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] “The (Jooking (lasses ‘The Cooking Classes are meant to supplement your traditional class. You can be a Wizard Baker, a Bard Presenter, or a Barbarian Seasoner. There are no wrong combinations, but some Cooking Classes work better with certain traditional classes. 1 When choosing a Cooking Class, looking at mechanics and advantages is of course encouraged, but also think about how this Gooking Class affects the flavor (no pun intended) of your character. How did your character become a baker? What is their favorite dish to cook? What's their relationship with cooking? Do they love to cook for others? Do they just see food as sustenance and a way to keep their body going? Take the opportunity to have the Cooking Class influence your backstory and your roleplay! Cooking Classes are not meant to be as strong as regular classes. They are meant to be a fun addition to your characters. Look at them like mini-feats or additional background perks. You can, for example, use your Cooking Class as your character's background. Some of these Cooking Classes are designed more with the Cooking Trials in mind, while others have more abilities that can be completely divorced from the Cooking Trials, but all of them offer something to every player. There are four Cooking Glasses: The Baker, who speciliazes in sweet dishes and can summon a dessert familiar, The Seasoner, who applies all sorts of spices to their dishes and to their blades, The Presenter, who can convince any judge that a dish is better than it actually is using their mastery over words, and The Tracker, who specializes in hunting down the rarest, and most dangerous, ingredients. Owlbear Bento Le “Raker: Masters of Baking, one of the core branches of the Cooking Arts. Bakers are extremely specialized cooks, trained in handling sweet flavors. They find their way into many recipes that require the use of an oven or a sweet component. They have good synergy with all clases. SweEET TOOTH You can spend 10 minutes on a finished dish to change its taste, from Spicy or Plain to Sweet. Sucar RusH By spending 10 minutes with any Healing Potion, you can ensure that it heals the maximum number of hit points possible. For example, a standard Healing Potion will heal 10 HP (2d4+2 = 8+2). DESSERT FAMILIAR You infuse a confection with areane energy, giving it the gift of sentience. You can cast your own version of the spell “Find Familiar” regardless of your class or magical abilities. Greating a familiar takes 20gp of cooking ingredients, and takes | hour to prepare. Once the familiar is created, it acts according to the spell “Find Familiar’, although it cannot deliver spells as if it had cast it. Additionally, instead of being a fey, fiend, or celestial, a Dessert Familiar is considered a living construct. You can find a list of Dessert Familiars available to prepare in the “Dessert Familiars” section. od “Fold: Loyal Friend. Bakers make Dog Rolls for their unwavering loyalty. Whether chocolate, strawberry, or matcha flavored, all Dog Rolls love their masters unconditionally and will defend them until the end. Companion in Battle. Their amazing sense of hearing and smell help them warn their bakers of incoming danger, and their bulkier bodies make it so they are not completely vulnerable on the battlefield. x Doc ROLL Small construct, unaligned Armor Class: 14 (natural armor) Hit Points: 10 (2d8+2) Speed: 40 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS. CHA 1442) 12(+1)— 14(+2)_ 4(-8) 1841) -19(+1) Skills: Perception +3, Persuasion +2 Senses: passive Perception 13 Challenge: 0 (10 XP) Keen Hearing and Smell. The dog roll has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Loyal Friend. If the dog roll is within 5 feet of its owner, or within 5 feet of a creature attacking the dog roll’s owner, the dog roll can use its reaction to redirect an attack directed at its owner to the dog roll instead. False Appearance. While the dog roll remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from anormal cake roll. ACTIONS Help. The dog roll can aid a friendly creature in attacking a target within 5 feet of it. After the dog roll has taken the Help action, the next attack roll against the target is made with } advantage. ae a “~ 7 23%, Lo V. Lovebird’s Inn 4 we “The Inn sits right next to the main square, perfectly positioned for travelers to find it as soon as they enter the center of Talaba It stands as one of the bil buildings in town, with its three stories, only dwarfed by the Town Hall acros desk, an orcish woman and a human man.” % # WakES: Foop & Drink: Lopcinc MEAL: 4 sp for 3 meals perday SINGLE ROOM: 5 sp per night 2sp for 1 meal Dovus.e Room: 8 sp per night ComMMON WINE: 2 sp SuITE: 1 gp per night FINE WINE: 10 gp THE LOVEBIRDS: The Lovebirds that give the Inn its name are its two owners, Yvelda and Jan, Yvelda was the daughter of a powerfull ore chieftain, and Jan was the seventh son of a small noble family. ‘They met during a raid on Jan's small town. Yvelda discovered Jan and hid him from the rest of her clan. They fell in love instantly, but neither Jan's nor Yvelda’s parents would ever approve of their union. They fled and gave up their last names, set on building anew life for themselves. When they arrived at Talaba, Jan asked Lord Foresti for protection, and he, being the hopeless romantic that he is, had no issue allowing Yvelda and Jan to live in town. 45%, aa They opened their Inn and became a fixture of the town, and their marriage was the most lavish marriage that Talaba had ever