Full Part 1 9-12-2019

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Topic 1: home (your Topic 11. Family relatives Topic 21: patience
accommodation) Topic 12. Borrowing / Topic 22: pets
Topic 2: hometown lending Topic 23: public holiday
Topic 3: work or study Topic 13. Math Topic 24: tea and coffee
Topic 4. Perfume Topic 14. Social networks Topic 25: the area you live
Topic 5. Smile Topic 15. Travel in
Topic 6: reading Topic 16: concentration Topic 26: voice
Topic 7. Outdoor activities Topic 17: friends Topic 27: walking
Topic 8. Plan Topic 18: haircut Topic 28: weather
Topic 9: garbage Topic 19: jeans Topic 29: countryside
Topic 10. Street market Topic 20: music

1. Khi trả lời, luôn tuân thủ theo nguyên tắc: Ý trọng tâm trước + Ý mở rộng
theo sau (Những từ thay cho từ YES I DO : absolutely - clearly - decidedly -
doubtless - easily - finally - obviously - plainly - surely - undeniably -
unequivocally - unquestionably - positively - specifically)

2. Có 4 cách mở rộng ý:

• cách 1: ĐỀ CẬP LÍ DO: the reason for this is that, this is becasue, this is due to the
fact that, in fact, actually, honestly speaking, frankly, personally speaking,

• cách 2: ĐỀ CẬP VÍ DỤ: for example, for instance, to give an example, … could be
cited as a good example, a telling example is…., a good case in this point is …., a
typical example is….

• cách 3: ĐỀ CẬP Ý PHẢN BIỆN: otherwise, on the other hand, in diffetent

circumstances, if not, elseways, under other conditions, or the, variously, contrary
to public belief, the opponents may argue that, the objectors my contend that

• cách 4: DÙNG CÂU 2 MỆNH ĐỀ “MẶC DÙ”: although, admittedly, despite the fact
that, even if, when, while


1.Can you describe the place where you live? At the moment I live in a residential area
in ..................... and I live in a small studio apartment. It has three rooms, a kitchen, a
bathroom and a bedroom, so it's the perfect size for me and my girlfriend.

2. How long have you lived there? I moved there about 18 months ago when I moved
from my hometown to ......................

3.Who do you live with? I just live with my girlfriend.

4.Do you plan to live there for a long time? Actually, after I pass my IELTS, I want to
immigrate to Australia, so hopefully I only live here for another year at most.

5.What's the difference between where you're living now and where you've lived in
the past? Well, I used to live in my parents' house on the outskirts of the city, so it
was much quieter than where I live now. It was also a bigger apartment than where I
live now, but I definitely prefer the privacy and the freedom that I have in my own

6.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat ? At the moment, as a young adult, I think a
flat is perfect for me. It's because it's low maintenance. It's easy to clean and it's
within my price range too.

7.What do you usually do in your flat? Normally I hang out with my girlfriends. I watch
TV, I study English. Of course I eat and I cook. I do normal everyday things. I don't
have any special area for any special activities.

8.Which room does your family spend most of their time in? Probably the living room
because that's where the TV is and that's where we eat most of our meals. Although
we prepare most of our food in the kitchen, we often bring it into the living room and
eat while we watch TV.

9.What parts of your home do you like the most? I think I would say the living room
because it's a social place where we eat, chat and spend most of our time being in the
living room makes me feel comfortable and at ease because it's a cozy place with a
nice comfortable sofa.
10.Are there transport facilities to your home very good? I think so, yes. I actually
have two different ways to get home by public transport. There's a bus stop two

minutes outside of my door and there's also a subway stop nearby, so I have at least
two choices to get home by public transport.

11.What kind of housing or accommodation do you live in? I live in a residential area
of newly built apartments, close to the center of ...................... They were recently
constructed and opened and there are several tower blocks of about 14 to 15 floors.
There are about six or seven apartments in each block.

12.Do you live in a house or in a flat? At the moment, I live in a flat with my
girlfriend/boyfriend/friend. There are two bedrooms and a living room in my flat.


