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B) From the second statement, out of 33 respondents there were 3 of them

answered strongly agree (9.1%), 16 of them answered agree (48.48%), 10 of them

answered strongly disagree (30.30%), and 4 of them answered disagree (12.12%) of

the total population.

C) From the third statement, 5 gained agree (15.15%), 20 strongly disagree

(60.61%), and 8 disagree (24.24%) of the total population.

D) Statement no. 4 there were 10 respondents strongly agreed (30.30%), 16

agreed (48.48%), 4 strongly disagreed (12.12%), and 3 disagreed (9.1%) of the total

population. According to the research conducted by Bachhuber and Saulnier (2012),

their research shows that the person who plays games can improve their grammar,

vocabulary and comprehension. Therefore, they can have interactive way to learn

English or any other language.

E) Statement no. 5 gained 2 strongly agreed (6.06%), 10 agreed (30.30%),

12 strongly disagreed (36.36%), and 9 disagreed (27.28%) of the total population.

F) Statement no. 6 has 3 who strongly agreed (9.1%), 11 agreed (33.33%), 6

strongly disagreed (18.18%), and 13 disagreed (39.39%) total population.

G) Statement no. 7 gained 5 who strongly agreed (15.15%), 22 agreed

(66.65%), 3 strongly disagreed and who answered disagree (9.1%) of the total

population. According to Jessica Oats (2015), people who played games for 30 minutes

a day gained gray matter in the areas of the brain responsible for memory formation,

spatial navigation, fine motor skills and strategic planning.

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