ eer st.slls. PPP sas 22.09 vo |e g |e Iv Pipe |p [pe |e spay (33.4.1)| 1.6.2 [14.4.1)| 4.4.6 ||38.3.5) a7 ae? LUNAR & PLANETARY SQUARE COLOUR “MAGIC SQUARE” The Primenode (Design Southnode) is the node that is related in terms of its Base orientation to the Base orientation of the Sun/Earth. The Design Northnode, on the other hand, has a specific relationship to the Personality. Here we have this crossing-over in terms of the Base orientation because when it is different in the nodes. They havea different function. One is called a Primenode and the other is called a Linknode. They serve different purposes. When you look at the Base orientation of the Design Northnode and the Personality Southnode, you see that the orientation doesn’t really fit with the rest of the Base orientation layout on the same side. What you notice is that the Design Northnode has the Base orientation from the Personality side, and the Personality Southnode has an orientation from the Design side. You notice in some people's designs that the numbers in the corners of the Base symbol are not in the same place. Here you see that this is the place where the Personality and Design link across. These two nodes belong to the other side, or you could simply say that they link to the other side. But first it is the Primenode that links the essential information together and puts it in place. The Design Primenode aligns the brain system to its world. The nodes establish what life must be. The only way in which the Primenode and the Sun/Earth are going to be able to fulfil their particular potential is if there is a holistic correctness. Think about the illusion of all this. It is all a frequency. It is nothing but a frequency held together by the agency of the Magnetic Monopole. But the Magnetic Monopole doesn’t control the frequency. It holds the illusion together, and the illusion of being held together has a frequency. The Linknodes The Linknodes are magic. It’s all about the potential to. communicate and demonstrate true awareness. Basically, we are a binary creature. There are two things that are absolutely important for us. One is that our vehicle operates correctly and, on the other side, that our mind gives up trying to control life. The moment you look at the Linknodes, you see that these are all mechanisms. When we meet another person, different elements of this are going to resonate to that person. With the Linknodes you're looking at the “sheriffs”, the “Monopole's enforcement group’. They’re just locking together what binds you to your life. On one side, it's what is binding your Personality to the body that you have, and on the other side it is the body preparing for the perfection of the Personality. ‘The Design Northnode and the Personality Southnode (Linknodes) are holistic elements. In other words, they are special elements that bind the body to the potential of its Personality or vice a versa, bind the potential of the Personality to the direction of the body. You can always tell when those relationships are shaky. They obviously can’t break —not until you die- but the overall frequency of a human being is the thing that always matters. We are always determined by the holistic frequencies. It’s why accepting your design and who you truly are is so important. Through this you begin refining your frequency. You begin to tune the body and mind. Remember, it’s not something that the Monopole can control. All it can do is use its power to hold us together in the illusion, but it can’t determine the frequency of the illusion which is determined by mind. Through the Linknodes, the Design says to the Personality: “We are zhiskind of body so you're going to have to work ¢kat way.” And the Personality says to the Design: “I need to live out this so you're going to have to accommodate at.” This is the place where they communicate with each other. This is the only place where we're held together. In essence, this is where everything flows. This gives us our cognitive potential. Only if both Linknodes support and tolerate each other can one bea holistic being. The Linknode is particularly interested in its orientation to certain kinds of Personalities, whereas the Primenode is completely involved in the personal: what place and what position is best for us. You're actually getting to the social dynamic. They have two very different functions in that sense. The Linknode is going to have an interest in certain Personalities and this is only something that may work out if the Primenode is properly aligning the system first. Human Design is about holistic healing. It is about healing the whole being. The thing to recognise about this whole being is that it is not a component, it is a juxtaposed illusion. It has a frequency, otherwise it would not be perceived. What we teach in Human Design is that this holistic vehicle can have the right frequency. That's what it’s all about, that’s what “correctness” actually is. When this vehicle has the correct frequency, it means that the Monopole’s attraction frequency is actually able to attract what is the pure frequency being released through the Crystal. That means not just simply the thematic that is there in terms of the Colour (which is just an agency for releasing the frequency), but the Tonal cognition that’s underneath supporting it. When the balance of frequency between body and mind is not correct, the attraction frequency of the Monopole results in you being attracted to things that have no real value for you or others. With the internal of the Personality (Sun/Earth), we're looking at the potential of the mind - the passenger's conceptualising and the passenger’s way of organising a thought, as an example. The bedrock of the Personality is in the internal Sun/Earth. It also holds the key to the idea of one’s path to happiness. We are motivated by what makes us happy or unhappy. It’s what gives the Personality a reason to “get going”. It is through the Linknode that the vehicle presents itself as being available and useful to its passenger. It is the Linknode of the Personality that opens up the potential to be able to accept the demands of the form, and the demands of the physical plan Not only do we have this opposition between the nodes, the fundamental duality that’s there, but they have a different job relative to their orientation. The Linknode aligns the perspective to the environment. The Linknode links Design and Personality. The Linknode is also interested in its orientation to certain kinds of Personalities. The Primenode is related, in terms of its Base orientation, to the way in which the Sun/Earth operates. It determines the Personality and aligns your internal side with life. It aligns the brain system to your life and its world. The two Linknodes are the key to well-being in life, the key to the unfolding of your life path. This is where the foundation of the story line is. They show how we are held together. It is really remarkable what “linkage” brings. It brings the wholeness in the sense that it aligns Personality and Design to what is a juxtaposed function. They are here to serve each other. When you look at your Linknodes, you're actually connecting to the essence of your identity, regardless of whether that’s a defined identity or not. The real identity of a being is caught up in its linkage. This is where you actually find your identity. Yes, the G Centre represents certain formulas, but the reality is that somebody with an undefined G Centre is not somebody without an identity, just somebody with inconsistent definition to the G Centre. If the Linknodes form a Channel, your sense of wholeness is not determined by the other. It also means you always have the mental strength to overcome any kind of difficulties. The Sun/Earth is your Role, your character. But it’s a character hovering in space, in a vacuum. It’s the nodes that put you into an a specific environment, establishing what your life path must be and how you connect to the other. The Personality Northnode is what's going to establish the perspective or the way in which it is going to see. In other words really, what it’s going to look at and recognise. ‘The Personality Nodes The Personality nodes represent what the view or the perspective of the mind is going to be focused on. In other words, what its style is going to bring to a particular perspective. Of course, that particular perspective is something that is an_ essential ingredient for the development of that mind. There's something else to keep in mind: that this is a nine-centred vehicle. But the Personality isn't necessarily yet a nine-centred Personality. It’s still very much connected to its seven-centred history. So it’s a struggle to get to the ability to be able to operate at its highest level, a new potential that is embodied here in the nine-centred form. It is the form principle (of the nine-centred vehicle) that needs to be respected now as the foundation for a process. In other words, we must trust the intelligence of the nine-centred vehicle despite the remnants of an antiquated Personality. So when we're looking at the Personality and any aspect of it, one has to understand that this is the last and most difficult task in the transformation of humankind. The real struggle ultimately is the mental struggle. Although this is all deeply intellectually stimulating, it is so important to remember that we live on the “surface”, the illusion of the Maya, out of the juxtaposed Crystals, held together by the Monopole. The fact that, for example, you can know somebody’s orientation, cognition, view, place and dietary orientation - the explanation in and of itself can never be the point. The point must be the holistic life! It’s why this knowledge is so deeply rooted in the “surface”. It’s on the surface that intelligent people are blind, because the surface is what it’s all about. And their surface is usually built on Colour coming from mind alone. I don’t care how smart you are. There are lots of smart people in the world who are really dumb, because without the intelligence of the body you are. It’s here to make life easier for human beings. It’s here to transform their life. But “transforming your life” doesn't mean “getting the life you want”! It’s the surface (the illusion that's created through the Monopole) where all this takes place. It doesn’t make any difference what your Base orientation is if you ignore the intelligence that your body and correct environment offer in your life. Understanding is just a nice bonus. It's your life that matters. And it’s the Design that needs to be given its due from the Personality with its mind. The Personality must understand it’s not the centre of the universe, that everything is connected and it can only find its place. The real handicap is that the Personality still has not adapted to the concept of mostly being the passenger in the Uranian body, to this nine-centred vehicle, this brand-new construct. Again, it’s why it’s so important to begin this process of waking up the Personality and getting it out of its seven-centred blues and getting it into a nine-centred groove. Something has to hold these things, the Personality and the Design together that are so different from each other. Anybody who's entered into the process of Human Design comes to grips very quickly with the struggle between mind and form consciousness. That’s why there are Linknodes. They're the glue. They lock it together. Through the relationship of the Northnode and the Southnode, a connectivity exists that arises out of the potential of the Base orientation. All this begins to show you there isa Fractal geometry operating at a very deep level that is related to the relationship between Design Crystals and Personality Crystals. This is a Fractal relationship that is ultimately expressed in the Base orientation. But you see there is a relationship that must exist for the Personality to have that specific Design Crystal call it in. Again, that’s the work of the Magnetic Monopole. It’s one of those places - the longer you work in Human Design - where the Monopole becomes literally the centre of everything. It is literally holding all of it together. It is what makes it all happen. It isthe thing that is so fascinating. And of course, it is the Monopole with the Design Crystal in the fetus that calls in the Personality Crystal. This is a Fractal line. This is a line of geometry, a resonating frequency pulling it in. It’s the Monopole that gives us our dual consciousness. It’s at the core of everything. What we need to understand is the way in which it is expressed. The Monopole expresses itself specifically through the Linknodes; their relationship to the Moon and their relationship to the functions that are there. And it all begins in that special relationship that exists between. those nodes rooted in the Base orientation. The Nodes are the glue The nodes are the glue that holds us together. It is the Primenode that holds the brain system to the physical life. It is the Linknode that aligns the vehicle, not simply to the physical life, but to the potential of Personality and self-reflected consciousness. This is the glue that holds us together. You can see the function and the relationship to the Monopole. It’s the Monopole that has an attraction frequency and holds everything together in the illusion of its separateness. It is the Monopole that is expressing its power through the Linknodes and their ability to be the expression of it. You have to see the Gates of all the nodes as signposts. If you can't see them in your life, you are not operating at the fullest potential. ‘The Design Primenode The Primenode is always influencing the brain system, but the nodes are also all about your relationship to the other. It’s something to grasp about the influence of other human beings on your brain system. The Primenodeis aligning the brain system and the way in which the potential of the brain system integrates into the life environment itself. In other words, what it does is that it orients the brain system to the environment. It’s not the brain system dictating what the environment should be. What's designed to run the show is our capacity to resonate to what is good for us, which is something you cannot do unless you're operating correctly. The brain system has to align itself not simply to the way of life, but as we well know, to the nature and the quality of the environment. This is a deep key in being able to have the brain system correctly function. Itis the nodes from the Design side that are going to establish whether your brain system is going to correctly function. It isn’t about what your natural potential is in that brain. Think about that. You feed that brain the right nutrition and it’s prepared for its task. But if it’s not aligned to the environment, the brain system isn’t associated with what is right for its potential. The Design (North) Linknode The Design Linknode is the bridge to the mind. Itis the bridge to the Personality. In other words, it is the way in which the Personality gets aligned to its vehicle, because this is where the body is designed to be open to the mind system, only through the Linknode. Its concern is accommodating the Personality, literally. It has to make room for the Personality and the construct. It also is the way in which this person’s physical life is going to influence the Personality and the way it’s going to influence the Personality, if it’s correct. It’s through the Design Linknode that the brain capacity can be transferred to the Personality. The signposts will show you if this is happening or not. One of the most important things to understand about the nodes is that you can never look at one side without taking into consideration the other because they are linked. The Personality Primenode ‘When you get to the Primenode of the Personality, it is. simply going to express a perspective for conceptualising, because the Personality operates very differently. Here you have something that’s very fixed. This is what the brain system has to adapt to. This is what the brain system has to align itself to. With the Personality, the most important thing you get to see is what determines the relationship between the node itself and the Personality consciousness. In other words, what is going to bring together the potential of perspective and the potential of conceptualising. That becomes the function of what is the Primenode. It is this Primenode that is going to link to the conceptualising system. The Primenode is determining the Personality view. What you're looking at is the orientation to feed your conceptualising. The Personality (South) Linknode The Personality Southnode is where the Personality is open to the body. Here in this Personality Linknode is the possibility of being able to accept what is the Design’s authority over the body. It’s the key for your mind to take on board its intelligence. The Personality Linknode is about the orientation to the other. It’s a message for the body and the Design side that you have to do whatever that Gate is about and the body better be ready for it. It’s something that’s important for the Personality and it’s telling the body through the Linknode. Colour Resonance Everything below the line level generally operates through resonance. Same Colour = Primary Resonance Colour 3 up/down = Secondary (related) Resonance Everything else = no influence (neutral) Ww e’re here to connect to the minds of others. The form principle (Design) has its own way of doing things. But mind is not about the form principle. We are surrendered to the form principle. It’s not why the Personality Crystal is here. It is here to connect to other Personality Crystals. You can almost see that mystically in the concept of the shattering of the Crystals. Those Crystals that were in essence one, that were divided by fault lines, we call Fractals, There is, if I can anthropomorphise, a longing for Crystals to meet Crystals. The way in which this “movie” has evolved is that the only way we can make contact with another Crystal is through the medium of passenger consciousness. There isn’t any other way. The only way that we can recognise the passenger consciousness in another vehicle is through the quality of our awareness and expression of mind. It’s what we're here for. MAGNETIC MONOPOLE DESIGN CRYSTAL, PERSONALITY CRYSTAL 7 The best way to look at Colour is that it’s the perfection before the bullshit. Colour is the exit frequency from the Crystal. It’s pure, it’s perfect. It’s carrying all the right information. Then you hit the Line level. You then get into the holistic world, and the holistic frequency. You get into the possibility of everything being distorted. If the Monopole can’t properly capture the frequency of both sides, you have an imbalance leading to decisions and a mind not making use of the full potential. The absolute magic of Colour is lost. When you connect to somebody at the Colour level (mind or body), you're connecting below the surface with them. There is something very special about that because it’s very pure. If Colour could talk and say what goal it would want, it would want you to have awareness so that both of your ‘unique truths (body and mind) could be expressed, so that the pureness of the Colour can move through and lat ae ar Faequency wee reequeiey | LAUR) ‘ro%e) be delivered by a differentiated role. The Monopole operates within a quantum illusion. The illusion has its frequency. It's why Human Design is so important. A mind that does not want to control life out of fear, desire (or whatever your motivation is) can change this frequency. If you have a mind that’s interfering too much with the body side, it can pull you “off course” in life. From the moment you're operating correctly, out of the special relationship that exists between the nodes (because of their Base orientation), not only do you align your internal (the brain system), but you also align yourself to what is the correct geometry or the correct positioning ~ the correct alignment in the movement. It automatically translates through the Linknodes so that the perspective of mind is altered before the passenger conceptually is ready to grasp the change. When the dietary regimen is not correct (by ignoring the body’s Colour), we get to see the homogenisation of the vehicle and in that we get to see that its frequency is altered. In other words, the potential cognitive frequency that it has, for example, is dampened down, is homogenised and distorted. ‘When you begin to operate holistically (making use of both forms of intelligence), one of the things that changes is the very quality of your aura. One of the aspects on the Design side in the Lunar & Planetary Square is the vertical potential to be able to initiate the aura itself and to put the aura out. All of thisis related to physically where you are. The tendency is that we bring our frequency with us. Our body does not remain constant when it isin auric contact with others. In other words, our physical form adapts to the environment and it adapts to whoever we meet, whoever enters into our auric field. All of this goes back to looking at the Design nodes. They establish a proper frequency for being able to embrace the other. You begin to see that the Monopole doesn’t just hold us together in the relationship of what is the Moon to. the nodes; this shaping of the body ina relationship to the positioning of the body. Here we see the Monopole at work. The word is “glue”. You glue things together and you hold things together with glue. That’s what I think the Linknodes are. They're kind of gluing agents. They hold things together, they hold us together. They are the key to maintaining a relationship between the Personality and the Design. This is really what the story is. But they're not born for each other. They're not made for each other. A Personality does not choose its body. This is some bizarre New Age fantasy. It doesn’t choose anything. And they are not similar. “Resonance doesn’t resonate to resonance”. In other words, you never look at or directly compare two individual's Sun/Earth or both of their Lunar Squares. Instead, we resonate through our Lunar & Planetary Square (also called Magic Square) and the nodes to the other Personality (Sun/Earth). We resonate to the only thing that actually gives off its own frequency, the Crystals themselves (Sun/Earth). We resonate to the Personality Crystal as a Personality consciousness. Basically, you look at your Lunar & Planetary Square Colours and see if the Colour of another person (Sun/Earth) resonates with things in your square. You can also look if the other resonates with your nodes and is therefore a major part of your environment or view. Resonance is everything when it comes to being able to fulfil the potential of your life. It’s the other side of the genetic imperative (attraction through being different). It's the other side of being conditioned. It is this attraction to what is good for you. I's a “sameness”. Ultimately, when you see Base orientation you're looking at an alignment that aligns you to those who are fractally going to be receptive to. you or to whom you are going to be receptive. Everything about the awareness that this knowledge brings is a possible shift to the body’s side. But it’s not just about that. If you only treat a child coming into the world according to its design, you're not raising it as a nine-centred being, because a nine-centred being has a certain way of life. It’s a way of life that has yet to develop, obviously. We're still very young in terms ofthis knowledge. As you go deeper into the Link and Primenodes and the way in which they operate, it opens up certain signposts so you begin to see how well you're aligning yourself. In other words, you see how well your own alignment is going, both in terms of the brain system and the way you can measure that. What's fascinating is how each element in the substructure has a different, very profound quality of magic. The Bases say: this is what holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. Tone says: the illusion is going to look like this. Then you get to Colour. Itisa movement of frequency in which Colour is the core of the holistic frequency “dilemma” that leads back to the Monopole. Let's begin with the Personality Primenode. What we know about the Primenode is that it has no relationship to the other (Design) side. In other