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7 SUGAR HACKS TO CRUSH CRAVINGS AND BECOME A FAT BURNING MACHINE TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 3 Specific Factors Stopping You From Breaking Your Sugar Habits Top 10 Warning Signs You're ADDICTED to Sugar Hack #1. Address the Root Cause of Your Sugar Craving Hack #2. Burn Fat Instead of Sugar Hack #3. Eat More Craving-Fighting Foods Hack #4. Manage Your Sugar Craving Cues Hack #5. Don't Switch to Artificial Sweeteners Hack #6. Follow My Fat-Burning, Sugar-Kicking Supplement Protocol Hack #7. Eat These Crave-Worthy Snacks INTRODUCTION There is not one single person reading this who is not affected by sugar in some way. Whether you have skin issues, allergies, digestive problems, arthritis pain, sleeping issues, or fatigue, all of these common problems can be traced back to sugar. Here are some facts about the history of our relationship with sugar that might come as a surprise to you: * In 1700, the average person consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year. * In 1800, the average person consumed about 18 pounds of sugar per year. * In 1900, individual consumption had risen to 90 pounds of sugar per year. * In 2012, more than 50% of all Americans consumed 1/2 pound of sugar per day - translating to a whopping 180 pounds of sugar per year! * In 1890, only 3 people out of 100,000 were diagnosed with diabetes. * In 2012, almost 8,000 out of every 100,000 people were diagnosed with diabetes. It's not just a coincidence that our appetite for sugar has risen so dramatically in the last 300 years. In fact, a September 2016 article in The New York Times exposed the sugar industry's efforts to purposely shift the blame for heart disease and other chronic illnesses away from sugar to fat by funding biased studies over the last 50 years. Sugar is a big business. And they want you to be addicted. As good as sugar may taste, sugar is NOT your friend. It is the friend of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, fatigue, Alzheimer's, and focus issues. It has created a growing health epidemic in our country and around the world, particularly with children, The American Heart Association recommends no more than 9.5 teaspoons of re- fined sugar per day. But here is the stunning reality: Adults consume on average 22 teaspoons of sugar per day. Children consume on average a whopping 32 teaspoons of sugar per day. AMERICANS EAT DOUBLE OR EVEN TRIPLE THE DAILY RECOMMENDED LIMIT OF SUGAR, DAY AFTER DAY, MONTH AFTER MONTH, YEAR AFTER YEAR. 3 SPECIFIC FACTORS STOPPING YOU FROM BREAKING YOUR SUGAR HABITS 1. You have certain nutritional deficiencies, which are the true causes behind your craving. In other words, there are certain nutrients that your body needs but it's not getting that cause the sugar cravings that you are experiencing. I'll share more about these deficiencies later on in this guide, 2. Sugar makes you feel good. Sugar produces dopamine, which is a happy, feel-good chemical in the brain. What happens is that people get addicted to the feeling they have when they eat sugar, they need it to feel normal, and they undergo a withdrawal if they cut sugar from their diets. If they go “cold turkey” for a few days, their brain will begin to produce dopamine on its own, but the discomfort of the with- drawal process keeps many sugar addicts trapped in their addiction. 3. Sugar is in everything you eat. | was in the health food store recently, looking for some healthy snacks for my children that didn’t include any sugar, and it was nearly impossible. And this was in a health food store! So we can't fully take the blame for this problem, because even when you are trying, it is hard to trust what's out there. You see, most sugar in our diet does not come from the packet of sugar on the table at restaurants, or in sugar we buy at the store to add to our food. It comes hidden in so many common foods! Besides expected food sources like donuts, candy, soda, and chocolate, sugar is often hiding in bread, pizza, pasta, cereals, sauces, dressings, and most yogurts. For example, 1 bagel has 45 grams of starchy carbs and 11 teaspoons of sugar. That's the same sugar content as a can of soda! Going forward, you need to become a label reader. At the very least, look at the sugar count and the carbohydrate count, which is sugar. Once you see the sugar and carb count, you can assess if you really want to put it in your body. SUGAR IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. IN FACT, BRAIN