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3/21/2020 Swivl Reflection

Swivl Re ection
Please complete once you receive your link to your Swivl video.

1. Name

2. What are three positives you took away from reviewing your lesson?

3. Please give two situations/times (ie. particular student, duration of the lesson, types
of questioning...etc.) that stood out to you while reviewing your lesson.

4. Brainstorm at least 1 strategy for how you would approach/solve this similar
situation(s) in the future. 1/2
3/21/2020 Swivl Reflection

5. What is one area you saw you could improve within this lesson and/or activity?

6. How beneficial did you find this practice?

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Very Beneficial Not beneficial at all

7. Please explain your answer above.

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