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Hello Francisco! How are you?

I hope it's ok. I tell you that I love Colombia, its people, its gastronomy and its
culture. Last week I spent a couple of days in the city of Medellin enjoying the
festival that takes place every year in that city, where the flowers become a display
of infinite color and decorate each of the streets of the city. Thousands of people
gather around this festival, designed to remember, exalt and perpetuate the values
of Antioquia.

My first visit is to what is the anteroom or opening of the Flower Fair and it is
celebrated in Santa Elena, where I saw traditional chivas very colorful and adorned
with colorful flowers.

My second day in Medellin, I participated in the parade of silleteros, which is the

most anticipated by the Antioquian peasants, since they have been preparing since
a year to make a presence in this beautiful parade that during the tour through the
streets of Medellín are praised by the public for where these men and women
pass, carrying on their backs each saddle with an exclusive design that takes on
average about 75 species of flowers. This is simply a display of infinite color .

On the third day, make a great visit to the Botanical Garden of Medellin, where the
exhibition of orchids, birds and flowers is exhibited, where the most complete and
colorful exhibition is exhibited. Along the trails, each of the 80 exhibitors presents
to the public an average of 300 plants full of flowers, among which are the orchids
that are admired by some 100 000 visitors, in the middle of the song of
approximately 50 species of birds.
And my last day was in the busiest Parade in this festival that is the classic and old
cars. During the tour I was able to appreciate the evolution that the car has had
throughout history. It is a parade of about 200 motorized whose passengers, who
are usually complete families, dress with elegance the period costumes, making
the perfect complement.

In this parade you can see the classics of all times, from the Ford of the early
twentieth century, the Hot Rods, the combi, the funeral carriages, the unstoppable
Willys and many more.

And I tell you that these were my days in the city of Medellin, where I enjoyed and
enjoyed a festival so colorful and full of magic.

I hope you are encouraged to come to Colombia one day ...


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