words, it’s not the Linknode. Its responsibility is not a relationship to the body. Its responsibility is a relationship to the conceptualising capacity. The Primenode determines the Personality view. Whatever any of the six basic views may be, they are going to live themselves out through the frame of the Gate of the Primenode. The analytical value of the Linknode is its relationship to the body, which is a totally different thing. The Linknode aligns the perspective to the environment. ‘The Lunar & Planetary Square (Magic Square) is where the experiential phenomena takes place and feeds the perspective. These values, the resonances, become part of the mapping. We resonate to things and people through Colour and judge them through Tone, but we live it out through the Lines. You've lived these Lines all your life. Yet, you might have lived them conditioned as if you were constantly being instructed about how you could live out that role, how to express it. You lived your Lines by ignoring the advice of the body, distorting your holistic frequency and ultimately distorting the Line you live out at the “surface”. You are going to be attracted to the wrong places and people. The great struggle is with mind. Mind just doesn’t want to let you go. It’s so easy for mind to be distorted by conditioning. It’s what almost everybody grew up with, it's what everybody was conditioned to. The future is about the quality of communion and the nature of communion. We're here to express the highest levels of cognitive potential. It is what we're here to share. It is more important than sharing our reproductive potential, which is going to diminish anyway because the odds against it being productive for us are going to get slimmer and slimmer. The Solar Plex mutation leads to Rave, and that’s not us and never will be. They will communicate differently. But the completion of our process is here with the potential of awareness for the Personality. It’s in the Throat. This is what we are about. There is nothing more inspiring than somebody's genuine awareness and communication. The only thing you can do for the mind is to give it signposts. What you can do to the body is much easier. You just zveat it correctly. If you do that, it will instantly respond. But the mind is different. You have to keep on showing it things as you keep on pointing it towards watching. That's how it develops. It’s how you develop the first level of seeing. We have the mundane level of seeing, looking out through your eyes. But there is a second level of seeing: seeing the seer. The stage that you have to get to in order to begin opening up true consciousness is that you've got to see your Personality. You've got to watch it. Lunar & Planetary (Magic) Square Most of what we think about in terms of our true uniqueness is established in the Magic Square. The basic dynamic about how we experience life and the way in which we resonate to the outside world really determines the way in which our uniqueness manifests. We operate through Colour resonance. You have nine Gates that define your experience in the world. All the world is a stage and the Rave I Ching is the script. They are just script-lines. But those nine lines that you add up, start stringing them together because this will be an enlightening experience. Take the nine lines you have and string them together with their keynotes, and work one by one laterally. You will see what you're designed to resonate to. You're being given the whole script. It’s what you bring to it. Thisis the beauty of what it is to be a great actor or actress. You get to see the lines. You get to see how you are scripted to have an experience. Remember, this is not so much the script of what you’re going to say in the sense of a script being given to an actor. This is the background to the script that says you're going to be interested in this and you're going to be interested in that; you're going to like this and you're going to want to talk about that. You are resonatingto certain things. This is what gives the lines their richness. It is the character, after all, that’s being developed here, the experiential character. When you read your nine lines, you're reading all that. That’s the director talking to you, saying you have to bring a little of this to it. It’s all there. It’s a wonderful exploration. The only thing that's about you alone is the Sun/Earth. The moment you step into the Magic Square, you step into the way in which you are being shaped for the world around you, and the way in which you are being shaped for your perfection. It establishes the platform for your presence to be such that the expression of your mind is something that resonates in others. It's what we're here for. It is what the nine-centred being is all about. We are here to perfect our form and through that able to finally give out to the world the beauty and the essence we carry. It’s different, obviously, in each of us. It’s differentiated in each of us. You see that the dominant theme of this vehicle is that it’s designed truly to set the basic course through life. Without the intelligence of the vehicle, you are nothing. There is nowhere to go. Yet, that course can. be so distorted, a being whose very presence can be a “disturbance” in the world. ‘The Sun/Earth and the nodes just set up the movie. They say: “Okay, this is who you are. And this is the basic environment you're in.” But the Magic Square says: “Yeah, very nice, but everything is about the other people you meet and what you resonate to, what they bring out of you, how they change you. It’s always about us and the other. And if we cannot enrich the lives of the other, then we are poorer.” We are here to enrich the lives of others with our awareness, with our unique truth, with the beauty of what it is to be us in relationship to the other. This “presence” is a calling card. You don't want to go near people whose presence you don't resonate to. We don’t like certain auras, we don’t like going near a form that doesn't feel correct. We don't like the sound in certain voices. It's the Magic Square that will tell you through Colour resonance what qualities you will respond to with certain people. But it also means they can change you here. Theo ee ee ee leas. Laie resent] rnscn| S|" etaton| P| Meare 6.3 cod ss. recente rue Ph ras[2 | ato baa] 446 ba. FOUNDATION OUTER AUTHORITY _LEARNING a B Y Dron Se: NUIGANEPLAYE—Dgpa tne TRAIENCEN tl Rows EPSHNCE CT eal Cais ERENCE The Magic Square is where we experientially live our life. Everything else is interpretation. If you want to be able to express your beauty, it doesn’t matter whether you understand a damn word about Human Design. What matters is that you’re living holistically, you're making intelligent decisions. Because ultimately, as you go through the cleansing process, and if you’re fortunate enough that it’s correct for you to enter into your correct nutrition and environment, then you're going to have these opportunities to be able to see the transformation that takes place in your vehicle. Once you begin to resonate to what is good for you, it becomes the theme for the way in which your form principle is going to operate. It is the Moon that acts as a conduit for the experiential phenomena to be moved into the control system, into the story line of your “movie”, into the way in which both brain and mind are going to organise the experience that they take in. No matter what the Moon’s relationship is to the nodes or the Sun/Earth (1 mean that relationship of resonance), it doesn’t make a difference. The Moon’s value always has to be considered because it has the interpretive function. ‘The Moon literally grounds us to, and in, our story line. It gives us “gravitas”. It gives us the ability to really live out the essence of what we are. It's the Moon that’s holding the vehicle together, that is giving the body its solidity. On the Design side, it’s form. It's the Moon that's holding the vehicle together, in a sense. It isthe Moon thatis giving the vehicle its solidity. When we go over to the Personality, we see the Moon has an enormous influence over the way in which we experience the worldaroundus. How Mars works is very important in terms of whether the other being is going to be mutated by you (but also you by the other). It’s really something special to think about. When you're looking at your own Magic Square, one of the fascinating places to go to is to your Mars. If you're operating holistically correct ~ and again that could be something like your dietary regimen or being connected environmentally to what is correct for you - the moment that those aspects of body perfection are at work you become a mutative force. Not simply within yourself, but in the way in which your form principle impacts the other. Mutating the other is important for all of us, because it is this very capacity of Mars that will break down barriers in the other. Your Design node is telling you what is the only way for you to be healthy in your life environment. This is the most important thing to understand about your “story”. Your brain can be healthy. But it doesn’t mean your life is healthy. What happens here in the beginning of this process is that everything is going to get linked through Mars. ‘Mars becomes the central force. If you're breathing in the truth and you're exhaling the poisons, you know that your temperature is correct. Or when your temperature is correct, you're inhaling correctly and exhaling correctly, The Monopole has an incredible relationship to both the Moon and Uranus through the nodes. Uranus represents movement, whereas the Moon represents gravity. Movement isn’t just about running around or doing these kinds of things. It is about progress in the sense of movement through things, the movement towards, for example, the spirit that is here. It all goes back to the core of what the knowledge is. It goes back to understanding that Human Design is first about the form principle. It’s about understanding that we nine-centred beings are here to be healthy and holistic through acceptance of the body intelligence. Seven-centred beings were not here to be healthy. Every single disease that is still in the world is a by-product of the seven-centred being and their sometimes very dominant strategic minds. We're here to be healthy in the same way that we're not here to be afraid. We're here to be aware. We're here to be healthy and to live out the fullness of the Uranian life. The seven-centred being had no individual purpose. That’s why they had to have gods and religions and philosophies. They had to have all this stuff that gave them a sense of what they could be all about. But they had no personal purpose. We have personal purpose. We are here to find our purpose, our ow7 truth. Each of us. What you see with Neptune is that when one is really correct, it is no longer the blind spot, it becomes the limitation. In other words, so far, no further. There is only so far you can go in the way in which you can see. Whenever you're looking at the Neptunian value that’s here on the mundane, these are areas where you need to tread lightly. The being that is correct is not going to put a lot of pressure on themselves to trust this. Everybody’s got a Neptune blind spot. Everybody's got a Neptunian limitation. Neptune plays a deeply distorting role when it comes to the Personality. It’s magnificent in the body. It’s where it's at its best, where its wateriness is the essence of what we are. We're creatures who emerged out of the sea. Neptune is in its glory in the body and the moment that you drag it over to the Personality side as an imprint, it really leads to dilemmas. None of us are perfect in the sense that we all carry with us elements of dysfunction, which is part of our differentiation. Neptune is always pointing at those things that you cannot trust completely in terms of the way in which you sec it. It is Vers that establishes the way we are going to relate to the other. Basically, what this establishes is discrimination. It is Venus that will decide who to experience as opposed to who it doesn’t want to experience. If Venus doesn’t resonate with the nodes but resonates with the Sun/Earth, it means it bypasses the seeing and goes straight to the conceptualising. In other words, when this person begins to articulate that, when they begin to express that, they’re not going to be able to associate it with actual phenomena, because they’re not actually getting that experience. The mundane is a very fascinating place because it really shows you the “limitation” of somebody in their day-to-day relationship with the world around them. The standardis the foundation. The foundation is there to establish the way in which one, as a Base, looks out at the world around them and experiences the world around them. This standard is the way in which this being is designed on the mundane plane, the way they're designed to experience the world around them. There is no good or bad. When a human being is correct, it is all exactly the way it's supposed to be. It can be beautiful. It can become fiction. It can become a Personality that wants to philosophise, wants to hypothesise, all of those various things that are possible, but it doesn’t mean that any of it is grounded in what they actually see. If you don’t establish the 7w/es on the mundane plane, then you cannot communicate efficiently. Everything about dealing with the other and experiencing the other is all about setting up the potential of correct awareness, otherwise nothing of true value is going to be expressed here. This is where “true outer authority” is developed. On the other hand, everything about the diagonal is about experientially being able to look at things that are not conditioned by fear. The mundane is all about looking at things that are conditioned by fear. We look at the mundane world in order to be able to protect ourselves, in order to be able to find our security on this plane. Here in the diagonal are those things that can take us beyond that in different ways. Uranus takes you out of the box. It’s a sidetrack, but it’s a sidetrack that can be so incredible to life. With most human beings, they go along and they’re never out of the box. They never see out of the box and they never think out of the box. They are very limited in the way they function and how they look at the world. Most of these beings are not deeply connected to their experiential potential because they're so deeply homogenised and caught up in the brain trap. Saturn’s constraint can become a platform for awareness. It gives you a hard time in an obvious way if you're not correct. Saturn is really a punisher if you're not correct. It can make your life miserable if you're not correct and carries with it that power. Pluto is a great teacher, because it says if you can get its story then you really have something. It’s a journey. Pluto always offers this extraordinary journey towards one’s unique truth, whatever that happensto be. The Moon is your focus and is always specifically operating in relationship to the nodes and to how your perspective is going to operate. The Moon is going to bring all of what is in the planetary square into focus, especially the diagonal aspects. Linknodes This is the relationship that is there between the body itself and the Personality - how the Personality aligns itself, or where the Personality is linked to the body. Now of course, it’s not just the Personality. It isa very finite aspect of the Personality. What we know about the Personality nodes is that we're dealing with a particular view. How different we are from our seven-centred ancestors. The nine-centred vehicle (because we have this potential to bypass the dependency on mind to be able to run our lives) opens up this incredible potential for the mind to learn. Yet, there is no learning when the mind is simply occupied with the rudimentary processes of staying alive on the material plane. The moment that mind is occupied with all of the mundane of the material plane, its capacity to learn is incredibly reduced. The Design Linknode connects over to the Personality. This is the way in which the perception (the experience of taking in the world) is interpreted through the vehicle. In other words, this is the way in which the vehicle itself is going to support that. Take a look at your Linknodes and the way in which they resonate in their connection to either the Design or Personality side. You're going to get the keys that create the harmony within yourself in which the body and the Personality finally have a relationship that operates holistically. The environment (Primenode) has no connection with the other side. But the Linknode is about your cognitive potential. The nodes take over from ages 30 to 50 (Saturn to Chiron) with a different kind of intensity. It's at the age of 30 that they create a “story line” by strongly resonating to places that you belong in. From 30to the Uranus opposition, they establish the right place and environment through the two Southnodes on the Design side. From then until your Chiron return, it’s about developing your perspective and “outer authority” (true awareness that can be communicated) through your two Northnodes on the Personality side. A good method of interpreting the Gates of the nodes is by using the Primenodes as the adverb and the Linknodes as the adjective that describe your road through your mid-life. The Linknode is a supporting description. Everything about the nine-centred being that’s holistically correct by the time it gets to the Chiron is to emerge as a differentiated uniqueness. There is literally no way of describing that. You can experience it, if you’re fortunate enough that it comes into your existence. But you can't describe it beforehand, because awareness at the Chiron is intended to take over. When awareness takes over, one transcends the rules and the standard. One transcends it all and goes beyondit. It no longer matters. It’s no longer the point, because this is a passenger liberated from the mundane mind. We put enormous pressure on our children to succeed at a very early age. Not only to succeed, but to have a sense of where they want to go and what they want to be. It’s not just the parents doing that. It’s the whole way the community and its institutions are operating. We're pushing children through training facilities, academic facilities, whatever you want to call them, and all of that cranking them towards something that is going to allow them to maintain a certain level of material success in their life. All of this is deeply self-centred. It’s what we inherited, after all; this deep seven-centredness that permeates the world we live in, all of that was about getting things done quickly. They were living, after all, in a Saturnian body. Back then, you’d better get your stuff done early because chances were you weren't going to survive for very long. There still is this headlong rush to define oneself in this life so that by the time you're 12 or 13 years old, there's already this nascent plan that’s based on all the conditioning you’ve received pointing you either happily, or not, towards some kind of future. All of this pressure is horrendous, because maturity for the nine-centred being begins at 30. Only when you get to your Saturn return can you actually begin to establish what your story really is. This is where it begins. The story doesn’t begin until you're in the correct environment. It says something about what it is to be a child as a nine-centred being. You're a child until Saturn. If we think about that logically, we don’t want to put the burden and the responsibility of what your life is going to beall about ona child. It is an unfair burden. Whenever you're looking at the nodes and the Magic Square, it’s always essential to remember that this is a resonance mechanism. Its about the resonance between the Magic Square and how it relates to the nodes or the Sun/Earth, how it relates to the environment, your food, information, people, your conceptualising, interests and other things. By looking at Colour resonance between the Sun/Earth and the nodes, we get to see that the environment and the well-being in the environment is something that is deeply connected to the dietary regimen of the body. It’s going to make certain aspects of this more effective and more specific. The Moon always has an influence, regardless of resonance. It is a bridge to the nodes. Personality Resonance conmuricton| ® | teste toa] |] vorce 45: 1.43 thesia ues] "nasnemescn|?] Heart aa bo: lss.c. re carina] ne ph wai]2 | sain 4.4 44s} FOUNDATION OUTER AUTHORITY —_LEARNING ° B Y Diane ape: MUNDANE PANE lagu shape: TRANSCENDEN Het Rees XPSICNCE OUT el oes CAPRICE If we're looking at the Magic Square as horizontals, we have the voice (expression), the heart (what drives it), and the mind (how it is intellectualised). We also see them separated into their two mathematical divisions, and the way the Magic Square is broken down. Obviously, we have the verticals and horizontals, but we also have the mundane and the transcendent. The mundane is the diamond configuration of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. This is how the perception operates in taking in the mundane level of things. Here we have what is the potential of an exalted perception. Sometimes words are really misleading. The assumption is that one is better than the other because something called mundane is somehow lesser in its potential. It really isn’t so. Strike that from your dualistic prejudice book. Exalted isn’t better than mundane. They're different because they have different functions. The mundane aspect is about dealing with the world as it is. In other words, being grounded in taking in the experience of what's there and what's there to be taken in. The diagonal (transcendent) is something else. It is the way in which one can move beyond that experience in the now and turn it into something else. In other words, it’s a place of elaboration, fantasy, imagination or creativity. We don’t process everything we take in. You have to look at what your Magic Square is resonating to in the other person’s Colour (Sun/Earth). But what you're going to take in (through resonance from the world around you) isn’t necessarily what you're going to deliver to your mind to think about it. No matter what you’re taking in through the experience field, you're always filtering it down, leaving many things out. You don’t get anything from those beings who you don’t really resonate to, and ultimately the mind is probably going to say: “Boy, they’re not for me.” Neptune is a force that, even though it is in the mundane, is going to probe and discover those things that are misleading. This works one of two ways. You either become a victim of it, or you become the master of it. It’s one or the other. The holistically incorrect person is always the victim of it. The Moon takes whatever is accented in its zone and it focuses it, in its way, by delivering the experience to the nodes. Through the nodes, we have connections that move across to the Sun/Earths. Through them everything about the database information gets integrated, but everything gets integrated to the nodal perspective. If we look at the role of the Moon, it is to be a focus that aligns this to the direction and the form that the nodes are going to take. Through the nodes, we see how we are designed to be aligned to others. Seventy percent of our programming is Solar. Most of the rest of the neutrino programming is coming through the nodes. Yes, the neutrinos are filtered by the planets, and yes, the planets are the triggers that bring activations. But in fact, what they bring is a nuance to a framework that is already established. It is the nuances that bring us the differentiation, therefore we need to see the planetary aspects relative to their significance in defining the uniqueness. But also remember that they are always going to be secondary. Because no planetary aspect, regardless of its position, can ever control the general nature of the way in which that being is being constructed here. Of course it’s not simply that the Moon has a special relationship to the nodes. We know the Moon hasa special relationship to the Sun/Earth, too. The aspects that colour us are determined by the outside world when they turn on and turn off. Think of the Magic Square as buttons that get pressed. Everything