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Humans have two types of energy; masculine and feminine

Masculine energy is characterized as that which is active; the

be-er, do-er energy which manifests on all levels-- physically,
emotionally, and mentally.  "Spiritually it is divine will, power,
and purpose-mental and outward focused attributes of the
Creator."   (Ronna Herman) Physically the male is stronger,
larger, and has evolved over time to protect and feed the
weaker. Stereotypically we can observe pure male energy as
the aggressive, tough, outgoing, dominant, and assertive
personality which is often taken for granted and excused as in
the statement; "boys will be boys..."

Devoid of balance with feminine energy, pure masculine is

pushy, determined, and self-serving; expressing a disregard for
others' needs in an aggressive quest for whatever is believed to
be important to their happiness. It manifests as what we term
"cave man mentality"; a state of consciousness that sees and
enjoys conflict and all the challenges of self-serving aggression.
We have all known of men like these especially in countries of
intense male dominance.

Feminine energy is characterized by compassion;  receptive,

intuitive, nurturing energy which also manifests physically,
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Physically the female
form is created to be the receptor for the masculine seed, which
she then nourishes and protects as the child grows. Her smaller
physical structure manifests less need for the masculine
strength required of the warrior, aggressor, hunter, and
gatherer.  Emotionally, feminine energy is compassionate and
intuitive.  Mentally, she more easily understands the needs of
others when making decisions.  Feminine energy devoid of the
masculine is "wimpy", spineless, whiney, and seeks to be taken
care of.  We all know women like this.

The "battle of the sexes" began thousands of years ago when

the feminine Godhead was attacked by those declaring that only
a masculine Godhead was truth.  This glorification of the
masculine resulted in the oppression of women who were
physically weaker and smaller by nature.  This bullying has
gone on for centuries in many cultures and religions, and
continues today under many guises.  It is time to heal this
imbalance, for one without the other manifests only half of what
really is.  Society has done males a tremendous disservice
through teaching them not to express their feminine aspect,
telling them that tender emotions were signs of weakness. 
Neither have we helped women by often forbidding their spirits
to unfold into directions labeled "male".   Every human being
embodies both the feminine and masculine principles of Divine
Consciousness, and together the two aspects make the whole.

All human beings, regardless of present gender, embody both

masculine and feminine aspects.  Because we see and
experience ourselves and others as being either male or female,
we accept current concepts about each. Without much thought,
we often disregard, downplay, and or deny those qualities
considered inappropriate for a particular gender. This does not
mean that men are interchangeable with women or vise-versa. 
Nature provides the necessary components for activating
gender specific qualities to the male body or female body. The
primary energy specific to our physical body is an important
component in our evolutionary process. We chose our gender
very carefully before incarnating with regard to whatever basic
qualities we need most to help us learn our lessons.

Because of the ascension process being experienced now on

earth, mankind is shifting out of duality and separation, and into
the energy of Oneness.  All who need it are being pushed to
balance their masculine and feminine aspects.  Men with too
little feminine are being faced with learning experiences that
force them to become compassionate and caring.  Women who
carry very little masculine energy are finding themselves faced
with life issues that force them to take hold of the reins, and
make decisions.

The choice of either a male or female body in preparation for

incarnation is determined by the individuals need to actively
experience the energy of whatever aspect he needs more of. 
This is why you often see very feminine qualities in some men,
or very masculine qualities in some women.  Their present
gender was chosen through the realization that they had
experienced too many lifetimes as either male or female, and
now need to experience and integrate the opposite in order to
bring about balance.  Once we know this, we can understand
why there are lives of transgender, homosexuality, cross
dressing, and gender reassignment surgeries.  Humans are not
just physical bodies, but are spiritual beings having a physical
experience.    Often homosexuality is a pre-birth choice simply
to add this experience to the Soul’s learning process; every life
is about learning , growing, and expanding into new and deeper
awareness of the self as Self. 

When an individual resonating with a great deal of either

feminine or masculine energy (because of having lived many
lifetimes as that particular gender)  finds himself living as the
opposite sex, there is a great deal of confusion. He or she
experiences himself as the opposite sex from physical body.
Once in third dimensional energy, individuals don't remember
the how or whys of pre-birth choices and in fact don’t even
remember having lived on earth before.

It is our job to respect and help these individuals to love

themselves, for it takes a great deal of courage to choose an
unfamiliar gender in order to spiritually evolve.  Third
dimensional (duality and separation) society often treats these
individuals as outcasts, and with those who would call
themselves “Christians” labeling them as "sick or sinful" within
a society that badly needs to evolve beyond prejudicial and
outdated concepts. 

Homosexuality is often simply individuals who have been loving

partners in many life-times coming together again in this
lifetime as partners even though both have chosen the same
gender.  The key to spiritual understanding is to remember that
human beings are in reality spiritual beings using physical
bodies; spiritual beings choosing to study for a while at Earth

One cannot enter into the high frequencies of Light being

integrated throughout the earth at this time, until coming into
balance.  There is no duality in the higher realms.  Beings of
Light (us) are both masculine and feminine in the reality of the
true self as a manifestation of Source.

                                            SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH

During these rapidly changing times, individuals are being

pushed, as well as being given opportunities to speak their
truth-like it or not.  Those still functioning in the "old energy"
continue to give vociferous opinions that increasingly seem
immature and irrelevant to our awakening ears, but change is
beginning to manifest through the voices of those speaking out
for change and truth in places that heretofore have not known
much freedom. These new voices are indicative of the massive
energy shifts taking place on earth at this time, moving us into
the energy of 2012.  What does it all mean?  It means that
humans are finally emerging from behind the crumbling walls of
outdated concepts and false beliefs that have held them in
bondage for eons and because of this, they are losing their fear
of standing up for themselves.  It means the gradual dawning of
a worldwide awareness regarding each and every individual’s
God given right and capacity to think and to make intelligent
choices, regardless of what the popular beliefs promote through
media, government, or churches.

How many times have we simply gone along with the latest
popular trend because we were too intimidated to speak up, too
afraid of being labeled stupid, or because we simply couldn’t be
bothered to look into the matter?  Because there is only ONE,
everyone feels a deep inner need to experience love (energy of
Oneness) although most have no idea why.  We want others to
like us, and we want to feel as if we are a part of something
even if that something is negative (street gangs).  This all has
to do with the fact that all living things are united in the One,
but until individuals awaken to this, it is impossible to
understand this drive to be loved and accepted.
Humans are rapidly moving into a more powerful sense of who
they are and why they are here, and it is this awareness that is
bringing about changes.  We may begin to notice that we are no
longer enjoying many of the things we used to. We may find
ourselves out of sync with some old friends, certain activities,
and pursuits that may have been of primary interest.  This often
causes a panic within; "What is wrong with me"?  Nothing is
wrong; our state of consciousness has changed. This is
evolution.  We are graduating.  There is no problem with these
interests of the past, we have simply outgrown them.

We have all experienced the dilemma of trying to tell a family

member or friend that we are no longer interested in activities
we once enjoyed doing with them.  This becomes especially
difficult if the other person has not changed in any way.  For
example; you and your friends have enjoyed a routine of dinner
and film once a month.  For you it always meant fun, something
you looked forward to.   Gradually you have begun to notice
that you no longer look forward to these evenings as you once
did. You recognize the conversation and many of the films as
holding old concepts and being very third dimensional because
you are no longer resonating with the energy of the
entertainment or even the friends you once so enjoyed being
with.  You have evolved beyond much of what identified this
event.  Do you beg out, making up excuses about being too
busy or are you able to say honestly and with love; "I am sorry, I
find that I just don't enjoy this anymore".

This is simply one small example of how the integration of

higher energies is changing us as individuals and the world in
general. We are taking back our power, and learning to speak
our truth. Our throat chakras are clearing and opening.
Evolutionary changes are rapidly expanding our world view
which in turn is forcing us to re-think all aspects of our lives and
make the changes necessary. Many resist the change as they
begin to discover facets of their lives in need of resolution or
release, but an individual cannot go back asleep once he has
awakened even in a small way.  To the newly awakening
individual however, it may seem easiest to just ignore it and try
to maintain the old.  

Our integration of those higher dimensional energies flowing to

earth at this time is pushing us deeper into a new awareness of
ourselves.  We are beginning to realize that we are much more
than we have been led to believe, and this gives us an inner
strength that heretofore we have not known.  We are losing the
need to be validated by others, and are beginning to trust that
we ourselves can make intelligent decisions.  We are beginning
to trust and rely on our intuition.

Women are getting the opportunities necessary to bring about

an integration their masculine aspect (the active, be-er, doer
energy) which for many women still remains unacknowledged. 
Men are getting the opportunities needed in order for them to
acknowledge their feminine aspect (the intuitive, receptive,
wisdom energy).  As men and women integrate both aspects of
themselves, their ability to speak the truth becomes easy and
ordinary, simply the expression of their way of living and being
each day.

The individual speaks their truth, but always with love, respect,
(recognition of the Divine within the other), and without fear or
trepidation. They are now validated from within, not from
societies’ current trends in thinking.

It is important to understand that speaking your truth does not

mean that you are never say what may  need to be said in a
firm and powerful way.  There are those that need to hear on a
level they can understand and relate to.  The power in the
words may seem 3d dimensional to the one hearing it, but the
difference is in the energy with which the words flow forth. The
key to speaking your truth is in the INTENTION.  Actions and
words go forth as energy, so words spoken with an intention to
hurt or harm another carry a lower resonating and negative
energy.  Those very same words could be spoken but now
carrying the intention of spiritual love and with the recognition
of the recipient as spiritual being.  This time these words will
not carry a negative impact.