RESEARCH HAS PROVEN THAT SUGAR IS 8 TIMES MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE. 3 10 WARNING SIGNS YOU'RE ADDICTED TO SUGAR In the past, | used to be a real sugar addict. Actually, that’s putting it mildly. Back when | was playing soccer competitively, | used to come off the field and load up on candy before | even left the locker room! | could eat candy by the bagful and sugary cereals by the box. So if you are addicted to sugar, there's no blame here. | completely understand, I've been there. And | know what it takes to end the addiction to sugar. That's what this guide will help you do. 1. YOU HAVE TROUBLE LOSING WEIGHT. When you eat sugar, your body runs on sugar as its primary fuel source. That sounds like a good thing, but what does it lead to? Craving more sugar! So if you'd rather burn excess body fat and run on that, you've got to eat less sugar. 2. YOU GET HEADACHES OR MIGRAINES A LOT. Food allergies and sensitivities often cause recurrent headaches and even migraines, and one of the top foods that elicit this response is — you guessed it — sugar, If you get regular headaches or migraines, try eliminating sugar completely and see if they go away. Gluten and dairy are 2 other possible food culprits behind frequent headaches. 3. YOU HAVE TROUBLE SLEEPING. As you know, sugar is one of the worst acids out there, And acid is the #1 cause of difficulty falling asleep or trouble sleeping throughout the night. The more alkaline you eat, the better you will sleep. 4, YOU HAVE DIGESTIVE UPSET — ACID REFLUX, BLOATING, GAS, CONSTIPATION, OR DIARRHEA. (One of the first ways your body tells you that sugar is acting like a toxic substance once you swallow it is digestive problems. It feeds the bad bacteria along your intestines and fights the good bacteria. Eliminating sugar and gluten is the first and best step to getting rid of your tummy troubles for good. 5. YOU FEEL TIRED OR SLUGGISH, EVEN AFTER A GOOD NIGHT'S REST. When your body has to fight the acid in sugar, it completely drains your energy. So no matter how much rest you get, and no matter what time of day it is, you feel like a zombie. If you want to boost your energy easily, start eating fewer acids like sugar, in favor of more alkaline foods. 6. YOU HAVE ACNE, ROSACEA, ECZEMA, OR OTHER SKIN ISSUES Skin problems feed on sugar. No matter what the manifestation is on your skin, chances are it begins and ends with what you eat, And sugar is one of the biggest problem foods for people who suffer from acne, rosacea, and eczema. 7. YOU CRAVE SUGAR AT SOME POINT DURING YOUR DAY. This one is obvious, right? If you're used to eating sugar every morning for breakfast, every mid-afternoon when you need a blood sugar boost, or every night after dinner, it creates a habit and habits are hard to break. That's how | found myself back to eating sugar after every soccer practice even when | would swear it off. 8. YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, TOO MUCH BAD CHOLESTEROL, OR OTHER PRECURSORS TO HEART DISEASE. Despite what public health has been telling us for decades, sugar is one of the primary causes of heart disease. You can see the correlation between the low fat, high sugar diet craze of the past 20 years and the rise in obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, Western medicine is just starting to come around to this idea, but if you can break your sugar addiction, you're well on your way to making your heart healthy again. 9. YOU FEEL BETTER WHEN YOU EAT SUGAR. This one might be the scariest of all. If you feel better — more energetic or in a better mood — when you eat sugar, you're going to want to keep doing it. But what your body is really craving is minerals and other key nutrients that you're deficient in and once you get some sugar, your body is tricked into feeling good for a while. One of the big deficiencies that leads to craving sugar is omega-3 fatty acids. (We'll talk more about that later on in this guide.) So yes, when you want more sugar, you might need more fat! 10. YOU CRAVE SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES. Your body sees all simple carbs — sugar, bread, pasta, and anything else with gluten — the same because once it enters your digestive system, it’s all quickly converted to sugar and either burned or stored. So now that you know if you're ad- dicted to sugar, you have 2 choices. You can do nothing about whatever symptom you have going on. Or you can do something about it. Let me give you an analogy. Suppose your check engine light