about us in terms of our planetary aspects is all designed to resonate to the other. And they resonate to the Personality and Design Sun/Earth configuration of the other. Fundamentally, Design to Design and Personality to Personality, although there is a crossover in that. It has to do with the nodes themselves. What's important is to see that the display of resonance and the transit field are not attributes, they area tendency. In other words, planets don’t have Colours. They are not Consciousness Crystals. It doesn’t work that way. This is a position that they are sensitive to, the frequency of that position. So, everything about the planets in how they operate is from a resonance field that is coming from the other. Our relationship to every other human being colours (no pun intended) the way in which we act. It's really interesting to see the nuances, because when you begin to map this out in relationships and friends you begin to see something that you could only see in planetary fixings before (through exaltation/detriment in Gates). The Moon is a player in integrating all attributes into a correct positioning of the vehicle or the perspective (Design/Personality nodes). It is going to shed its specific light on the way all the other attributes are going to operate. Through resonance, the mind gathers experiential knowledge. All of this represents the way in which the experience of life is taken in. Then the experience of life is processed within the cognitive potential and it becomes the possibility of conceptualised outer authority ultimately. The verticals (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) are the way we take in the experience. What that means is that there is a unique relationship, as an example, between Moon, Venus and Saturn. We have three ways in which we take in. We take into develop a foundation (alpha). Here we see the basic things we need to grasp in order to live in the world. What is the constraint that is there in the world? What can you get away with and what can you not? What is the moral field of that plane? What are the standards of relating to the other? What is the focus? Not everything in a vertical is able to be activated at any given time. Not all of these are activations within the context of the Graph. They may be in an open centre. Beta is the development of our outer authority, which is the communication of our correct awareness. The experiential input for the mind is broken up into different priorities. We have the priority of the foundation which is basically not what you think about. It’s not the thing that gets to be conceptualised, but it’s the thing that makes it possible for you to be able to take in the experiences correctly and develop your outer authority. There are certain things we respond to. There are certain things we resonate to that bring out the potential of the development of this outer authority in us. Gamma is about learning, which is very different than outer authority. Outer authority isn’t learning, but it’s specific to what you're here to deliver in your outer authority. Of course, in order for you to see that, you have to see the fully costumed Role with all the goodies that go with it to see it realised. This learning, all of this, is about the other, the transpersonal planets, these outer forces. Here you can see that these outer forces in the vertical are aligned to each other. Basically, this is what you learn about others in the world. You learn to get sidetracked, you learn to get confused, and every once ina while you get a little bit of truth. The experience is taken in, now it’s time to take the experience out through the horizontals. We have three horizontal themes: voice, heart and mind. The voiceis where there is most pressure to get things out. When I say “out”, remember everything about this construct is that it operates through resonance. It resonates to things. We're talking about a mental thing. It is the way in which the resonating experience gets translated to the nodes. In other words, the nodes establish what the perspective is: the place, the environment, the perspective. Then the experience fills it. Here is this section of the experiential resonating force. This is what is trying to get the manager of perspective to pass along to conceptualising as to what needs to be said. The Heart is the intangible. You can associate it with feeling, but it’s difficult to place that within the context of the classic way of looking at the mind. It is what provides the underlying intensity, or not, to the way anything that is going to be verbalised will be verbalised. This is about creating a certain mental state that sort of is the condition of the Personality itself. It isn’t something that needs to be expressed, though it tends to be revealed. ‘Then you have the rind, the last of the three rows. Here you can see what the mind “chews” on, which it never expresses directly. The eart horizontal and the mind horizontal bring depth to the vo/ce, but it’s not like they are heard. For the mind the rules are rarely clear (unless you have avery special kind of mind). With the example of rules it means how Jupiter is going to resonate to the outside world based on its Colour. In other words, is there resonance between Jupiter directly and the nodes? If so, it will immediately bypass the Moon. Is there resonance directly to the Sun/Earth? If so, it will also bypass the Moon. Yes, there is a natural relationship of the Moon to the nodes. But do they resonate? Because if they don't resonate, the experiential information goes through ina different way. Everyone in their design is focused on trying to get things out through that Moon. Yet, you have two forces that don’t need it. For many human beings, how their perception operates is dominated by one of these two: either dominated by the way the world is laid out - the outer authority through the Jupitarian quality - or the misinformation/disinformation mind. These become mental problems. Then there are those people who have resonance from either rules or misinformation. A direct resonance of these to either the nodal or the Sun/Earth configuration immediately establishes a certain level of confusion in the way perception operates. As a matter of fact, given the example that there could be direct resonance to the Sun/Earth, this might entirely bypass the perspective. The mind is conceptualising the information of vu/es without it being based on any real perspective or without it being based on any real experience. ‘The same thing is true for »/sinformation. If this is in direct resonance, then you know right away that one is resonating to something that is taking you in another direction. There are two ways of dealing with this. You're either dealing with someone holistically incorrect, in which sisinformation becomes a deep rooting for how the distorted mind is going to see things, or it’s going to be a real gift in terms of being an aspect that makes your differentiated ultimate outer authority so special. Mars When you begin to operate holistically, the frequency of Mars changes, and it starts becoming the organiser and key of your mutation to differentiation, to be different. Itis the key to mutate the way in which you experience life, the way in which you take in the world. It’s in the sense of Mars being the young energy ~ this refreshing new start, like starting over. The experience is going to be just an ordinary thing when we're dealing with verticals or laterals only. But the moment that the frequency of Mars changes us, the diagonal comes alive. As long as a human being is not correct within the formulas that we know, there is no way these diagonals even exist. Their frequency is just not there and Mars does not play out its role. Basically, the way in which the Magic Square operates is according to its fundamental (in/out) prana only. This is the way in which the experiential phenomenon is taken in: the breathing in of the experience, the taking out of the experience, and ultimately going through the Moon and the focus. In this basic program, Mars is part of the horizontal and the vertical. There is no diagonal in this, even though the potential of the diagonal is there. But again, this is dependent on the frequency of the Mars. Inthis case we're looking at the Personality, where our Mars is of enormous value. It governs the way in which our mutation can take place - in other words, the transformation of a being into its differentiated fulfilment. Here is a key to it. The mechanism of this whole process in bringing mutation to the surface, changing through experience the nature of the being, Certainly at this level, changing the way in which perception operates, in other words, mutating the perception. It changes how we see ourselves. It changes how we look at the world around us. It changes what we need. HE. EVOLUTION «— civitisation ——> DESIGN >@K 4 x FST YI ne sie Tk PERSONALITY [2.43] Remember F Design HUMANITY 5 EARTH Define BY res 38.3.5) 3 z F BEING <———— Friction ———» MOVEMENT X With the mutation of Mars, you discover your “I am” through your Saturn. The constraint of the “I am,” the zruth of what you see and what you judge. The sidetrack becomes the created expression of what our outer authority can actually produce. The moment we change this frequency and the moment that we engage the diagonal is the moment that every single aspect in our system is being aligned. ‘We have all been conditioned from birth through food conditioning and psychological conditioning. All of it is rooted in maintaining a seven-centred rooted ignorance and no real emergence of nine-centred beings. These diagonals are what this is all about. This is the mutative driving force that is able to change the way we operate in the world, how ultimately we see the world through our experience. The horizontals and verticals of the Magic Square are the domain of the “ordinary” mind. Ordinary in the sense that, yes, it can be very intelligent, IQ-wise, for example. It can be smart in the way of its life. But this is not where awareness is. This is the “ordinary” experiential mind. There is something hidden inside of it, because it’s not operating here. It does not exist inthe ordinary mind. There are two kinds of maps. There is an experiential map which is the foundation for existence — the experiential information necessary to provide the mind with the conceptualising directions so that it can grasp the world that it’s in and ultimately give it its outer authority. This is the ordinary mind, the non-transcendent mind, the non- aware mind. This is about the intelligence necessary to be able to exist on this plane, but also driven by fear. It is basic, necessary information. The people on this planet who you think are smart all belong here, because they never get what's hidden inside. And then we are looking at the transcendent, experiential potential. The transcendent, experiential potential is locked to the Base orientation. This is the material of outer authority. The other stuff is just “packground”. The moment you move from being smart to being aware, this becomes the way in which you see. This is how you experience at this level. It’s a change of frequency. Think about the Magic Square as. a music box and it plays a music that is a mundane lullaby. All of a sudden when you're aware, you realise there’s something else there. You hear something else. ‘You see something else. You know something else. ‘The Magic Square is how we take in the experience and it’s taken into the head centre. It’s stored in the deep grey areas of the brain. It comes back in different ways depending on the basic circuitry in the Graph. How it’s going to come out depends on whether your mind/brain system is strategic or receptive, but thisis the way it works. The way it goes in (what is going in to be stored) is what is received from this. It has nothing to do with the Sun/Earth or nodes. It has nothing to do with the Variables. None of them have anything to do with the experience. They deal with the experiential information, hone it, bring it to a perspective and bring it to a conceptualisation. But without the Magic Square nothing is going on. We experience life through the Magic Square through resonance. Resonance is the “nice” side of the genetic story. Instead of being attracted genetically to what isn’t good for you, here is the possibility to be attracted to what is good for you. It isthis attraction that brings in the experience of the world that gets stored. The way you experience, obviously, is everything. It's not about the Sun, Earth and nodes. This is just a movie playing. The nodes set the stage for you, they open up the panorama that you look at. The Sun/Earth then puts on the costume and does a big dance on its Cross. All of that is very nice and good, but you must have something to chew on. You must have experience. And yes, you indeed have a unique way of taking in experience. It’s through the Magic Square. The Colour of the nodes is going to be responsible for the perspective, the View, the frame through which the experience will be seen. What happens to you when you become aware is that there are so many things that drift away and no longer attract you. You don’t resonate to them anymore. Even though there’s a force there that can condition that resonance, you don’t resonate to it. You're only going to resonate to what is there in the Martian diagonal, because this is what your awareness is based on. It means in essence moving away from the mundane, limiting what you resonate to. There's a difference here from the nine possibilities of resonance rooted in the Magic Square and the five that emerge in the diagonal. It means four of the ways in which you have been experiencing your life disappear. The potential in all of this knowledge is to have signposts. No longer resonating to those four aspects is a signpost that you're already resonating at the awareness level. Venus will rob you of your opportunity to be aware. Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune are out to get you. Everything has this side and that side. Yes, they will do their job, because that’s the job they do. What happens when you take away the standardis that you take away all the damn rules. You take away the misinformation and suddenly you have awareness. So look at them in your design. Because here you can see what pulls you to the mundane plane in the way your mind works ~ all those rules, all those old things that have been set in stone, all those habitual ways in which we have communicated and all the bullshit that you paid attention to. It doesn’t mean that Venus and Mercury are bad. It’s about when you're aware that you don’t resonate to them anymore. You end up experiencing life differently. You experience it without rules. As long as you're operating in those horizontals and verticals, as long as you have that diamond sitting there in control, there isno way that the diagonal can emerge. Mercury is controlling your voice, Venus and Neptune are controlling your heart, and Jupiter is controlling your mind. If you experience life through them, then you're experiencing it on the mundane plane. Although there may be intelligence in that, it’s no longer something to be rewarded. It’s no longer enough to be smart. The worlds filled with smart evil people, smart good people, and they're all lost. They think they’re so smart. They're locked to it, which means they're also locked out of awareness. If you're a nine-centred being who is raised holistically, from the time you have your Saturn return until the time you have your Chiron is when this process of resonating correctly to experience gets perfected. It doesn’t get perfected overnight. It takes 20 years. Twenty years of moving more and more into the diagonal and moving further and further away from the diamond that is trying to call you back to the ordinary level of awareness. In a sense it’s creating a kind of “super distraction” pulling you away from those things you're intended to resonate to as a higher awareness. Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune will be dragging you to other things that are going to lock you in at the surface level, not allowing you the benefits of awareness. Venus Venus is the most dominate force on the mundane plane, in terms of mundane consciousness. It is very much the goddess that rules our interrelationship on this plane and the way in which we relate to the other — the way we are going to see the values in the nature of life. It sets a standard in terms of what you don’t like to see. Venus is what is going to set the basic standard in how you're going to experience things. It sets a structure. It is a kind of morality structure, if you will. With the diamond (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune), you're looking at a survival mechanism with all its fears and insecurities. It’s why the basic square is what you're intended to work with for your first 30 years, where you build your basic intelligence. But once it's been grasped and you've been raised according to your dietary regimen, once you've been raised according to your design and you operate correctly, that’s when you leave that behind. You just don't resonate to it any more. It doesn’t matter, by the way, whether Mars is exalted or in detriment. Detriments are not a bad thing. They are more interesting than exaltations. Only when you're aware do you appreciate them. Because they're wonderful. The Diamond rules the seven-centred being If you want to see nine-centred awakening, it’s right in front of you. It is the dropping of the resonating “concerns” that you see in the diamond about how you navigate in the mundane world. Those concerns are only elements that drive the distorted mind and they fade away as you begin resonating to the diagonal. Then you're resonating to the very foundation of your true outer authority. The sidetrack is no longer a sidetrack, but it’s your sidetrack. Truth is no longer the common truth, it’s your truth. It’s your “I am”. Your constraint is no longer based on anyone else controlling you. It’s your mutation, nobody else’s. It is your focus. It’s all about you, nothing else. It's an extraordinary mutation. It is simply this refinement. As you move further and further away from the fear for your own survival, at all the little levels that bother you at the mental plane, you move further away from the seduction of the diamond to keep you locked to mundane intelligence. You begin this refinement of moving and resonating to what is your potential for unique awareness. It’s how you experience the world. It’s only here within the diagonal that you get your unique specific way in which you're intended to resonate, your truth to find it, your way, your track, your life, your focus out of the mundane. Totally alone, totally pure. This is what's intended to feed your mind. Everything about the way we experience the world is in the Magic Square. We also know that the way in which this operates is through resonances — both to the outside in terms of the way it resonates to the experiential phenomena, and to the inside in the way it resonates to either the nodes or Sun/Earth. If someone’s nodes and Sun/Earth don’t resonate to anything in the Magic Square, it doesn’t mean one has a problem. It means that in terms of the way in which their differentiation is going to operate, they need to have zero connection to their own life process. Nothing is based on what they're going through. Everything is just based on what they're seeing, because they're not resonating to it. Not only that, but the way they'll see is the resonance they have to what they see out there and becomes their vicarious experience. The Personality is so different than the body. It needs to understand, to know, and to make sense of. The Personality needs to grasp things. The deeper it grasps, the more empowered isits process. But, if something doesn’t resonate, it doesn't fit into the View — if it doesn’t fit into the View and it doesn't fit into the conceptualising - then it’s simply something that’s out there and the mind doesn't pay any attention to it, because it is not in its thought process. Even when it’s noticing it - maybe noticing that one is suddenly volatile or somebody is suddenly emotional — it’s not that this person doesn’t notice. They don't think about it. Not at all. And you know why? Because they are designed like that. We're not here to have a mind that tries to figure out what ¢#/s should be and shat should be and the other thing should be. When it comes to the way in which the Personality is intended to operate, it is to take advantage of what works for it and to hone its perspective with exactly the right experience. Oranus (sidetrack) If you're caught in the homogenised Program, look at wherever Uranus is. Understand that wherever it is, whatever Gate it is in, it is going to catch you experientially. It’s going to sidetrack you. In some cases it will be minor. In other cases it will be major, but you're going to be sidetracked. Everything about Uranus is that there is ultimately a track for you. Sidetracked, not in the holistic incorrect way of being “distracted”, but sidetracked in the sense that it takes you ona totally different track. That’s the potential. In the diagonal, it literally represents that other track. But in the vertical it’s part of learning. Neptune (misinformation) Misinformation is a wonderful thing because it's not disinformation. It’s not a plot. It is about what you're not supposed to be looking at. If you're not looking at it, then you're going to experience what you need to experience. Now, that’s not an easy thing. The nature of Neptune making it so extraordinary is that when it sits on a Gate, there is no way you are ever going to find out what's going on here. You will see evidence of what it is, but you will never get to the essence of it, because you can’t get through. You're not supposed to. Base orientation is an amazing thing. Literally, you are looking at those forces that are precisely the right forces. Base orientation always points you in that direction, to the Base orientation of the other, that is going to be correct, that is going to align to you. In other words, basically it is refining the frequency. The moment that frequency is refined, it is literally expressed through the way in which Mars operates. The moment the frequency is right, the moment the Base orientation is right, is the moment the whole mundane process fades away. This is the moment Mars empowers the diagonal and unifies it in this process. With everything operating in a kind of “T” that then goes to the Moon, regardless of the fact that itis a“movement” field. This is the synthetic centre of what is a Base field. Every human being has a very specific Base orientation. It’s through Base orientation at the higher level that one is energised in the way that is correct. This is all about experiencing through a perfected resonance, a resonance to what is there according to the alignment of the Base orientation. Design Resonance voenua] voee| of sour st.13 las. ryan]? senpactire| conetein| | LIQUID sz.3 me" laa.s 9.3: smnaain| B arb execu] | cas sa25 3.4. 