Always ask yourself; “What is my intention in speaking these

words?"   Know that unconditional love energy in our words
does not mean "according to my religious or political concepts".

Take these ideas within and ponder them.

October 18, 2010


                                   "  DOING "     VERSUS      "BEING"


If you are reading this, then you are someone who has spent
possibly many years and for sure many lifetimes evolving to
your present state of consciousness, and much of that time was
spent in spiritual activity.  There were (and still are) the
mystery schools of medieval times, healing temples, secret
societies, monasteries, churches, and much more;  all
teaching  through ceremony, words, and  actions, and
utilizing  whatever spiritual tools they  deemed necessary in
order to lift  the spiritual aspirant to new levels.

Spiritual students (then and now) are taught to  sit correctly, 
chant, and listen to  the right vibrational sounds while 
utilizing  crystals, pipes, pendulums, fire, incense, drugs, oils,
body positions, words, metaphysical books, rites, rituals,
fasting, and hundreds of other tools; all representing the infinite
number of  belief systems  regarding how to  arrive at a higher
state of consciousness.  These spiritual tools were necessary
helps in shifting individuals to a higher frequency while still
living in heavy third dimensional energy and served as well to
assist in preparation for meditation, for guidance, and for a
deeper comprehension of truth.  Many still use and find certain
tools to be very helpful and this is fine.


A dependence upon the tools has become a spiritual block for

many.  Steeped in their favorite modalities, they have come to
believe that the rites and rituals are absolutely necessary to
their spiritual journey, and refuse to let them go.  This is true
regarding almost all organized religions.  The tools have
become the belief system, and this is idolatry.

We are not saying that you must throw away or stop loving your
crystals, for crystals carry their own powerful energies and can
be co-workers and companions... We do not say to stop lighting
your favorite incense or listening to music that lifts your soul
and brings you joy.  We are saying that a dependence upon
these tools in the belief that they are necessary to your spiritual
evolution becomes a barrier to it .There was a time for spiritual
doing; many current spiritual seekers studied in the ancient
mystery schools in  past lives and  also lived lives of rite and
ritual in convents and monasteries-often many times over.

You have evolved.    It is time to start "being" instead of

"doing" which means a personal commitment to living out from
the realization that you already are that which you have been
seeking.  It is the understanding that there is no need to
struggle for something you already have.   It is a letting go of
doing- doing- doing- and simply “being".  "Being" is an  action, 
the action of consciously  resting in what already is, which
does not need some outer action in order  to make it so.
Tools are symbols, only symbols, and in order to let go of the
crutch of tools, one must understand what these symbols
represent.  It is time to realize that as spiritual aspirants, you
are no longer strictly functioning in the old three dimensional
energy of duality and separation, but are already moving into
the new fifth dimensional energy.

It doesn't matter what you choose to do each day, what matters

is the state of consciousness with which you do it.  All the
efforts of spiritual "doing" are simply to get a person to that
place of just "being".  You can "be" while doing anything you
please; no one action is holier than another for it is the intention
that accompanies the action that determines the energy of it.

Humans have bound themselves to spiritual struggle through

the belief that an individual must suffer in order to become
spiritual.  This is a lie perpetuated by the churches-then and
now, who want to keep you coming so you can be "saved", (and
hopefully bringing with you a large donation). There are still
those who believe that if they whip themselves, or do severe
penances, they will become holy.  Original sin is the belief that
you are separate from your Source, which is impossible.  All
was created perfect and still is, for there is nothing other than
the One Omnipresent Substance of Source from which all has
been and still is being created.  (We speak of your true Soul
Essence and not the physical/human concept of it).

With the exception of some mystical writers, most spiritual

books at this time are metaphysical.  (Metaphysics functions to
change a bad picture into a good picture through the use of
spiritual tools).   Mysticism is the realization that nothing needs
changing but those false concepts being entertained about
God’s perfect spiritual creation.
Many ask; “How can a loving God/Source allow these bad things
to happen?”  Well dear ones, God/Source knows nothing about
what third dimensional dreams man is dreaming and creating
through un-enlightened concepts and beliefs (duality and
separation). Rest assured that if there were Divine Ideas of
disease, lack and limitation, etc., no one would ever be able to
change them, for the Ideas of Source are infinite and are law.  
Source is forever perfect, knowing only Itself in manifestation
AS...  Evolution is the awakening to that. 

It is now time to rest in the truth of completeness, and to let go

of a dependence on tools that were indeed once needed--when
you were beginners.

Marilyn and Arcturian Group                                        



Compassion is the awareness and understanding of another’s

problems without personally embracing the problem ourselves,
be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.    It is an ability
to understand either through our own personal experience or
simply through observation, what another is dealing with. The
more life experiences we have personally had, the better able
we are to understand what the person is going through-it is this
that tempts us to sympathize.  In compassion we understand,
empathize, and offer assistance, but without resonating with or
entering into the other person’s energy.  We have all heard;
“You cannot solve a problem on the level of the problem.”
Sympathy is exactly that- an entering into, and a resonating
with, the energy of the situation in the belief that this will help. 
It is an attempt to solve a problem on the level of the problem.

In order to work from a level of compassion, we must develop

the ability to refrain from entering into the drama of whatever
situation presents itself because through our embracing it, we
add to the energy and support of it.  At the same time we don’t
deny the appearances, but remain fully aware of the negative
circumstances touching the other’s life.  It is an ability to see
and understand the painful issues of life that seem so real, but
with a sense of detachment.   Compassion is a facet of an
evolved state of consciousness

Being fully aware of what is going on with those looking to us

for support or guidance, and we can freely offer help and ideas,
but we do it without entering into the energy of the issue.  This
does not mean we act cold or uninterested, although there are
many who see our entering in to their story as a sign of true
friendship and expect us to “grovel” with them if we really care
about them.

In compassion, we understand that we can be of no help to

anyone if we are vibrating with the same resonance as the
person and their problems.  Energy seeks to entrain; that is, it
always seeks to mingle and reach “sameness” with like
energy.  If we allow ourselves to take on the negative energy of
a problem, we will be unable to see the bigger picture or help
move the person past it.   This is particularly important for
those whose professional work involves helping others;
counselors, teachers, therapists, etc.  Many of these workers
come home at night feeling drained of all energy.  This is the
result of entraining with a lower resonating energy which in turn
“feeds” on the higher energy and drains the worker.  This is
where the term “energy vampire” comes from.
There are many who always look to someone else to solve their
problems and really don’t want resolution.  They choose to
become feeders of others’ energy and enjoy “stirring the drama
pots” in order to attract lots of energy.  Energy drains cannot
take place when you keep your resonance high, filled with Light,
and do not allow yourself to entrain with the drama of lower
resonating energy.   We must be alert to this because as loving
people we can easily slip into resonating with the person and
their difficulties while trying to help.

Everything we see, hear, taste, touch, or smell in the third

dimension is illusory--minds interpretation of a spiritual reality
formed from our concepts and beliefs. Because third
dimensional energy is an energy of duality and separation, we
always see pairs of opposites.  Enlightenment is awakening
into the realization that there is a Divine Idea behind all
appearances which constitutes reality.  Wars and violence are
concepts and beliefs of duality and separation, translated by the
mind as these things.  Many say that they do not understand
teachings that say the world is illusion.  The world is not an
illusion, it is very real--it is our concept of the world that is the
illusion, and this realization enables us to more easily deal with
appearances from the level of compassion.
Claiming another’s human issues and feeling their pain
personally does not help them so much as it feeds our human
ego and brings all concerned to the same low level.  On the
other hand, don’t ever be afraid to hug or even cry with someone
from a place of love and understanding, compassion is not
indifference. Compassion means seeing a situation spiritually
and with an understanding of the bigger picture. This is the way
to lift them out of the old energy without becoming a part of it

Light workers (and we are all light workers) must learn to see
and work from the higher vantage point at all times; serving
from it and staying aligned with it, no matter what the outer
circumstances. Working from an enlightened view means that
we are awake to the spiritual reality behind all appearances. 
We understand that struggles are third dimensional lessons that
act to move us beyond the concepts of duality and separation. 
We stand not in judgment or criticism, but with profound respect
and love for our brother as he works through his lessons
because we know what it feels like and we know how difficult it
can be.

We give the “bread to the hungry”, if that is the need, doing

what our intuition tells us is appropriate to ease their burden,
but at all times we stay centered in truth.  There are instances
where letting someone fall flat on their face is the love they
really need.  Some may see us as “cold”, not understanding our
refusal to enter fully into their situation, but we must ignore that
in the realization that we are of no help of we simply join them
in the “problem”.

This is the difference between compassion and sympathy.  In

compassion we are lovingly aware of the situation, but do not
enter into it.  In sympathy we choose to fully enter into the
energy of the situation.
Compassion is a facet of Divine Love.

Compassion is being in the world, but not of it.         


                                                        WHAT ABOUT  


Death is the transition from a three dimensional, material sense

of body, into the ever present spiritual body; never losing his
attained state of consciousness in the process. That is; if an
individual is on an upward evolutionary journey at the time of
his transition, he will find himself in that or an even higher state
of consciousness.  If the individual is on a downward spiral at
the time of death, he may sink even lower through the process. 
It is actually easier to understand death if one realizes that veils
of illusion overshadow the third dimension in which we live and
therefore the issues of life manifest through this energy of
duality and separation.  In death, it is the three dimensional
concept of body that is left behind, whereas the Light body is
ever present and always with us.

Our very essence is spiritual and therefore we are actually more

“home” when on the other side rather than on earth.  Our three
dimensional world is a microcosm of the macrocosm, meaning
all that  we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell during our
incarnations on earth, are concepts  of  spiritual ideas which
reflect our state of consciousness.

