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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Due to the fast advancement of technology nowadays mobile phones have

become a social and economic necessity that became part of our lives; it is feasible that

in the future, every person in the world may own or use a mobile phone. The rise in the

use of mobile phones has led to many changes in our everyday lives. In particularly,

this rise has also led to the rise of mobile games. Mobile games refer to any game that

a person plays through the use of mobile phone; which can be played by multiple

players in different scopes around the world. The popularity of mobiles games has

spread at an increasing rate since its introduction.

However, nowadays people see mobile games having a good impact for students

and kids considering it as an effective mind exercise. This also shapes a student’s ability

to think and react faster as they do in gaming. A research shows that a child playing

online games becomes more active and can change your brain to be smarter (C. Shawn

Green). Online gaming plays a major role for a teen’s involvement to modernization and

preparation for the 21st century. However, we should not lose sight of the negative

impacts it may bring to us. Mobile games is one of the most blamed issues by the

media why teenagers today becomes violent and commit extreme anti-social behavior

which they probably adapt from the things happening on the virtual world.

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