162 sarort AuRIC EQUALIZER Absorption energetic Feld Balance Dann ape: PESENCE coo shape: HIGHER LEVEL OF INTO Verona Rows EACTNGTY (OUT) Weal Gums: SHAPING CN) Our inner well-being is presented by the quality of the aura that we put out. This is our “calling card” to the world and the beings around us. Whatever is wrong with a human being is carried in their aura and everybody who comes into contact with their aura takes it in deeply. Everything that can be carried in the aura can be heard in the voce. Now, it doesn’t mean that you or the other consciously hears that. But this incredible relationship between the aura and the voice is really something that is deeply fascinating, because the aura is something that is almost invisible. Many beings are not holistically correct (paying enough attention to the body’s intelligence). So, for example, when you're looking at the theme of presence there are going to be issues that will arise in these four areas of the diamond shape of the Design which will be visible. For example, you're going to see beings who are either under- or over-hydrated; complexions that range from being sickly to being damaged; voices in which there are all kinds of fundamental weaknesses in the voice itself; and auras that give off terrible frequencies. All of those things become self-evident the moment you look at it. Most human beings do not give off their presence. They are not present. There is only a conditioned body there. It’s not heir body. It’s why those bodies can get sick. It’s why those bodies have so many problems. It’s why the relationships that they have might not be fulfilling. It’s really something to see that most human beings are walking around with a presence that’s not them. ‘The duality that we deal with, in terms of our genetic purpose, points us in two different directions. One points us according to the genetic imperative, the biological imperative to reproduce. You cannot separate the biological imperative to reproduce from what it is to be us. On the other side is the beauty of understanding that we are not just prisoners of our genes. There is also this incredible potential that lies within our genetic purpose, the genetic possibility of resonating to what is good for us. If you're operating correctly, what you resonate to on the attraction level (the genetic imperative, the openness) isn’t necessarily bad. But also, what we see with resonance is that resonance itself isn’t something that’s going to be a constructive aspect until being is holistically correct. The Moon isa key ingredient in the way in which the experiential information is related. In this case of the Design, the experiential information isn’t being related to the Personality mind, but translated to the brain itself, and with that to the entire body. What is resonance? We know the Magic Square inherently has no properties. What I mean is that everything about the way in which it operates lies in its experiential relationship to the world around it. This is what turns it on or not. What I want you to grasp about the nature of our vehicles (our bodies) is that they are selectively resonating to the physical experience around them. Of course, what that means is various aspects of our form principle are on-and- off-switches. Anything that is going to resonate will havea physical impact. So think about Neptune resonating. Here we see something that is called Lateral Reactivityanda theme of Liquid and of Hydration. When Neptune is resonating at the hydration level, the temperature level and the complexion of a being is going to change. It's quite something to grasp. ‘The aura is so significant. There are two values of well-being or zones in this holistic life. You have the internal and you have the external. The external, if I can put it crudely, means that 50% of your well-being is dependent on the environment and who you're with. Because who you're with in any given situation is going to alter the way in which your body works. The Personality is the expression and psychology of your mind. The Magic Square on the Personality side is how your perspective frames the experience (however the experience comes in) and it gets conceptualised. This is what you're connected to. This is yourtrip. Design resonance isn’t about the mind. It’s about the other and about the Program, which is one of the main instruments to homogenise the world of human form. It does that by bringing the same impact to the Magic Squares of all of those human beings on the Design side. Obviously, without a “correct” body on the Design side you're not going to be able to have that opportunity to resonate to what is good for you. There are some people who may be totally boring intellectually, psychologically or whatever the case may be, who can be absolutely delicious for your body. It is something to grasp about the other in our lives that if we stay only with our minds, we never truly get to recognise all those possible others. We have our prejudices. It’s what mind is about. It gets stuck in thinking that these are the only kinds of people who one can connect to. The thing to understand is that this can be devastating for your body. The only way your natural resonance field is going arise is out of embracing your true nature, free from fears and overcontrol in terms of where your life is going. It basically arises out of taking away all that heavy decision-making from the mind, and only then will you begin to resonate to what is correct for you. What your Personality resonates to will change once the body is correct through being holistically correct in your decisions. The advantages of the correct environment and influences on the body are extraordinary in terms of the ways we interact with others and the durability we have in our life process. The correct environment has to do with quality of life and Colour of the body (nternal) with longevity. Those are things that are very important to us, particularly to us as nine- centred beings. Longevity wasn't a big story for the seven-centred being. They lived fast and hard. But we have a different form principle. In order for us to be able to fulfil our potential, we need 84 years (Uranus cycle). This is what we're being programmed for. The Chiron return is now our time of flowering, a door that opens when somebody is in their 50's. To the seven-centred being this would have been absurd. Of course you can help yourself on the internal side. You can prepare your brain for the best possible activity, for example with correct nutrition. But it is your relationship to the other that is going to determine your financial well-being. It’s who is in your aura. It’s always going to be that way for you. One of the most difficult things about trying live your truth is that you have to deal with all the rituals of the past and get rid of them and be able to start fresh with everything in your life. That's an enormous leap to take. We do not have a body that’s fixed in any way, any more than we have an experiential perception that is fixed in any way. We have a fixed brain and a fixed way in which we perceive and conceptualise. But there is nothing fixed in the way in which we experience. That means that your body can go from being marvellous to useless. It’s just a matter of the environment and who is init. The Moon always has an influence because it’s connected to the nodes. It may not be the dominant influence. That will depend on the resonances. There are some people who seem more “solid” than others. The difference between feeling solid or fragile, as an example, is rooted in the gravity that's here. It’s not something that’s nature, it’s what you resonate to or not. So many things about your body and the way it works (your assumption about your body and the way it works is that there is some kind of consistency) is a great joke. It is something that is operating through on-and-off switches all the time. By the way, you have to understand something about hydration. There is a tendency, for example, for some people to get into trends about the liquids they drink, or how much liquid they drink. They are told to drink a zillion ounces of water a day, and all this stuff. It is incredibly dangerous. This theme of hydration is a way in which we are able to harmonise with the world around us or not. Of course, one of the things about the weakness we have in the vast majority of humanity is the tendency to be mentally attracted, rather than resonate with the body to, what isn’t going to lead to good hydration. Only resonance brings out the correct hydration. The other thing is that the water level in your body, the quality of the water level in your body, is something that the other notices. It’s something rather fascinating to think about. Complexion is kind of obvious. It’s about the overall quality of your skin, the skin tone, and for example the way the skin is wrapped on the muscle and bone - the physical shell. But hydration is something else. To see somebody who is over- hydrated or somebody who is severely dehydrated gives you an idea of how much fluctuation there is in the way in which the basic vitality of the body is demonstrated. the Circuits Overview Il the Channels in a Graph are part of a Circuit. Every Circuit has a specific way of operating and has its own 4eynore. It takes a number of Channels to fulfil the theme of a Circuit, which means one Channel is only an aspect of a larger theme that it serves. Before you start looking at a Channel, it always helps to understand the bigger theme of the Circuit that it belongs to, since the Channel is only a nuance of it and must be seen in context. We have three main Circuits and, in addition, a few Channels that don’t belong to any Circuit: * Communal Circuit (Willpower & Defence sub- Circuit) © Collective Circuit (Logic & Abstract sub-Circuit) * Individualistic Circuit (Knowing & Centring sub- Circuit) * Self-survival Channels Individualistic Self-survival Collective Civevit Keynote: Sharing he Collective Circuit group is impersonal. It is about establishing something in general, as opposed to what it could mean for one specific individual. When you deal with specific individuals, you are always dealing with the Communal Circuit. The saying /t is good for soctety yet, must come from the Collective Circuit. Any activation you have in this Circuit means you have the obligation to share it with others, with the collective. It consists of two sub-Circuits: Logic and Experience. The Logic Circuit is always looking into the future, while the Experience is looking into the past. Logic is looking at patterns that work and is trying to apply them in the future. The Experiential process is trying to process experiences from the past and only has the experience itself to show for. It can say: “I did it and I can tell you about it.” There is no other reward and - in a world dominated by logic - it is underrated. Yet, it is a great art to be able to condense the past in such a way that it can be shared in the zowand illuminate the future. If youare a Worker you like sharing in response, if you area Supporter you usually prefer to be invited to share. And sometimes if you don’t, you could meet resistance and rejection. Please understand that sharing for the Collective person is a one-way street. A person with Collective Channels is sharing its ow process, but not necessarily interested in other people and all their stories. Collective Logical Circuit Keynote: Sharing L ogicisalways looking for a pattern so it can move into the future securely and without fear. It’s centred around the Spleen, which is all about intelligence and awareness, and finding a pattern that is better than the previous one. It's always looking for improvement. The Collective does not create anything new. That’s what the Individualistic Circuit does. The Collective is the process of perfecting something that already exists in the world. The original inventor was probably someone from the Individualistic group, but the Collective Logic perfected it and made it known throughout the world. Logic always fights for energy to express itself as it has no access to a Motor from the Throat. Therefore, it establishes its patterns through struggle. 63-4 Logic / A design of mental ease mixed with doubt 17-62 Acceptance / A design of an organisational being 31-7 The Alpha / A design of leadership, for good or bad 15-5 Rhythm / A design of being in the flow 9-52 Concentration / A design of determination, focus 18-58 Judgement / A design of insatiability 16-48 The Wavelength / A design of talent Collective Abstvact Circuit Keynote: Sharing T he Experience Circuit is always looking into the past, consolidating it, understanding the experience, and learning from it. It is only interested in the experience itself when entering into it, whereas Logic asks: “What will it bring for us when we do it?” The Experiential can only reply: “I don’t know if there willbe any benefit for us, but someone has to doit and 1am the one who can tell you about it later.” The Experience Circuit is the force of evolution itself. Without the Experiential process, we would not evolve as human beings in the way that we have. It is our journey through all the possibilities of life and sharing these with others. It is the most “human” of all Circuitry. It doesn’t have the same awareness like the Spleen, so there is neither stability nor security here. 64-47 Abstraction / A design of mental activity and clarity 11-56 Curiosity / A design of a searcher 35-36 Transitoriness / A design of being a “Jack of all Trades” 30-41 Recognition / A design of focused energy 42-53 Maturation / A design of balanced development, cyclic 46-29 Discovery / A design of succeeding where others fail 33-13 The Prodigal / A design ofa witness Communal Circuit Keynote: Support he Collective person will share with you, but it is not necessarily personal. The Individualistic person will do its own thing and it might empower you, but they are probably too busy doing their own. thing to care either way. But when you get to the Communal Circuit (the Tribe), it gets very “sticky”. The Tribe is not concerned about sharing with you and it doesn't care if you are empowered as an individual. What they care about is what kind of support the relationship has. It is the Tribe that says: “If you scratch my back, Pll scratch yours.” For Communal Circuitry, the keynote is the word support. And for support to happen you need to get close enough to “smell” them. It’s all about personal bargains made or not. “My wife supports me,” could only be said by a Communal person. An Individualistic person would find this statement suffocating, but for a Communal person it works. The Tribe is the most intimate of the Circuits in terms of senses like body odours, touch, and taste. For example, the family recipe that is handed down as a form of family identity, or the handshake to seal a deal, or the blood bond between best friends, or remarks about the guy from out of town who smells funny. This is all within the Communal realm. But the most important thing to remember is that it is about making deals that guarantee support. “I'll clean the house and feed the children if you go out and work to make the family money.” Without this kind of deal- making, we would not survive as a species. There are two parts to the Communal Circuit group: the Willpower Circuit, which is about building the community and making money for the community, and the Defence Circuit, which is in general about making children and raising them. Communal Willpower Circuit Keynote: Support 32-54 Transformation / A design of being driven (Ambition) 26-44 Surrender / A design of a transmitter 21-45 Money / A design of the materialist 40-37 Community / A design of being a part seeking a whole 49-19 Synthesis / A design of sensitivity ehind the image of family and community, the Willpower Circuit is really all business. It is the business of making and maintaining families and communities, and distributing and spending money. If you look at the Channels, you'll see they are all ruled by the Willpower. There is no Sacral here, so there is no generative quality. The Sacral Centre is the prerequisite for existence. However, if it were not for Communal Circuitry, we would not be able to look after ourselves. This whole Circuit is an Initiator. Thus the theme of the Willpower Circuit is to manifest, to go out there and be busy so that you later can come home and rest. Because there is no Sacral, the two streams that go from the Root all the way to the Willpower Centre are projected streams (54-32, 44-26 and 19-49, 37-40). The Willpower Circuit Channels are desperate to be recognised, because they are Supporter Channels (no connection to the Sacral and no connection to Throat). They are waiting to be recognised so they can be in control of the manifestation. One of the unusual things about the Willpower Circuit is that it only has one connection to the Throat (45-21). Therefore, it only has one possibility to manifest, only one voice. If you look at the other Circuits, they have their outlet to. the Throat, but they also have more than one Channel. So, what is this one Channel? It is the 45-21, the Channel of the materialist. It’s all about making the right deals that will guarantee the right kind of support and that, in turn, will make enough money to feed, clothe, build and entertain the community, family or tribe. It’s the voice that always communicates in terms of We have... or We don’t have... They always talk about having enough or not enough. Support is a two-way street. Nothing is free. Nothing comes without a price. The Collective might share with you and not expect anything except someone who is willing to receive the sharing. But if a Communal person gives you something, you better have something to give in return or you are in trouble. This is called the deal, the bargain. The deal can be sealed in many forms. It can be cultural, as in bringing presents to a birthday party. It can be shaking hands with the signing of a contract or kissing at a marriage ceremony. But once the deal has been sealed, the Tribe expects both parties to keep their end up, or else the support falls apart. Capitalistic or Social hen looking at the Channels, keep in the back of your mind their /lavour. To the left of the Willpower and Root Centres, you will see the capitalistic side, to the right of them the socia/ side. Channel 54-32 is all about ambition and 44-26 is all about selling. They represent capitalism, making money for the Tribe or making money off the Tribe; getting ahead financially in the world. On the other side, you have the Channel 19-49, which is about being sensitive to the needs of the Tribe, both physical but also spiritual, and also the 37-40, which is about creating and nurturing a community, the social elements. This time it is not so much about making money, but about creating the social framework of the Tribe. Together, you have on one side the ability to make the money that can support the Tribe and on the other the ability to create the social framework that holds the Tribe together. The capitalists say: “Let's have a free market and whoever can transmit better will get richer, and hopefully everybody will transmit a little bit and will befine” On the other side, the socialistic elements say: “Yeah, that’s all good, but if we don’t have social services, if we don’t have welfare, those people who can’t transmit are going to do really badly.” Don't forget, all Communal Willpower Channels have to be recognised by the Tribe in order to work (projected Channels). On one side, we have “Let's gather!” and on the other, “What are we going to do with what we've gathered?” Communal Defence Circuit Keynote: Support 59-6 Mating / A design focused on reproduction (intimacy) 27-50 Preservation / A design of custodianship (caring) his is a minor Circuit of the Communal Circuit group. In the Willpower Circuit, you saw everything about making money and building the larger community structure through making deals and gathering support. But none of that is of any use without children, so everything about the defence Circuit is about making children. It is about bringing them into the world and looking after them. You can see how it is protected within the Tribe if you look at the Graph. It’s surrounded by all these Communal Channels like a wall. The Sacral Centre is in the Centre of this minor Circuit, which is another reason the Sacral Centre is such a key player in the creation of life. It is the sexual Centre that createslife, but it is also the driving force that sustains life. On one side, you have the 59-6 where conception occurs and on the other side, you have the 27-50 where caring for the child is carried out. One thing is very clear: a person with any of these Channels is a Worker and everything must come out of a response or that person could end up having children with the wrong person or caring for the wrong community, which is frustrating and could leave that person feeling drained. the Couditioned Mind aud the Tribe f you are not living holistically (ignoring the intelligence of the body) you will be hooked into so many things that are not “healthy” for you. For example, the 27-50 theme of caring can be one of the most ruthless and abusive energies if it is distorted. The themes of support are underlying bedrock themes and if you enter into relationships as yourself then your particular Tribe will operate correctly within the constraints of what it is to be Communal. It is important to think about this within the context of the Defence Circuit. So much “suffering” happens within the family Communal unit due to parents not living holistically correct. The parents may suffer from this, but it is the children who often end up damaged. Without the proper support in the Communal arrangement due to the parents not living their potential and not entering into things holistically, the dynamics of the 59-6 and 27-50 might not work and the children will not be raised in the right way. \dividualistic Circuit Group Keynote: Empowerment T he Individualistic Circuit group has two sub- Circuits within it: Knowing and Centring. The Knowing Circuit is much larger than the Centring Circuit, which only has two Channels. With Individualistic Circuitry, we come to a mutative process. The Individualistic Circuit represents the way in which individuality can survive and mutate into new forms in the world without being ostracised from the rest of the totality. The Individualistic Circuit group involves every Centre in the Graph, which is very unique. For example, the Collective Circuit does not have the Willpower and the Communal Circuit does not have the Head, Ajna or G- Centre. This tells us that only the Individualist is whole. The Collective process is not whole without the Tribe and vice versa. None of the Individualistic Channels are social, compared to the Collective or Communal that are very social. The only Channel with any kind of social skills in the Individualistic Circuit isthe 12-22. To be an Individualist is to be an example, and because all Individuality is rooted in the Individualistic mutative format of the Channel 3-60, being an example is a mutative force. Mutation is a word that lies at the heart of Human Design. It is about being oneself, about being unique. All the Individualistic Channels carry the frequency of mutation. This is the universal law that constantly and unpredictably brings change into the world. This is why one single individual can change the world. Someone with Individualistic Channels is potentially a freak and outsider, because they can bring mutation. ‘They are here to be unusual. They do not easily fit into society. They always seem kind of strange, because what they have to offer can be new and unfamiliar. They often fail the expectations of their parents because they are different. It is difficult for the Individualist to translate its existential, inner knowing into the capacity to be able to empower others with that knowing. Everyone who carries Individuality in their design has a lifelong task of learning how to explain themselves. It is through this power of explanation that the Individualist leaves the realm of being the stranger, the outsider or the freak, and enters into the realm of being a guide that can be of value to others. “Knowing” is enormously important to our mutative growth as a whole. Without mutation, we have a dead-end street. ‘Without mutation, we have no evolution. Any Channel in this Circuit is going to carry with it an ability to empower others. But the empowerment comes from just being themselves. The Individualistic process isa personal one. It is not concerned about the other. The only way the other benefits is indirectly. It is not like the Collective, sharing with the other. An Individualist might never even know or care that they have empowered someone else. They empower others by being the result of an Individualistic Channel. They don’t share the Channel with anyone. Individuality is selfish, but still can be an advantage to others. This is not: “Hi, let me share my life with you...” This is: “What the hell do you want? I'm busy! If you want to hang around and get a buzz out of it, okay. But stay out of my life and let me do my thing.” Individualistic Channels can be moody and melancholic. That's the nature of mutation and essential for it. Out of that melancholy can come great creativity. This process is extremely difficult for the mind to understand and it will always try to finda reason for your melancholy or moodiness. Don’t fight it. It’s part of your process. Embrace it. Out of it, beautiful things can mutate. \dividualistic