Because of mankind’s inability to “see” the spiritual realms with

physical eyes, the world as a whole has been taught to fear
death, believing death to be the end of all good things –our very
life itself.  As we evolve into a truer sense of whom and what
we are, the fear of death begins to lose its sting.  We come to
understand that death does not constitute an ending, but is
simply a new phase of the infinite life we are and always will be.

Those who tenaciously hold to old concepts and beliefs (even

after leaving their physical bodies) fail to advance into the
understanding necessary for spiritual evolution. However, there
are no deadlines, and all have free will to believe as they
choose for as long as they choose, on this side or the other. 
Those choosing to cling to earth even after death  we identify
as ghosts-earthbound souls clinging to anything or anyone in
order to stay close to what they have known during their earthly
sojourn even if that experience was painful. Often they are
somewhat un-evolved beings who simply do not realize there is
anything other than life as they knew it on earth.  Many choose
to be earthbound because of their belief in and fear of a hell
awaiting all those not perfect according to some teaching. 
Some do not even realize that they have died, like the drug
addict that dies from an overdose, or the sudden and
unexpected death of an individual who does not believe in an
afterlife. These souls are usually very confused, and become
attached to earth energy because it is what they know. They
are often totally unaware of those in the spirit realm trying to
help them, because they are able to identify only with the three
dimensional energy of their earthly life.  These examples and
more can prevent the deceased individual from moving into the
Light soon after death-that Light which greets all souls when
they transition.  Moving into the high frequency Light seen by
individuals at the time of death, enables the newly transitioned
soul to receive the help, guidance, understanding, and
unconditional love necessary at that time.

We are in the midst of a tremendous energy shift on earth in

which the heavy vibrations of the third dimensional energy are
quickly giving way to higher and more refined energies of the
4th and 5th dimensions.  The veil of separation is thinning and
because of this, more and more are awaking, embracing new
and truer ways of seeing, and losing their fear of death in the
process.  Through the realization that no one ever dies, old
fears give way to the joyous realization of death as a journey
home, not dying.

At this time there are many souls choosing to leave the earth in
order to be born back into the new, higher energy coming now.
This awareness can be a comfort for those dealing with the
death of someone who seems “too young to die”.  A key
element regarding the deeper understanding of death is to have
an awareness and acceptance of reincarnation. Many religions
still teach that we live only one life and that this one life is
followed by either a heaven or hell.  This is absolutely false. 
Reincarnation can be validated through vast amounts of
information to substantiate it; personal remembrances, ancient
manuscripts, regressions, dreams, etc.

Mankind is evolving into a conscious realization of Oneness with

Source, but this is a journey that simply cannot be
accomplished in one lifetime. The lessons, experiences, and
awareness necessary for each soul who chooses to evolve into
enlightenment through third dimensional energy, takes
hundreds of lifetimes.

We lose our fear of death once we realize that we are that one
Infinite Divine Life in expression, and could therefore never have
had a beginning or an ending.
                             Divine Life simply IS;  always has
been , always will be.        

SELF LOVE                      

When an individual spiritually awakens, he often finds himself

plagued guilt and remorse with regard to certain actions taken
in the past.  He begins to realize how he could have better
handled these situations.  New insights often bring with them a
sense of embarrassment, regret, and even self-loathing for
actions taken or words spoken; actions that may or may not of
resulted in pain and difficulties for another.  It is important to
understand that past actions reflect of our state of
consciousness at that time; beliefs often held with a self-
righteousness disregard for the feelings and beliefs of the
other.  These actions often  alienated those we thought we are
“helping” in the egotistical belief that we were showing them
the “right” way (our way) of doing, or living, or believing, while
we may actually have been functioning as enablers, or simply
self-righteous “know it all” .  We thought of ourselves as
“loving” and helpful, but now, seeing with “new eyes”, we find
ourselves shocked by some of the things we said or did.  We
begin to see clearly how in reality we only helped our own ego
and now we become very uncomfortable with ourselves.  It is
like a light bulb has gone off in our thinking which causes us to
feel very humiliated by past actions; we don’t like ourselves
very much.

Self loathing reflects the energy of the third dimension (duality

and separation) and is an expression of the universal but
impersonal belief; “You never will be good enough”.  The
manifestations of this false belief are experienced physically,
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by everyone choosing to
live completely in and of the energy of duality and separation;
that is if you believe it, it is yours.

Those who live completely in a physical state of consciousness,

(all pains and pleasures are in and of the physical), will compare
their physical body with current concepts  as presented by
Hollywood, the fashion industry, and work out gurus,   which
will result  in the conclusion that  “I am too fat, my hair is not
right, my body isn’t perfect etc. etc.” or if you are a man, “my
body isn’t muscular enough, I am losing hair”, or  “I don’t make
enough money”.   All this in turn leads to negative behaviors
like starving oneself,   gulping down steroids, or being
dishonest in desperate attempts to be accepted (loveable).

Emotionally, each culture is bombarded as to what proper and

acceptable emotions are regarding almost everything.  If we
discover that we are somehow out of sync with these
acceptable emotions then we find ourselves out of the
acceptable “loop”.  Romance novels, movies, magazines, and
TV shows all promote concepts of what love is and what we are
supposed to feel in every situation.  Pharmaceutical and illegal
drug industries have created a gold mine for themselves through
the presentation of “out of the norm” emotions as a reason for
drug use while ignoring basic underlying causes.

On a mental level, we school our children from the day they are
born to learn; pushing them frequently beyond what is
appropriate to keep busy acquiring knowledge in order to be
acceptable (loveable).  We have organizations created solely to
support and feed the egos of those with high IQ levels which
qualify them to be members.  We give awards and credits for
being smart in a “book learning” way while disregarding or
looking down on those who may actually flow with true wisdom.
Spiritually, as we awaken to the truth of our true nature and find
ourselves beginning to regret some past actions, self-loathing
may rear its ugly head.  If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot
love another (oneness) but how do we love such an unworthy
person as we have just discovered ourselves to be?  Spiritually,
we are required only to live out from our highest state of
realized consciousness which is exactly what we were doing at
the times we now feel guilt about.  If we were to take those
same actions today, in our new and higher state of
consciousness, then it would be an error-a step backward.  We
would do things differently now because of our new and higher
state of awareness.

It is hardly surprising that so many  despise themselves and

silently suffer from the belief that they have somehow failed;
not realizing that this is what the “earth experience” is actually
all about; finding truth while living in  the duality and separation
of third dimensional energy.  

Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual concepts are all

expressions of a belief in duality and separation -third
dimensional energy.  However, they are not our beliefs until we
accept them, even though they may feel personal to us.   All
third dimensional concepts are in and of a universal (there is
only ONE) but impersonal consciousness presenting to us every
belief ever believed or thought of.  There is only ONE
consciousness, but now it is colored by the acceptance of
duality and separation.  When we spiritually awaken, we begin
to see beyond these false concepts and beliefs; realizing that
they are fed solely from the energy of our belief in them. “There
is no unexpressed consciousness”-Joel S. Goldsmith

Mankind in general, does not yet realize its Oneness with

Source (God) and all life, and so compares and makes
judgments based on erroneous data.  We chose to enter the
third dimensional experience for those lessons we ourselves
knew we needed, but once here, we forget and begin to accept
world beliefs without question.  Many get lost in the “crap” of
“this world”, while at the same time on a Soul level; they
struggle to embrace their true nature which is Love (oneness). 
Everyone yearns to be accepted (loved) because Oneness is our
true nature.   Oneness is translated and manifested through the
state of consciousness of the individual.  For example-A suicide
bomber feels the need to be accepted and honored, and is doing
what he believes to be a brave and righteous act.  His desire to
experience oneness (acceptance and love) is being translated
and is manifesting through his un-evolved and very third
dimensional state of consciousness.

Duality/separation consciousness preaches loudly to us from the

pulpit of appearances.  It is now time to reclaim ourselves from
all that we have given our power to-- churches,  governments, 
experts, friends, family, and anyone or anything that says we
must believe, say, or do as they do, or we are not acceptable
and worthy of love- Gods’ or another’s.  Love (Oneness) is our
true nature, but we have given it away by allowing ourselves to
be validated from outside of ourselves.  We believed when we
were told that we were worms in the dust,   and have thus have
been unable to love and accept ourselves as anything more.

Remember this when world beliefs present themselves for

acceptance or rejection.  Do not accept at face value
everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell, but instead
always go within knowing;




Everyone is concerned about money these days and for good
reason, the financial system as we have known it, is
collapsing.  Life has become a whole new ball game with new
changes each day.  The world is evolving into a new, higher
energy vibration, and the old ways are no longer being
supported in this new energy.  Those who believe they control
all the financial strings, are frantically trying to rearrange cards
in a house of cards based in third dimensional energy which
can  no longer be supported in the new energies. 

We are used to living from a consciousness of "I don't have,

therefore I will do what it takes to get, even if it means stepping
on you to get it".  This reflects the old energy of duality and
separation "I am separate from what I need."  The world is
moving into an energy of Oneness (fifth dimensional energy) 
and businesses built on a foundation of service and manifesting
a  flow of give and take (love and gratitude),  will survive 
because they are functioning in the new energy.  But
businesses that see only from the consciousness of; “I don't
have so will do what it takes to get" (duality and separation) are
the businesses that will be unable to survive a shift into the
higher frequencies.