seen. They are hopelessly in love, and spend their days gazing into each other's eyes and whispering sweet nothings to the point where they have a hard time paying attention to customers sometimes. If one is found without the other, they will sigh sadly, only for the party to find out that the other one has gone to the bathroom and “it has been minutes since I last saw her/him”, Yvelda has fought many monsters before; she’s heard of Mushroom Kings, and will gladly help the party, considering her kind and caring disposition. Jan knows Lord Foresti personally, and will gladly tell the party some information about him, INFORMATION: x e YVELDA: Tue Orc BARBARIAN TURNED INNKEEPER During her time as the second-in-command of an ore clan, she learned a lot about monsters. Yvelda will gladly help if the party shows interest in her story. Musuxroom KING: - The Mushroom King is a sentient plant. + It's easy to track the Mushroom King by following the trails of distinct purple mushrooms it leaves behind. + The Mushroom King attacks with brute force and toxic spores. JAN: THE NOBLEMAN TURNED INNKEEPER Jan was the seventh son ofa noble family before giving it all up to marry his wife. He knows Lord Foresti personally and will share what he knows with the party. Lorp Forest: + Foresti hates people that make him look dumb or less than stellar. + Foresti loves Talaba, and hates when foreigners speak ill of the town. + Ifhe finds out there’s a more powerful noble close, he will tense up and get anxious. Be cs + 7 46, Room C: The Chapel “You entera room that at one point must have been a chapel. Benches are placed in neat rows, with an aisle between the two columns. At the end of the room, there's an altar depicting the god of the temple. The ceiling caved in long ago, and bits of rock are scattered across the floor of the chapel, but thick vines have grown from one end of a wall to the other, forming a sort of new plant ceiling for the chapel. Faint, thin rays of sunlight manage to pierce through the thick vines and barely reach the floor of the church.” a MECHANICS: ENEMIES: 1 Restless Priest, 2 Restless Believers: They will appear once the party either sits or saves against the effect of the benches. If the party somehow manages to bypass the benches without making a save, it's your call to either not have the undead appear, or to have them appear as the party reaches the exit of the chapel. Map: Room C-1 and Room C-2 DIM LIGHT: Creatures without darkvision will have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks unless they destroy the vine ceiling. HAUNTED BENCH:As soon as the players start to walk down the aisle, they have to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 18). On a failed save, they feel compelled to sit on the benches. They are Restrained, and can only move their upper body, including arms. At the end of each turn they can repeat the save. Once they save, they are immune to the effect of the bench for 24 hours. The benches can be destroyed (AG 7, HP 6). VINE ROOF: The vines in the roof can be burned (AC 6, HP 13). As soon as fire damage hits them, the vines burn and sunlight floods the room, giving disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws to any creature with sunlight weakness. 255%, , Sporelin S A Poisonous Surprise. Sporelings are tiny fungi that feed on unsuspecting Though inherently their poison is extremely deadly. Many unsuspecting adventurers creatures. not malicious, have fallen into their trap after mistaking them for ordinary mushrooms and approaching a patch of Sporelings. Seeing through Hearing. Sporelings have extremely poor vision, but they are able to locate their prey using the subtle vibrations that travel through the ground when a creature moves about. SPORELING Tiny plant, unaligned SPORELING TACTICS Sporelings wait for prey to come close enough for them to activate their Spore Bombs and kill the target. ‘They are not intelligent, and act out of instinct. If in trouble, the Sporelings will focus on using their Siphoning Touch to heal themselves. 10(+0) 6(-2) 16(+8) 1(-5) 12G1). \(-5) Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire Damage Immunities: Poisoned Condition Immunities: Poisoned, Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, Charmed Senses: Blindsight 30 Ft. (Blind Beyond This Radius), passive Perception 11 Challenge: 1 (100 XP) False Appearance. While the Sporeling remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary mushroom. Multiattack. The fungus makes 2 Siphoning Spore Bomb. Each time they receive any physical damage other than slashing damage the Sporeling releases a Spore Cloud. Targets in a 5-foot radius must make a DC13 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage. ACTIONS Touch attacks. Siphoning Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 10 ft, one creature. Hit: 6 (246) necrotic damage. The Sporeling then heals for half the damage inflicted on the target. Armor Class: 14 (natural armor) Hit Points: 29 (4d4 + 19) Speed: 20 fi. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA " x? 62, fe These are just a few of the pages present in the Dragon Stew 5e Cooking Supplemental to give you an idea of what to expect in the final, full book. Support our Kickstarter to make the Dragon Stew book a reality, and thank you so much for reading. CREDITS Writing and Tustration Antonio Demico Copy-Editing - Briar Banerji Publisher - Metal Weave Games And everyone who has followed the project so far. Thank you so much for your support!

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