1.What's (the name of) your hometown (again)? My hometown is a small town on the
eastern outskirts of ..................... called LONG AN.

2. Is that a big city or a small place? It's quite a small place with only a few main
streets, but it has everything you need to survive like banks, supermarkets, schools
and leisure centers as well.

3.Can you describe your hometown a little bit? As I said, it's on the eastern outskirts
of ..................... and it's definitely a growing area. I can see that through the
surprising amount of restaurants. Every time I go home to visit my parents, there are
more and more foreign restaurants especially.

4.How long did you live there? I lived there for about 25 years in total. I was born
there and I also went to school and grew up there.

5.Do you like it? When I was younger I remember liking the city, but that's probably
because I had a lot of close friends there. As we grew up, one by one my friends
moved into the big city of ..................... and I lost interest because I wanted to follow

6.Did you like living there? I think living there was okay. As I said, I enjoyed hanging
out with my friends, but as an adult, the place felt smaller and smaller and eventually
I think I out grew the place very quickly.

7.What do you like most about your hometown? Probably my favorite thing was all
the food. We're quite spoiled for choice to be honest, because there are lots of local
and foreign restaurants, so there's something for everyone.


8. Is there anything you disliked about it? I didn't like the fact that it was isolated and
very far away from the city center. If I wanted to go to the cinema or a big shopping
mall, I needed to take a long bus journey. As a young adult, the place felt very small
and there also aren't many parks or green spaces.

9.Do you think you'll continue living there for a long time? I wouldn't like to move
back anytime soon, although maybe if I start a family I'll think differently or if I get
tired of the city I would think about moving back to my hometown.


1.What subjects are you studying? At the moment, I'm studying business at
..................... University. Specifically , I'm studying global business.

2. Is it interesting? I think it is. I've always been interested in how global companies
do business with other countries all over the world and it's something I'm keen to
learn more about over the coming years.

3.Why did you choose to study that subject? I think it'll help me in my future career
because so many businesses are international nowadays. As well as that, I'd quite like
to work abroad maybe in an overseas branch one day, so maybe this degree could
help me travel and see more of the world too.

4.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? To be honest, I'm not
really an early bird so if I have to study in the morning, I can't concentrate and I don't
take very good notes in my lectures. After 1:00 PM though, I feel much more awake
and focused, so I think I prefer to do my studying later in the day.

5.Are you looking forward to working? Yes I am. I'm looking forward to graduating
and hopefully getting a job in an international company. Like I said before, I'd love to
work and travel at the same time, so I'm looking forward to seeing what prospects
are out there and what opportunities I have in front me.

6.Do you like your subject? Yes, I do. I've always enjoyed learning about other
countries and I've always been interested in business. So this degree is the best of

7.What work do you do? I currently work in the marketing department of a

........................ company in ......................


8.Why did you choose to do that type of work? I chose this kind of position because it
lets me use the skills from my marketing degree and it's also very stable and secure
working for a large company.

9.Do you miss being a student? Yes and no. On one hand I did have a lot of fun with
my roommates and my classmates, but at the same time university was quite
stressful. I spent a lot of nights staying up late studying and stressing about my exam
schools, so even though I miss it, I wouldn't like to go through it again.

10.Do you like your job? Yes, I do. I feel very lucky that I work with some supportive
and helpful colleagues and I think my job also comes with some nice perks such as
generous holidays and an attractive salary as well, so I'm not looking at changing my
job anytime soon.

(Focus on Intensifiers 'too' / 'overly' /'especially' /'ridiculously' / 'extremely' / 'way' /
'really )

1.Do you like to wear perfume? Not really. Most perfume is too strong for me and it's
ridiculously expensive as well!

2. How often do you wear perfume? Hardly ever. Although if there is a special event,
like a wedding or a black-tie event , I will dab on some cologne

3.Do you buy perfume as a gift for others? Only if I know exactly which brand they like
— I know people can be extremely picky about which fragrance they wear, so I ask
them instead of just guessing!

