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e © SELEKSI BERSAMA MASUK PERGURUAN TINGGI! NEGERI TAHUN 2014 TES KEMAMPUAN DAN POTENS! AKADEMIK TKPA KODE 673 KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN DIREKTORAT JENDERAL PENDIDIKAN TINGGI 673 PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Sebelum mengerakan soal ujian, tlitlah Kelengkapan ‘nomor dalam naskah soal ini. Tes Kemampuan dan Potensi Akademik ini tetdii ates 90 soal dari 6 Komponen mat uj, yaiy: Malematka Daser 15 soal (no. 1-16) Bahasa Indonesia 15 soa 0. 16-30) Bahasa Inggis 15 soal (no, 31-45) Verbal 15 soal (0. 46.80) Numerical 15 soal (no. 6-75) Figural 415 soa (no. 7.90) 2. Bacalah dengan cermat seiap petunjuk yang enjeastan cara menjawab sol 3. Tulslah nama dan nomor peserta Saudara pada lembarjawaban i tempat yang disediakan 4. Tulslah jawaban Saudara pada lembar jawaban ujan yang ersedia sesual dengan petunjuk yang dberikxan, 5, Solema jan berlangsung, Saudara_fdak diperkenankan menggunakan alt hitung dalam segala bentuk 6. Selama _ujan beriangsung, Saudara—_fidak 2 fQ)=xt- 28 tax ta adalah... vg minimum b di x= 1. Niel ¢ wh. Hea 20 Wy -2sx<-1 : . eet @) x>1 ~ (-3sx<-4 x>2 < (E)-1 3 (0) 10 wut a we PS gyre” ©2 Bee Fe ana ROTI? wy (ated we?! oo Cay sergevne2-@* aye Ut aiid Drea der Pein Tri eae a i ono tae 3s DpH = 10 ane 673 * ae Ss 8 Jka 4 mata ang logam dlempar, maka 12, Agar sistem persamaan yy da > > waa pelvang muncul minimal dua sisi gambar adalah 38 msm ZF. Yy / a “he? 1 nt : : » 4 s 0 es ws : ve “ ‘mempunyal penyelsaian, make nia a adel oF as os 2 ~ oer nd 6 a > 7 ae J] Loe o> 0 6, (~4 “b oli al 16 % ~ (8) -2 Orr ou i ()-1 7 é % 0 0 Da @ 35 $ 7 © 2 & i6 ass & 4h 18, Tiga pun data mempunys rasa p. Jka * peta ‘alata 20% data dl antaranya adalah p + 0,1, 4 8. Diketahui £02) = PEE g #0. Jka fo 40% lainnya adalah p — 0,2 , 10% lainaya lagi imenyatskan invers dat 7 dan f-(q) = ~1, adalah p ~ 0,5, dan rata rata 30% data sisanya x a oe maka f-*(2q) =. (ern Pe adalah p + 9, maka q = Teele w 3 Co yaae wt les sy slay (8) -2 Sd 5 “Pe ce " 3 ge v8 oz aX 2 () -2 be a> 30 44 a: a ade o4 \ Beas ee o 3 is log © 3 os os io 5% 10. Seorang peratit akan _membuat 2 model @ i iQ Paksian. Dia mempunyai persedaan Kain batk o 40 meler dan kale polos 15 meter. Model A cartes mmemeriukan 1 meter Kain bat dan 1,5 meter 14, Diketahui a = “logy dan b= “logs. ska 8 lS kkain polos, sedang model B memeriukan 2 meter ‘logb + *loga = 2, maka a + b adalah 1 T] Sy hain batk dan 0.5 meter Kain polos. Meksimum I sg banyak pakaian yang mungkin dapat duet ws, lee | BA ag aiden @ 3 \4, ogy seg ae F - e 8 ew & 2- tae ei O12 %p tee S (8) 20 © 6 fo, (2 < (025 ie ian 15, Dua siswa mencaba menyelesakan persamaan in x2 + bx += 0. Kedua siewa mengeriakan- aoa ‘ya dengan prosedur yang benar. Namun, saty G& TO 11, Jka x dan x, adalah akarckar persamaan siswa salah menyalin suku tengahnya sehingga To kuadrat x? —x—3=0, maka_persamaan mendapatkan akar-skamya 2 dan 4, s kuadrat yang akarakarya x? +22 dan sedangkan siswa yang lain salh menyain suk 2a, + 2x, adalah y tonstannya sehingga mendapatkan akar-akarya ee aera ‘ 2 dan 5. Akar-akar yang benar adalah... (at—xt kage Oxter+ 73 (A) ~1dan 8 ()x?-9x-14=0 © kyo Xo? (8) tden —8 Oxt+orei (C) -1den —7 ay O94 (O)~1dan 7 AAD 2 Cert 2DOID yy ae (©) 7dan 8 AOD 2G 27 73 -Yo 2074 tra JonaralPonditan tray a =B/ Talore Raa ZLxend 22 aehars as Me 673 Bacaan berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 16 dan 17. ‘Semburan erypsi Gunung Kelud mencapai lebih dar 17 km ke udara. Material abu vulkanik yang berode di atmoster kan ferbawa angin. Kumpulen abu wikanikc udera bergerak mengarah ke barat daya, kawasan Solo ~ Yogyakerla dan seluruh Jawa Tengah bagian selatanhingga Jawa Barat begian selatan, Wiayah tersebut monger hujan abu ddan korusakan lahan, 16. Ide pokok bacaan di atas adalah (A) Tingginya semburan erups! Gunung Kelud (@) Pembawa material abu vulkanik Gunung Ketud (C) Aran pergorakan abu vukri Gunung Ketud. (0) Wilayah yang mengalam hujan abu