Knowing Circuit Keynote: Empowerment 61-24 Awareness / A design of a thinker 43-23 Structuring / A design of individuality 8-1 Inspiration / A design of a creative role model 2-14 The Beat / A design of being keeper of the keys 3-60 Mutation / A design of energy which fluctuates and initiates 28-38 Struggle / A design of stubbornness 55-39 Emoting / A design of moodiness 20-57 The Brain Wave / A design of penetrating awareness 12-22 Openness / A design of a social being “(ou can think of the contrast between the Collective and the Individualist as hikers on a trail. The Collective Circuit group has thirty hikers all hiking together, sharing their experiences together as they go. The Individualistic Circuit is one hiker, not sharing at all. He’s just doing his thing. Solo trekking. But somehow he is walking along the same hiking trail as the Collective group. If the Collective sees the Individualist, they can be empowered by his Individualistic path. The mutation will happen with the Individualist. He or she is the one who will find a new trail that the Collective will then use. You can't predict the life of an Individualist. Order and chaos always follow each other. This Circuit is the source of creativity, but creativity is something that happens spontaneously. It's like mutation. One moment it wasn’t there and then it is there. But you never know when it is going to happen. These people have to let go of trying to control the creative forces. They can’t. There is nothing they can do about it. It happens when it happens \dividualistic Ceutving Circuit Keynote: Empowerment 10-34 Exploration / A design of following one’s convictions 25-51 Initiation / A design of needing to be first T his is about finding one’s own centre through exploration of the self and initiation into new ways. What is interesting about the Centring Circuit is that there are no awareness Centres present (Spleen, Ajna, Solar Plex). Neither is there a Throat nor emotions nor an adrenaline system. What we have here is a pure Worker. Being centred is not something you do or think about. Being centred is a response to life. It is the ultimate Buddha state of being. To love yourself does not require awareness. self-survival Chaunels Keynote: Individuation - The Descent into Form 20-10 Awakening / A design of commitment to higher principles 20-34 Charisma / A design where thoughts must become deeds 34-57 Power / A design of an archetype 10-57 Perfected Form / A design for survival B eings with these Channels are survival mechanisms. They represent the most complex connective field in Human Design. All the other Channels are created by a single connection between two Centres and two Gates. But in this case, it is the only Channel system that operates through four Gates. There are several different ways in which those four Gates interconnect with each other, giving rise to the possibility of six Channels. Of these six Channels, two (the 20-57, Channel of the Brainwave, and the 34- 10, Channel of Exploration) belong to the Individualistic Circuit. The remaining four Channels are known as the Self-survival Channels, and do not belong to any Circuitry. It is through Circuits that we connect to each other, but the Self-survival Channels are absolutely individual and separate from other people. The Self- survival Channel system is a pure survival mechanism. It is rooted in the Splenic survival of the self. People with Definition in this Channel system are only concerned with their own process of self- empowerment. This is not a Channel system that is concerned about whether others are being empowered or supported, and it isn’t concerned about sharing. There aren’t any social Channels in the Self- survival Channels. You could call them the “bastard- brothers” of the Individualistic Circuit. But you also have to see the beauty in them. These Channels make sure that on a genetic level the survival of the human race is always guaranteed. These people are wild, they are pure and they are here to love themselves. Obviously, they are kind of se/fcentred bastards, but they are here to /ove themselves. Without people like that, there is no self-love in the world. Someone with any of these Channels always needs to be self-sufficient, needs to have their own bank account, their own car, and their own life. They like to pay for their own dinner. This is not about sharing. If you want to break someone with Self-survival Channels, make them dependent on somebody else. It’s a sad thing. They come together with others as self-sufficient beings and if they enter into things correctly, they will find the right people who will accept and love them for who they are. The Chawels Collective Logical Cirevit Keynote: Sharing 63-4 Logic/ A design of mental ease mixed with doubt Projected Thisis a logical Channel and it’s about sharing your logical mental process. You are designed to think logically and to be at ease in dealing with the mental patterns in life. You are here to share your doubts and solutions, but only to share them with people who invite you, who recognise your abilities. Your scientific and sceptical mind prefers to be invited and usually dislikes to initiate. It's about learning something about the resolution of doubt through formula, about the possibility of dealing with doubt ina fixed way to come up witha fixed theory. 17-62 Acceptance / A design of an organisational being Projected These people are great organisers through being able to see logical patterns. They are visual, but if they don't wait to be recognised, people find them boring and they can get bad eyesight in their right eye. They have great managerial gifts, sought by many organisations. They are mental think-tanks with an eye for the detail, always looking for ways into how organisation can be established in a pattern. This Channel is not about questioning things, but acting on them, looking how they need to be expressed. 31-7 The Alpha/ A design of leadership, for good or bad Projected This is one out of three ways that Logic can express itself, in this case the G-Centre connected to the Throat. The G-Centre is the Centre of identity. You are here to express your identity. And this identity is going to have influence on people. This is the archetypical Channel of Leadership of the collective; to lead it in to the future through logical recognition of what the way must be. If you look at the Lines, you can see how you are going to lead: authoritarian, democrat, anarchist, opportunist, general or administrator. You are here to share your logical guidance. Not only do you recognise the way, but your leadership must be recognised first also. You can’t push it upon anybody. You need to get elected. So the people who come to you and recognise your logical leadership abilities are real allies for you, because they give you something to respond to, or for you to inform them, depending on your Type. You might know the way into the future, but you can only lead and fulfil the purpose of this Channel if you find the support of the collective through recognition first. In other words, if you are able to garner the necessary support. 15-5 Rhythm / A design of being in the flow Generated This Channel is about your rhythm. It is the foundation of all biological life. It’s the only Channel the design of a single cell has. You need to be very clear with yourself and others that you have your own internal rhythm. This rhythm is a logical rhythm and through your strong magnetic presence, you pull the collective into this deep being in the flow with life through sharing. Everything you do and what defines you comes out of a natural response with life. People with this Channel are actually responsible for creating the very pattern and flow of life on this planet. These people have their own timing, their own rhythm and you can't be mad at them if they arrive late or early. You can’t change them, but they have the power to influence you with their rhythm. Through their sharing, everyone else can experience what it means to be in perfect flow with life, which is the requirement for self-love and love of the other. But they don’t snitiate their rhythm and pattern. Thisis a generated Channel and out their response emerges a natural pattern, a natural rhythm. If you don’t operate holistically correct (out of the correct balance of body and mind) you pull others into an incorrect flow. You must see how important it is to be correct as well as your social responsibility to give others, through you magnetism, something valuable. 9-52 Concentration/ A design of determination Generated This is a powerful Channel because it's a Format Channel (Root to Sacral). It’s the Channel of Focus, of concentration. It drives the whole Logic Circuit through determination to stay focused on the detail. It’s also about sharing your focus and logical determination with other people by bringing this ability to the collective. Because this is a generated Channel, it’s an energy that likes to respond to something and not to initiate. 18-58 Judgement / A design of tnsattability Projected The Channel of Judgement is rooted in logic. Through its intelligence, it knows what works and it knows what doesn't. It is constantly looking fora way to improve the pattern and loves to challenge things in life. Everything in this Channel is about the energy and insatiability to perfect the pattern. This is a Channel that likes to be invited. Its search for perfection is only suited for the collective, but many people can waste their gift through trivial pursuits that have no value and by challenging and criticising their own family and friends out of a holistic imbalance. They can end up with all kinds of problems in their relationships, especially by not following honouring their Interaction Type and body intelligence. Don’t offer your criticism unless asked, or you will end up being full of bitterness by not getting the rewards for your gift. 16-48 The Wavelength / A design of talent Projected This Channel gives the collective access to the depths and skills to promote mastery. Mastery comes from repetitive experiments while striving for perfection. Logic is the only stream that does not have access to a Motor and that’s why talent has to struggle. That’s why for the Abstract, it’s also much easier to get hurt when jumping into an experience and harder for logic to find the finance to come up with ways to make the experience safer. This Channel is about repeating a pattern over and over with depth and skill, and by doing so, looking for an improvement. These people can show great talent earned by hard work and commitment through practising over and over, eventually sharing their skills with the other. It’s also the verbal expression of talent. Their talent needs to be recognised and they can’t force it on anybody without meeting rejection. Collective Abstract Circuit Keynote: Sharing 64-47 Abstraction/ A design of mental activity and clarity Projected This is the busiest of all the mental Channels. It's always active and constantly moving. It’s about mental pictures and thoughts that can be confusing, emerging from the past. The same thing can be viewed over and over again, but never in the same way. It’s not dissimilar to the emotional wave, because mental clarity, too, comes only after time. It’s about processing things from the past in new and creative ways in order to share with others. It’s a Collective Channel. It needs to be shared. But only with people who recognise that gift in you. Your mind can de of value to others and confusing to yourself at the same time. Whatever it is, never use it to resolve your own issues by making decisions. You are good at telling stories that can have real value to others when they invite you to it, stories about things in the past that became clear to you. 11-56 Curiosity / A design of asearcher Projected For this person, it is always more about searching than actually finding. It’s about being driven to search, out of curiosity. Searching for the perfection of the human way. The journey of the search itself is the goal. It’s an abstract mental process about the past that needs to be shared with others. People with this Channel are excellent storytellers, good with words and have an endless curiosity for new ideas. They only hhave to understand that those ideas are usually not for themselves, but for others who recognise this talent in them and invite them to share it when they wait. It can't be about any goal that can be attained for themselves apart for the constant search itself. 35-36 Transitoriness / A design of being a “Jack of all trades” Manifested A person with this Channel has a deep desire for adventure, constantly seeking new experiences in life. They can have a life that is rich in experience and a constant roller-coaster, but at the same time, possibly pay a price and suffer if they enter into these experiences while ignoring the intelligence of their own bodies. Everyone with this Channel is emotional and it’s the emotions that are responsible for pulling them into a new experience. People with this Channel don’t seem to be able to stay with anything, and someone with Logic Circuitry always wonders why. Logic can be a pain in the neck for Abstract people with their why are you doing this? Can you make any money from it? But the only motivation for this Channel is to look for emotional satisfaction. They are of Logic. They are here for the experience itself. Unfortunately, emotional satisfaction can never be attained forever. We are dealing with a wave that always crashes in the end. Once that happens, they are ready to go to the next thing. It can be society that makes a problem out of nothing and gives these people a trip of guilt. Someone has to do all these things and then tell us about them; to inform us about the experience after it ended and to share it with us, to look back at it. After all, it’s what we call experience. Parents can be hard on these children because they don’t seem to stay with things long enough to get anything out of it. We need to tell them that that’s what they are here for. It’s not about an achievement. It’s about the journey itself. Experience is a tough teacher. It always gives the test before presenting the lesson. 30-41 Recognition / A design of focused energy Gfeelings) Projected These people have a strong desire for experiences driven by emotions. But it’s not for crew to make their dreams come true, because they prefer to be invited. This Channel gives rise to the imagination of what could be. It’s the beginning, the root of the human experiential way, that ends with the 35-36 and the fulfilment. It’s all about human experience. Evolution through experience. And because it’s a Collective Channel their feelings must be shared with others, who invite them to do so and recognise their gift for inspiration. It’s not just about fulfilling these desires for themselves. Desire is simply a focus within a range of feelings. It's about dreaming, enjoying these dreams and sharing them. Sometimes, because emotions are a wave, it feels like desire can only bring pain. Again, the journey itself is the goal. There is no destination. It’s a build-up of pressure in your emotions from the Root going to the Solar Plex to create a new beginning for an experience. 42-53 Maturation / A design of balanced development (qelic) Generated This is a powerful Channel because it goes from the Root to the Sacral. It’s what we call Format energy. This is the Channel of beginnings, middles and ends. It’s all about cycles. The 53 is the drive to start things, adrenal pressure from the Root, and the 42 is the energy to finish things. Both together form a cycle. And because it’s Abstract and not logical, it isn’t a step-by-step process. It’s more about collecting experiences than focusing on facts. This is not an energy that initiates. It likes to respond (generated). Once you commit yourself to a new experience, you have the genetic imperative to complete the cycle. It might last a day or it might last years. But everything that starts must also end, and it’s out of the experience itself that these people learn. These people share and bring cycles of life to the collective. Whatever these people start, they must finish. You can see why it is so important for them to enter into things correctly. Maturation happens through response to existential involvement in experience for this person. You can't go looking for it. Nothing is truly gained for the Abstract until the zow becomes history. That’s what makes things difficult for the Abstract Circuit. The now is only the material, it isn’t the answer. It doesn’t exist yet. They are designed to find the answer only in retrospect. This Channel provides us with the energy to go through the cycle of experience. 46-29 Discovery /A design of succeeding where others Sail Generated This Channel is all about committing yourself to an experience through your Sacral response as a Worker by following your true authority. It’s a commitment for something you don’t really want to stay in, but only go through. It’s the only true existential Channel. With this, you live totally in the experience itself. By doing so, you will find you are always at the right place at the right time. It’s the Channel of being lucky. You are here to lose yourself in the experience, without knowing the value of it in the moment. You can only succeed where others fail if you are holistically correct. And sometimes, it's about failing where others succeed. It doesn’t matter. The true value of your experience can only be seen when you look back much later and, by doing so, share it with others. The past will always be your teacher. Your only teacher. 339-13 The Prodigal/ A design of a witness Projected ‘At the end of any process, at the end of the day, maybe the end of your job, the end of a relationship, the end of whatever you went through, take some time out to reflect on that event. Only the reflection gives the whole Abstract process its value. It codifies our history. The conclusions and the experiences that willcome to you, and the insights and ideas that you'll get through reflection are valuable. Not only are they valuable to you, but you must share those with other people and they will appreciate that. This Channel recognises the essence of the Abstract process. The archetype of this Channel is the prodigal, the child who leaves home, who abandons the security and expectation of conformity and goes out into the world. They are usually the black sheep and, by the way they leave, not many think they will ever return. But far down the road, much later, after many experiences, they do return home. What they bring back are reflections on the world, which become essential knowledge for the continuing growth of their family. It’s all about recognising the value of experience and articulating it. The voice of the 33rd Gate remembers or doesn't remember. It reveals or doesn’t. As a life-force, this Channel demands recognition. Without it, there is nothing to share. There is this deep capacity to be able to recognise things out of the experience, but also the possibility to be able to articulate it. It’s because of you and your wisdom that future generations can benefit from our experiences and don't have to make the same mistakes again. People with this Channel are often sought out as leaders because of this, but this kind of leadership has to come out of an invitation as well. It needs to be recognised, in the same way they themselves recognise things. They can’t go looking for it. It’s one thing for Logic to postulate what a solution can be, but Abstract just goes through the experience, finding out through it. They live the solution and confirm it. It might kill them, but then somebody can tell future generations about the dangers of it. \dividualistic Knowing Civcuit Keynote: Empowerment 61-24 Awareness /A design of a thinker Projected Weare dealing witha mental Individualistic stream that has the potential to be mutative but also melancholic. Compared to the Collective Abstract and Logic Channels which are visual, the Individualistic Channels are deeply acoustic. These people can really hear things in their heads. Individuality is about bringing something new into the world. This is the Channel of the thinker. It’s also what the outside world sometimes sees as madness, which is rooted in the melancholy that this Channel carries. It’s not about exploration or trying things. It’s only about thinking. There is no change, and that’s why there is melancholy. Sometimes, it’s thinking the same things over and over again, things that are basically acoustic, until there is mutation. It’s not something this person does on purpose. The thinking is just a force. Only in these rare times of mutation can it have the potential to bring something new on the mental direction for humanity, but until then, it’s a very mundane Channel. 43-23 Structuring / A design of individuality Projected This person is here to structure and express their radical and new ways of thinking so they can be understood in the world. They really have the gift to bring something new. This Channel can also be deeply melancholic unless mutation happens, unless something new emerges. It’s beyond your control so you have to surrender to the creative forces. This energy is only available when your potential to express yourself is recognised before you share it. You are not here to be concerned about others anyway. It’s all about your own process, but when you live holistically correct, you have the potential to empower people by expressing your mental process. These people can be good writers or speakers in a new and different way. 8-1 Inspiration/ A design of a creative rolemodel we This is the Channel of Inspiration. Only when you learn to honour the body’s wisdom will you get the recognition you deserve. You are here to bring something new into the world and it can take a while until creativity shows up. Creativity does not work on a timetable. There can be bouts of melancholy, but also sparks of genius. Don’t wait for it. Just be yourself and by doing so you become a role model for others. A kind of leader who leads by being an example. There is no need to explain yourself to others. People kind of find it cool that you are doing your thing and that’s inspiring. It’s all about finding your own unique way. This Channel has a deep need to demonstrate its creativity and a lot of artists and musicians have this Channel. You can only empower others and get the respect you deserve by waiting for your gift to be recognised. 2-14 The Beat / A design of being keeper of the keys Generated You've got your own strong individual sense of direction that can open new doors for yourself and humanity. That’s why you are called the keeper of keys. You've got the keys and you open doors. Your direction is a creative force, bringing something new that can be inspiring for others, but it will only be available out of a response. In order to “find” your direction, you have to completely surrender to the holistic wisdom of body and mind. You will go ona path that no one else has walked before and it takes courage going into the unknown. But only out of that courage can your rewards come in life. Out of courage anda correct response. 3-60 Mutation / A design of energy that fluctuates and initiates Generated ‘This Channel is the source of any mutation in life. It’s a powerful Channel, because it’s a Format Channel (Root to Sacral). Wherever you are in the world, there is always a chance to bring something new. If you go dooking for it, you will pay a price. You have no control over mutation. One moment it isn’t there, and then it is. It’s a fluctuating energy and it works out of a response to life. You don’t want to mutate into something that isn’t right for you. So you might want to learn to listen to your body and not just mind. You can be deeply melancholic, but also very creative. The mind does not like a Channel like this because it cannot control it. It doesn’t like to wa/t for anything. But mutation doesn’t follow any rulesor any patterns. It might not happen for a very long time and it might happen the next second. Let go of the fantasy that you are incontrol of it and you will do a lot better in life. 28-38 Struggle / A design of stubbornness Projected If something isn’t a struggle, it isn’t worth doing for you at all. To struggle is, for you, the necessary ingredient to get creative. Out of it, you find new ways that can empower other people, although they are rarely your concern as you are so deeply involved in your own personal struggle. Think of all the people who struggled to get on top of Mount Everest. They must have discovered all kinds of new things. Moments of deep melancholy followed by pure bliss. To fight against overwhelming odds is something that inspires your creativity, but also others. Yet, you can’t struggle for anything unless whatever you do is recognised first. And if your mind runs the show alone, you will always struggle for the wrong thing, and you will pay a price with your health. 