4.Do you think perfumes are too expensive? I think so. I know they are difficult to
make and contain a lot of aromatic and exotic ingredients, but I still think they always

5.What kind of perfume do you like? I suppose I prefer perfume that has a faint or
delicate fragrance and it's not especially strong or overpowering. I'm also not a fan of
perfume that is overly musky.

6.What does perfume mean to you? For me, if I smell perfume it means that someone
is really trying to make an impression on me. I think people use it strategically to

make people like them more, or to be more attractive, like in a job interview or at a


1. Do you like to smile? Of course. I'd say I'm quite a smiler person because it makes
other people feel welcomed and it makes me feel better too, even if I don't mean it!

2. When do people smile at others? I think most people smile at their friends or loved
ones when they greet them. And other people usually have to smile when they're at
work in order to be professional or polite to a customer, a client or a colleague.

3. Do you smile when people take pictures of you? Yes of course. I think it's weird (gram)
when people don't smile in pictures, because it looks like they're unhappy or don't
want to be photographed. When I look back at pictures of me as a teenager, I always
wish I had smiled more because I look so silly!

4. Can you recognize a fake smile? I think so. I think you can see it in people’s eyes. If
they’re eyes don’t move or change, then I don’t think it’s sincere.

(Focus on Comparatives: 'easier / lighter I more convenient I more imaginative / more
educational )

1. What kinds of books do you read? I've always enjoyed fantasy novels and thrillers
because they're entertaining and easier to read than serious literature.

2. Do you like reading books? Yes, I do. Because Books help me relax and forget about
work, and they are more imaginative and educational than TV or films, so I enjoy
reading very much.

3. Do you read any e-books? I do. I have an e-reader so sometimes I read e-books,
usually when I go on holiday because it's much lighter and more convenient than
carrying a hard copy

4. Do you read books related To your profession? Sometimes. If there’s an academic skill
or professional topic that I have to learn about in order to get better at my job or to
be more competitive, then I’ll find a book written by an expert and read it from


Focus on 'Did / Do / Rather / Is' for affirmatives.

1.Do you like outdoor activities or indoor activities? Why? I rather prefer outdoor
activities because I like being out in the fresh air. It's more interesting than going to a
gym or staying inside a sport hall

2. Where would you like to do outdoor sports? Preferably somewhere that's

surrounded by nature and fresh air. I enjoy going hiking up mountains, or playing
football on a grass field. Some winding mountain roads would be perfect for cycling

3. Did you like to go outside when you were young? Yes I did. I loved playing football
with my dad in our garden. We also had a trampoline which we used to bounce on all
the time. As well as that, we would go on camping trips fairly often, so I did spend lots
of time outdoors.

4. Did you often go over to your friends' houses when you were young? I did spend a
lot of time at my friends' houses, usually at the weekends or during school holidays. A
lot of my close friends lived nearby, so it was easy for me to pop over and hang out
with them for a while.

5.Is it important for children to play outdoors? It think it is important for kids to spend
time outside because it's good exercise for them, and it stops them staying inside all
day staring at screens. Plus they can learn more about nature by seeing animals or


Focus on 'If / When'

1.Do you like making plans? Why? Why not? I don't usually plan ahead very much. I
get impatient and annoyed if I keep talking about my plan and never actually start
doing it. So I usually have a general outline in my mind, and then I start and deal with
problems and issues as they come up.

2.Do you make plans every day? It depends. If I have a busy or important day ahead,
then I will make a plan so I can get all my work done, but if it's a normal day, then I'll
just follow my usual daily routine.


3.Are you good at managing your time? I think so. I'm rarely late and I always try to
be punctual when I can. In fact I probably worry about being late too much, so
sometimes I arrive much earlier than I need to and I have to wait around for a while!

4.What is the latest plan you made? The last plan I made was to catch up with one of
my old colleagues who I hadn't seen for a while. We decided to meet in a restaurant
for a meal and a nice chat.

5.What is the hardest part about making plans? I think as an adult, the hardest thing
is finding a time when you and your friends are both free! Lots of my friends'
schedules are fully booked, and if they have children, it's even harder. So trying to
squeeze in and get together is definitely the hardest thing.