vukanik Gunung Keiud () Akibat abu vukanik Gunung Kelud bagi lingkungan, 17. Pemyataan di bawah ini yang sesual dengan isi bacaan di atas adalah (A) Material abu vuikanik terbawa angin + ‘eneapa_jrak 17k. (2) Erupsi Gunung Kelud bergerok mengarh 4. ke soluruh Jawa Tengah (C) Sejumiah lahan di Jawa mengolami Kerusakan okibat abu wikanik Gunung + Kel (0) Abu vukanik mengarah ke Samucra Hinda sehingga menutup berbagai akan, (©) Kumpuian abu wkank oi udera menyebabkan tanya hujan abu. 18. Sektar 13% gunung berapi oi epucuan Indonesia berpotensi_ menimbuiken bencana ‘alam dengan intenstes yong berbeda-beds, Makna istiah berpofensi pada kaimat oi ates adalah {A)_memiik Kecenderungan (@)_ meri kekvatan, (C)_ mem kegighan, (0) memitiikehebatan. {E)_memiliki kemungkinan. 19. Penanganan masalah pendidikan dlantaranya citempuh dengan membangun SD Kec untuk ‘melayani ebutuhan pendldikan di daerah lerpencit yang diekukan pada pela V, di samping SD reguler di wilayah-wilayah yang pada penduduk, jean pada kalimat di tas menjadi benar dan sesuai dengan pedoman EYD jika diperbaiki dengan cara (A) menuiis kata cianteranya menjadi di antaranya, (6) menuls kata polita V menjadi PELITA V. (C) menghlangkan tanda koma (,) selelah kata pola V. (0) ‘menutis kata di samping menjadi disamping (€)_menulis kata regulor menjadi regular 20. (1) Masalah pengembangan lenaga pendidik di lepangan, yakni peningkatan kompetens guru dalam pembelejaran, biasanya —mengalami ketertambatan, khususnya pada saat ‘menyongsong hadimya —kurkuium baru, (2) Dalam seta pembaruan kurikulum, pemernish hharus menyigpkan dan melakukan penyesuaian para pelaksena pendidiken melalui akifias ‘panateran-penataran, jaan pada kalimat (1) dan kaimat (2) di ates ‘menjadi benar dan sesuai dengan aturan EYD jk drei dengan cara (A) menulis onage pendiaik dengan hur awal kepital(almat 1) (6) mengbitangkan tanda koma () seteah kata ‘apangan(kalimat 1). (©) menghangkan tanda koma () setelah kata pombeolejaran (kalimat 1). (©) monuiskan tanda koma () sebelum kata ‘melalui (kalimat 2). (E) mengubah tuisan kata aktifias menjadi aktvtas (calmat 2) ‘2014 Direhtorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Walaman 3 dar 15 halaman 21, Dunia modem —selalyientk dengan egemertan den keindahan yang menylaukan ‘mata. Di balik itu, yang hidup bukaniah menusia ‘yang seutuhnya, meleinkan manusia yang sakit dan membutubkan penanganan serus. filah eadaan menusia sekerang, yakni menjadi sergala bagi sesamanya, Manusia modem lebih ‘mementingkan —indvidualisme, kemewahen, -kompetis, dendom, den anarkis: Simpuian yang tepat untuk paragrat ci atas adalah (A). Manusia modern cenderung memikikan di sendi {@) Modern identk dengan Kemewahan dan keindahan, (©) Kemewahan merupakan penyokitserivs ‘bagi manusia modern. (0) Manusia modem berkehidupan seutuhnya, (©) Manusia modem menjadi serigala. bagi sesemanya. 22, Tanaman dapat menyerap gas-gas yang ‘membahayaken manusia karen memproduksi ‘oksigen molalui proses fotosiniesis. Kalimat datas merupakan perluasan dar kalimat dosar (8) Tanaman menyerap gas. (8) Gas membahayakan manusia. {6} Tanaman memprodus oksign. (0) Manusia menyerapoksgen {@) Tenaman membahayakan. (B boa sats wieyar yang ctuni borage ot torial integrasi budaya sehingga menghastkan budaya baru. Makna istiah infegrasi dalam kalimat di atas adalsh (A) percampurn. (®) penyatian. (©) pembauren. (0) pembentukan. (©) penyesusion. 673 24, Giobalisasi dapat dikatakan sebagai puncak erubahan sosial, di mana teknologi felekomunikesi, media, dan informatka menjadi rekuatan yang mampu menjangkau segenap lapisan kehidupan, Kalimat di alas menjadi kalimat baky jka bahasa asing. ‘Masalah utama paragrat datas adalah (A) kondisiotak pada masa kanak-kanak. (@) kemampuan dan kretivtas opal anak (C) masa kits pertumbuhan jasmani anak. (0) sia emas: untuk beljar dan menguesoi bahasa. (©) masa yang tepat untuk mempelajar behasa iby ‘@20'4 DienorlJendaral Pendidikan Thogi lamar 4 daa halaman 27. Sojarah pembangkit srk tenaga suna tidak teriopas dari