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Be aware of Beowulf (or is it Grendel?

Evil lurks behind every cell
On the inside, we are not all the same
With only society keeping us tame
Under the guise of a hero so true!
Lurks a monster coming for you
Fallen heroes lie at our feet, while groveling monsters fight for

In Beowulf monsters are a pretty relevant topic, this made me think of the monsters within our
own society. In this poem, I tried to touch on the conflicts within each individual that may
qualify them as “a monster”. In my opinion, “evil” and “monsters” within each society are very
dependent on group think and the views of that society. Just like in Beowulf, Grendel is seen as
the monster, but given another opinion or view, Beowulf could be seen as the monster. The
ideals and morals of society are the constraints keeping the monster inside us all from escaping.
Every person is the hero of their own story, but they may also be the monster in another’s story.
Eventually the monsters within escape, sometimes via war or our own self destructive
tendencies. But when they do escape, all that’s left is the others tearing each other apart.

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