We are graduating beyond all we have ever known and it is

difficult.  Lifetime after lifetime we have survived by using the
tools of the old energy and it is hard to leave behind that which
has always been known,  even if the familiar was and still is, 
painful or difficult.  We are moving into the realization of who
we really are, who and what Source (God) is, and why we are
here.  We begin to question as to why we must experience so
many of the struggles we seem find ourselves engaged in.

Every individual on earth chose to evolve through this energy of

duality and separation; our being here is not random.  The
process of remembering our spiritual identity is difficult
because there is a "veil of forgetting" in place on earth which
we knew about and accepted before incarnating. This forgetting
of who we are and why we are here forces us to dig deep within
ourselves for answers.  The evolutionary journey takes many,
many, lifetimes and many, many, different experiences in order
for us to awaken.  There are those on earth who are just
beginners but there are also many who are now ready to
graduate into a higher sense of abundance or supply.  The
popular DVD “The Secret" reveals only the first step, that which
tells us that we can and must take our power back.  It shows
us that we have always been in charge of ourselves, but we
didn't know it. 

Mind is the substance of matter.  Mind forms outer experiences

from our consciousness and if our consciousness if filled with
hundreds of beliefs about lack and limitation, then that is the
state of consciousness that  the mind has to work with,  and
which is in turn reflected outwardly.  There really are no
victims which is a hard pill to swallow for the many that base
their identity and validation in victim-hood.  This is also the
answer to that question asked by so many; "Why does God allow
suffering"?  God doesn't, Divine Consciousness knows Itself
and Its manifestations-perfect and complete.  If Divine
Consciousness embodied lack and limitation, or disease for that
matter, there would be no way these things could ever be
changed because everything in and of Source Consciousness, is
infinite and governed by Law.

Abundance is all its forms is the outer manifestation of the

realization that we are sparks of a Self-sustained, Self-
maintained Source Consciousness.  Could an Omnipresent,
Omnipotent, Omniscient, Creator Source Consciousness lack? 
If it could, then we do not have and omnipresent, omnipotent, or
omniscient Creator.  If I embody all that God is, then I must
come to understand what this means. I begin to contemplate
the activity, law, power, and presence of God as it would
express in my own being and nature.

This is mysticism.

Earth University is not for the faint of heart, it takes work,

prayer, meditation, a personal commitment to spiritual
evolution, and a willingness to change our whole way of
thinking.  However, once the intention has been made,
guidance is ever present and abundant.   Beings of Light are
ever ready and anxious to help us move forward and our Higher
Selves  begin to feed us the tools and information necessary. 
Situations of financial crisis act as spurs for many to awaken to
the deeper truths. 
God is Self-sustained and Self-maintained, but you ask; "What
does this have to do with me?"  Well, if my real self is the
manifestation of this Creator energy, then I am also self-
sustained and self-maintained.  "Ha," you say, "not me, I don't
have two nickels to rub together".  Mind forms from our state of
consciousness translating it in ways we can understand.  
When we believe; " I don't have two nickels to rub together",
that is exactly what is being created.  Mind is the substance of
matter.  Be ever alert to what you are thinking and stating.

Once we understand this, we can devote ourselves to knowing

truth and evolving our state of consciousness. This doesn't
mean we stop taking the human footsteps necessary to get
things rolling.   Those who try to live out from the absolute
intellectual knowledge, find that it doesn't work until we have
actually achieved the absolute state of consciousness which is
not simply an intellectual knowledge.
The process is to remind ourselves of who we really are in our
true spiritual essence, and this means. Then we contemplate,
meditate, and know the truth behind every day living.  As we go
about our day, doing ordinary things like paying our bills,
working, raising families, and playing; we are remembering that
our paycheck, job, creative ideas, joy etc.  is not coming from
someone or something outside of ourselves, but is coming
through them by virtue of my own Divine completeness (that
which I really am) which draws to me (Itself) that which I need.

With time, truth begins to move from an intellectual knowledge

to our actual state of Consciousness and it is then that we will
see our outer world changing to reflect this.  This is spiritual
evolution and is why we are here.
The secret of abundance in all things is this; That which I am
seeking, I AM."  
(Quote from Joel S. Goldsmith-Infinite Way books)                


                                               SPIRITUAL SURRENDER
Why is it that at some point spiritual literature always mentions
a need for surrender?  We are told to "let go".  What does it
mean to surrender and let go?  Does it mean simply to give up;
stuffing our emotions and concerns down deep, and just biting
our tongue when disturbing events happen?  If we are honest
with ourselves, we have to admit that our primary response to
reading about surrender is FEAR.  "What…after all my years of
meditation, reading, classes, and believing that I must surely
now be ready for ascension, I am now expected to just let it all
go?   What will happen to the person (me) that I know and
love?  What does surrender mean?  Why would I want to
surrender?  What the heck am I surrendering?  Is this

Spiritual surrender is not a blind resignation to whatever comes

along in our lives-good or bad.  Spiritual surrender is the letting
go of all that is not real through the realization of what is real
(governed by Divine Law) and what is not. The idea of spiritual
surrender does not even present itself to an individual until they
are spiritually ready.  Meaning evolved enough to see that the
surrendering of old concepts and beliefs is a necessary step in
the spiritual journey.  For years the spiritual student may have
enjoyed reading metaphysical literature, going to discussion
groups and classes, and practicing the latest rituals or spiritual
techniques. However, there comes a point in the initiate’s
journey when it is time to stop "talking the talk" and begin to
"walk the walk" and this is where spiritual surrender enters in.

As  human beings living in third dimensional energy  (duality

and separation) we have had lifetimes  learning to  stand firm
on issues, and  only surrender our opinions, beliefs, concepts,
or ways of seeing after much analysis and consensus of our own
or by "experts".  Spiritually surrender is impossible while still
engaged with the tools and games of the third dimension. 
These ways are the worlds way of coping, survival, and living
within third dimensional energy concepts lifetime after lifetime.
Spiritual surrender means evolving to a place within ourselves
in which we are able and willing to let go of all that is based in
the old energy in order that we might move into what is real,
that which is  beyond duality and separation. It is the
attainment of an ability to see the real behind appearances and
not respond but instead rest in trust, surrender, and a letting go
of the old.
This spiritual surrender indicates a willingness to leave behind
all that we no longer believe to be truth or which serves us.  
Our reactions to words, pictures, ideas, and world events are
good indicators prompting us to ask ourselves;   "What am I
believing that is causing me to feel this way?"  It can be as
benign as not liking the dress someone is wearing.  In and of
itself the dress is nothing, but if I am labeling the dress or its
wearer as good or bad, I am in third dimensional energy (duality
and separation).  It is important to remember that the individual
is always entitled to their preferences, but that is not judgment
of good or bad. "The dress is very interesting, unusual...It would
not be my choice…” instead of “That dress is awful, she has no
sense of style." It is our conscious withdrawal of power from
anything outside of us; all persons, places, or things to which
we have in the past, given power to.  I am now ready to
surrender old concepts and beliefs, allowing the return of power
to Source-within; that which in my true essence, I am.

False concepts and beliefs are universal and impersonal, but

become ours when we accept them as true. “What beliefs am I
still holding on to that were originally given me by teachers,
parents, experts, friends, or religious teachings; and in the light
of what I now hold to be true, are these beliefs still relevant in
my life?”  This sort of self-questioning takes the seeker deep
within and allows him to determine which outgrown beliefs he is
still holding on to.   Beliefs can be as benign as believing you
absolutely must cook a turkey every Thanksgiving, or as non-
benign as hatred of a certain race.   Only each of us alone can
determine what it is we need to release; no one can do this for
us. There is a book called; "My Stroke of Insight” by Jill Bolte
Taylor who suffered a stroke and writes about it. In  her
narrative, she minutely examines the antics of her left brain and
how easily we get caught in the "games".   Eckart Tolle also
examines this subject, especially in his book; "Practicing the
Power of Now".

Ego is that aspect of us that believes itself to be separate from

Source and all other living things and so must be protected,
validated, and must eternally struggle for survival. The bottom
line of third dimensional belief system is always, "You will never
be good enough."   That is how human beings acquired their
sense of insecurity and need to defend the ego.  As we
spiritually evolve into an understanding of who and what we
really are, this need to protect who we believed we were
disappears through a realization that; The I that I really am
needs no protection. I am all that is, right now-not after I die
and pass a judgment in which I may or may not get admitted to
someone's concept of "heaven".

The ego survives on opinions born of beliefs and concepts. 

These opinions were valid in the third dimensional energy and
often served to keep us safe, but as we move into new and
higher energy we no longer need them. Through spiritual
evolution, these tools are becoming obsolete for us. We are

Spiritual surrender is a conscious releasing of human desires

and hopes; made possible through the realization of an
omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Divinity within which
manifests outwardly as wholeness and completeness.   I am
able to surrender because now I know that IT knows where I
belong, how to get me there, how to manifest my highest good,
and is actually, the very substance from which it is all formed-
Divine Consciousness- my very Selfhood. 

Through the conscious releasing of all that is old within our

belief system and the integration of truth, we begin to lose our
fears and move into a place of trust.  The process happens
without our having to say a holy word, burn a candle, chant a
chant, or follow a guru in spite of what the third dimensional
world around us may try and make us believe.  Our only job is to
manifest our intent to spiritually awaken.  The journey then
begins, for we, (not something or someone outside of
ourselves), are the creators of our lives.  The Universe hears
us; the "train leaves the station". 

Spiritual surrender takes courage and is not for the faint

hearted.  At some point we must ask ourselves; "Is there a
Source/God/Creator or is there not?"  If there is, then I would
have to be in and of it, for there could be nothing separate from
Omnipresence and it behooves me then, to move toward, rest in,
and surrender to it.