penemuan tehnologi sol suya berbasis sikon pada tahun 1941, Kata tu Russel! Og! dari Bell Laboratory mengara siikon polikrstalin akan membentok builtin junction karena adanya efok segregasi pengotor yang terdapat pada leburansitkon. tka berkas foton mongenai salah satu ss junction, elektron depat mengatrbebas. Sejak tu peneliian untuk ‘moningkatkan efsinsi konversi enorgi fon _menjadlenergiIsiik seman intesifdlakukan, Berbagai tne sel surys dengan beraneka behen den konfigurasi geomet pun berhasi dbuat. ‘de pokok paragrat datas adalah (A) _sejarah pembangkitlistrik tenaga surya. (8) penemuan teknologi sel surya berbasis ikon. (©) hasi penelion Russell Og (0) syarat elektron yang dapat mengalir bebas. (€) jenisjens se surya (29. Karena bahasaborstt konvensiona,waleupun botep nda Dork unt manyanpakan penepal dan pianya score bebas, mereka ‘harus fetap mematuhi dan menjunjung tinggi roma-oma bah yan er Makna konvensional dalam kalimat di atas adelah (A) mengandung norma. {B) mengandung kesepakaten (C) meni atran (0) memuat tata bohasa {€) menuntutketatan ‘G21 Direrorat denderal Pendidikan Tnggh a. 30, 673 Rutan merupakan —penopang —_kelestorian kehidupan di bumi — karona tidak hanya ‘menyediaken bahan pangan atoupun bahan produksi, molainkan juga menjadi penghasit ‘oksigen, penatan ‘isan tanah, dan penyimmpan ccadengan air. Kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat baku apabila tiperbaiki dengan cara (A) venambehian tanda koma () sebelum kata 2 arena. (8) menus kemob tla tan el tty {C)_menguban kata ateypun menjadi dan {0} menguba kata melainkan menjadi tap () mengubah kata penyimpan menjadi ‘menyimpan. 7 Pola periaku masyarakat yang berkaraiter hur selals mendasarken pada prinsip-prinsip mora. Masyarakat seperti itu dikenal sebagai ‘masyarakat yang beradab. Setigp anggota ‘masyarakat dalam —bersosiasasi salu mengandaiken pencarian keunggulan untuk ‘menggantkan halsnal yang hanya bersifat ‘mediokratis (keadaan sedang-sedang saa) Dalam masyarakat yang demikian ‘ni, minat ‘masyarokat diarahkan pada iklim yang eronientasi. pada nila-nilal. Sementara itu, orientasi pada benda-benda material dkurangi -secara bertah Pertenyaan yang jawabennya terdapat pada paragraf datas adalah (A) Bageimanakah karekter masyarakat yang beradab? (8) Apa upaya yang diekukan untuk mencapai ‘masyaraket beradab? (C) Mengapa dalam masyaratat beradab minat ‘masyarakt diarakan pada nab? (0) Mengepa masyerakat beradab berussha mencarikeungguian? (6) Kapen kondisi masyorakat beredab bisa Srasakan oleh sehruh—anggota masyarakat? ialaman 5 dn 13a 673 ‘Questions 31 ~ 38 are based on the following text. Parents send their children to schoo! withthe best of intentions, believing that formal education is what kids need to become productive, happy aduls. Many parents do have quaims about haw well schools ate performing, but the conventional wisdom is that hese issues can be resolved with more money, better teachers, more challenging curicula, or more rigorous tests. But what ifthe real problem is school itself? The unfortunate fact is that one of 5 ourmost cherished institutions i, by ts very nature, fain our children and our society. Children are required to be in school, where their reedom is greatly restricted, far more than most adults would tolerate in their workspaces. In recent decades, we have been compeling them to spend ever more time in this kind of seting, and there is strong evidence that tis is causing psychological damage to many of them. And as scientists have investigated how children naturally lear, they have realized that kids do so most deeply and fully, 10 and with greatest enthusiasm, in conditions that are almost opposite to those of school Compulsory education has been a fixture of our culture now for several generations. President Obamia and Secretary of Education Ame Duncan are so enamored of it that they want even longer school days and years. Most people assume that the basic design of today's schools emerged from scientific evidence about how chidren lear, But nothing could be further from the uth 18 Schools as we know them today are a product of histor, not of research. The blueprint for them was developed during the Protestant Reformation, when schools were created to teach chieren to read the Bibl, to beleve Scripture without questioning it, and to obey euthorty fgures without questioning them. When schools were taken over by the state, made compulsory, and directed toward secular ends, the basic stuctute and methods of teaching remained unchanged. Subsequent ttempls at reform have falled because they have not altered basic. 