comes on in your car. Would you keep on driving and just learn to live with your check engine light on? Of course not. What about the gas light? If you ignore that one, what happens? You could put a piece of masking tape over the gas light when it comes on, but you'd still run out of gas! Well, many people are running out of gas in their lives, because they are ignoring the symptoms, or they're numbing the symptoms Instead, we're going to get to the root causes of why you crave sugar. We're not going to put a piece of masking tape over the signs because your health is too important, and you're too important for that. When you find the true cause of the problem, whatever it is, you can put together a strategy that will actually eliminate that problem: This approach is not about saying, “I'm going to quit sugar,” which is reliant on depri- vation. Deprivation never works! That strategy doesn't last, and it's not sustainable. It never worked for me and that's certainly NOT how I overcame my lifelong addic- tion to sugar. | was trapped in the viscous cycle of sugar addiction, and | have lived that dreaded yo-yo syndrome. You probably know exactly what | am talking about. One week you're devouring sugar, and then the next week you're swearing off sugar. Will power will get you motivated, but it won't keep it going Keep reading for what worked for me, has worked for hundreds of my patients at my Manhattan wellness clinic, and will work for you too. The most important thing you can take away from this guide is the connection between sugar and magnesium. If you crave sugar, the number one deficiency in your body, is alkaline minerals, specifically magnesium. So if you have been craving sugar, the most important thing you can do is start to incor- porate more dark, green leafy vegetables into your diet, because they are loaded with healthy alkaline minerals. Eat foods high in magnesium every day: * Dark leafy greens * Broccoli Raw cacao nuts and seeds Quinoa * Avocados Think about where you can sneak these foods into your diet. For example, my wife, Chelsea, will add 2 cups of spinach to our tomato sauce or curry sauce. You can even add spinach to any cooked, savory breakfast. Spinach is great for juices and smoothies because it has a very non-green taste, so it's a great transitional food. Now you might be thinking, “I eat leafy greens every day, That must be enough, right?” It's not, and it's virtually impossible for you get the amount of minerals your body needs from the foods you eat alone, and here's why... There was a study a couple years ago on spinach crops. And the study showed that it takes 60 servings of spinach today to give you the same exact mineral content that 1 serving gave people in 1948. Why? Because of synthetic fertilizers, soil degradation, and farmers meeting the demands of a growing population. Our food just isn’t the same anymore. So if you want to crush your sugar cravings, the single best thing you can do is add a magnesium supplement. In fact, this is so effective, you don’t need to stop your sugar habits cold turkey. When | got rid of sugar in my diet, I started by adding a great miner- als supplement and a great greens supplement, and by making these 2 simple chang- es, my cravings dissipated very quickly. By the way, I'm not recommending magnesium tablets or capsules, as they don't work well. Tablets in any form mean one thing — expensive urine! The research shows that when you consume a tablet, assuming your digestion is working at 100% (and none of ours are), the MOST you will absorb is 10-30%. Yikes! | recommend a mineral powder you add to water, that contains the 4 most crucial alka- line minerals in the right balance — calcium, potassium, sodium bicarbonate, and mag- nesium glycinate, the most bio-available form of magnesium, which is higher quality than most of what you find on the market. You definitely want to make sure the supplement you choose has both magnesium and calcium (at a ratio of 1:1) in ’ order to prevent a deficiency in either = mineral. Alkamind Daily Minerals is the best - . Na quality you can find with an absorption and x ow assimilation rate of 98% and greater. alt Alka mind & Once you have plenty of magnesium in your NS DAILY M | NERALS system and you've cut back on the sugar Ny you're eating, you should see a huge oe 5 difference in your cravings. HACK #2. BURN FAT INSTEAD OF SUGAR Because you are putting sugar — maybe even a lot of sugar — into your body on a regu- lar basis, your body is using sugar as its primary source