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Reaction Paper

First of all I would like to define hypertensive cardiovascular disease, HCVD is also known as
hypertensive heart disease occurs due to the complication of hypertension or high blood pressure. In this
condition the workload of the heart is increased manifold and with time this causes the heart muscles to
thicken. The heart continues pumping blood against this increased pressure and over a period of time the
left ventricle of the heart enlarges and this in turn causes the blood pumped by heart to reduce. If proper
treatment is not taken at this stage then symptoms of congestive heart failure may be observed.

For me this disease is one of the most common and is the one that is most ignored by most of the
Filipino people. This disease should be given utmost attention and should be treated as soon as possible.
So proper medication and regular check up is one of the best ways to promote health prevention against
this so could disease.

The First thing to know in HCVD is its symptoms, first of It usually takes some time for the problem
of high blood pressure to eventually lead to hypertensive cardiovascular disease and therefore high blood
pressure is often called the silent killer. Eventually hypertensive heart disease can also lead to congestive
heart failure. Some symptoms of hypertension and the eventual congestive heart failure include
arrhythmias, shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue, swelling in lower extremities and greater
frequency of urination during the night. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease may also result in ischemic
heart condition and in this case there might be chest pain, sweating and dizziness, nausea and shortness of
breath. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy could also be a result of hypertensive heart disease.

We should be able to treat this disease by reduction of blood pressure and then eventual control of the
heart disease. The line of treatment will ordinarily depend on the condition such as whether there is
angina or acute myocardial infarction. The line of treatment may include beta blockers, angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE), calcium channel blockers, diuretics etc depending upon particulars
of each individual case. The blood pressure is consistently required to be checked and kept under control
in this condition of each individual case. The blood pressure is consistently required to be checked and
kept under control in this condition.

Likewise people experiencing hypertensive cardiovascular disease have to make certain changes in
their lifestyle and diet patters. These would ordinarily include weight loss where obesity is identified,
moderate exercise as per directions of the medical professional and adjustments in the diet. These
adjustments would include intake of healthy food including vegetables, fresh fruits and low fat dairy
items. Smoking is also a contributing factor to hypertension and therefore these lifestyle changes would
have to include the patient quitting smoking. Consumption of fish, whole grains are also recommended.
In the long run the outcome largely depends on the possibility and extent of complications. In
hypertensive cardiovascular disease the treatment will depend largely on the degree of enlargement of the
left ventricle. However some medicines such as ACE inhibitors and others can reverse this enlargement
and thereby help in improving the chances of survival in the patients in the long run.

This concludes for me that HCVD is one of the most common disease that kills Filipinos now a days,
it is one dreadful disease to be called a silent killer because of its late manifestation of the symptoms and
because of the lack of knowledge and budget to comprehend in such a disease, we tend to let it slip or
ignore until we see the late manifestation of this disease and its reaction to the human body, which leads
to deaths of many people.

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