GUILT culpa

Guilt is that sense of heaviness and separation experienced when an individual

realizes that he has not lived out from his highest level of realized

As we spiritually evolve,  old and heavy energies (from our  physical,

emotional, and mental bodies over lifetimes) begin to clear, and as they
do, we often experience  waves of guilt, depression, anger- negative
emotions still resonating within our energy fields. One of the biggest is

As we struggle to live more in Truth, we begin to recall events from our past;
words spoken, actions taken, or words and actions not taken.  This is a normal
part of spiritual evolution and is revealing to us our progression, because we
would not take the same actions again in the light of our new awareness. 
Another facet of guilt is the experiencing of anger at ourselves for allowing
circumstances or persons in the past to have power over us; thinking "How
could I of been so stupid?" or "Why didn't I stand up for myself?"  These
memories are coming to our awareness in order to be released and let go
of with a sense of gratitude for the lessons learned.  Releasing makes room
for the higher resonating frequencies to enter in.

We must begin to acknowledge that we chose to be here on earth in order to

evolve to a deeper awareness of Truth and an understanding of who we really
are.  We begin to realize that past actions simply reflect the state of
consciousness we were at that time and we can forgive ourselves because
we was doing what seemed appropriate at that time.

SOURCE (God) neither rewards nor punishes.  God simply infinitely

expresses Itself.  
Because the Divine is omnipresent and manifests in infinite form and
variety, I (Real Self) must also be the Divine in expression.  That which
Source is, I am.  Therefore neither guilt nor any other negative emotions
can be a part of my real being, or can it be power over me.  Society, mainly
through the teachings of organized religions over centuries, has consistently
pushed upon us images of humanity as sin filled failures (according to their
narrow and un-evolved beliefs) Most of mankind in ignorance of their own true
spiritual power chose to blindly accept this.  The time has come to release these
old teachings and concepts, for they are just that, beliefs and concepts. We are
ready to understand that any sense of guilt I may experience is based
upon a personal comparison of what I know now as with what I knew then.

The belief in duality (two powers) and separation (between all living things
as well as Source) is the energy of the third dimension.  This world and all
things in it are not the illusion; always it is our concepts of the world that are the
illusion. In the third dimension, we look out upon the world as through stained
glass, each color a concept or belief given to and accepted by us ( Na terceira
dimensão, olhamos para o mundo como através de vitrais, cada cor um
conceito ou crença dada e aceita por nós)
. Once this is understood, the spiritual student can rest back in silent
awareness and begin to understand the nothingness of the emotion called
guilt, recognizing that it has no law to support or maintain it.

As I begin to release long held concepts of events, interactions, and individuals

and begin to move into spiritual awareness, I gain a deeper understanding of
more appropriate and loving ways of living (rather than the choices made
which produced the sense of guilt).  I am able to to love and honor the
process of evolution as a tool for learning, instead of holding myself in
demeaning and negative guilt for actions taken in the past.  I am able to see
how perfectly experiences teach me.  Experiences are necessary in order for
mankind to shift into more evolved ways of seeing and being. This is why
we chose to be here.

Every new awareness is like a permanent flower blooming along our path
toward enlightenment and soon we find that we are surrounded with exquisite
flowers of infinite form and variety.


                                       ACTION VERSUS REACTION:


How does the spiritual student stay neutral in the presence of
so much duality?   That is a question all serious spiritual
students are asking in the presence of events in the world at
this time.  "In the world, but not of it” is how the Master Jesus
presented the goal.

How do I see and experience living in  third dimension (energy

of duality and separation in expression) without entering  into

As students of Truth, we are taught to stay neutral and interpret

world appearances from the higher vantage point of truth
instead of from judgment and criticism which is always based in
beliefs and concepts.  Whatever negative event, circumstance,
or person that I become aware of, is in and of itself neither good
nor bad because all that is, is a manifestation of Source.  What
we behold is a mind interpretation; the material sense of the
appearance (versus spiritual sense of it or truth). The
interpretations of an unenlightened mind are always based in
duality and separation (third dimensional energy) because that
is all we have ever known as human beings.  When we see a
tree, we are seeing a concept of the perfect spiritual idea of a
tree and we all see the same thing because there is only one

This does not mean we simply ignore gross injustice, just

burying our heads in the sand while shouting that it is only an
illusion.  It means we stay centered in truth at all times while
doing what needs to be done, if anything. There will be times
when we may have to speak firmly, or take forceful steps, but
we do it always from a level of unconditional love; which is from
a realization that the person, place, or thing we are dealing with
is in and of Source- a Divine Idea in expression no matter how
low the energy may appear to be.  There are also times when
the highest action is no action but to simply rest within
regardless of the outer appearances.

Moving into a consciousness of non-duality does not eliminate

our joy, for joy is the natural and harmonious energy of being in
alignment with what is real-completeness because of Oneness.
Reactions are a good measure of where our sate of
consciousness is.  When we react to  persons, places, or
things even as small irritations,  this tells us that we are still
carrying a judgment of some sort; holding on to a concept of the
rightness or wrongness of something (duality).  This is when we
must ask ourselves; "What am I believing that is making me feel
this way?  In the light of what I know to be truth, is this belief
correct?"  This is a process, and doesn’t happen overnight or
from just reading a book.  Mankind has been conditioned to
believe that everything is black or white and it is difficult to re-
train our minds not to interpret in this manner.

Good appearances are just as much illusion as bad

appearances, and once we learn to interpret all appearances
as  material, mind formed concepts of Divine Ideas, it all
becomes easier to view the issues of the world without distress.
We no longer experience joy simply because something or some
experience is very good or very bad, but we experience joy now
because we are aligned with Truth.  If I believe that my joy is
determined by world concepts of what is good and what (TV
ads) is not, then my joy will come and go- (duality). If my joy is
the outer expression of a realized state of consciousness that
knows completeness by virtue of being one with Source, then
my joy is permanent and will manifest in those forms that bring
fullness to my life which may not be the same as that which
would bring joy to my neighbor.   Source manifesting Itself as
me, is complete and whole.  Mind interprets the degree of my
awareness of this truth, as my outer experience.

We are permitted preferences.  It is our Divine right as free will

beings to have preferences as choices express our
individuality.  Through enlightenment our choices  become
increasingly based in truth and we begin to experience non-
judgment and an unconditional love for the world; a world which
we now understand to be struggling to rise above and
understand the appearances of good and evil, even if most are
not yet aware of it.                        



All is energy.  All is  vibration. All is One energy manifest as...

We can resonate with  the dense heavy energies of 

unenlightened awareness that reflect  third dimensional beliefs
of separation and duality (reflected in war, crime, torture,
cruelty to animals,  etc.).or we can have a combination of lower
resonating energy and  higher resonating energy (most
common) because as we evolve,  we began to  resonate with 
lighter and high resonating energies which replace the denser. 
This is what evolution is.  Some physical eyes can see these
higher frequencies and some cannot.   Some can see angels,
some cannot.  Some can see "dead people", some cannot.
Everything is  vibrational energy, consciousness, the un-
manifest made manifest. 
That which we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, is  mind's
interpretation of a spiritual idea.  That is; the reality is a highly
resonating idea,  interpreted by mind into a form which we can
comprehend here in third dimension.  A consciousness  filled
with false concepts of duality and separation ( the third
dimensional belief system),  becomes  the substance  our
mind has to work and create with and  our outer world is filled
with pictures of duality and separation.

The mind is like  a muffin tin and our consciousness is the

batter.  We always have and always will  have a supply of pure
and perfect  batter because that is the Reality, but over eons of
time and in the ignorance of many lifetimes lived in third
dimensional energy,  we have added  bits of stones, dirt, and
grime ( concepts and false beliefs) to our batter.  The muffin tin
still pumps out  the muffins, but  they are not as they could be,
not in their purest form; they  are contaminated. 

As a world people we are moving out of  third dimensional

energy and into  higher resonating fifth dimensional energy. We
are graduating.  We have earned it. The new energies are more
refined and  less dense. It  is pushing us open our eyes and
start to pick the bits of dirt out of our batter. We are beginning
to "see".  Concepts that we held as truth are beginning to
sound hollow and  mind in it's perfect functioning as an avenue
of awareness, is now  beginning to form itself as  higher and
purer  forms.  Businesses that function from a place of love
and service will become the successful businesses. 
Relationships of mutual respect, love and equality will become
the norm.  Churches that demand unconditional bondage to
their concepts of truth while  functioning in  fear of God and
punishment, will  no longer be a part of this higher new energy.

Highly resonating energies are pouring into our planet at this

time.  We are all feeling them. The days seem shorter,  there
seems to be less time. We find ourselves bringing closure to old
issues  in our lives. We are becoming open and aware to ideas
and ways of doing things that we had never considered before. 
Ideas that would of sent us either laughing or into great fear, no
longer seem so outrageous.  There is a sense of the new, an
excitement of change, and a hope that things are going to be
different.   All the result of those higher resonating energies of
Divine Unconditional Love now flowing into the three
dimensional world consciousness at this time. 



The mind in its un-illumined state,  filled with materialistic

beliefs, theories, opinions, doctrines, and creeds can only
manifest its own state of chaos; but a mind freed of these
beliefs becomes the instrument through which the creative
Principle of life can flow as harmonious and eternal form.   The
external appearance is always mind-formed.  As we sow
mentally, so shall we reap materially."