of fuel. The hack is getting your body to burn fat and use fat as its primary source of fuel. This is an important factor to become aware of. When you're constantly eating sugar and carbohydrates, your body runs on sugar, and that is how 99% of people are living. Well, there's a huge problem with that method. When you eat sugar, you burn sugar, and then what do you think you're going to crave more of? SUGAR! When you dump sugar and simple carbs into your bloodstream like pasta, bread, white potatoes, or processed snacks that contain gluten, your insulin level spikes, And what does that make your body do? Feel hungry and crave more sugar, It’s a viscous cycle that overrides and hijacks your hunger hormones, so you are always hungry and never full, If you've ever eaten pizza and then had a craving for ice cream, you know what I'm talking about. Your insulin levels are just begging for more sugar. Over time, this sets you up for insulin resistance, and can have the ability to lead to degenerative diseases like diabetes. THE MORE YOU FEED YOUR BODY JUNK, THE MORE YOUR BODY WILL CRAVE JUNK. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for sugar. If | happen to see a saber-tooth tiger, | need to run, and | need to run fast! When this happened to our ancient ancestors, the last thing I'd want them to use as their main source of energy is fat, because it takes too long. They'd be dinner for the tiger. That is what glucose and sugar is. designed for — a fight or flight situation, like running into a saber-tooth tiger. But the problem in our culture is that we are all so stressed, we're constantly living in this fight or flight situation. We are chronically stressed, and we're constantly eating sugar, so we're constantly burning sugar. But there is no longer a reason to run for our lives to bum off the sugar. This becomes a viscous cycle that is very hard to escape. So if you want to break the sugar cycle, you need to get your body to stop burning sugar as the primary fuel source, and start burning fat instead, What that requires is detoxifying the body, swapping the sugary foods out for more alkaline foods, and eating more healthy fats. DON'T FEAR THE FAT! First and foremost on the subject of fat, I'd like to make something clear... Fat does not make you fat. Sugar makes you fat. If you're looking to lose weight, don't fear the fat! Fat has gotten such a bad rap over the years, and | want you to know that if you want to lose more weight, and you want to break the sugar cycle, you need to add a lot more good fat into your diet. Thankfully, the keto diet trend has turned people onto this idea, and I'm so glad it's catching on. THERE ARE FATS THAT HEAL, AND FATS THAT KILL. Because despite what you've been told for the past 30 years, avoiding fat and salt is the quickest way to deteriorate your health. The cure is to replace sugar that spikes your insulin levels with healthy clean keto fats that don’t cause this chain reaction. In fact, they help calm your cravings. So first and foremost, | want you to start incorporating more healthy fats into your diet. More on that below... The other thing that is important is incorporating a good quality omega-3 essential fatty acid supplement, or fish oil, into your daily routine. Remember the nutritional deficiencies | —_ mentioned earlier? Omega-3 fatty acids are a very common deficiency, and yet one of the most important nutrients you need to supplement to overcome sugar addiction. If you're not supplementing, | can tell you with 99.9% certainty that you're deficient. Alkamind Our Alkamind Daily Omega-3 is the best quality supplement on the planet. It's the ONLY one with the AILY OMEGA-3 ideal 2:1 ratio of EPA to DHA in a highly concentrated Faia form. So you can take less and get more benefit from Scan oa it. Plus it's heavy metal free and guaranteed for _ potency and freshness, so no fishy taste, tom 9 ACTIVITY: HOW MUCH FAT IS IN YOUR DAILY DIET? Over the next 48 hours, | want you to make a list of every fat that enters your body. Next, | want you to make 2 columns, and on one column you're going to write Healthy Fats, and on the other, write Unhealthy Fats. Unhealthy fats are: * Vegetable oils « Hydrogenated fats, the type of fat you find in things like pizza dough, pastries, cookies, crackers, pie crust, and margarine * Animal proteins other than select fish Clean keto healthy fats are: * Avocados ° Raw tree nuts © Nut butters (NOT peanut) * Cacao nibs * Coconut oil, coconut milk, and coconut meat * Chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and