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Tuesday, March 3 Art (1:40-3:05) Jeylyn Sarmiento

Stage 1: Desired Results

Reflection-Component 2- ASSESSMENT: Students will assess the visual qualities of

Depiction- Component 4- MAIN FORMS AND PROPORTIONS: Students will

perfect forms and develop more realistic treatments.

Depiction- Component 6- QUALITIES AND DETAILS: Students will refine surface

qualities of objects and forms.
Composition- Component 7- EMPHASIS: Students will create emphasis by the
treatment of forms and qualities.
Composition- Component 8- UNITY: Students will create unity by interrelating the
parts of a composition.

Expression- Component 10 (i): PURPOSE 3: Students will decorate items personally


Expression- Component 10 (ii): SUBJECT MATTER: Students will develop themes,

with an emphasis on social concerns, based on:
2-C. Materials should be used honestly.

4-C. Images can be portrayed in varying degrees of realism.

4-F. Size variations among objects give the illusion of depth.

6- B. Colour can be made to appear dull or bright.

7- A. The centre of interest can be made prominent by contrasting its size, shape,
colour or texture from the other parts of the composition.
Specific Learning
Outcome(s) 7-C. Details, accents and outlines will enhance the dominant area or thing.

8-A. The parts can be arranged so that movement in the picture space leads the eye
around and not out of the picture area.

8-C. Every major area of a composition should be interesting in itself.

10i- B. Details, patterns or textures can be added to the surface of three-dimensional


10ii- A. Plants and animals

Learning Students will transform egg cartons into the shape of a flower.
Objective(s) Students will decorate egg carton pieces with flower design.
Essential Question(s):
 How can you upcycle materials to create art?
Students will
 Different
can be
used to Students will be able to…
create art  Cut egg cartons into flower like shapes
 Individua  Decorate/ color each individual piece
l details  Add detail and decorate leaf templates
enhance  Put their pieces together to create a large wreath
appeal of
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Summative Formative  Observations
 N/A
Assessment Assessment  Upcycled Gardens Self- Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

 Egg carton pieces
 Scissors
 Markers, Crayons, Pencil Crayons
Resources  Leaf templates
Tech to Do  Slides
to Bring  Cardboard
Upcycled Gardens:
 Upcycled garden posters
 Newspaper, magazines, brown
Time Content/Description Notes
Introduction and Transition
 Explain that everyone will have the opportunity to complete their
upcycled gardens. However, we will be starting a new upcycling project
 Review how the grades will be determined for upcycled gardens and
1:40- 1:45
5 minutes
 Use of materials expectations- remind students that the focus is not
choosing pictures to cut out of the papers and in order to save time and
ensure that we are able to finish this project on time, they will each be
given a bundle of 1 sheet of newspaper/flyer, magazine paper, brown
paper bag piece. Each student is to use their own materials from their own
1:45- 1:55 Wreath Introduction and Explanation All grade ¾
10 minutes - Display a picture of the completed product and explain that we will students
be using egg cartons to create flowers that we will personally will have
decorate. their flower
- Each student will be responsible for creating and decorating 2-3 pieces
flowers to be glued on the wreath and at least 1 leaf. added to the
- Leaf templates students will add an insect/ bug that would be wreath
found around flowers on their leaf, color and cut out to be added to
the wreath
- Each student will cut and decorate one flower piece at a time after
they have finished a leaf.
- As students complete their pieces, they will put them aside and they
will be later glued onto the wreath frame
- Set expectations and reference picture for ideas.
- Ask students what criteria they should consider in order for the
wreath to look like the one in the picture (Bright, bold colors, more
than one color, designs and details on each individual piece, full of
color and no empty spaces).

Order of tasks:
1. Upcycled Gardens frame
2. Upcycled Garden Self- Assessment
3. Leaf Template
4. Egg Carton Flower (all after recess)

 Miss Gauchier will take half the students into the other classroom
and guide them, while the other half stays with Miss Sarmiento. Each
group will be working on completing their upcycled gardens before
recess. After recess, everyone will work on the wreath. If students are
finished their upcycled garden early, they can assist others OR start
the leaf template

- Hand out upcycled gardens and material bundles to students once

divided into separate classrooms.
1. Upcycled Gardens
- Hand out upcycled gardens and material bundles to students.
- Remind students of grading criteria (Symmetrical shape, Contrast,
1:55- 2:10 Sketches, Detail) while working and while circulating/ observing
15 minutes - Inform students that their gardens should be completed by recess-
- Have students start cleaning up at 2:10
- Once students have completed their upcycled gardens, they will Display
complete their self- assessment and hand it in on the desk. different
2. Leaf Template flower
- Once students hand in their self- assessment, they may take a leaf shapes and
template and begin drawing an insect/ bug on it and color/ cut it out. designs for
- Once students have finished their leaf, they may hand it in for an egg students to
carton to create a flower with. reference
3. Egg Carton Cutting and Coloring (All after recess) when
- Distribute individual pieces to students after they have completed deciding on
their leaf and have them cut out the shape of their flower. the shape of
- After students have cut their egg carton to the desired shape, students their
will color and design the entire piece using markers flowers

2:10-2:15 Clean Up and Self-Assessment

5 minutes - Have students recycle the scrap piece they did not use and tidy up the
classroom before they are dismissed for recess.
- Collect upcycled gardens and remind students to fill out a self-
assessment form if not done so already.
2:30-2:35 Transition
 Students come back in from recess, return to the classroom they were
5 minutes previously working on and begin/ continue working on their wreath
Egg Carton Cutting and Coloring (All students)
- Distribute individual pieces to students and have them cut out the
shape of their flower.
- After students have cut their egg carton to the desired shape, students
20 minutes
will color and design the entire piece using markers
- If students have not yet completed a leaf, they may complete one
after they complete their egg carton flowers
Clean Up and Discussion
- Once students have completed all their flower pieces, they will hand
them in to be glued on the large wreath along with any completed
leaves they have colored and cut out
2:55- 3:05
- Students clean up their supplies and throw out any scraps or left over
10 minutes
- Discuss how we should construct the wreath (Similar colors together
or spread out? Where should we put the leaves? Smaller flowers
inside bigger flowers?)

Reflections and
Follow Up

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