55-39 Emoting/ A design of moodiness Projected You are here to surrender yourself totally to your emotions, going with both ends of the wave ~ the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows. If you stop looking for only one side of the spectrum with your mind, you will find great creativity in that process. You can be moody, but that is what’s necessary for you. It’s not a problem when you are holistically correct and don’t let your mind always overreact to it. For example, people with your Channel can be good musicians. The Individualistic Circuit is deeply acoustic as well as creative. Since this is a projected Channel, your work needs to be recognised or invited in order to have impact. Don’t be afraid to be different, and don’t let anyone give you a bad trip by telling you to control your emotions. On the contrary, immerse yourself as deeply as you can in your emotions, and out of that may come something inspiring. 20-57 The Brain Wave/ A design of penetrating awareness Projected ‘This is the Spleen to the Throat Channel. So, it’s a spontaneous expression of your awareness, of your intelligence in the moment. It says “I am aware now. I know now.” You are here to bring something new into the world. This is the Channel of the Brain Wave, expressing yourself in the now. Because it is a mutative Channel, you never know when this moment of acute awareness will come. This is an Individualistic Channel and it’s not concerned about anyone else unless invited to share its process and insights. If you just blurt it out, you can meet rejection. You are not afraid of the unknown in life, as you have intuition. 12-22 Openness / A design of a social being Manifested The Individualistie Circuit is, in general, not concerned about the other. It goes its own way and brings something new into the world. The only Individualistic Channel with social capability is this Channel of a social being. It’s about being social or not. Never be social if you are not in the mood. You are here to be passionate, guided by your emotions. You are here to be an inspiration for others, but your life can be a lot easier if you inform others about what you are about to do or you will meet restrictions as a consequence. Someone with this Channel can be the singer who really touches an audience with his or her deeply emotional performance. But in general, don’t do anything if you are not in the mood. \udividualistic Ceutving Civcuit Keynote: Empowerment 10-34 Exploration/ A design of following one’s convictions Generated It’s all about self-discovery and following your own convictions. Everything comes out of response in your Life-Force Centre. If you don’t operate holistically, you can’t find your correct identity and self-love. If you can’t love yourself, you can’t live out your purpose and vice-versa. It must never be about imposing your own convictions on others. You need to wait for things to come to you in order to discover your true-self and the beauty of it. You are someone who appreciates beautiful things in general. But in order to see clearly, you must find your own beauty first by taking away the power of your mind to run your life alone. Once you do, you can be inspiring and empowering to others by expressing that beauty you found, and by just being who you are like a beautiful flower that can bring joy to people just by looking at it. 25-51 Initiation / A design of needing to be first Projected You enjoy competition. But most of the time you are competing with yourse/f You can be concerned about being the best and must prove it, usually not to the other but yourself. Yet, you should not worry so much about being the best, but being different. You are here to be fearless when leaping into the unknown and into new areas, worrying about the consequences later. You can be a deep initiating force in others, inspiring them to do things they thought they could never do. But you must understand that others usually must recognise that talent in you in order to meet the right people and to have any true impact. Communal Willpower Civcuit Keynote: Support 32-54 Transformation / A design of being driven (ambition) Projected You are designed to be deeply ambitious. You can smell money. You can also smell a rat, and smell a deal that does or doesn’t work. Be in tune with your instinct. But you can only have your ambitions fulfilled through support of the people around you. It’s not about you going to look for them. Rather, it's about getting recognised. This is the young son who goes and gets a degree as a doctor, and the family is all working to pay for the college tuition. In turn, he is going to make money and support his parents when they are older. That's what this Channel is all about. It’s about fulfilling your ambitions and having the support of the tribe, but also looking after them later. You are probably not going to have your ambitions fulfilled until you have a good support network. You are not here to go out and do it alone. For you, everything is about hard work that can lead to material success. You have a nose for whether the energy invested into something is worth the material rewards later. 26-44 Surrender /A design of a transmitter Projected You are here to really transmit and sell a message, product or truth. You have a wonderful instinct to achieve this goal by adapting to any situation. You also like to be efficient, getting the maximum result with the least possible effort. You like to find ways to get paid more by doing less, but that’s just one of many examples. What you really have to understand is that whatever you want to sell or get out, it is only possible for you by being invited to do so, by being recognised. People have to find you, rather than you looking for them. And it’s always about bargains and keeping promises. 40-37 Community / A design of being apart seeking a whole Projected This Channel is about the utilisation of support in the community. If we were all capitalistic, there wouldn’t be any community. People with this have a deep sense for what the community is about. It’s all about making the right bonds and bargains. This Channel also stands for the marriage contract. If you have the 40-37 and you are not ina community, there is something wrong. It’s actual close, physical touch that matters. You need to be in a real community, and it needs to be the right community. So how do you know? You must acknowledge the wisdom of the body and not just mind. Then you get exactly the right community that's for you. Then you'll be able to flourish. Without a community, you are nothing. It’s important for you to be in acommunity that you like, as only through that can you live out your purpose. You could say finding that community is part of your purpose. People like you also bring a community wherever they go. They are a walking community. If you don’t operate holistically, you are not going to find the right community. It’s important for you to be recognised by a community that sees you for who you are. This will come through invitation, and you need to wait for that. Your Aura does the talking. Don’t go looking for it. Once you are in that community, you are really going to be in your element. You are a part seeking a whole. You can walk into a room and there's a group of people hanging out, minding their own business, and all of a sudden they become a community. There’s glue that you carry with you. 49-19 Synthesis / A design of sensitivity Projected You are synthesising the emotional needs of the tribe through sensitivity and coming to a conclusion through that. “I'm sensitive to the fact that you need that, and I'm going to support you” or “I'm insensitive that you need ¢#/s and you don’t get my support.” Basically, you are designed to be deeply sensitive emotionally. Sometimes you are going to be too sensitive. Sometimes you are not going to be sensitive enough, which is exactly what you are about, being sensitive or not. But one thing is for sure: you are deeply sensitive. You have to realise that this is connected to your emotional wave. But whatever it is will be correct if you are holistically correct. This Channel is about recognising what the tribe needs, how it needs it and how to allocate it. It's all about balancing your own needs with those around you, while standing by your principles. It’s also important for you to physically touch people. Now, whether you want to hug them or hit them depends on your mood. You have a deep sensitivity to the way your environment works. Depending on your mood, this can be also insensitivity, which is okay too if you entered into it correctly. 21-45 Money / A design of the materialist Manifested It’s the main voice of the Willpower Centre. It’s the only voice the tribe has. It communicates with the outside in terms of what they have or don’t have. These people can also be good educators, because they are the voice of the tribe. It's important to look at how this Channel plays out in a design. It’s a manifesting Channel. You've got the design of the materialist, that’s why you express yourself in the world in terms of what you have and what you don’t have. First of all, it’s important for you to feel you have enough. If you don't, you are not one of those people who can survive on nothing. When I say zothing, that’s a relative term. You need to feel like you have enough in your life. If you are walking around saying, “I don’t have” all the time, you are not going to be fully integrated in who youare. You're designed to /ave, You are designed to feel that you Aave. These people can feel crippled if they don't have all the comforts in life. All the Communal Willpower energies (socialist and capitalist) manifest themselves in this Channel. Someone like you is Willpower-centred and probably loves talking about yourself, which can lead to problems if you ignore your Interaction Type. You prefer working alone within a community and are, in general, a driven person. Communal Defence Civcvit Keynote: Support 59-6 Mating/ A design focused on reproduction Generated Also the Channel of intimacy and creativity. This can be the Channel of two people coming together and making a business, being intimate and creative in that business, or it can be the Channel of somebody who gets up on stage as an actor and makes you feel in touch with what they are doing. There's always a deep intimacy here. In an archetypal way, it’s of course about making babies and breaking down barriers, if you think about the sperm breaking down the barriers of the egg. This Channel breaks down barriers. You are somebody who is capable of being intimate with people quickly. You have a powerful and penetrating ‘Aura. You can walk into a room and all of a sudden the whole energy of the room becomes more intimate, too. Through that, new things and ideas can be born and brought into the world. You must understand that without surrendering to the intelligence of the body, you are going to be intimate with the wrong people. It’s also a deeply sexual Channel, but it’s more than that. It's about intimacy through touch. It can be intimacy with the guy who's selling groceries to you. It's basically the ability to break down barriers in general. If you are not holistically correct, you will have the wrong kind of intimacy, which, for example, can result in a baby with somebody who’s not right for you, or a business you started that will fail. You can’t force intimacy upon other people. That would be like rape. It always wants to come out of a response. Quite a few people with this Channel have unhealthy one-night stands, or even worse, children with the wrong partner. 27-50 Preservation / A design of custodianship Generated So on the other side (59-6), you've made your babies and now you are going to care for them. First, what you have to do is to make sure that you are cared for. You can’t spend your whole life running around caring for other people unless you are cared for yourself. The moment you live your design, you are going to be cared for, too. You have a naturally trustworthy Aura. You are designed to find people with the right values and care for them. Likewise, you are designed to have the right values and find people who care for you. The only way you are going to have that in a healthy way is by finding the right balance of body and mind intelligence. You can’t force caring upon someone. It always comes out of a response. Your instinct will tell you who to care for. Never listen to your mind alone. Because you love to care for others, it will always make you feel guilty. You don't need to find an explanation whether you care or don’t care for someone. The most difficult thing for you to learn is to say zo when your instinct tells you. There can only be what it means to be correct for you. Correct out of your own truth and own values. Nothing else. You are not here to care for everybody, only for some. But first of all, you also want to care for yourself. You also carry the deep mutative capacity to take charge, to be the custodian, the one who sets the laws for the tribe and community. éelf-survival Clhauuels Keynote: Individuation - The Descent into Form 20-10 Awakening/ A design of commitment to higher sen Projected You are someone who is here for yourself. It’s a selfish process, but it's the only way for you to discover who you are. The only way that works is by going out and living it out in the world. You are not someone who can be concerned about the other all the time. If your holistic authority tells you to do something, you must do it. You are here for yourself only. Since this is a Projected Channel, your self- expression usually comes out of an invitation. By living holistically, you will find people who love your way of living out who you are, who will invite you to do so. You are the source of the expression of self-love. ‘Without people like you, we wouldn't have self-love in the world. People like you also guarantee the survival of our species by making sure that you, yourself, survive. This Channel is about the G Centre being spontaneously awake in the zow through the Throat Centre. The G Centre is basically saying: “I am myself now. This is me.” You discover yourself constantly. This is the Channel of Awakening. You're really someone who discovers yourself on an on-going basis. You need to be in an environment where you are allowed to discover yourself and be free in that sense. This can be the Channel of the father who disappears. “See you later, everyone! I'm gone! I'm out of here!” He's gone and never comes back. Without that Channel, we wouldn’t be awake. Everyone with this Channel is here to explore what it needs to be awake as. a human being. They need to be focused on themselves and they need to be in an environment where they can do that. 20-34 Charisma/A design where thoughts must become deeds Mantfesting-Generated The reason this Channel is charismatic is because here we have the Sacral Centre that is constantly generating life, directly connected to the Throat. These people are constantly expressing the very source of life. That’s charismatic. It’s attractive. This is the basis of what life is all about. These people are busy being alive. These people are too busy for life! That’s the tragedy if they are not holistically correct. If they are though, they are busy living who they are and there's nothing sexier than that. If mind is running the show alone, they have no idea of what they are doing. They are running around like idiots, busy for the wrong things, and turning into a super-slave for others. The stereotype is the artist who is charismatic but is being controlled by a manager somewhere in the back room. What's important is that they need to busy for something that’s good for chem. That’s something they will discover once the body gets its due. This energy is xo¢ about empowering anybody else. It is primarily about empowering yourself. The world needs people like you! It may sound selfish, but it isn’t. If you don't love what you are doing, you are not going to love yourself. You need to be busy out of love for life, which means doing something that is fulfilling for you. Who cares if anybody else likes it? This is a Channel that likes to operate out of a response. And if everybody complains that they can't get hold of you because you are always busy, that’s their problem, and not yours. 34-57 Power/ A design of an archetype Generated If you think about African mythology, you have archetypes, people who represent something more than what they are. You are an archetype of what it means to be alive as a human being, of being just you. It doesn’t mean that it is going to help or inspire anybody, but it’s going to be awesome for you. Live your true design by being holistically correct and you will have a clarity as far as what your purpose is in this world, as an archetype of being alive. If you respond correctly, you will do what you have to do. You are what you are and you can’t help it. There’s nothing you can do about it! Not only will you like it, but it will surprise you to find people who even love you for being yourself. You have an acute awareness and instinct about where life wants to take you in a moment-to-moment process. You must be ready for anything that can happen any day, so don't plan ahead. You are helpless in it and it’s all about going with it. It’s all about your own process and being who you are, discovering it out of a response. Never let your mind alone tell you who you are or should be and you willbe fine. 10-57 Perfected Form/ A design for survival Generated This Channel represents an awareness from the Splenic Centre up to the G-Centre. So it’s an awareness of yourself, but it’s also an awareness of beauty and right behaviour in general, not just your own. A lot of interior designers, set-designers, and architects have this Channel. They are constantly aware of form. They see how things must be, to be correct in an aesthetic sense. If you have this Channel, you have the Channel of the Perfected Form and it’s also the design for survival. It's about having the intelligence or awareness for perfected form. You are not going to smear yourself with blood and run through a jungle with tigers. It’s just not something you are going to do. It's not correct behaviour. It wouldn't be about staying alive. You are designed to have an awareness of the correct behaviour in your life to survive. You really understand that. You are not here to worry about anybody else’s survival, by the way. Now, of course, if you survive and you survive well, you might have something that you could pass on to your wife and children, But that’s not what it’s about for you. You are not here to make compromises for other people's wellbeing unless your own true authority tells you. You are here to survive for your own well-being only. Ifyou don't do that, you are not going to love yourself. You actually bring self-love into the world, which is a beautiful thing. $0 whatever your idea of survival, correct form and behaviour, is that’s what it should be. If you live holistically correct, you will find the people in your life who are okay with your selfish process, people who might even find it inspiring. The Celestial Bodies avd what they tell us SuN EarTH Moon NortH-Nobe SoutH-Nope MERCURY VENUS Mars JuPITER SATURN URANUS NepTUNE PLuto MHEETSHEADWKQDOSO The Father The Mother The Drive Second half of Life First half of Life Communicator Morality Immaturity The Law The Judge Unusualness The Veil The Truth the Cross of Life The nature of the Sun/Earth and the South/Northnode is referred to as the Cross of Life in Human Design analysis. “7 st have the Sun above and the Earth below. You have the Southnode in your past and the Northnode in your future. It is a metaphorical cross, nota true cross. We live in a Solar Cell, or what scientists call the Solar System. The Solar System is made up of a star that we call the Sun, and planets and moons revolve around that Sun. This is our Solar Cell. It’s a cell. It's a self- enclosed living entity. What makes this Solar Cell liveable is the nature of the Sun. The Sun is providing us not only with energy like heat and radiation, but also a steady neutrino stream. Seventy percent of the information we receive from the Program, we receive from the Sun. So, the Sun is a key in our Solar Cell. Seventy percent of what we are, consciously and unconsciously, is in the position of our Sun. And 70% of what you turn into the grounding in your life, what is transformed into your form, is your Earth. This is the other side. The su The Sun represents the father, the Earth the mother. T his is the fundamental yin and yang of our Solar Cell. This is the electromagnetic field of our Solar Cell. This interplay between light and darkness, between energy and matter, between the father and the mother, between the yang and the yin. So, that means when you are looking at somebody's chart and you are looking at the position of the Earth or Sun, you are talking about a lot of what they are as core material. If you look first of all to the Design Sun, what you see is our biogenetic inheritance. The Sun and the Earth on the Design side always represent the genetic themes, inherited directly from father and mother. The Design Sun is the theme you inherited from your father. The Design Earth is the theme you inherited from your mother. This is not a specific gene, but isa genetic theme. As you move through the rest of the chart on your Design side, what you see is basically your inheritance from your grandparents. These are the genes that always jump a generation. In terms of genetics every single child has a closer genetic profile to its grandparent than it does to its parent. This is simply a fact. There is also this famous, wonderful joke that says grandparents and grandchildren love each other because they have an enemy in common. When you look at your Design Sun, you represent an aspect of the genetic pool that goes back through your father’s line to his mother and father, and their mother and father, all the way back. If you could imagine a pyramid, you are at the top of the pyramid with your Design Sun and underneath that Design Sun are all of your father’s ancestors. Underneath the Design Earth are all of your mother’s ancestors. Finally, here you are at the end of the gene pool and this is what you're here to manifest as your aspect of the gene pool in this life. Imagine when your Sun is laying dormant, meaning that the Centre in your chart where your Sun is is undefined. You wake up in the morning and the Sunis locked up in your house and the shutters have been closed. You wake up in darkness. Think about what an incredible seduction it is to have somebody come along, and hook up your undefined Centre and open up those shutters. All of a sudden, all that light of yours comes streaming out. You think that person is wonderful! They are letting your sunlight out. You can become deeply dependant on those human beings, because they allow your Sun to shine. In simple terms, there are people whose Sun @/ways shines. And there are people whose Sun only shines intermittently, inconsistently. People who activate your dormant Sun are important people in your life. You have to be very clear about these people. You can’t just get hooked on them because they open up that sunlight. Because so will the person in the supermarket standing beside you. So will the person on the bus sitting beside you, the person in the theatre watching with you. In other words, there are many ways for someone with a dormant Sun to get it activated and get that light out. But you have to know that. This is one of the most deeply conditioning factors for people, and it becomes a trap. Because the moment these people pull away, they leave you in darkness. You can become deeply dependent on them, and