other seeds * Extra virgin olive oil * Fish, especially wild-caught salmon, mackerel, trout, anchovies, and sardines HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE ON EACH SIDE? Now slowly start to add more of the healthy fats into your daily diet. In fact, | want you to increase your daily fat intake with a goal of upwards of 50-70% of your entire daily diet. Now, if that seems like a crazy number for some of you based on where you're currently at, don't stress about it. Start by adding a little bit at a time to what you are currently doing. Think progress, not perfection, Add them to your smoothies, add them to salads, add them to snacks and desserts, and add them to everything you eat. Now, as you start to add more healthy fats to your daily diet, you will begin to automatically crave less sugar, and as you crave less sugar, you will eat less sugar. As you eat less sugar, what mode of calories will be available for your body to burn? Fat — especially belly fat! HACK #3. EAT MORE CRAVING-FIGHTING FOODS In the last section, | told you some fats kill, and some fats heal. Well, some foods encourage cravings, and some foods fight cravings. You already know the 2 best categories of food to fight cravings — healthy fats and foods rich in magnesium like dark, leafy greens, ll But there are a lot more foods that prevent sugar cravings from popping up in the first place: * Protein-rich plants: lentils, chickpeas, black beans, lima beans, almonds, and cashews * Foods high in natural fiber. avocados, broccoli, celery, cucumber, artichokes, peas, okra, squash, Brussels sprouts, red bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, and quinoa, as well as dark, leafy greens. * Foods high in the mineral chromium: Chromium regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and helps to reduce sugar cravings, Chow down on broccoli, sweet potatoes, and apples. * Foods high in zine: Zinc is needed for insulin and glucose utilization, and a deficiency can lead to sugar cravings. Zinc is abundant in quinoa, pumpkin seeds, and Brazil nuts. * Spices: Turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom will not only naturally sweeten your food, but will also help balance your blood sugar and reduce sugar cravings. You can add these to fresh juices, smoothies, and/or soups, and even grate them over salads. You can also blend the turmeric and ginger in nut milk for a nice, creamy drink. * Alkaline water and herbal teas. Dehydration is linked to food cravings. You should be drinking about half your body weight in ounces of water daily. So if you weigh 140 pounds, you need to drink 70 ounces of water each day. Add a slice of lemon or lime to your water to improve the taste and alkalinity. Make sure it’s well filtered, ideally with a pH of 8 to 9.5. 15 LLL: 2:2: 2:2: ee: HACK #4. MANAGE YOUR SUGAR CRAVING CUES This one is all about knowing yourself and when and where you're going to crave sugar. If you can anticipate the moments when you're likely to cave, you can set yourself up to succeed. DON'T KEEP SWEETS IN THE HOUSE. Ever get late-night cravings for chocolate, candy, or ice cream? Or maybe it's the late afternoon dip in blood sugar that makes you crave the sweet stuff. Whatever it is for you, if you have it around your house, when the craving strikes, you're going to eat it. It's too hard to resist. The same goes for your desk at work, right? On the other hand, if you don’t have it nearby, you have to either pay Postmates or drive or walk to go pick it up, bring it back, and then binge. You're much less likely to go through all of those steps. So clean out your pantry and fridge and remove those temptations! Remember, the battle is won at the grocery store. Whatever your greatest weakness is, don't buy it so it's not within reach in the midst of a strong craving. Here's a tip for anyone who craves chocolate: Buy 85% or higher dark chocolate to ease the cravings. It doesn't actually contain much sugar and once your body has adjusted to an overalll lower level of sugar intake, it will taste plenty sweet. EAT REGULAR, NUTRITIOUS MEALS. The best thing you can do to prevent sugar cravings in between meals is to eat plenty of nutrient-dense foods that will keep you full at meal times, Do what works for you, whether that’s 3 meals per day, 5 smaller meals, or a mix of both. Plan your meal times to keep your blood sugar regulated and prevent the crashes that lead to craving sugar. That includes veggies for lasting energy and clean keto fats to prevent