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In today’s world where technology is part of our everyday life.

It is not surprising if machines are

being used in company to accomplished tasks easier. Even though it is more accurate and efficient in
completing workloads faster, artificial intelligence cannot offer emotions because it cannot respond with
the level of empathy, it gives rational thinking and inhibits social interaction.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer-controlled robot performs tasks that is commonly associated
with intelligent beings ( In the article, “Will AI Replace Humans in Customer
Engagement” by Andy Peart (2018) explained how AI is adapted in the business worlds.

Peart (2018) simplifies how AI is being used and managed in customer service. He expounded further
using the results of a global survey conducted by Accenture and the Gartner survey. He also said AI
robots and humans has its own job to accomplished a task. And by using examples in his article, it is
clearly that AI collects data while humans are all about emotions.

The article discussed an important topic because of innovation of technology, minimizes efforts and
workloads---it is guaranteed to be beneficial. Although it is more efficient and it automates the
increased transaction in customer service, human resource have more capable to create a solution and
humans has creativity in which it cannot be programmed into computer language. Chatbots, on the
other hand, deploy specific answers to the programmed set of questions. Customers want to engage
with human interaction rather than being answered by a virtual customer service assistant or chatbot
with rational and logical choices.

In the article, it is stated that humans can use their own life experience to resolve customer issues
that will lead to customer satisfaction. AI is programmed technology that can inputs data but it cannot
input emotions.

Human interaction will remain the top secret and strategy in engaging with customers to solve their
problems that will lead to customer satisfaction. Maybe, artificial intelligence can make life more
convenient today and for the future. Humanity, the machine maker, will consistently liable for
coordinating, working and controlling the utilization of this innovation. It is easy to interact with
chatbots, but how satisfied they are in the machine oriented response? Indeed, humans and technology
has its own capabilities to do such things but no matter how we try and convince people, humans are
irreplaceable especially in emotional intelligence.

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