it becomes a trap. Everybody with a dormant Sun should understand that. Be clear about who's opening those shutters for you, who's allowing your Sun to shine. In this case, it means that your light it not something that you can trust. That's not easy. Because you cannot feel comfortable with your light until you recognise who's allowing it to come out, which means you have to be wise, both mentally and in your ego, to. be able to differentiate. the Eavth The Earth represents where you get your grounding and stability. Of course, if you come from astrology, the first recognition is, there is no Earth. ne of the things to recognise about design is that it balances out the masculine and feminine, and shows it as a yin-yang system. Almost everything feminine ended up on the shoulders of the Moon and Venus in astrology. It's important to understand that so many of the attributes given to the Moon in astrology belong to the Earth, the mother. The Moon. is the eldest daughter, Venus is the second daughter. The Sun is the father, Mercury is the eldest son, and Mars is the youngest son. This is the inner planet structure. This is the yin-yang in proportion. And without the father and mother together, there are no offspring. It doesn’t matter what the lightis, the Earth is there to ground it. Always remember that the Sun and the Earth are opposite to each other, which means if you look at the Wheel in design, you'll see that every Hexagram that’s opposite is a mirror. They are an exact mirror of each other. Recognise the magic of the Wheel. The sunlight or energy of the Sun has to be translated by the Earth. When you take the light to the Earth, it gets converted to chlorophyll and out comes a plant. You have to understand that there is a relationship between energy and matter in an ongoing way. Everything that comes from sunlight has to be grounded in matter. When you are looking at the Earth symbols in a chart, what you are looking at is the unconscious and conscious grounding, and stability in your life. Now, if you are stable and grounded, your life is always going to be much more fun, much more reliable. Because it is where your Earth is that you have the ability to translate the energy information of the Sun. It's so important for you to understand that this knowledge is here for you, so that you realise there is no such thing as personal karma. It doesn’t exist. All of our karmas are intertwined, endlessly intertwined with each other. Nothing happens without it. Because this is what it is for us. It’s this endless giving up of our individual Aura to the Aura of others and the Program that we are in. Where you go in this life is dependent on who is travelling with you. It’s deeply important. Our process is to understand mechanics, so that we can see who our companion ison the road. We are here to help fulfil each other. The Moon Where ever the moon is, this 's what drives you and what moves you. You can have unconscious and conscious drives. The Nodes hen you come to the nodes of the Moon, you come to the division of the chart. The nodes of the Moon are rooted in a Uranian cycle. The Uranian cycle says that sometime between the age of 38 and 44 we have our mid-life point. This divides the life into a theoretical half, When I say theoretical, it’s because there is no guarantee that you are going to live 84 years. So, sometime between the age of 38 and 44, Uranus has gone to a position that’s opposite where it was when you were born. The Southnode and the Northnode represent a Prana in life. Your Southnode is breathing in. As you get closer to your mid-life point you have shorter and shorter breaths. And then you get to your midlife point and you start breathing out. This is the Prana of life. You don't have to be clear until you start breathing out, because while you are breathing in you are processing. It takes longer. It’s okay that it takes longer because we /ive longer, and we are processing a lot. The nodes represent a neighbourhood. They are physical. It’s like the background in a scene ina film, and the background tells you everything, actually. The background frames what to expect. In other words, the nodes are painting the environment in the background of your experience. It is a set. It’s even better to understand that this set is not just physical buildings, but the zeop/ewho live there. If you want to make a movie, and you want to show a street where your character is going to go down that street to somebody’s house, it’s not enough that you simply have the street there, and you have some parked cars. What you must stick into that background are people, but they're just decoration. Yet, they’re decoration that add to the quality of the environment. For example, if the decoration looks like a gang of young hoodlums who are out to find a victim, you're going to feel different about that environment, no matter what the neighbourhood looks like. In other words, what the nodes really bring you is much larger because it is a transpersonal imprint. It is coming from beyond what is the Solar Cell structure. So, what we have is an environment that is more than just the physical environment. It’s the people who give the environment its quality. The Southnodes represent the theme of their trajectory for the first half of life, the theme of their trajectory of their movement through space. The Northnode represents the trajectory for the second half of their life. Both conscious and unconscious. One of the things to see clearly is that with the environment brought by the nodes, it is not there to either bring punishment or reward. It simply sets the stage. So obviously, when you are looking at somebody's chart, you have to see whether they are in their Southnode or Northnode phase. When somebody is in their Southnode phase, those Southnodes are a dominant theme in the chart, an overall dominant theme of direction. When you go into your Northnode phase, those same Southnode Gates have a function like any other Gate and are nothing special anymore. They just do whatever they do, and your Northnode becomes the dominant theme for the rest of your life in terms of your direction. The love of humanity is not about loving your neighbour. It is about being yourself. 7//s generates love in the world. Mercury t’s the planet closest to the Sun. It’s acommunicator for the Sun. In your chart, it shows what must be communicated as a theme in your life. You have conscious and unconscious communication. Venus V enus represents the number five. It represents Friday. In Saudi Arabia on a Friday, you might get a public beheading. In Mayan history, all ceremonial sacrifices and rituals took place the moment that Venus appeared in the sky. She was called the Eye. Only when the Eye appeared in the sky was it the time for sacrifice. That Venus is different from the Roman version. The Romans and Greeks were a sexist and male-dominated society where women did not have any power, which isn’t to say Venus doesn't have anything to do with aesthetics or relationships. In design terms, Venus represents your morality, and Jupiter establishes the law. Venus establishes the common morality, the natural law. Venus represents where right and wrong is going to bea theme for you in life. Mars Tie best way to understand Mars isto imagine a 12-year-old child. Mars is full of piss and vinegar. It also can be delightfully innocent, superbly enthusiastic, and it can be cruel as hell. It represents immaturity in your design. Wherever you see Mars in your design, you are seeing an immature energy. It’s not about good or bad. There is no morality. It's about seeing what it is there for. Don't see it as a negative. Look at it as the immaturity in you, and what it is saying to you. You are ot going to make cis mature. So, don't rely on this aspect of your nature, because it’s immature. Accept what you are and see how beautiful itis, instead of judging of what you ¢hink you see. Tupiter bout 4% of the neutrinos we receive, we get from Jupiter. It is important information we receive from it. Jupiter is ze Lagos and represents a place in the hierarchy in the Solar Cell that's at the top of the game. It’s important, as it represents ce /aw for us. Every Astrologer knows that a Jupiter-Venus conjunction can be beautiful, because that’s when the morality and law are one. Jupiter looks down from the mountaintop at the people and their morality, and establishes the law. It tries to make it concrete. When you look at your design and Jupiter, you see where your law is. Your Personality is never going to be satisfied until that law is satisfied, too. Sa turn f you break the law in your design, Saturn is the judge. Saturn is a beautiful planet, because Saturn is the only planet that isn't going to purposefully fool you. All the others will. Saturn is going to tell you exactly what you need to know. If you break your own law, it’s not Jupiter that punishes you, it’s Saturn that punishes you in the place of judgement. So wherever Saturn is in your design, this is the place where you can be tried and judged, or left alone. Saturn will never reward you, but it can /eave you alone. The reward always means that Saturn will leave you alone. Uravus uman Design is a Urantan system. It’s actually the first Uranian system. According to the Voice, in 1781 when Uranus was discovered, we went from being a seven-Chakra system to a nine-Centre system. Up to the discovery of Uranus, all life-patterns had been restricted to the Saturnian cycle of 29.6 years, which meant that by the time you reached puberty at 12 or 13 you were married and you worked. Biologically, for hundreds of thousands of years, we had been ready to assume the adult place in society at the age of 15, completely prepared and having gone though the Prana of the first half of our life. All of a sudden, since 1781, we have a cycle that’s 84 years, not 29.6. That's a big difference. The moment that this cycle arrived was the moment we began to have proper sewage systems and advances in science. All of a sudden, we ended up with a vast population expansion because people lived longer than they ever lived. Along with Uranus came the stimulation for the whole scientific world. Out of that came the science that allowed us to have a proportionate life to this new half-life point. We now have a half-life point that comes between the age of 38 and 44. That’sa half cycle of Uranus. I tell everybody who is not yet at that point: relax! Only if you don’t know what you're doing by the time you're 50, then you've read/y missed the boat. But you've got time because we have a new Prana. All of us are living in a Prana in which the first half of a Uranian cycle is a breathing in process that’s deeply complex. We are not village people anymore. We are in a global community. We are no longer restricted in the information accessed or limited in our cultural perspective. We have a lot to process in this first 40 years. Yet, there is still this old pressure that says: “By the time you're 21, you know, you can take care of yourself. You Setter figure it out! You better £now what you're going to do! You better know what career you are going to have! You better be ready to buy that house and pay for that mortgage!” Good luck! Because that’s xot what it’s all about. It now takes us 40 years, on average, to reach a level of maturity that allows us to properly deal with this life. Andit’s important to see the enormous pressure that’s on so many people at their Saturn return and at their Saturn opposition. The Saturn oppositionis at 15. It is one of these things to recognise that this age is one of the deepest crisis times in all of humanity, and with that you have an enormous number of suicides around it. This is the moment that a human being has all the potential to be a full productive adult andis not permitted to be so by our society. We continue to make them be children. We keep them in school until they are 25 or 30. We do everything in our power to deny them the respect of being unique human beings. They are under enormous pressure. Because even though they know deep inside of them at 15 that they have every right to go out into the world and do their thing, they are not allowed. A difficult point. The next one is at 30. At the age of 30, there is this sense that one has committed oneself to a life. And, of course, what happens is that you get to 40 and you realise you didn’t want it. So one of the things to see clearly when you are looking at somebody's chart and they are in their Southnode phase is that they have a Jong time before they have to be concerned about whether they have done the right thing. It takes a long time. We are here to accumulate a lot of experience. Uranus represents unusualness. Wherever you seeit in a chart, there is an unusual quality that’s at work. Because Uranus is so much a part of what our design is now, this position of Uranus also represents the part of us that resonates to the future. Neptuve - irst of all, Neptune is not masculine, but feminine. Neptune brings the only opportunity that any planet can give you in your Program and in the transiting Program for spiritual experience. Neptune represents the veiling, or the dropping down of the veil. Wherever you see Neptune in your design, recognise something very basic: don’t pay any attention to it. None. Leave it alone. Forget that it’s even there. Don't care about it. This is Pandora’s Box. If you try to lift one veil, you are only going to get another, and another, and another one. This leads to delusion, and it could lead to all kinds of confusion, alcoholism, and drug abuse. The veil of Neptune. If you do not try to unveil it, you have an opportunity to receive it’s magic. But the moment you try to get in there, it’s over. If you have Neptune ina Gate and it’s part of a defined Channel, it is veiling the whole Channel. Which means that you shouldn't pay any attention to that Channel. Leave it alone and watch it's magic. Pluto | call Pluto Grandma. So, obviously, Pluto is not male. It’s closer to Durga, if you know this name. Very savage and vicious. The incredibly powerful Earth- mother. The whole thing to recognise about the keynote for Pluto is that wherever you see Pluto in the chart, you see that person's truth. Let’s say you go to your mother when you are a kid and you ask: “How was I made?” She sort of chews on that, and asks you to take out the laundry or the garbage, to get you out of the house. You get out of your house, get on your bicycle and go to grandma's. “Grandma how was I made?” Oh, Grandma /s going to tell you! That's what they do. Grandma is going to tell you the truth and the truth isn’t necessarily pleasant. That’s what Pluto is for. So wherever you see Pluto in your chart, you have to recognise that this is your truth. the Gates of the Rave | Ching ‘The Creative Creation as a primal force. The energy potential to manifest inspiration without ee ‘The Gate of Self- Expression ss the primal base through tha any response is determined. The root of Difficulty at the Beginning ‘The fundamental Challenge of initiation is to transcend confusion and establish order. ‘The Gate of Ordering ‘Youthful Folly ‘The energy to beguile and succeed despite ignorance. Freedom from retribution, Waiting ‘The fundamental attunement to natural shythms. Waiting as an active state of Conflict ‘The fundamental design component of progress. The law that growth cannot exist The army 7 TheGateoftheRoleof Me point oreonvergence By design, the theSelf ‘need for leadership to guide and order Holding Together & TheGateof Contribution the basic worth realised in contributing individual efforts to group goals ‘The Taming Power of the Small 9 ‘TheGateofFocus Potential can be fulfilled through detailed attention toall pertinent aspects Treading 10 ‘The Gateofthe ‘The underlying code of behaviour that Behaviour ofthe Self ensures successful interaction despite Peace ‘A harmonic condition inthe individual or society that permits assessment before renewed action. Standstill The quality of restraint and the importance of meditation and inaction in 11. Thecateof ideas 12 TheGateofcaution fe ‘The Fellowship of Man 13 TheGateofthetis Universal ideas and values in an ordered framework that inspires humanistic cooperation, Possession in Great Measure The accumulation and retention of power 14 thecateofower skis through skilled interaction, coupling grace | with control, Modesty 15. thecateofextremes rhe ualiy of behaviour that expresses the prope balance between extremes 16 — TheGateof skills 17 TheGate of opinions 18 TheGateofcorrection 19 TheGateof Wanting 20 TheGateoftheNow ‘The Gate ofthe 21 ‘Hunter/Huntress 22 TheGateofopenness 23 TheGate of Assimilation TheGateof 24 Rationalising Enthusiasm ‘The great art of enriching life by harmonie| ‘channelling of energy. Following ‘The ancient law that those who wish to rule must know how to serve Work on whathas been Spoilt ‘The vigilance and determination to uphold| and defend basic and fundamental human rights. ‘Approach Thatall things are interrelated is apparent ‘and manifested through the action of, Contemplation ‘Recognition and awareness in the now that transforms understanding into right Biting Through ‘The justified and necessary use of power in overcoming deliberate and persistent interference Grace A quality of behaviour best suited in handling mundane and trivial situations. Amorality. The awareness and ‘understanding that leads to the aceeptance| of diversity ‘The natural and spontaneous process of transformation and renewal 25 TheGateoftheSpiritof Tanocence ‘The perfection of action through ‘uncontrived and spontaneous nature. the Self ‘The Taming Power of the Great 26 Thecateotthergoiss The M=ximisation ofthe power of ‘memory applied to the nurturing of ‘continuity Nourishment 27 = —‘TheGateofCaring The enhancement of the quality and the substance ofall activities through caring 2g TheGateofthe Game Preponderance of the Great Player ‘The transitoriness of power and influence. ‘The Abysmal ‘The deep within the deep. Persistence 29 Thecatectsaying ver Tye duneulues hacks inevitable ‘The Gate of Recognition The Clinging Fire 30 a Freedo: ged aban ilusion and : eedom recognised aan lsion an of Fodlings Timitation aceepted asafate Influence ‘The aw of eton, whether activ or 31 TheceteotLeading passive, that engenders transference and thus influence Duration 32 ‘The GatecfContiantry ‘The only thing that endures is change. Retreat 33 © TheGateofPrivacy Active withdrawal and the transformation| of a weak position into a strength, 34 — TheGateofPower 35 — TheGateofchange 36 — TheGateofCrisis 37 TheGateof Friendship 38 TheGateofthe Fighter ‘The Gate ofthe 39 Provocateur AQ TheGateofAloneness 42 theGateofcrowth 41 TheGate of Contraction The limitation of resources that maximises ‘The Power ofthe Great Poweris only great when its display or use serves the common good. Progress By design, progress cannot exist ina vacuum and is dependent on interaction. ‘The Darkening of the Light The rule of eyclesin which decline isa tural but not enduring stage ‘TheFamily ‘The manifestation macro- and micro- cosmically of the organic nature of Opposition ‘The abilty to preserve individual integrity ‘rough opposition to detrimental forces. Obstruction ‘The value of obstruction in provoking analysis, assessment and reevaluation, Deliverance ‘The point of transition between struggl and liberation, Decrease development of potential, Increase ‘The expansion ofthe resources that ‘maximises the development of full potential Breakthrough 43 TheGateofinsight inorder forachievementto be maintained ‘anew order must be fairly established. Coming to Meet 44 TheGateof Alertness The success of any interaction is based on the absence of any preconditions Gathering Together 45 TheGateoftheGatherer the natural and generally beneficial attraction of Uke forces. The Gate of the Pushing Upward Good fortune that may be perceived as the result of serendipity but derives from Self ‘effort and dedication. Oppression ‘A restrictive and adverse state as a result of “nuernal weakness or external strength or 47 ‘TheGateofRealising ‘oth ‘The Well 48 rhecaimorvegth On epereniietocsabahbe common good. Revolution Ideally the transformation of forms based 49 ‘TheGatscfrrinciples on the highest principles and not simply for power TheCauldron ‘The value ofhistorical continuity whose traditional values serve and enrich the present and the future 50 TheGateofvaiues ‘The Arousing 51 — TheGateofShock The ability to respond todisorder and 52 53 54 55 56 ST 58 59 60 shock through recognition and adaption. ‘TheGateofInaction ‘The Gate of Beginnings ‘The Gate of Ambition ‘The Gate of Spirit ‘The Gate of Stimulation ‘The Gate of intuitive Insight ‘The Gateof Aliveness ‘The Gate of Sexuality ‘The Gate of Acceptance Keeping Still (Mountain) ‘Temporary and self imposed inaction for the benefit of assessment Development Developmentasa structured progression that isboth steadfast and enduring. ‘The Marrying Maiden Interaction in its mundane social context Dbutalso one's mystical and cosmic relationships. Abundance Abundance is strictly a question of spirit. ‘The Wanderer Stability through movement. The perpetuation of continuity through the Linking of short term act ‘The Gentle ‘The extraordinary power of clarity. The Joyous stimulation is the key to jov. Dispersion ‘The ability to break down barriers to Limitation ‘The acceptance of limitation is the first step in transcendence. Inner Trath 61 TheGateofMystery — Theawareness of universal underlying principles. Preponderance ofthe Small 62 — TheGateofDetail Caution, patience and detail produce ‘excellence out of imitation, 63 — TheGateof Doubt ‘After Completion {In the spiral of life, all ends are beginnings. Before Completion Like bith, requires 2 determined strength forthe passage through. 