hunger from striking. (Keep reading for snack ideas later on in this guide.) BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU DRINK ALCOHOL. Alcohol dehydrates the body and can lead to mineral deficiencies, triggering the cycle we talked about in Hack #1. Dehydration can mask itself as a food craving, especially for sugary foods. When you're dehydrated, your liver stops releasing glycogen, a necessary hormone for energy. As that drops, it sends a signal to the brain to crave both water and sugar. And when your defenses are down because you've been drinking, you're likely to give into those cravings. However, don’t be too hard on yourself, It’s okay to have a glass of wine occasionally. It's all about moderation. MANAGE STRESS. If you're a stress-eater, be ready to do more of what nourishes your body, mind, and soul, like reading, meditating, yoga, and other exercise anytime your stress level rises. Remember, stress is not created by external factors but by the way we perceive situations in life. And yet, stress can literally poison the brain and the body if we allow it. So it's essential that you know what works for you when it comes to forms of stress relief that do not include sugar! THE ACID THAT STRESS CAUSES IN YOUR BODY OUTWEIGHS A MILLION TIMES TO ONE ANY EFFECT THAT FOOD OR DRINKS CAN CAUSE. * Breathe for stress relief. Did you know that 70% of the acids and toxins inside of your body are removed through your lungs? That includes acid caused by stress, Which causes more acid build up than anything you could eat or drink. Breathing can also reduce stress in other powerful ways — it can lower blood pressure, slow the heartbeat, energize your muscles, and change your pH within 1-3 minutes. * Exercise every day. Exercising regularly will help to boost energy levels and reduce stress. * Try meditation. Meditation is another sure-fire way to manage stress and train your brain to be less worried. The art of meditation and clearing your mind is basically a glorified way to get your mind to shut up! * Get adequate sleep. When we're tired, we have the tendency to eat sugary foods. In addition to allowing enough time to sleep, enjoy a serving of Alkamind Daily Minerals 30 minutes before sleep to get a deep REM sleep. 7 lt It might seem like it's a good idea to replace sugar with alternatives, but artificial sweeteners are the worst food you can eat on the planet! Believe it or not, they'll actually increase your craving for sweets. They fool the body into thinking its getting something sweet, so your insulin spikes, which makes your blood sugar plummet, leading to you craving sugar even more. So beware of them — both in sugar packets and ingredient lists. You'd be surprised how many products sneak artificial sweeteners in. Instead, use my bad > better > best rating system for sweetener alternatives BAD: * Agave, which might even be worse than high fructose corn syrup, because it is 80 to 90% fructose, the worst sugar of them all, which can't be easily digested. It strains the liver and tricks the body into gaining weight. BETTER: * Coconut nectar, which is 40% fructose. * Manuka honey, which is good if you have a scratchy throat or want to add to tea, but not on a regular basis. * Maple syrup also contains 40% fructose. * Molasses does have trace minerals, but it also has the same ratio of fructose and glucose that regular sugar has. BEST: * Lo Han, otherwise known as monk fruit. That is what we use in our supplements. It's very sweet but has a zero glycemic index. * Stevia is good as well. It's 100 times sweeter than sugar so use it very sparingly. HACK #6. FOLLOW MY FAT-BURNING, SUGAR-KICKING SUPPLEMENT PROTOCOL I've mentioned a few supplements throughout this guide, but | want to make it really easy for you to know what to take, when, and how much. That's what Alkamind’s family of supplements are all about — making it super easy to get the superfood nutrition you need to fight cravings, fight disease, get energized, and thrive! Here are the 4 supplements to take to kick your sugar cravings for good. 1. ALKAMIND DAILY MINERALS — a I've said it before but I'll say it again — getting plenty of the mineral magnesium is the #1 most powerful way to 4 fight sugar cravings. And it's unlikely that you're getting enough from the food you eat. But its important that you Sis as take a good source of magnesium, because cheap = Alkamind sources — and most supplements are cheap — can & DAILY MINERALS cause serious stomach upset. Ours is the most x f digestible form in the right ratio with the other essential ose J minerals that fight cravings: calcium, potassium, and - a sodium bicarbonate. As a bonus, taking 1 scoop of Alkamind Daily Minerals each night shortly before going to bed will give you a good night's sleep, alleviate stress, and improve focus. 