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Why I chose becoming a nurse

For me there was no moment of divine intervention, no following the footsteps of

an admired parent or relative but rather a gradual realisation that nursing would be
the perfect career for me.

I have been lucky enough to have had the pleasure of meeting some healthcare
professionals who have inspired me and I hope to one day equal their skill,
diligence and passion.

I think my main source of inspiration to become a nurse comes from an innate

desire to help people and care for them in times of need. I am also a person who
thrives on being challenged and I always have new goals to achieve, so nursing
suits me as few other careers offer as much diversity and learning opportunities.

I truly believe that nursing is one of the greatest professions on this earth. It
is demanding, but very rewarding. I haven't started my nursing career yet, but I am
in college pursuing a nursing degree.

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