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I was happy to be part of the wedding reception for Damodhara, Gujarati born practitioner

of bhakti yoga.  He resides in Sudbury, the place where I lived when I met Krishna monks who
changed my life.  I spoke a few words to the crowd, addressing my joy at his partnership, before
the toast and the cake cutting.

I really support marriage and the prospect for a one-shot deal.  I expressed my wish they'll have
twelve kids.  People roared laughing.

The reception was held right in Govinda's Dinning Room which is beneath the room where I
reside.  I picked up the sign at the table assigned to me, marked "reserved" and let people know
that this is the way I am at times.  And sometimes, I make noise.

I spent quality time with Damodhara's folks and friends.  The people were great and so was
the prasadam.  It was necessary to skip the cake.  So much sugar just isn't a good practice.  At
times, I think the stuff to be like the coronavirus. 

For the curse of being indoors all day, including the wedding reception, I thought it time to be
outdoors and go for a night walk.  Well, I set out the door with one of our young men for talks,
questions and answers.  He opened his mind and heart.  I listened.  He took my advice: "Think
less.  Do more!" I guess I was trying to say to him not to be too reserved.

- By Bhakti Marga Swami

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