2. ALKAMIND DAILY GREENS Adding a quality greens powder is one of the small changes | made to curb my sugar cravings for good. As a potent source of 5 whole servings of green super foods, Daily Greens balances out sugars — hidden and Al not so hidden — in your diet so you have plenty of energy to power through your day. One scoop in water first thing in the morning takes less than 30 seconds to get 21 different veggies that help you lose weight, get energized, and fight sugar cravings. Se 20 3. ALKAMIND DAILY OMEGA-3 Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most important nutrients you need to supplement with to overcome sugar, and yet, many people are deficient in this essential fatty acid the body can’t produce on its own. If you're not supplementing, | can tell you with 99.9% certainty that you're deficient. Our Alkamind Daily Omega-3 is the best quality fish oil supplement on the planet. It's the ONLY one with the ideal 2:1 ratio of EPA to DHA in a highly concentrated form. So you can take less and get more benefit from it. I's also heavy metal free and guaranteed for potency and freshness, so no fishy taste. Plus, you'll get lots of other benefits from it beyond stopping cravings — fight inflammation, improve heart health, and boost memory and focus. 4, ALKAMIND ORGANIC DAILY PROTEIN Our delicious Organic Daily Protein in Vanilla Coconut and Creamy Chocolate flavors turns your body into a fat-burning machine. It combines 3 sources of vegan protein with 3 healthy keto fats to help you become a fat bumer, instead of a sugar burner. One scoop once a day — after a workout or as a meal replacement — will be your new favorite snack. Alkamind LY OMEGA-3 [raven ET euro uMnNa oe [musi smuran aa | “Sr sare ‘Oy 1 SIA coca: < ci snot i+ i ‘HOANC DAILY PROTE S—- It's all natural, sugar-free, and tastes great. Fitness Magazine called it “a superfood lover's dream.” And Shape Magazine listed it in their “Top 10 Plant-Based Protein Powders That Don't Taste Like Dirt.” 21 HACK #7. EAT THESE CRAVE-WORTHY SNACKS Each of these 5 snacks are loaded with healthy, alkaline fats that will suppress hunger, reduce your cravings, and lower insulin levels, which will reset your hunger hormones — all while satisfying your taste buds. ALKALINE SESAME SWEET TREATS Ingredients (15-20 servings) 1/2 cup raw almonds 1/2 cup sesame seeds 6 dates 3 tbsp. tahini 1 tsp. coconut oil 1/2 tsp. sea salt (Celtic Grey, Himalayan, or Redmond Real Salt) 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (I prefer 6 drops of Medicine Flower Vanilla) 1 tbsp. of coconut sugar or liquid coconut nectar (I prefer the latter in this recipe) 4 drops stevia for sweetness Place all ingredients other than 2 tbsp. of sesame seeds in a food processor, blend for a couple of minutes or until you see the oils extracted. Next, place blended mixture in a mixing bowl. Add 2 tbsp. of sesame seeds to the mixture, and thoroughly mix with a spoon. Use an ice cream scooper, and scoop mixture into tightly packed little balls. Remove ball from scooper, then use your hands to compact the sesame balls even more so that they stick together. Then, use white and/or black sesame seeds to roll on the outside of balls. CLEAN KETO COCONUT OIL FAT BOMBS Ingredients (12 servings) 1% cups unsweetened coconut flakes ¥% cup cold-pressed coconut oil % tsp. cinnamon % tsp. vanilla bean powder (or 2 drops Medicine Flower Vanilla) Pinch sea salt (Celtic Grey, Himalayan, or Redmond Real Salt) 10 drops organic liquid stevia extract (or any other low-carb sweetener such as Lo Han or coconut drops from Medicine Flower) (optional to your desired sweetness) > Preheat the oven to 350° F. Spread the shredded coconut flakes onto a baking sheet. Place in the oven and toast for 5 to 8 minutes until light golden. Mix once or twice during heating to prevent buming. Remove from the oven and carefully transfer the coconut flakes into a blender. Pulse until a smooth and runny consistency is reached. Next, add the coconut oil in its softened, liquid form, which occurs above 76°. In addition, add cinnamon, vanilla, stevia, and sea salt, and blend again. Once a smooth consistency is obtained, pour 1% tbsp. of the liquid mixture into each mini muffin paper or an ice cube tray. Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to cool and solidify. 23 LLL: 2:2: 2:2: ee: SWEET POTATO CHIPS Ingredients (serves 4) 4-5 sweet potatoes Coconut oil Sea salt (Celtic Grey, Himalayan, or Redmond Real Salt) to taste Optional: Cumin and/or black pepper to taste Slice sweet potatoes with a mandolin fitted with a thin slice blade (I highly suggest using this as opposed to slicing with a knife, as they will bake much better). Once your sweet potatoes are all sliced, put them into a large bowl. Drizzle with coconut oil (you want them coated but not drenched). Season with sea salt, black pepper, and cumin (optional). Toss well, and place sweet potato slices evenly distributed on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 200° F oven for 45 minutes, then flip sweet potatoes over. Then bake for an additional 45 minutes to 1 hour until sweet potatoes look super toasted. Allow to cool on the baking sheet before serving (they will crisp as they cool). Feel free to add more spices if so desired. 24 TROPICAL SUMMER ROLLS WITH CREAMY AVOCADO DIP Ingredients (serves 4) 3 cups arugula 2 ripe mangoes sliced in long strips 1 large red bell pepper sliced in long strips 2 jalapenos, seeded, membranes removed, sliced into long strips 1 cucumber sliced into long, thin strips 4 green onions — green and white parts chopped 8 round rice papers (substitute lettuce wraps or zucchini sliced with vegetable peeler for an even more alkaline roll) Creamy Avocado Dip: 2 Hass avocados Juice of 2 limes, freshly squeezed 1/4 cup filtered water 1/2 cup cilantro leaves 1/2 cucumber Salt (Celtic Grey, Himalayan, or Redmond Real Salt) and pepper to taste For the summer rolls, place all ingredients for rolls on a large plate. Fill a pie pan or large shallow pan with warm water. Place a clean towel next to the pan. Place one rice paper in water and let sit until pliable but not super floppy. Place on the towel and pat with a paper towel, Cover lower third of the paper with arugula. Top with 4 slices of mango, then red bell pepper and jalapeno. Sprinkle with green onions. Fold over one long side to enclose the filling, and then fold over the short sides like a burrito. Lastly, roll up, stretching the remaining long side around the roll to seal it, Repeat with remaining rice papers and ingredients. For the creamy avocado dip, place all ingredients in the food processor or blender and puree until smooth. Serve with summer rolls. 25 SWEET POTATO DREAM SHAKE Ingredients (serves 1) 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 tbsp. raw almond butter MI MOTI PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK FOR WHAT YOU'VE ALREADY DONE TO CRUSH YOUR SUGAR CRAVINGS! Next time you feel a sugar craving coming on, remind yourself of your motivations for getting off sugar — whether that's losing weight, fighting disease, ending symptoms like headaches, blood sugar imbalance, or IBS, or just plain feeling better. Feeling good is no small thing! | want to leave you with one last thought, and this is really key to your success... Don't get overwhelmed by everything in this guide, Pick 2 or 3 hacks, and start using them daily. Once those become second nature, you can take on 1 or 2 more hacks. REMEMBER, MODERATION NOT DEPRIVATION! PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION! My biggest source of motivation is this and | hope it helps you too... Every time | put a piece of food in my mouth, I'm choosing to FUEL disease or to FIGHT it. GET OFF YOUR SUGAR! Dr. Daryl Founder and CEO of Alkamind, Dr. Daryl Gioffre is a celebrity nutritionist, longevity expert, and author who uses cutting-edge nutrition to help you uncover the root causes of inflammation in your body, to achieve and maintain an optimal level of health and energy. A former sugar addict turned health machine, he knows firsthand what it takes to overcome adversity and challenges in your health. He is the author of GET OFF YOUR ACID: 7 Steps in 7 Days to Lose Weight, Fight Inflammation, and Reclaim Your Health & Energy, sits on the Fran Drescher Cancer Schmancer Medical, Health, and Wellness Advisory Board, and has been featured in health documentaries: Live Longer Feel Better 2019 and 2020 and Natural Medicine Secrets. He lives in New York City with his wife Chelsea, their two children, and their dog Sprout. AS SEEN IN vonmam ois gatiag [ETF seir-co cobatel pet soeumy GEIGD GEA ENEWS wousme ue sie MEs.aRUL crs 20H Mrs lh, ppygyp same EE) =" Healthy People [TJ YAHoo! sio0oe.

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