(Focus on Phrasal Verbs: 'throw away' I 'hold on' I 'fall over' I 'pick up' / put back' /
'come along' / 'catch on' / 'step up')

1 .What do you do with garbage when you are on the street? If I have some litter or
some packaging that I need to throw away, I'll hold on to it until I can see a rubbish
bin(iratit and put it in there.

2.How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street? I feel quite
angry and annoyed because there's no excuse for that. There are trash cans
everywhere, and I don't see why people can't just hold on to their litter and dispose
of it properly.

3.Have you ever helped someone clean up some trash? Yes. I remember waiting at the
bus stop and the rubbish bin had fallen over. So me and another passenger picked up
the litter and put the rubbish bin hack upright.

4.Why do some people throw garbage on the street? I think they're just lazy or they
don’t think it's their problem, because someone else will come along and pick it up
for them.

5. Do you think your city is clean or not? I think my city is cleaner than it used to be.
Pcoplc have finally caught on that we need to take better care of our local community
and keep it clean, so people have stepped up and made an effort, which is great.

(Focus on giving examples — 'like' / 'such as' / 'if' / 'say' ) Synonyms: Stalls — Sellers
— Produce — Items

1.What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets? In my opinion,
street market stalls usually have more raw ingredients and fresh produce with little
packaging, like spices and fresh meats, whereas supermarkets have more processed,
or ready-made items with a lot more packaging.

2. Do you like going to street markets? Yes, I do. I enjoy going to street markets
because there's fun energy, there's hustle and bustle and I like meeting and chatting
with all the different sellers and getting to know their products in more detail, which
you can't do at a supermarket.

3.Why do so many people enjoy going shopping at street markets? Firstly, I think the
quality of the products is usually much better because they're local and fresh.
Secondly, I think it's a more social experience as you can chat to sellers and other
customers, which is unheard of in a supermarket.

4.What do street markets sell? Street markets' sellers usually sell local produce, such
as meats and vegetables from nearby farms or regions. They also might sell other
random items like utensils, crockery or even clothes.

5.Are there many street markets in .....................? A lot of street markets still exists,
although there aren't as many as there used to be in, say, ..................... or
...................... But there are still plenty to choose from in most places.

6.Do you often go to the supermarket? Quite often yes. I always go on the weekends,
but if I need something during the week or if I run out of something, then I'll go to the
supermarket to pick it up. So sometimes it can be 3 or 4 times a week.


Focus on Frequency Phrases: 'every once in a while / never / usually / all the time /
quite a while ago / day in day our

1.How often do you visit your relatives? I see my aunts and uncles and cousins every
once in a while, probably three or four times a year because they live quite far away.

2.What do you usually do with your relatives? My aunt is an excellent cook, so every
time I see them, she cooks, and we have a nice meal and catch up with each other.

3.Do you prefer staying with relatives or friends, why? I think I prefer staying with my
friends because I see them all the time and I have more fun with them, so I'd prefer
spending more time with them. I wouldn't mind seeing my relatives every now and
then though, just for a short period of time..

4.When was the last time you visited your relatives? I saw my relatives quite a while
ago. It was my mother's birthday, so my aunt, my uncle and cousins came over to our
place to have a celebratory dinner.

5.Why do people visit their relatives? Well, relatives are family members, so you can
be very close, especially if your aunts or uncles help to raise you day in and day out
while you were growing up. So I think for some people, relatives can be very close
family, so they visit them very often.


1.Have you borrowed books from other people before? Yes I have. I've borrowed lots
of books, and when I was younger, I would borrow them from my friends, because I
didn't have enough money to buy my own!

2.Have you ever borrowed money from other people? I have, but only because it was
an emergency. I lost my credit card while I was on holiday, so my friend lent me some
cash to tide me over until I could access my bank account.

3.Do you like to lend things to other people? I don't mind lending things to others as
long as I trust them to give it back, so I usually lend money, books or even clothes to
friends because I know they would do the same thing for me if I really needed it.

