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2f.​ Write a letter to one of your sources or to a politician whose ideas you disagree with.

respectfully, why you disagree with their ideas. Explain your own ideas. Discuss where you think
compromises could/should be made between you and the audience for your letter.

Dear HSUS,
What you’re doing is wrong. The money that you have and make should go to
help the animal shelters all over the US instead of to your own problems. You are
helping shelters in other countries but not your own. You are fixing lawsuits and
pocketing the money for yourselves instead of doing what is right and giving the money
to shelters in the US that need the money. Too many animals are being euthanized
because of underfunding. Now I'm going to meet you in the middle and say you can still
have your employees keep some of the money because they are working and need
money too but they don't need 1.4 million, that money is probably not going to be used.
Please consider what I have said because it really needs to change and animals are
being affected by it.
Thank you!
Bailee Brown

HSUS Shelter Spending in Your State. (2015, May 29). Retrieved March 15, 2020, from

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