64 TheGate of confusion ‘The Gate of Self-Expression “Tis ake of ign ove? ing ‘The Gate of Ordering “The Gate of Fixed Rhythms ‘The Gate of Friction "The Gate of the Role of the Self ‘The Gate of Contribution The Creative Creation as @ primal force. The energy po tential to manifest inspiration without limi ben, The Receptive Receptivty as the primal base through that any response Is determined. The reot of ac- ben. Difficuity at the Beginning The fundamental Challenge of initiation is ta transcend confusion and establish order Youthful Folly The energy to begule and succeed deste Ignorance, Freecom from rebut, Waiting The fundamental attunement. to natu: ral rhythms, Waiting 2= an active sate of The fundamental design component of pro= ress. The law that growth cannot eit ‘athout fcton The Army The point of convergence. By design the new for leadership to gude and order so- ety. Holding Together ‘The base worth realzed in contribueng ind Aika efor to group goals. ‘The Gate of Focus "The Gate of the Behaviour of the Self ‘The Gate of ideas” ‘The Gate of Caution ‘The Gate of the Listener ‘The Gate of Power Skills ‘The Gate of Extremes” ‘The Gate of Sidlis “The Taming Power of the Smail Potential can be fulflied through detailed at- tention to all pertinent aspects Treading ‘The underying code of behaviour that en sures successful interaction despite crcum- ances, “Peace harmonic coneition in the Indvidual or society that permits assessment before re- ewed action, Standstill The qual of restraint ane the importance cof meditation and Inaction In contronting temptation, ‘The Fellowship of Man Universal ideas end values in an ordered feamemork that inspires. humanistic coop tion. “Possession in Great Measure ‘The accumulation and retention of power through sklled interaction, coupling grace vith conta, | Modesty ‘The qualty of behaviour that expresses the proper balance between extremes. Enthusiasm The great art of enriching life by harmonic channeling of energy “a7 “The Gate af Spinions ‘The Gate of Correction “tke Gate'of Wanting ‘The Gate of the Now ‘The Gate of the Hunter] Huntress ‘The Gate of Openness ‘The Gate of Assimilation ing ‘The ance a tat those whe wish to le rt oe hoe br ‘Wotk'Sn winat bas Been Spit The vgtane and determination to uphold ard fend bes and fame heron Pats. ‘Approach ‘Ta al tings ae terete fe appaert tnd raestes tough the ston fap ret Contemplation Feogitan and amsenea then ha trandforme ungestancn into ight ato. Biting Through “The justfied and necessary use of poner in ‘overcoming deliberate and persistent inter- ference, Grace A quality of behaviour best suited in har dling mundane and trivial stuations. ‘Splitting Apart ‘Amoralty. The awareness and understand- Ing that leads tothe acceptance of divest. Returning The patra ond spontaneous proces of ansfrmaion nd eel Self ‘The Gate of the Egoist ‘The Gate of Caring 29 ‘The Gate of Saying Yes "30 “The Gate of Recognition of Feelings “The Gate of Leading" ‘32 ‘The Gate of Continuity “The Gate of the Spirit of the ‘Innocence “Nourishment’” _toflusnee “The Gate of Privacy” “The perfection of action through uncon trived and spontaneous nature. ‘The Taming Power of the Great ‘The Gate of Power “The maximisation of the power of memory applied to the nurturing of continuity. ” ‘The Gate of Change” ‘The enhancement of the quality and the substance of all acthities through caring Preponderance of the Great ‘The Gate of Crisis “The transitoriness of pomer and influence. ‘The Abysmal “The deep within the deep. Persistence de- spite ciffcultes has ts inevitable rewards. ‘The Gate of Friendship ing ira” ‘The Gate ofthe Fighter Freedom recogsed os an Huson andi tation acon a at ‘influence “The Gate of the Provocateur “The law oF fiction, whether active or pase sive, that engendets transference and thus Duration | ‘The Gate of Aioneness “The only thing that encures is change. Fhe Barkening “etic Active witharaval andthe transfermation of, ‘a weak postion into a strength, ‘The Power of the Great Power is only great when its display or use serves the common good. Progress By design, progress cannot exist in a vacu= ‘um and Is dependent on interaction tie tight” Thera cfeylestonher deci 2 nalir fl butt encring Sage. The Family ‘The manifestation macro- and micro-coemi- cally ofthe organic nature of communities “Opposition ‘The abilty to preserve individual integrity through opposition to detrimental forces. ‘Obstruction “The value of obstruction in provoking analy= ss, assessment and reevaluation. “Deliverance” ‘The pont of transition between stuggle and lveration ‘The Gate of Contraction 42 The Gate of Growth “43” The Gate of Insight” “44 “The Gate of Alertness “45 “The Gate of the Gatherer ‘The Gate of the Determina- tion of the Self ‘47 “The Gate of Realising 448 “The Gate of Depth “Decrease ‘The limitation of resources that maximises development of potent Yncrease ‘The expansion ofthe resources that maxim- ises the development of ull potential Breakthrough Iinerder for achevementto be maintained a new order must be fairy established, “Goining ta het The etc of any teraction fs asad on the abeence of any preconios Gathering Together ‘The natural and generally beneficial attrac- tion of ke forces. Bushing Upward ocd fortune that may be perceived asthe resut of serendipity But cerves from effort dnd ceccaton, ‘Oppression An reccve and adverse state as a result of inal weakness oF external senge ot beth The Weil The necessary and qualtatve foundation that isa prerequste fo establish the com> _men gee. "G8 The ake ot Principies “50” The Gate of Vaiues 51 The Gate of Shock ‘The Gate of Inaction The Gate of Beginnings 54” The Gate of Ambition 55 The Gate of Spirit 56 The Gate of Stimulation Revolution Tdealy the tensfermation of forms based fon the highest principles and not simaly for FOU cscessesneeve The Cauldron ‘The vale of historical continuity whose tra- tional values serve anc enrich the present and the future ‘The Arousing ‘The abit to respond to disorder and shock through recogntion and adaption, Keeping Stili (Mountain) ‘Tempore an seFinposed inaction forthe benefit of azestment evelopment Developmen ae 2 sratured prooressen Bae bon testo rae “te Warring Walden” Thad is mndane soc context but eo ones mystical and cxme rato. ‘abundance . Aoundance ety a question of oe ‘The Wanderer Stabllty through movement. The perpetu- ‘ation of continulty through the linking of ‘hort term activity, 6a "The Gate of Doubt ‘The Gate of Aiiveness The Gate of Sexuality "The Gate of Acceptance "The Gate of Mystery” ‘The Gate of Confusion The Gentle ‘The extraordinary power of dart. ‘The Joyous” ‘Stimulation isthe key to joy. Dispersion ‘The abiity to break down barriers to achieve “Limitation The acceptance of limitation Is the frst step in transcendence, “Inner Truth ‘The awaceness of universal underlying prin ples. Caution, patience and detall produce excel lence ott of limitation In the spiral of life, all ends are beginnings. Before Completion ‘Transition, lke bith, requres 2 determines strength forthe passage through. The Desiqu of Sleep The Night Forces of Conditioning ‘The Demon Realm ‘The Earth Piane The Light Field 19 Environments, 12 Mutation 62 Love 53 Flight 27 Yeaming 20 Sight 42 Dying 50 Sex 57 Attunement 38 Aggression 5 Time 8 Darkness 28 Fear 15 Chaos 1 by W e spend a third of our lives asleep, and it’s asleep that we receive the deepest programming and conditioning. What we experience when we sleep is never personal. It’s only the work of the Program. Information comes in, which later slowly bubbles to the surface in form of the collective unconscious. There is no point in looking for a reason why you dream certain things or what certain symbols mean. It’s not about this. Sleep is a way to be impersonally programmed, a time when the Personality is not involved at all. We are reduced to a mammalian level of competence. Our Personality on the dream plane functions similar to what’s going on in a sleeping dog or cat. One has to be careful not to personalise the dream state. It is only information that we receive. The calculations for the sleep-chart are similar to that of the mammalian design. It’s a juxtaposition of the Solar and the Lunar. The father and his eldest daughter. The mother is eternal. She isn't part of this. For the mammalian calculation, we have the Solar imprint at the moment of birth, which gives us the Personality, and then we go back 88 degrees of the movement of the Moon (which is approximately seven days) for the Design. Every night when we go to sleep, the Moon brings an intensity to the unconscious, a deep Lunar drive that is moving us. We are fuelled, pumped up, and prepared for the next day. Weare being organised for the future. This is what the Program is doing. The Design Crystals for the human form provide us with a very sophisticated environment, the goal which is to achieve cognition in the form of self- reflected consciousness. Therefore, the Personality in a human needs much longer to accustom itself to its environment compared to the Personalty of a mammal, which doesn’t have that much to do in that department- simply because it’s cut off from what we would refer to as having a neocortex. Similar to the design we have when we are awake, we have one when we sleep. The most common design of a dreamer is the Drifter. The Program wants noninterference from the Personality and for this it's the best suited design. Workers are only about 18%. We have three programming forces at work when we sleep: ° The Light Field © The Earth Plane * TheDemon Realm The Light Field receives its programming from the Personality Crystal bundles that surround the Earth. They represent the primary forces of the Godheads (16 Faces). Only when we are asleep are our Personalities truly touched by the 16 Godheads, who ~ by the way — are never in agreement with each other. They represent all kinds of perspectives and agendas that will be played with by the mind. None of them are absolutes. But it’s a very sly way of influencing our Personalities, because it’s not like we can remember any of it when we wake up later. Every religion on Earth is based on the Light Field and its five themes. First, they bring you the promise of joy, they condition you with it and layer it with darkness, they attune you to the homogenised fears, they give you these glimpses of what's coming, and finally, you wake up and think you have to do all kinds of things. The Demon Realm gets its programming from the Design crystal bundle within the Earth, a single crystal, uniform in its presentation. It has its own agenda: the manipulation of our form, our bodies. This is not about “indulging” the Personality. This is all about the form. It’s a very powerful energy that we feel after we wake up in our vehicles in order to deal with the day ahead. It’s an energy-programming ina sense. Most importantly, the Demon Realm tries to maintain the well-being of our bodies, and despite its “name reputation”, is responsible in keeping us relatively healthy. Without that sleep, the rejuvenating or replenishing imprint isn’t going to be there. The Demon Realm is dominated, inspired, and conditioned by food. If you are somebody who has only Light Field activations, then food is not going to influence the quality of your dream. But if you have Gates from the Demon Realm, then what you eat is going to influence your dreaming. If you have a child with strong Demon Realm activations, you can tell right away if you are giving them the right food by how disturbed their dream life is. The Demon Realm may be frightening, but it is ameliorated by a proper diet. Still, this realm is the heart and soul of the regenerative sleep. The Earth Plane is the most fascinating of all. You could also say it’s the darkest, which you'd think would be associated with the name “Demon Realm”. The Earth Plane is also called the astra/piane. Here, we are affected by that part of humanity awake on the other side of the planet. The neutrino field that is penetrating them in their waking moments affects us at night in our sleep. It’s through them that we are homogenised ata level you can’t imagine. The chaotic conditioned world with all its rage, fears, and anxieties - the deep problems that go with every Type not functioning correctly - influences you with all this anger, frustration, bitterness and disappointment. There is a darkness to the Earth Plane because of all the suffering, pain, and dilemmas that take place on the physical plane. It would be nice if we'd only filter the highest levels of consciousness from some little monastery up in the Himalayas, but we don't. Instead, we filter the billions of people who don’t “have”, who “want”, who cry out when no one is listening. We take in the translation of their world through minds that have not been trained, from beings that have never been educated. We might not see it, but we dream it. This is “nightmare land”, things that truly startle. ‘What we are feeling through the Earth Plane is the discomfort of the Earth. When you wake up holistically unbalanced, this is what you are carrying inside of you. When you operate from the mental plane, reacting to this strong force, you don’t have a chance in life to fulfil your unique purpose. The Earth Plane is basically “recycling” the human consciousness field. In fact, it is zor programming. It exists solely for the purposes of homogenisation. This is were we are taking in a plane that is soaked with human greed, lust, desire, longing, and yearning, together with all the sex stuff. Yet, the only dreams that are important are the ones that take place on the Earth Plane. These are the ones that are intended to be shared, because they have a value for others. What you dream on the Earth Plane is not for yourself. Don’t be fooled by the “entertainment” of the dream. It’s only a shimmer that distracts us from what’s really going on. What you remember of it is not what you get while you are dreaming, but what is moving through your chemistry and ultimately to your self- reflected consciousness. It's a powerful and manipulative force only. It’s not about finding any meaning for the Personality. It is a mechanism. We are here to watch the movie, and the movie is the Program. We are here to watch it, but not to interfere with it — with no authority of mind, totally stripped of its power. When you understand this, you get to cut through all the nonsense and illusion about the dream and the dreamer. Instead, you get to see the programmer and the programmed. The danger is to become a victim of the Program by operating without your own correct authority during your waking life. You are not here to be manipulated by the Program and lose your authority, because that’s the only chance you have to live out your full potential. When you are awake, you have an opportunity to integrate with the Program or not. You can have your own authority. But it’s gone in the sleep-design. Weare not victims of the Program, but instruments of it. Yet, if you take the authority away from the mind, you aren't going to be deluded anymore. There is only one drama and that is your own. Lifelong entertainment in watching your movie. The most interesting thing one notices in the sleep- design is that there is no mind in the dream. Think about all the stupid things you've heard about dreams and dream analysis. Your mind does not participate. A dream is like a movie, but there is no “watcher”. There is no mind and there is no ego, no “I”, no identity. You don't “think” about a dream until you are awake. Yet, you have all these people running around, wanting to personalise their dreams, instead of interpreting analytically what they receive. It’s so different. To understand the mechanics of the “sleeper”, one has to stop interpreting the dream for a moment and understand what we are dealing with here: a specific programming that wants to bypass the mind. It’s the reason why we sleep. To be certain you get the correct programming, you have to be your own authority to determine if you want to sleep in your own aura or not. You don’t want to take somebody else’s dream. programming that has nothing to do with you, and then end up with all kinds of stuff running through your system that is unhealthy for you. At the same time, it could be exactly what’s correct for you. Gates 19, 12 and 62 are like mystical portals in which dreams from each of the domains can emerge on the surface. They are also ways in which the dreamer can be specially influenced by the program. Long-term transits to these Gates have an enormous impact on the sleeping life. When you get into the Lines, you get into the dreams. The Gates are the archetypal forces, but with the Lines you get into the subtlety of the dream. It’s about the flow of data. When looking at Colour, you see the drive behind it. Tone will show you the cognitive roots and the way in which certain aspects of cognition are imprinted in us at a deep unconscious level. Basically, all of this is the imprinting of specific genes and codons that then have a responsibility of moving the information along. You really have to understand how different the quality of the imprint of the Gates and Lines in the sleep-design is compared to the normal Graph. The Lines of the sleep-design are: 1 Secrets (Hero/Goat) 2 Possession (White/Black Magician) 3 Turmoil (Martyr/Congqueror) 4 Obsession (Slave/Master) 5 Fantasy (Rebel/Conformist) 6 Vision (Saint/Sinner) Life Cycles Aualysis How to make a Cycle Chart TT be Basa web app offers the possibility to create Cycle charts. You load a person in slot A or B and then you select “Cycles” from the Menu. Here you can select from a list of celestial bodies including: Sun, Lunar nodes, Chiron, Uranus and Saturn. When. you hit the “Create” button, a new chart will be calculated based on the return or opposition of the selected celestial body (except Solar returns, where we don’t use oppositions) and loaded into the other slot. Make sure you are in “Graph” mode and also select the Relationship mode The Solar return is probably the most interesting one. It can add another subtle layer to your natal chart, a theme for the year within the theme of your birth chart that, of course, will always rule your life. Cycle charts are like Russian dolls. They are charts within another chart. For example, when your environment is £r¢chens in your birth chart and the environment is cave in the Solar return, it means the &/tchen will be more cave-/rke. It will be a cave-like kitchen. It will still be a kitchen, but one where you are more isolated from people or have more control over who has access to you. In order to take advantage of Cycle charts, you must be familiar with the BaanTu book and the concept of Colour and Line, which we won't get into here again. Ina Solar return, we usually look at the Colour and Lines of the nodes (Personality and Design), and what additional Centres and Channels we get in the Composite. For example, when you make a Solar return for 2015 and you are born in December, don't forget that this a chart that will be mostly valid for the year 2016 ! It goes from December 2015 to December 2016. Solar returns always apply for one year, beginning with the birthday. On the body side, it’s all three months earlier, if you want to be precise. The Colour of the Lunar nodes show us on the body (design) side what kind of environment we will be attracted to. Colour is always an attraction towards something on the outside. But since we still have the law of the natal chart, applying it can only be seen as. an additional quality. Don’t forget that environments are not just places, but represent the people around you there and how you interact with them. We have to be in certain places because they alll offer different qualities in terms of how we can access and be accessible to other people. When you go over to the mind (personality) side, you see to what your mind will be attracted to in the Solar year. The nodes on the mind side after all are about the perspective and what the mind gets to see on the outside. It can also be a thematic description of what it will get to see, but most likely it's a theme of what it feels attracted to. With the Lines in the nodes, we come to where life will be more receptive towards you inthe Solar year. If you have a Line 5 at the Personality nodes, it’s going to be easier this year to distribute or get known. But it also means this is something related to the Personality, to your mind and what it communicates to other people. If it’s on the body side, it has something to do with physical work or your physical presence. Another way of looking at it would be to see it as another layer on your Role. If the Line would be a 3 on the body design, life might lead you into fighting or ways to power. What exactly it’s going to be is always difficult since we cannot predict the “good” or “bad” sides in how energies can manifest in life. We all know that fighting can always lead to greater power, even financial gain, but it also means you are taking risks and might walk away defeated. The Line in the nodes means this is an area where life will meet you half- way. But don’t forget it’s just a layer with the nodal Lines of your birth chart. A Solar return (or any other Cycle chart) will not tell you if a year is going to be a “good” or “bad” year. The closest you can get to determining how the future might feel is when you use the “Life-Cycle calculator”, which is not the same as “Cycle charts”. In the BaanTu book, I wrote about the Life-Cycles and that the nodes of the Moon repeat every 18.6 year. With the Life-Cycle calculator, you can enter any date and see times when you felt similar to how life is treating you. There might be an eerie resemblance, just in a different way. But the half-cycle (mirror) will be the polar opposite of it. It might look similar, but reversed. What else do we see with Cycle charts? Mostly they show us signposts to our development. We already looked at the Colours and Lines in the nodes. Next you might look at the additional Centres you get defined. If your Willpower Centre is activated, it means you will have slightly more willpower available for the Solar year and it will show in your life. Next we can look at any additional Channels we might get in the Composite. First, look at the Circuit that Channels belongs to. If it is Communal it means you would be more involved with communities and making bargains. If it is Self-Survival, you would give your own process more priority (it’s also the foundation of self-love). We have two ways how additional Channels could be activated: * Educational no Gate present in your natal chart * Personal Gate present in your natal chart We don't look at the connections in the same way we do in relationship charts. For the Personal in a Cycle chart, we don’t care if there is dominance or not (one has the full Channel and the other only a Gate). Here it only matters if the Cycle brings something new (a Channel) and whether we already had a Gate present in our natal chart or not. The Personal will always be something you have more of an interest in, because it feels like an opportunity that you've been waiting for, an extension of yourself, whereas the Education is something that has no connection to your own nature and something that you get to see ina particular year. It feels more like a surprise than an opportunity. None of this carries any judgement, and depending on whether one is in transference or not, depending on whether these energies are going to be used for the self or the not-self, your life will turn into a certain direction. All we get to see in a Cycle chart are the predominant energies available for the Solar year and a certain level of influence in terms of the direction. Another interesting distinction that we can make for Channels and Gates is: * Inner planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) People © Lunar nodes (Nodes) Direction * Outer planets (Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) Developments When we look at the nodes and read something like “direction”, it’s not so much about your life-direction, but more about how the environment that you're passing through will look like. In terms of the inner planets, it would mean that if you have for example Gate 51 in your birth chart and the Solar return brings one of the inner planets to Gate 25 (therefore activating the whole Channel), that this could be one or more people helping you initiate in this year. If Pluto or another outer planet would be in Gate 25, it’s not people, but rather developments that would bring sucha theme. The animate the Architecture of Life penned = Mal lleabie — the Cell Plaut The law of organisation The focused pulse 3. Mutation on/off switch 5 Pattern type 15 Rhythm growth rate ‘The law of extremes ‘The perfection of patterns 34 The power to individuate 57 Vibration attunement The house of the wind 10 The Li of perfected form Love as a form beauty 15 The planetary aura The atmosphere The diversity of patterns \usect Bird, Reptile, Fish The law of no tomorrow ‘The law of adoption - direction through magnetism The rhythm of nature 44 Alertness - fear of being eaten 57 Acoustic clarity - fear of the unexpected 34 The power to proliferate 5 Collective fixed patterns 15 Extreme rhythms - magnetic harmony 1 Direction - unique expression 8 Imprinting 20 The eternal now the hum 10 The penetrators 15 Vibration diversity 5 Fixing the collective pattern 34 The power to individuate 57 Vibration awareness Mavwnal . ‘Struggling for food and order in the now 19 Twedtve tof food 38 Theligteraggressveness 23 Thestaer Ing ten 5D Theherd inti 27 Sexy communal truism 5 Thetig of pattems 15 Amal magnetism the aba Mutation through individu direction 8 Manifestation of indvicualty 12 Caution readiness to eat or be eaten 62 Adaptation 20 Potential existential menifestation 57 Hearing in the Now 42 Power to mature through cycles 53 Mammalian vitalty About the author teve Rhodes is the founder of the BaanTu network, a web app dedicated to Human Design and relationships. He is a British musician (marquiinet), computer programmer, author and Human Design teacher. Born in Austria, where he spent his childhood, he studied mechanical engineering-management before moving to London. While at university, he won a nationwide search for best music-newcomer and subsequently got signed to Columbia records as a singer & composer. Various TV, radio and other media appearances followed. Steve later built his own recording studio and established himself as a music producer. He also had his own film studio and produced music videos incorporating early 3D computer animation. In 2003, he was introduced to the Human Design System and began to study with the founder Ra Uru Hu. He then lived for a few years on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza where Ra lived. Until 2010, Steve owned one of the leading recording studios in London (Alpha Centauri), which was used by U2, Kanye West, M.LA., Depeche Mode and many others.

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