4.How do you feel when people don't return things they borrowed from you? If it's an
honest mistake then I don't mind, but if someone clearly doesn't want to return
something to me then obviously I'd be quite angry about it.


Focus on Contrasting Linkers: But / Even though /Although / However / Despite'

1.When did you start learning maths? I remember studying maths from a young age
at school, maybe around 3 or 4 years old. But I probably started learning before then,
I just can't remember.

2.Do you think mathematics is important? Yes, absolutely. Even though we all have
calculators on our smartphones, it's important to know at least some basic arithmetic
(tin) for daily life, like adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, and if you want to
pursue a career in a scientific or technological industry, then it's even more crucial.

3.Do you like mathematics? Not at all. Although my father and my grandfather are
excellent at maths, I can't stand it! I've always found it difficult, despite my father's
best efforts to teach me so I've never enjoyed it.

4. Is maths difficult for you to learn? Yes it is. I know it's a very logical subject and the
answers never change, but for some reason the answers never stick! I need lots and
lots of repetition for me to remember any maths skills.

5.Are girls generally good at mathematics? I suppose girls and boys are equally good.
However, there are more male maths students at university, and I think that's
because maths isn't generally considered a 'girly' subject, although I think that
attitude has started changing recently.

6. Do you often use a calculator? Only when I'm dealing with large numbers or
percentages that I can't work out in my head. That said, sometimes I feel lazy and
calculate small sums on my phone, even when the answer is really easy.


(Focus on Adverbs: 'easily I constantly I simply I fairly I quickly / basically I frequently I

only / sensibly / carefully I mainly')

1.Do you like using social media? Why? I do. Mainly because its the best way for me
stay in touch with my friends, and keep up with sports and the latest current events,
so I've got lots of accounts on lots of different social media sites.

2.Are there any disadvantages to using social media? I think there are a few. Firstly
you can waste time on social media so easily, and constantly staring at a screen on
your PC or smartphone is bad for your eyes as well. On top of that, misinformation or

gossip spreads very quickly on social media, which can be quite harmful and

3.Do you have any ideas on how to make friends through social media? I think the
best way is to simply search for groups or events with people who enjoy the same
things as you. For example, if you like dancing, you can find a dancing group via social
media and get involved and make friends that way.

4.How often do you use social networking applications? I use social media apps fairly
often. Almost any time I have a spare moment, I'll quickly check one of my profiles for
any updates or new stories.

5.Why do you use social networking apps? They are basically the easiest way for me
to keep in touch with my friends and family, because they all have profiles and
accounts and they post regularly, so I always know what they're up to and how
they're doing.


1.Do you like travelling? Absolutely. I love discovering new places both abroad and in
my local area too.

2.Which cities have you travelled to? I've been to plenty of cities in .....................,
including ....................., ....................., Shenzhen and Guangzhou. The major hubs
always offer lots of attractions, sights and other points of interest.

3.What kind of cities do you like to travel to? I'm a fan of both modern and historical
cities. So ..................... is one of my favourite cities because it has a bustling,
impressive modern sight, as well as a traditional, historical sight, so it's the best of

4.What is the place that left the deepest impression on you when travelling? Probably
....................., thanks to its proximity to the world famous Great Wall of ......................
As well as its amazing attractions, such as the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven
and the Summer Palace . Those places really blew me away


1. When do you need to be focused? There are many instances when I need to pay
attention to the task at hand. For instance, when I need to prepare for an interview,

when I need to review or study for an exam, and when I am doing something a bit
risky or dangerous. I have to keep my focus to avoid any negative consequences.

2. What may distract you when you're trying to stay focused? That's an easy one.
Definitely cellphones. I hate to admit that it has become an essential part of my life.
As a matter of fact, I use it before I hit the sack and once I get up in the morning. It's
funny because I often check it, even when I didn't hear it ring or even when I don't
need to use it.

3. What do you do to help you concentrate? Turn off my phone. This is the best way for
me to focus my attention on something. Also, I prefer to burn the midnight oil since it
is peaceful and quiet. I can concentrate on my studies better if there's dead silence.

4. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? Not really. I can pay attention to
things if I am motivated and passionate about what I have to do. I believe that if
"there is a will there is a way" and I don't look for excuses not to concentrate. I guess
self-discipline is the key.


What kinds of people do you think you will make friends with? I will definitely be
friends with people who have the same interests as mine. Preferably who share the
same hobbies and principles. In this way we can easily hit it off and get along well.
Plus, I like people who have good manners, especially those who are respectful.

What do you think makes good friends? Good friends are those who are willing to
lend a hand without expecting something in return. They tend to do what's best for
their friends and spend time with them even when they are busy . They love and take
care of each other unconditionally.

Do you think you are a good friend to others? I guess so. My friends love me for being
honest and respectful even in times when we don't have the same opinion about
things. The best way to resolve our conflict is to agree to disagree because I don't
want to judge them or hurt their feelings, I will always listen at first and then give my
opinions accordingly.

Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? Absolutely. Thanks to
modern technology, the invention of cellphones and development communication
apps such as wechat and qq made it easier to stay in touch with my friends near or
far and even from the past and present.



How often do you have a haircut? Well, I really don't keep count but at least once
every two or three months. I am not a fan of changing hairstyles. I just want to keep it
long straight and neat. Also, I only have it cut just to trim it and make sure it's still

How long have you had your current haircut? If you are referring to my hairstyle, it
has been ages since I've had it done, but if it concerns the last time I had it cut, well it
was about 3 months ago. I prefer to have the same hairstyle and have no intention of
changing it. I love it as is.

Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience? Unfortunately yes. It was about 8
years ago when my friends and I decided to go with the latest trend. We had our hair
cut so short that we were even mistaken as boys. It was embarrassing but it was a
unique experience and a lesson to learn. I realized that we shouldn't be fooled by
peer pressure.

Do you like to have your hair cut? Definitely. I tend to be a creature of habit. So after
the disappointing incident 8 years ago, I promised not to experiment on my hair again
and stick to the hairstyle that suits me best, which is something simple, decent and

What's your favorite hairstyle? I prefer long hair and tied neatly at the back. I am not
a fan of trends' so I just want to make sure that it's clean and tidy. Also, I've already
tried experimenting on my hair to check which style suits me best, and I like it this

How much do you usually spend on your haircut? Around 20 rmb per haircut. I just
visit a salon near my university and they give student discounts.I guess I don't need to
go to fancy parlors for a haircut since I know it costs an arm and a leg. I cannot afford

Do you often change your haircut? I like my hairstyle as is. As I mentioned earlier, I
have had my fair share of trying different things out. But I found my comfort zone in
this haircut so I seldom change it.


Do you wear jeans? Of course. Jeans and a t-shirt has been my everyday outfit. I find
it really comfortable and stylish, not to mention I can easily mix and match my outfit
and accessories with it. To be honest, I have more jeans than skirts and dresses in my

How often do you wear jeans? As I mentioned earlier, basically every day. I can wear
jeans when I need smart casual clothes or just as streetwear. I can easily just
accessorize them to make me fashionable and trendy. What's more, they are easy to
use and very multifunctional. I can wear them anytime, anywhere.

Do you like wearing jeans, why? Absolutely. Jeans are much better than the dresses.
Maybe I am a little bit boyish and that's why I am fond of them. I have them in
different styles and colors. But what I love most, however, are skinny jeans. It boosts
my confidence since it makes me look sexy and slim.

Why do you think jeans are popular? Maybe you could blame it on celebrity
endorsers, trendsetters as well as peer pressure. They have the ability to persuade
others to mimic them. Also, comfortability and good texture are other reasons why
both men and women are so into them. In my opinion, jeans will always be an
essential part of a person's apparel.


1.When do you listen to music? I listen to music all the time on my phone and while
I'm doing lots of different things, I listen to music when I'm exercising at the gym
when I'm working or even when I'm relaxing or spending time with my friends.

2.How much time do you spend listening to music every day? In total, probably about
30 minutes to an hour. I sometimes listen to music when I take the bus to work and
also when I want to relax in the evenings.

