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At first day of the duty in orthopedic ward, I wasn’t able to perform well in duty because
it’s been a long time since I duty there and also it’s our intensive nursing practicum so
that our duty was less supervision. But thanks to that I learned how to manage my time
that’s why in my second day of duty I was able to perform well. In my second day of
duty, my learnings on how to carry out doctors order and how to write doctors order in
kardex was refreshed. Although our clinical instructor already taught us on how to carry
out doctors’ order I still need a guide on how to do it because it’s been a long time since
I carried out doctors’ order. Thanks to our clinical instructor because he’s the only one
who let us experienced on how to carry out doctors’ order. On the third day of our duty I
knew already the daily routine and it helps me to manage the time so that my duty was
able to perform well. On the fourth day of duty, I and My classmate were the Leaders for
the day. It’s not easy to be a junior CI but thanks to my co-leader because we were able
to managed the duty. That day my learnings on how to make activity plan, lesson plan
and leadership & management were enhanced. On the 2 nd week I handled new patients
from ENT and I learned their diagnosis. In that week I was trying to master the daily
routine in orthopedic ward because it’s our last duty in that ward and also the last time
that we have a clinical instructor to supervise, correct if were wrong and instruct us what
to do. Thanks to our clinical instructor for learnings, experience and everything that he
taught. 

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