                                                         from "The
Thunder of Silence" by  Joel S. Goldsmith

The energy clearing of the physical body  happens as we move

further into the resonance of  fifth dimensional energy,  and is
an experience most  humans are going through right now .  Ills
and maladies are popping up  where before  they were not
even a part of waking consciousness.  There is a universal
sense of tiredness, and disturbed sleep patterns.  We may
experience  symptoms we believe to be  heart attack, but 
which turn out to be nothing , but which spiritually are
associated with  the deeper opening of the heart chakra.  I
have a friend who suddenly  experienced a yellowing of the
whites of  his eyes; this we were told, was a clearing of toxins
and old energy in the kidney and pancreas area.  We may feel
sick to our stomach, headachy, and extremely tired; which are
all the  physical manifestations of  clearing  old energy in
order to  make room for the new.   Many  find themselves
interested in doing  physical cleanses- of the colon, liver, or gall
bladder, or becoming a vegetarian, or switching to organic or
more natural skin products.  These are all signals of evolution;
signs  that the physical body is shifting out of  old, heavy, three
dimensional energy.  Our consciousness is opening to a
deeper  understanding of healthier and better ways of taking
care of the physical body.
Physical cells are conscious.  Start talking to your cells, 
telling them to let go of all the old programing that you have
carried into this life from other life times.  Energetically, we
pick up where we left off from our last life time.  Tell your cells
that it is time to embrace the Divine Blueprint for that particular
cell, and to let go of any fear  developed and carried from other
life time experiences.  Send love and light to the cells of every
organ and function of your physical body, flooding them with a
light as if it were the sun shining on a lake, barely able to be
looked at.  Tell them you understand they are afraid because
they are functioning from past experience, but that  it is now a
new time, a time to let all past experiences release. Tell them 
that they are safe, and that they have a sacred function that is
unconditioned by the beliefs of duality. You can have relatively
pain free surgical experience by preparing your cells for what is

Even as we evolve into our fifth dimensional Light Bodies, we

are still living in physical  bodies with cells but that is the
miracle of this ascension process, we are ascending while in
our physical  bodies.  Be careful not to immediately fall back
into old concepts of disease when you experience physical
symptoms, but simply  recognize that this is what we have
been asking for;  a step forward in our evolution. This does not
mean that you are to  ignore an illness if you feel  the need for
medical help,  but  means that it is important  to remember
that as we move into the new energy, we are going to
experience some  physical signs.

The clearing of the emotional body is often a very painful

experience because  we are unloading life times of stored
emotional trauma.   Our Higher Self will lovingly guide us
through the process if we can  step aside and simply allow  it
to unfold, freeing us of the heavy emotional  burdens we have
dragged with us through lifetimes.  As old negative emotional
energies come to the surface to be released,  we experience
them as depression, anger, frustration, and negativity; in other
words, we experience the emotions we have  here-to- fore
avoided and pushed  down deep in this and all previous
lifetimes.  If we can resist the temptation to reclaim these
clearing  emotions,  and realize that the experience is simply
old energy  leaving, then it will  gradually decrease in intensity.
If a clearing is particularly intense, we may believe that we are
spiritually losing ground and begin all sorts of techniques to get
rid of our feelings.  This simply gives these old emotions  new
life and power  because now we have claimed them back in as

Once we  commit  to spiritually grow, unfold, and take the

steps to do so,  "the train leaves the station" so to speak.  We
don't have to light a  candle, chant a chant, hold a crystal, sit a
certain way,  wave our arms in a specified  direction, or use
affirmations. These old techniques we used when living deeply
in third dimensional energy,  because  we needed techniques
to get us into the higher frequencies.  We are now IN the higher
frequencies and our job is to simply  be ready and willing,  give
permission, understand the process the best we can, and then
sit back and enjoy  (or not) the ride. Energy is different now; the
earth and its people have evolved; it is faster, higher, and

At first emotional body clearings can be very difficult.  We often

have no idea why we feel as we do and we never know exactly
what is clearing, because there is no need to.  Our job is to
understand that we are simply old clearing and not slipping
backwards, although it may seem like it.  Emotional clearings
usually last about three intense days at a time, but then 
become less intense and shorter.

If we are carrying deep  emotional blocks that we are unable

to  clear in a general way, they will be brought  to a conscious
level  to be looked at and released.  These are those deeply
traumatic events from other lifetimes that  need to be
consciously recognized in order for us to  release them;
examples could be being burned at the stake in another life or 
deeply buried experiences of painful abuse.

Just honor the process.   If you are having some really

depressing and sad days, remember now you know what is
going on.  Rent a funny movie,  pamper yourself, and don't
resist.    Regardless of how it feels, it is a good thing, a step
forward.  It is a process that everyone must go through in order
to bring in their Light body.
Clearing of the mental body involves the evaluating and
releasing all concepts and beliefs  we still  hold to be truth
simply  because a first grade teacher, or  parents, or church, or
some  "expert"  told us so.  As the mental body clears, we
begin to move  more deeply into our own power through a
letting go of our outgrown  belief system. We  begin to trust our
intuition to guide us, and  seriously seek  answers to what  is
truth.  As  with the clearing of the physical and emotional, we
don't consciously do the clearing, we simply give permission,
acknowledge that we are ready, and then begin to dig deep into
our belief system as ideas and emotions present themselves. 
Ask;  "What am I believing that is making me feel this way"? 
This opens up a whole can of "belief" worms.  Then ask; "Is this

As old outgrown beliefs start to surface, and we  get the

opportunity to reject or accept them.  Beliefs that we may of
previously accepted without question, begin to pester our
thinking, like a mosquito that  won't go away. 

We begin to look deeper and to question, and thus begin

moving  into our power as spiritual beings.  We evaluate our
belief choices and start the process of changing from spoon
fed  "tried and true" third dimensional concepts  into choices
that represent a  higher world view. We start to live out from  a
whole new way of seeing and being. 

We move into a realization of the continuity of life, and begin to

understand why war always has been and always will be, the 3D
sense of separation and duality.  We come to understand that
abundance is a quality of  Divine Self Completeness and is
therefore within all, not just the few.  We start to see that all
life is the One Life and is therefore connected as One. Thus
begins our journey of re-evaluating our belief system, and the
replacing of old concepts with truth.  This is the clearing of the
mental body. 

If we have been  rigid in our thinking and in  our beliefs, this
experience  can feel like the foundation is being pulled out from
under us, because it has.  The foundation of sticks we built is
crumbling in order  to make room for a new and better one of
stone.  This can be a very painful time  because as we begin to
question and move beyond  old beliefs,  we find that many of
our "friends" are  leaving us.  You no longer resonate with
them or the interests you once had in common;  they  "don't
understand what has happened to you". They  may tell you to
stop acting crazy and try convincing you  of your error, using 
the all the arguments of your old belief system. This is  a lonely
time for many when they  find themselves with no friends at all.
This is the time when relationships often disintegrate because
one partner is moving deeper but  the other is not yet ready.  It
is as if one is standing on a rooftop  and the other on the
sidewalk, both looking at the same thing.  No blame, only
different views.

Don't panic and slip back into  thinking you are crazy.  Even if
you do try to go back, it doesn't work because you are
energetically in a new place with a new state of consciousness.
Like attracts like, and those that  most closely resonate with
your new energy level will begin to appear in your life.  

This  is why we are here on earth, to evolve into the truth of

being while in the third dimensional energy of duality and
separation.  Mind, as it interprets this new state of
consciousness, will begin to present ever new and higher forms
of Divine Ideas.  You will begin to experience new
opportunities, new people, and new ways of living.

                          2012...  What does it mean?

We have all heard about the year 2012 and the coming of a
Great Planetary Shift.  Some of what we have heard, are rumors
based in fear, for example; “2012 is the end of the world" but in
truth, IT IS.   It is the end of the world AS WE HAVE KNOWN
IT.  It is the end of a third dimensional world that functions
within a consciousness of duality and separation; separation
from Source and from each other.  The  time for our letting go
of false concepts and beliefs that no longer work for us,  is
here.   The old is not resonating with the new and higher
frequencies of fifth dimensional energy.  We are graduating!

Gaia is a living Soul and not a piece of dirt that we can utilize as
we please and destroy to suit our own selfish desires.  She has
tried to keep her clearing, gentle out of love for us, so 
humans  could evolve even though she has been  resonating at
a higher energy.  She is moving her physical body into her Light
Body.  We can go with her or not, it is our choice.

The criterion for  partaking in the shift is that of having evolved

to a "consciousness of Oneness".   An individual may seem to
have no interest whatsoever in spiritual matters, but could very
well have over the course of many lifetimes, evolved to where
he or she understands that all life is connected (animal, plant,
mankind-One Life) and this is the individual's state of
consciousness.  There are others however who simply have not
evolved enough through their lifetimes to be able move into the
fifth dimensional energy of ONE, and they will be given another
place in which to evolve at their own pace. 

What does this mean for you and me?  Well, right now there is a
lot of "house cleaning" going on for Gaia and for us.  As higher
resonating Light enters our world, it automatically displaces old
and heavy three dimensional energy.  This releasing of old
(some heavy and negative) energy manifests on the material
level, as fires, floods, tornadoes, and other weather
phenomena.  Gaia isn't specifically targeting areas of the earth;
it is simply a matter of the Light displacing the heavy.  These
areas have history; some ancient, and some not, and that is
what is being released.

