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2020 / 2021


Praise to God Almighty for His blessings and gifts, the writing of this critical
Book review can be done well. The Critical Book of this review is about "Predictors of
maternal stress in pre-school and school-aged children with autism".
The author composed this Critical Book Review (CJR) as a task of quantitative
research lesson in LTBI Faculty. The author hopes with finishing writing this Critical Book
Review, the author could understand more about how to write a good and correct Critical
Book Review.
I realize that in the preparation of this CJR is still very far from perfection,
therefore the author really expect criticism and advice and guidance from lecturers for
improvement in the future, hopefully this CJR paper is useful for all.

Medan, Maret 2020

The Author

Aldo Elias Alrisky Pasaribu



A. The Importance of Critical Book Review (CBR)

Critical Book Review (CJR) is very important for education because by
criticizing a Book, the students, especially for LTBI students can see which Books need to
be improved and which Books are good to be used based on research that has been done by
the author. After criticize the Book, it is expected that students can make a Book because
they already know how good and correct Book criteria are to be used and already
understand how to write or what steps are taken required in writing the Book.

B. The Objective of Writing Critical Book Review (CBR)

This Critical Book Review was made aiming to learn through the fulfillment of the
assignment of Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Negeri Medan to make a
Critical Book Review (CBR) so the author can make an opinion, critique, and give
conclusion about the Book that he found.

C. Book Identity
1. Title : Introduction to Research in Education 8th Edition
2. Type of Book : Education Book
3. Published : 2016
4. Authors : Donald Ary, Lucy, Cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen
5. Publisher : Wadsworth Cengage Learning
6. City : Canada, USA
7. Pages : 301 - 328



Summary of Book

This book explained about Experimental Research Design. Experimental

research is any research conducted with a scientific approach, where a set of variables are
kept constant while the other set of variables are being measured as the subject of
experiment. There are times when you don’t have enough data to support your decisions.
In such situations, you need to carry out experiments to discover the facts. Experimental
research can gather a lot of data that can help you make better decisions. Experimental
research is one of the founding quantitative research methods.

The simplest example of an experimental research is conducting a laboratory test.

As long as research is being conducted under scientifically acceptable conditions – it
qualifies as an experimental research.  A true experimental research is considered to be
successful only when the researcher confirms that a change in the dependent variable is
solely due to the manipulation of the independent variable. Experimental research should
establish a cause and effect of a phenomenon, i.e. effects are observed from an experiment
due to the cause. As naturally, occurring event can be confusing for researchers to establish
conclusions. For instance, if a cardiology student conducts research to understand the
effect of food on cholesterol and derives that most heart patients are non-vegetarians or
have diabetes. They are aspects (causes) which can result in a heart attack (effect).
Experimental research is conducted in the following situations:

 Time is a vital factor for establishing a relationship between cause and effect.
 Invariable behavior between cause and effect.
 The eminence of cause-effect relationship is as per desirability.

Types of Experimental Research Design

There are three primary types of experimental research design:
1. Pre-experimental research design
2. True experimental research design

3. Quasi-experimental research design

The different types of experimental research design are based on the how the
researcher classifies the subjects according to various conditions and groups.

1. Pre-Experimental Research Design: This is the simplest form of experimental

research design. A group, or various groups, are kept under observation after
factors are considered for cause and effect. It is usually conducted to understand
whether further investigation needs to be carried out on the target group/s, due to
which it is considered to be cost-effective.
The pre-experimental research design is further bifurcated into three types:

 One-shot Case Study Research Design

 One-group Pretest-posttest Research Design
 Static-group Comparison
2. True Experimental Research Design: True experimental research is the most
accurate form of experimental research design as it relies on statistical analysis to
prove or disprove a hypothesis. It is the only type of Experimental Design that can
establish a cause-effect relationship within a group/s. In a true experiment, there are
three factors which need to be satisfied:
 Control Group (Group of participants for research that are familiar to the
Experimental group but experimental research rules do not apply to them.) and
Experimental Group (Research participants on whom experimental research rules
do apply.)
 Variable which can be manipulated by the researcher
 Random distribution

This experimental research method is commonly implemented in physical sciences.

3. Quasi-Experimental Research Design: The word “Quasi” indicates resemblance. A

quasi-experimental research design is similar to experimental research but is not
exactly that. The difference between the two the assignment of a control group. In
this research design, an independent variable is manipulated but the participants of
a group are not randomly assigned as per conditions. The independent variable is
manipulated before calculating the dependent variable and so, directionality

problem is eliminated. Quasi-research is used in field settings where random
assignment is either irrelevant or not required.

Advantages of Experimental Research

 Researchers have a stronger hold over variables to obtain desired results.

 Subject or industry is not a criterion for experimental research due to which any
industry can implement it for research purposes.
 Results are extremely specific.
 Once the results are analyzed, they can be applied to various other similar aspects.
 Cause and effect of a hypothesis can be derived so that researchers can analyze
greater details.
 Experimental research can be used in association with other research methods.




A. The Strength of This Book

After reading, analyzing, and making summary, the author found some goodness
from this Book. This Book are easy to understand, the title and color have different colors,
making it easier for the writer to understand and give opinions to the Book. This Book
explained the quantitative data briefly with using tables and charts.

The Weakness of This Book

This Book was written by three researchers, so it cannot be ascertained that this
Book is sourced from whose ideas. The Books take references from years that span quite
far from the year of the Book they published. Even though the data displayed is
quantitative data, the reader is still confused about how to calculate the data. This Book
didn’t have good margins, some space between one word and another word is irregular.


4.1 Theory

The theories presented in this major Book are very profound, complete with accurate
explanations and data so that this Book is worthy of being used as a reference for students
of Applied English Linguistics (LTBI), where research on autism is still rarely conducted
by Postgraduate students Applied English Linguistics (LTBI).

4.2 Student Analysis

After criticizing this Book, according to my analysis, the implication of this Book is
that this Book is suitable for students of Post-Applied Linguistics in English, starting from
the understanding of autism, to the comparison of children affected by autism with children
with other disabilities.


1. Conclusion

From the discussion of weaknesses and strengths that have been explained or
explained above, it can be concluded that the Book is feasible or has been well used by
readers as a reference for other studies.


For the future or further weaknesses or shortcomings of each of these Books need
to be corrected so that they are better used or used by readers as references in research or
for other uses.


Lidan Zheng, Rachel Grove & Valsamma Eapen. (2017, September 28). Predictors of maternal
stress in pre-school and school-aged children with autism. (J. O. DISABILITY,
Ed.) Taylor & Francis( 1366-8250), 1-10.

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