3.What kinds of music do you like to listen to? I'm a big fan of lots of different genres
and the music I listened to depends on where I am and what I'm doing. For example,
if I'm in the gym, I listen to rock music to keep me motivated.

4.What's your favorite kind of music? I've always been into pop music because it's
easy to listen to. It's appropriate for all kinds of occasions and a lot of them are very
catchy and fun and they put me in a good mood.

5.Have you ever been to a concert before? Yes. I've been to lots of concerts, especially
when I was a teenager. Because I used to spend all my money on concert tickets and I
used to go to gigs with my friends.


1.Were you patient when you were young? I think I was quite patient. I don't
remember throwing a Tantrum or getting upset when I didn't get what I wanted
straight away, so I think I was quite calm and understanding as a child.

2.How do you feel when other people are not patient? I think it's often quite rude and
unnecessary to become impatient because it rarely helps. It doesn't make the bus
come faster and it doesn't make other people work harder either, so I think people
should try to stay calm and not let their emotions get to them.

3.Are you less or more patient when you are angry? If I'm annoyed or upset, then my
patience definitely wears thin. It's always difficult to control your emotions in
stressful situations and I'm no different.


Have you ever kept pets? As I mentioned earlier, I a dog person, so I take care of 3
dogs at home. Unfortunately, I had to leave them with my parents since I needed to
pursue my studies in another city. However, whenever I have time, my pets and I will
definitely hang out at the park.

Do you like to go to the zoo? Of course. As an animal lover, going to the zoo is quite
relaxing for me. I can let my hair down unwind as I enjoy watching them and doing
their thing in their enclosures. Also, I can learn many things about animals at the zoo
which can satisfy my curiosity.

Have you ever seen any wild animals before? Fortunately only in a zoo. Not only can I
see wild animals there, but I can also see exotic ones. I can also have the chance to
know more about them and understand their way of life. Although I prefer them to
be free, there are times that in order to avoid extinction, it's safer to keep them in

What wild animal do you like most? I like lions the most because they are called the
King of the Jungle. I also like rhinos since they are considered to be the cousins of

dinosaurs. Unfortunately, they are endangered due to illegal hunting and poaching
but I hope their species can still be saved.


1.How many public holidays do you have in .....................? Officially, ..................... has
seven public holidays spread across the year and they're to help people relax and
enjoy themselves and commemorate (gat) and celebrate special events.

2.Do you think people need more public holidays? I think if we had more public
holidays then people wouldn't complain. People always want chances to relax and
see their friends and loved ones, so as long as the holiday is culturally important and
not too commercial, I think people would love it.

3.How do you usually spend your holidays? When I was growing up, my family and I
would always go to see my grandparents or my relatives on public holidays and that's
something I still do now. I think it's important to keep the tradition going and it's a
good opportunity to see my parents and relatives too.

4.Which holiday is your favorite? Personally, I've always loved Lunar New Year
probably because it's the longest holiday we have, but it's a great opportunity to see
my friends, my relatives and loved ones and a chance to relax and unwind as well.


1.Do ..................... people like to drink tea or coffee? I think ..................... people are
big fans of both. Tea is usually more traditional, but coffee has become more and
more popular so you can see people enjoying both drinks throughout the day.

2.Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests in your home? Absolutely. I'm a big coffee
drinker and so are my friends, so anytime they come over I brew a pot of coffee and
share it with them.

3.When was the last time you drank tea or coffee? I actually drank some coffee this
morning. I drink coffee every morning because it gives me energy and it helps me
wake up too.


1.Do you like the area that you live in? Yes, I do. Everything I need is within walking
distance, like the supermarkets, restaurants and cinemas too, so I enjoy living here.

2.What are some changes in the area recently? I've seen a lot of new apartments
being built and also some new shopping malls too. I've also seen a lot of new families
arriving to the area because my neighborhood is growing quite quickly.