2 blueprint. The top down, teach-and-test method, in which leaming is motvated by a system of rewards and punishments rater than by curiosity or by any real desie to know, is well designed for indoctinaion end obedience training but not much ese. Its no wonder that many of the world's greatest enrepreneure and Innovators either left school ely (ike Thomas Edison) or said they hated school and leamed despite i, not because of (ike Albert Einstein), (Adapted from ht: com/edhiceparening/Amorcan-schoo-system, Accessed February 12, 2014) 31. Which of the folowing is closest in meaning fo 33. Whatis the purpose ofthe txt? the word “qualms (ine 2)? (A) To discuss ifthe American school system is ty efecve to educate cldren ei ress (8) To remind American parents that the femal (© cons schools basically a product of culture iver (©) Totel the readers that formal schools inthe & bees USA have been constanty developed fr a long te (0) To review how compulsory education in th ‘32. Whats the topic ofthe text above? © ether ntpwent cpscaan (€) To descrive how American children leam at (A) Parents’ expectaton on reformation in stool and in reek setings ‘American school system (@) Doubis on the effectiveness of American school systems (C)_Resbictons on chiren’s freedom at the US schools (0) Reguiatons for American chikren to stay longer at schools (E) Absence of a research-based school system inthe USA ‘E2014 Diretorat Jenderl Pondakan Tinggh Halaman 6 dai 13 alaian 673 Questions 34 ~ 39 are based on the following text. Ecotourism is defined 2s purposeful travel that creates an understanding of cultural and natural histor, while safeguarding the integrity of the ecosystem and producing economic benefits that encourage conservation’. The definition recognizes that ecotowism is an important educational tool. Real life exposure to @ natural situation in the accompaniment ofan experienced quide leads a greater increase in knowledge than rea fe exposure without 5 aguide, or exposure to a knowledgeable guide In an artificial seting, More than 60 years ago, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget studied the development of human cognitive capability ‘and is dynamic relationship withthe physical word. He viewed cognitive development as an interaction between ‘Physical maturation ofthe brain and environmentally induced changes in leaming, He observed tha, as cidren Tow, they proceed trough a series of increasingly abstract thinking styles. Piaget demonstrated that a primary 10 motivation for eaming is resolution of cognitive confit, which he described a ‘dsequllorium’ Borrowing upon principles of cognitive psychology, my colleagues and | have developed an interpretive model for Presenting information about marine mammals and thelr ocean environment during whale-watch excursions in Hawai and Australia, The model has mote recently been extended to include snorkeling excursions to coral reef areas near Maui, Hawai 15 ts application can be examined in the contest of atypical 25 h commercial whale-walch tip aboard a Paciic Whale Foundation passenger vessel o observe humpback whales in Hawal. Each whle-watc tip isa diferent venture, controled by such variable factors a the number and type of passengers, weather conditons, what the whales choose to do (or not do, 8s the case may be), the lype of vessel, and the experience of the captain, Nonetheless, it Is possible to view the trip as a