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Muhammad Harisvan


We are HtsSchool academy seeking for the qualified candidates to fill the position of english

 Jobdesc :
- Responsible for cultivating the students interest education and development
- Responsibilities will include grading assigments, evaluating students progress, and
planning educational activities

 Requirement :
- A minimum of 2 years experience as a teacher
- Bachelor’s degree in teaching or relevant field
- A minimum education is S2

# Contact person :
Muhammad Harisvan

BA strike threat removed after pilot pay deal

British Airways pilots have struck a deal with the airline over a
dispute over pay and conditions that led to a mass walkout in

Members of the British Airline Pilots' Association (Balpa) and BA

reached a tentative deal last month, which reportedly promised an
11.5% pay rise over three years.But neither Balpa nor BA would
confirm the terms of the pay agreement.
A total of 2,325 flights were cancelled when pilots walked out on 9
and 10 September.
BA later revealed it had shouldered a €137m (£121m) bill for the
industrial action.

Another September strike was called off just over a week before
pilots were set to walk out, but BA had already started cancelling
flights, causing more disruption for passengers.
In a statement, BA said: "We welcome this news, which is a good
result for our customers, our people, and our business."

Ancaman pemogokan BA dihapus setelah kesepakatan pembayaran pilot

Pilot British Airways telah mencapai kesepakatan dengan maskapai karena perselisihan
tentang pembayaran dan kondisi yang menyebabkan pemogokan massal pada bulan

Anggota Asosiasi Pilot Maskapai Penerbangan Inggris (Balpa) dan BA mencapai

kesepakatan tentatif bulan lalu, yang dilaporkan menjanjikan kenaikan gaji 11,5% selama tiga

Pada hari Senin, pilot memilih hampir sembilan banding satu untuk menerima kesepakatan

Tetapi baik Balpa maupun BA tidak akan mengkonfirmasi ketentuan perjanjian pembayaran.

- Sebanyak 2.325 penerbangan dibatalkan ketika pilot keluar pada 9 dan 10 September.

- BA kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa pihaknya telah memikul tagihan € 137 juta (£ 121
juta) untuk aksi industri.

Pemogokan September lainnya dibatalkan lebih dari seminggu sebelum pilot ditetapkan
untuk keluar, tetapi BA sudah mulai membatalkan penerbangan, menyebabkan lebih banyak
gangguan bagi penumpang.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan, BA mengatakan: "Kami menyambut berita ini, yang merupakan
hasil yang baik bagi pelanggan kami, karyawan kami, dan bisnis kami."

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