As we bring in the lighter higher resonance of the new

dimension, we as individuals are also releasing the old. Our
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are all bringing
in the higher resonating Light energies. Physically,  releasing
the old  enables cells  to bring in the  higher frequencies, we
may feel physically sick and very tired.  Occasionally a long
dormant discordant energy may express and suddenly pop to
the surface or an area of blockage from injury or surgery, is
unblocked and this can be temporarily painful. Emotionally we
can feel as if we are real close to "losing it" and not
understand  why.  We may experience extreme depression,
frustration, sadness, or anger for no seeming reason.  These
are old emotions carried from many lifetimes as well as this
one, which are now surfacing in order to be released.  We find
ourselves once again experiencing the emotions that
accompanied these events.  We may recall events from the
past of this present lifetime and find ourselves re living them
and getting upset all over again.  Mentally, we start to question
many long held and cherished beliefs, asking ourselves why we
ever believed them in the first place.  This often causes
dissention in families who still strongly adhere to those certain
beliefs now being questioned.  Spiritually we begin to open and
become more receptive to new ideas and new ways of non-
dogmatic spirituality.  We may take an interest in meditation or
start reading books that we would have dismissed as crazy a
year ago.  We begin our search for the meaning of it all.

Our job as spiritual initiates is to understand that this powerful

time is the process of enlightenment which will enable us to
move into our fifth dimensional Light Bodies, just as Gaia is
moving into her Light Body. Difficult physical or emotional
clearings will usually only last about three days at a time, and
then you get a break. (For a bit) During the clearing times rest,
relax, and try not to resist because you now know what is
happening.  Don't claim the old energy that you are releasing
back in, IT IS LEAVING and as it leaves you may once again
experience it.



Once we have chosen to evolve and have stated our intention

(through various ways-for instance meditation) to grow
spiritually, the "train leaves the station" and no amount of rite
or ritual will make it go any faster or slower. We can ask that
our spiritual journey be gentle and loving.  There is a very
entrenched concept in   impersonal world consciousness that
was given mankind by religions which teaches that we must
suffer in order to spiritually evolve.  Many still believe that the
more you suffer, the holier you are.  Because of this, many, not
realizing that this is a belief and not a truth, experience many
very difficult times in their evolutionary process. Remember the
outer is always the inner (our state of consciousness) made

Rejoice and be glad, all is perfect and moving according to plan.

All are being guided through this process and all are very loved
by Beings of Light who are watching and helping planet earth
and her inhabitants at this powerful time of graduation.

                                               DEATH AND THE

The topic of death and the afterlife, is one that is in dire need of
attention.  We have been taught from childhood to fear death as
being  the end of us, and that the consequences of death may
be to burn forever in some sort of hell.  Current health care
takes the position that they have failed if a patient is not
restored to perfect physical health by whatever means it may
take. Drugs seem to be the popular method of choice at this
time.  In the past it may of been treatments like  the use of
leeches to bleed a patient, or simply the cutting off of an
offending part regardless of how it was actually related to the
whole picture.  Today we have mental and emotional
treatments in  addition  to the  physical, but the bottom line is
still all about keeping us alive and away from death's door no
matter what it takes.

Mankind has entered a new time; one in which the need to

become aware that death is not the end of anything, but is
rather a returning  "home".  On the "other side"  we  evaluate
our time here on earth with respect to what we have learned
and what it is we still need to learn. All this is done lovingly and
with the help of  enlightened beings who have chosen to work
with us.

It is now time to take the "bull by the horns" so to speak, and

come into a true knowing about death instead of what an
ignorant society and many religious leaders have taught, and
which we in turn accepted- hook, line, and sinker because we
didn't believe we were capable of understanding such things by

There are many who have had "near death" experiences and
have returned to tell us what it was like through writing books (I
am including a list of my favorites at the end of this message)
and giving lectures, but many still refuse to leave  behind their
old and untrue beliefs about death  because they either don't
believe they are capable of making decisions about these
matters, or that they already know the truth and there is no
room for discussion, or out of a fear of death which prevents
them from even thinking about such matters.

As a Lightworker,  I see and send many deceased people to the

Light.  This will become more and more common for all  as we
ascend into the higher resonating energies and the veils
between dimensions becomes thinner.   Some souls become
"stuck" so to speak and need  help in order to  move into the
Light where they will then get help and understand what has
happened. Many are becoming more able to access the "other
side" - like it or not, which is why it is imperative to keep always
in the energy of Light and open (for channeling) only to Beings
of Light.  You may see a face looking at you  as you awaken, or
when meditating.  Do not go into fear, these souls are drawn to
you for a reason.  They are often attracted to your Light, or they
know you, or perhaps believe that you can help them since you
are aware of them. They are often unaware of those  who are 
trying to help them on their side, because their consciousness
is still resonating more with physical/earth energy. 

Helping to send someone to the Light

Step one:    Make conscious contact by speaking with them as

you would any stranger (do it in your head, they hear).  You can
ask their name, or ask if you can help. Ask if they can see a
Light, then tell them that it is very important that they go to the
Light. Sometimes you may have to gently explain to  them that
they are dead now.  Most importantly explain that there is only
Unconditional Love in the Light and that they will understand
everything after they move into it. Sometimes it helps to tell
them they will see loved ones that have died before them, over
It has been my experience that many are terrified  because
they have been taught that there is a hell, and they believe that
might  be what is behind that Light they see.  Assure them that
this is not the case. 

Step two:   If you are unable to get their attention (many are
confused and may not even know they have died or are just too
preoccupied with their surroundings to focus on you) then call
for help saying something like; "Would the person most
appropriate or someone from the angelic realm please come to
help this person?"  Almost immediately you will see the person
either disappear, or slowly walking into the light with one or
more at their side.

Step three:
If you happen to get a  visitor  that refuses to go,  you are
allowed to say; " I demand you go to the light".

These are beginner steps and if you wish to really go deeper,

read Bruce Moen's "Afterlife Series"  (on the list).

The point of  this page is to educate  people out of their "death
fear" whether it be of their own death, that of a loved one, or
their experiences of sensing, hearing, and seeing  of others
who have "died".  Please know that it is NOT like the TV show
"Ghost Whisperer" where danger is lurking in every corner from
those who have passed over, but it is important that you keep
yourself in the energy of Light and Love.  There is nothing to
ever to fear when resonating with the energy of Love and almost
always, the person is seeking help, and are confused by their
sudden change in status.

As an evolving species we are beyond ready to let go of old

fears, concepts, and all the religious nonsense  that holds us in
bondage to the belief that  death is end of all things real. 
Death is not sleep, is not an ending, nor is it a place of
judgement and damnation.  Death  is simply a transition from
earth energy into another dimension and we have all done it
many times before.  There is no death. How could Source
Energy die?  It is time to wake up.   Becoming awake to the
truth of what death is will remove fear and allow us as an
evolving species to move forward in our personal spiritual 
journeys and help others along the way.

The following list contains titles of books about death that I am

familiar with.  I am sure there are other good ones out there,
but these I know and can recommend.



                  1. Testimony of Light  by  Helen Greaves

                  2. Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven  by 
Suzanne ward

                  3. Exploring the Afterlife Series  by Bruce


                            a. Voyages Into the Unknown

                            b. Voyage Beyond Doubt

                            c. Voyages Into the Afterlife

                            d. Voyage To Curiosities Father

                            e. Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook

                  4. Journey of Souls  by Michael Newton

                  5. Destiny of Souls  by Michael Newton

                  6. Courageous Souls  by Robert Schwartz

                  7. Home with God  by Neal Donald Walsch

                  8. Into the Light  by John Lerma MD

                  9.      Your Soul's Plan    by Robert Schwartz

MCR 1/08

LOVE is the  realization  (conscious realization not intellectual


We observe the oneness of  all living things according to our

state of consciousness, and thus we see  many concepts and
beliefs about  love in the world.

The world feels but does not fully understand  this energy of
One as the desire for;
                   1.  Peace and harmony   ( In Oneness there is
no separation,  there are no “others”)
                   2.  Sense of completeness (One, infinitely
Self-sustained & Self-maintained)
                   3.  Perfection  (ONE-no opposite, complete
and whole)
                   4.  Health (One Self sustained and Self
                   5.  Abundance (One Self sustained and Self
                   6.  Happy relationships (One can only be in
harmony with Itself-no separation in One)
                   7.  Law  (Everything in and of an omnipresent
Divine Consciousness is  governed and                          
held in place by Divine Law)

Unconditional Love is the activity of a consciousness that

recognizes (consciously or unconsciously)  the  Divine nature
of every living thing.  It  is the  living, speaking, thinking,
acting, knowing, and seeing of the truth of being in spite of any
appearances to the contrary. An  individual is often not
conscious on the human mind level of why he is able to love
unconditionally because it is an attained state of consciousness
from many lifetimes of evolving, but it is the way he chooses to 
live even when having to  take those “human footsteps” that
circumstances often  require.

ONENESS means that those things we have been seeking

outwardly  in material forms, are already present within us as
spiritual Ideas embodied within Divine Consciousness that we
are, awaiting our recognition.  Seeking outside of ourselves is
simply  the activity of the un-enlightened  human
consciousness which believes itself to be separate from its
good (duality and separation-the energy of the third
dimension).  There is to be no blame or self judgement in this,
all are learning and evolving through their experiences in this
energy of duality and separation.

Mind  functions as the interpreter of our state of consciousness

and so  forms our outer experiences  accordingly.  MIND IS
THE SUBSTANCE OF MATTER.  This is how we create our own
world and this is why we often see LOVE which is the activity 
of One Self in infinite form and variety, interpreted in the world 
as co-dependant or degrading relationships,  pornography,
abuse, possessiveness, etc.
LOVE (the activity  of one) is the ONLY ACTIVITY BECAUSE 



"Love has nothing to do with another person.  Love is your

individual and collective soul.
Love is God.  Love is Truth.  Love is beauty.  Love is Self.  To
know your Self, to surrender to the Truth of yourself is to
surrender to Love."

                                           THE NATURE OF ERROR

If there is a God or whatever you choose to call a creator Being,

then it would have to  be the only One of whatever it is.  Could
an omnipresent Creator create anything outside of Itself?  What
would It have to create with, other than Itself?   One,
expressing Itself in and as infinite form and variety.