structured experience, and to guide participants through an educatonal sequence that has very clear goals and objectives that can be monitored and evaluated overtime, (Adapted from Ocean & Coastal Management 20, 1283, pp, 267-282) 34. The text mentions all of the following, EXCEPT 36. The word “its (ine 16) refers to (A) interpretive model (A) addtional important benefis of ecotourism (8) impact of ecotourism on environment understanding (©) excursions because of various independent variables (©) bran and environment interaction infuencing cognitive growth (E) the interpretive mode! covering both waters and terrestrial excursion 38. The purpose ofthe texts to... (A) describe the development ofan interpretive model of ecotourism (©) explain the infuence of Piaget's cognitive theory of tearing on ecotourism (©) show that ecolourim can be interpreted contextually a8 excursions (0) discuss the relevance of a leaming theory ‘with ecotourism as education (©) deine ecotourism from theories of learing and thelr application ‘© 2014 DrkioratJenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (@) extended model {C) marine mammal trip (0) whale-watch programme (©) environment-based mode! 37. Which ofthe folowing can best replace the word "venture" (ine 17)? (A) effort (8) course (C) activity (0) pleasure (E) experience: Halaman 7 dai 13 halaman 38. Whats the topic of the text? (A) Defniton of ecotourism (8) Learing though excursions {C) Ecotourism as leering resources (0) Infuences of environment in leering 673 38, Paragraph 4 implies that (A) an education is for fun {B) the guide is he instructor (C) the captain organizes the vip (0) learnings trough experiencing induction a Rice oe eel () garters ae ead a he ef te varabies {Questions 40 4 are based onthe fllowing text Population growth occurs because there are cuenty three biths fr every death. inthe past, the crude bith ‘ates were ony sighly higher than crude death rates, but wi improvements in medicine and economic growth, the death rate fll more than bith rates, Much of the worl’s population growth is occurring in less-developed ‘counties, which are unable to support such gro, The causal fect between poverty and population growth can 5 be looked atin two ways. First, population growth causes poverty as the limited resources are depleted and there ‘ate foo many people fr the available goods, resuling in poverty, The oer view is that poverty causes high population growth because lack of education, lack of health care, and lack of a reasonable standard of living cause high population growth. Also, parents believe that having many children wil ensure that several of them wil survive t take care of them in thei okd age. Cultures in which children are a form of socuty encourage high. 10 population grow, 2s children reach reproductive age and have large families. Much of the gro is happening disproportional in urban areas, Giles ae environmentally harm! because ‘hey import many resources forthe people itive there, and they expor ther wastes, They also have an impact on the local and regional meteorology and are centers for social problems such as crime, homelessness, and memployment to name a fw, Ces do afer many amenities such as cutual opportunites, jobs, and eduction. 15 There are some good evienmental aspects to cies, such as the promotion of efciency in transportation, housing, utes; the provision of necessary goods and services; and the accommodation of large numbers of people within a relatively small space. The bagest problem with cles is that people want the benefis of acy ‘while stil lving in the country, This leads to urban spravi and suburbia, (Adapted trom http:/hwew 108304817. Accessed February 22, 2014) 40. Which ofthe folowing is tue according to the text? {(A)_ High poputation growth resuits in aprobiem where cies cannot provide enough jobs. (8) Parents now tend to have few chidren in less-developed and developed counties, (©) Large families ae tolerated in less- developed countries due to their ‘predominant bebe {0) Economic growth gives tle contribution to population growth. (€) Inthe past there were three bits for every. death in less-developed countries. 