3.Do you know any famous people in your area? I don't think so. Usually because
most people move to the center of .....................before they become famous, so
because my village is on the outskirts, we don't have any claims to fame or local

4.Where do you like to go in your area? I like going to the street market areas in my
neighborhood because I'm really into cooking, so I like finding and buying local
ingredients and taking them home and eating them.


Has your voice ever changed? Of course. There's a phase in human life when our
voice tends to change during adolescence, especially in boys. Also, there are
instances when we have abused and overused our voices so that we can have a sore
throat that leads to a harsh or even hoarse voice.

Do you like your own voice? Honestly, I don't. I always wanted an angelic voice but
unfortunately, I wasn't gifted. I also love singing but singing doesn't love me. So I've
just settled on singing in the bathroom where I can imagine my voice rocks the house.

Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it? No way. My voice is so horrible
that I myself am terrified of it. I can't stand listening to it but I have no choice. I must
admit I recorded it once and listened to it. That's the time I realized, never again.

Does your voice sound similar to your parents? Unfortunately not. My dad is an
excellent singer.My grandmother used to tell me stories about my father's childhood.
They would go to a radio station and he would sing live and on air. I guess I wasn't
able to inherit his genes.


Do you walk a lot? Absolutely. Walking is the simplest form of exercise to keep us
healthy and fit. I am not a fan of running or jogging, and at the same time I am not a
gym buff. So I prefer walking instead of doing some strenuous activity.


Do you walk more often than in the past? To be honest, I walked more frequently in
the past than recently. I guess I have been a living a sedentary lifestyle lately, since I
have so much work to do. As a matter of fact, I spend most of my time in front of my
computer and that's why I have less time to walk.

Do you think people will walk more in the future or not? I guess for people who are
health-conscious, there's no doubt that they will continue exercising which includes
walking. However, for people who are workaholics whose jobs are related to
computers, I guess they won't walk as much. Also, technology always finds ways to
make life easier and it makes people a bit lazier, too.

Where do you usually take a walk? The first thing that pops into my mind is the park. I
like to hang out there since I can feast my eyes on different natural scenery while
strolling. I can breathe fresh air, enjoy the colorful and scented flowers, as well as
watch children play, and the elderly do some square dancing. It is a very relaxing


1.Do you prefer dry or wet weather? Definitely dry weather because rain makes me
feel miserable and sleepy too. I also can't do anything if it's raining outside, but if it's
dry and sunny I can go outside and do some exercise, meet with my friends or just
enjoy the sunshine.

2.What kind of weather do you like the most? I suppose I like weather that's warm
but not too hot. Weather when I can be in the sun without overheating or sweating
too much, if I get too hot, I don't find it very much fun. So if there are blue skies with
no clouds inside that would be perfect.

3.What's your favorite season? I'd probably say spring, especially because winters in
my country, a very long and dark, so when spring comes along it's very exciting. I
think that's because the days get longer, the temperature gets warmer. You can see
flowers and animals and colors coming back.

4.What kind of weather is typical in your hometown? I think it depends on the season.
Spring and summer and autumn can be quite mild. We don't have heat waves or
droughts in Beijing, although in summertime you may need to turn on the air
conditioning for a few weeks in the peak of summer.


1. Do you enjoy living in the countryside? Honestly speaking, I don’t find it convenient to
live in rural province. As we all know, the resouces there are limited and out-dated.
For example, there are few choices of transport unlike in the city

2. What do you usually do in the countryside ? In rural provinces, I just spend a lot of
time with my family and relatives. Since the entertainment facilities are limited. We
often just talk with each other or have s meal together. Other, the next, we do some
indoor activities like playing chess.

3. Will you live in the countryside in the future? From my view, I won’t live in the
countryside in the coming years. My initial plan is to become a software engineer so I
can work and live in more advanced cities live Saigon, Hanoi. If I live in the
countryside, I may not able to pursue my dream

4. Have you ever lived in the countryside? If I’m not mistaken. I already had an
experience in living in the countryside, it was 3 years ago when I visited my parents to
celebrate spring festivals. I stayed there for at least 1 week and I think life there is
simple, yet sufficient.


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