When we accepted the  veil of forgetting and accepted the

mantle of duality in order to evolve within the  third
dimensional energy, we knew the pitfalls this sense of
separation would provide for us.  We knew we would be forced 
to dig deep within ourselves for answers while on earth, but that
this would push us more fully to evolve.  The issues of duality
have served us well. 

Fear is a survival tool in a consciousness that resonates with a

sense of separation from each other and from God.  Through 
hard work within many lifetimes and  grace,  we have now
evolved enough to accept and move into a new state of
consciousness;  a consciousness that realizes its Oneness with
Source, and thus with every living thing.  Yes, the mineral,
plant, and animal kingdoms are expressions of the One also and
evolve just as we do.  Where else could they come from?

Every single error appearing in the three dimensional world is

simply the outer manifestation of a consciousness steeped in
duality and separation and it is very important to remember that
these beliefs are NOT PERSONAL until you accept them into
your consciousness as yours. The good as well as the bad outer
appearances are a  false interpretation of the reality, the Divine
Idea behind the appearance. 

Ask yourself;  " What am I still holding in my consciousness

that is old and false?"  Question any “facts” you have accepted
without question just because a priest, teacher, parent, friend,
or “expert” told you so.   Ask yourself this; “If  Truth  is that
all  is Source, then can there be any law to support  lack,
disease, suffering?"   Who created these things??? 

Pondering this within yourself will begin your journey to freedom

and empowerment.  A freedom not so much from old outdated
beliefs and concepts, but a freedom into the reality of your
being which is nothing but  Pure Unconditional Love


MCR -10/2007

                              LETTING GO OF OUR  OLD CONCEPTS

The beings of earth are in the midst of shifting into the

resonance of fifth dimensional energy.  It all began with the
harmonic convergence (influx of high energies) in 1987 and is on
track to reach its height   at the end of   2012.  some are
aware of what is going on, others are not.  What this means to
us as human beings, is that our tried and true favorite three
dimensional concepts and beliefs  must be let go of.  We must
either move beyond them ourselves, or our Higher Self will do it
for us.  We will be provided with those experiences that force
us into a new way of seeing.  It is easier to choose to do it
ourselves through examination of our belief system and a
conscious letting go.  If you are reading this, then you are

The two biggest concepts we live with and which affect

everyone on earth, are our beliefs with regard to; 1. Romantic
relationships, and 2. Money.


The third dimensional concept of relationship is; "I am half of a

couple.  With you, I am complete and whole, without you I am
not".  We were raised with this belief and it is pumped out to us
from every corner of the world in our television shows, film,
books, magazines, fairytales, music, parents, churches, and
friends.  "Find Mr. or Ms Right and you will be happy forever

Moving into the new energy demands that we let go of this and
realize that no one is half of a couple.  Source is manifest as
individual being and did not do it half way. I am complete and
whole in my true essence.  Everything I need is embodied
within me because Source is Self complete.  If I choose to
share that with someone else, that is fine, but I do not, never
have, and never will need someone outside of myself in order to
be whole.

For the man, this means he must acknowledge and embrace his
feminine aspect (the receptive, gentle, intuitive) and for the
woman this means she must acknowledge and embrace her
masculine aspect (the active, be-er, do-er).  I have both
qualities in balance.  One without the other is an imbalanced

The process can be scary for an individual if they do not yet

understand that this is a higher and truer sense of themselves. 
Men who have been raised to believe that  their masculinity
identifies them, see any  change as a  death to who they
believe themselves to be; that is, a death of themselves.    
Likewise, many women believe that their only worth is in their
feminine qualities and spend all their time working to appear
glamorous and sexy which makes them feel loved and
acceptable.    A man who has incorporated his feminine aspect
is able to show emotion, love, and has a universal outlook and
understanding heart.   A woman who has embraced her
masculine, is able to lovingly say "No" or  "Thank you for your
opinion, but I am choosing to do this."  She has the strength
and courage to be herself and no longer allows herself to be
validated by something outside of herself. 

It is then that we are able to attract to ourselves someone who

is equally empowered, and knows their completeness. Then if
both choose, a   partnership may evolve; two people standing 
together by choice,  looking in the same direction; neither
needing the other, but choosing to be with each other.  This in
no way diminishes the joy and excitement of the relationship,
but on the contrary, it brings it to a higher level of comparability
and fun.

Many have already achieved this state of consciousness, but

many have not and if you are now partnered with someone who
can only see partnership in the old way and urges you to go
back to the way things "used to be"  because they do not feel
whole or complete unless you do, then your partnership will
probably fail.  An individual  cannot go back to sleep once
awakened.  Evolution only moves forward and the individual the
state of consciousness attained, is yours until you move forward

This is a graduation, not a loss.

2.   MONEY

Since  third dimensional energy if one of duality and

separation,  concepts regarding business have always been;
"What about the bottom line?"

We are evolving into a higher fifth dimensional way of living and

seeing.  and because of  that, we are beginning to realize that
money and business are in the higher sense,  spiritual energy
flows of love and gratitude.  That is;  I provide what you need
(love, energy of Oneness) and you respond with payment (also
love and the energy of Oneness as gratitude) .   When a
business owner begins to see his business and his customers in
this new light, the outer will begin to reflect this higher
awareness. The outer forms are  always the inner state of
consciousness in manifestation.  Our state of consciousness 
manifests through the mind as...  The business person now
being open to a deeper sense of business,  may  become aware
of new  and here-to-fore unknown  ways to present the product
or service-ways not based in deception, dishonesty, or sense of
lack, but ways that honor the business and the customer as
equals and spiritual beings.  The customer in turn feels
gratitude for what has been received in such a loving way and
expresses this.   This is in no way a "Pollyanna" approach. 
One must always honor one's intuition. There are still 
individuals (customers and employees) who have yet to rise into
this state of consciousness, and on occasion a firm hand or
word may be needed, but always the words and  actions must
carry the energy of  pure intent (awareness of their true
nature), even though the person needing these words  may not 
know or see it this way.

If you are having money issues, try this every time you send out
a payment; Hold the envelope or the "send" key, an and say; "I
send this money with Light and Love as gratitude for the loving
service or product provided".  It is all about coming into the
realization of ONE.  There is no customer, and there is no
business owner; you are me, and I am you, because we are all
individual manifestations of the One Source Consciousness
which is whole and complete, needing nothing.  The only error
there is, ever has been, or ever will be, is the belief in duality
and separation (two powers)-separation from  Source and thus
from each other and our good.  All third dimensional problems
are the out-picturing of this false state of consciousness and
can only be resolved by rising into a higher state of
consciousness (evolution), and  not through simply an
intellectual knowledge of truth.  This takes work, practice, and
the constant reinterpretation of those pictures we are
presented with every day.

MCR- 7/200

There is a sanctuary where the noises of the world never reach, and where the
troubles of the world never penetrate.  This sanctuary is the very depths of our
own consciousness, of our own Soul, when we have refrained from strife, from
struggle, and from taking thought.

                                                                            Dorothy Moore/Infinite Way


Silence is substance.  It is the firmament of unlimited potentiality.

                                                                            Patricia Jepsen Chuse

                                PRAYER IS SPEAKING TO GOD.   MEDITATION IS


For too long we have been telling the Divine what we think we need.  It is time
to evolve those concepts.

The idea of God as a judgmental old man watching our every move, is no
longer compatible within an  awakening and evolving  world consciousness.  
We as individuals are now ready to  seriously question  the validity of many
cherished beliefs which up to this time, we have held  tenaciously to simply
because someone or some authority figure told us it was true.

SOURCE  is all that is; omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.  Period.  

Therefore, if I exist, I must be in and of this this Source, which is complete
and whole and  not this three dimensional concept I have believed myself
to be.     

The master Jesus was trying to tell the masses this when he said;  "I am the
way, the truth and the life".   Third dimensional consciousness interpreted that
to mean that the man, Jesus, personally  was the way the truth and the life. 
They were unable to hear what he was trying to tell them-that I is Source, the
true Self and I-dentity  of every individual.   Even now, most churches
have been built on the false premise that only Jesus is the expression of
Source and that only he has access to the Divine.  The world continues to
worship a God outside of itself in the false belief that only a special few
are chosen to speak with God.

The word Christ comes from the Greek word, Christus, which means light. 
Christ is not Jesus's middle name, Christ is a title meaning one who has 
attained  Christ consciousness or illumination.  Illumination is  for all to
attain,  this is evolution,  this is the journey we are on, and  this is why we
are here.

When an individual comes to understand that    ABSOLUTE DIVINE

SOURCE  (GOD) is manifesting Itself  in and as infinite form and variety, 
the individual becomes free.  "And you shall KNOW the truth and the truth
shall make you free."   Freedom comes through the realization ( not just an
intellectual knowledge)  that there is no God outside of self.  Then comes
the freedom;  no need to beg, plead, and reach out to a god somewhere who
may or may not listen, depending upon his mood that day não há necessidade
de implorar, implorar e procurar um deus em algum lugar que possa ou
não ouvir, dependendo do humor dele naquele dia.  A god who may or may
not grant your request depending upon  you having spoken the right words or 
followed a rigid list of standards with regard to the perfect words to be used  or
even some special magic words known only to a select few.

I need only acknowledge that within my very own being is the Source of all that
is, and then silently rest in that  much like resting back  into a  cloud of trust.  It
is an acknowledgement of  the presence of Source, and  opens the door to
guidance and evolution.  Mediation is not meant to be  visual psychic show as
many think it is.  It is a quiet resting in truth.



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