441, The purpose ofthe texts to. (A) show negative impacts of population growth (8) descnbe factors contributing to poverty in cites (©) analyze causes of economic growth fo population (0) compare population growth inthe past and the present (€) discuss population problems in urban areas cof developing countries 42. In which lines does the author assume people's ‘expectation of vilage life wih cy convenience? (A) 4-6 (8) 8-9 (c) 1-12 (0) 12-14 © 17-18 ‘© 014 Drenoral Jandel Pandiken Thay) amon 8 dai (3 halaman 43. The pronoun “they” line 12) refers to (A) peorle (8) areas {C) resources: (D) cites © famies 44, It.can be inferred from the text that (A) life quality of cites is worse than that of ~ suburbans (©) poverty ina country is inked to its pid birth ~/ rales (©) the less developed a county isthe worse its economic growth is (0) less developed countries tend to show @ higher rate of population growth (E) the more children parents have, the better their economy wil be 45. The writer organizes the ideas in the text by {A)_ showing the causes of population growth ‘and their effect (8) defining population growt flowed with several exarples (C)_ arguing against population growth, flowed ‘with a casein urben places (0) describing a historical account of population srowth inthe past end the present (©) comparing effects of popuaton growth in counties of different development Untuk soal nomor 46 sampal dengan nomor 60 pililah satu di antara lima kemungkinan jawaban yang mempunyal arti sama atau paling _dekat ‘dengan art kata yang dicetak dengan huruf Besar. 46. ANASIR: (A) zat (8) motif (C) aspek (0) bagian (©) komponen ‘©2014 — Direhtorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi 673 47, INTIMIDAS! (A) agiasi (8) tekanan (©) ancaman (0) dorongan (E) provokasi 48 KONTROVERS! (A) bantahan (8) perebutan (C) perdebatan (0) persetisinan ()_persengketaan 49. BIANG (A) induk (8) pokok (0) vane (0) kepala (E) pimpinan 50. WAHANA (A) alot (@) serena (C) hiburan (0) angkasa (©) twensportas! Untuk soal nomor 51 sampai dengan nomor $5 piliblah satu dl antara lima kemungkinan jawaban yang mempunyal arti beriawanan dengan arti kata yang dicetak dengan huruf besar. 51. ANOMALL (A) ketepatan (8) kesahinan (©) kebenaran (0) keakuratan (©) kesesuaian 52. MEMBAUR (A) melebar (@) memisch (©) mengurai (0) membagi (E) menyebar ‘alaman 8 dai 13 halaman 53. ALAM! (A) olahan (8) mekanik {C) otomatis (0) rekayasa ©) campuran 54, TEGAK (A) dur (8) rebah (©) miting (0) runtuh (€) tunglal 55, LOYALITAS. (A) fos (@) migra (C) desersi (0) konsesi © resisonsi Untuk soa! nomor 56 sampei dengan nomor 60 pillhlah satu di antara Jima kemungkinan jawaban yang “mempunyai hubungan_yang_sama atau ‘erupa dengan pasangan kata yang terdapat di Sepa an 58, PEMAHAT: kau : (A) POLIS: pistol (@) PELUKIS: kuas (C) PENJAHIT : kin (©) DOKTER: resep (©) PERIAS: pengantin 57. TENUN: benang (A) KAT tal (@) UK: kay (©) UPAT :kertas (O) ANYAM: otan (©) CETAK: batu bata 58. ALMARI: pakaian (A) GELAS : ar (8) MOBIL : bensin (C) DOMPET : uang (0) KERETA :gerbong (€) PESAWAT bandera (© 2014 —Diritrat Jandel Pendidikan Teg 673 59. LATIHAN :lomba = (A) RAIN: pntar {@) BACA: paham (0) MALAS : gagal (0) PINTAR::juara (€) BELAJAR : yion 60. JURU MASAK : masakan:: (A) PILOT : pesawat (8) APOTEKER : obat (C) DOKTER: perawat (0) KASIR: pelanggan (&) ATASAN: bawahan Untuk seal nomor 61 sampal dengan nomor 65 pllhiah satu di antara lima kemungkinan Jawaban yang merupakan penyelesaian atau kelanjutan deretan soleara yang ada 61. 200 100 10007 (®) 1200 (©) 1500 (0) 1600 © 2000 (342493.. wy ® 3 3 8 @o No err t 254d “ A wt (®) 2 (C) 4 (0) 8 ©) 12 Halaman 10 da 13 alan 65. 218 125 wo y @1 (2 (3 4 Untuk soal nomor 66 sampal dengan nomor 75 pilihlah satu di antara lima kemungkinan jawaban Yyang benar. 66. 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