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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

53, 2010, 12–27  2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Comparison of the clinical

features of chronic and
aggressive periodontitis
G A R Y C. A R M I T A G E & M A R Y P. C U L L I N A N

Historical perspective Bernard Gottlieb of the University of Vienna School

of Medicine described an unusual form of peri-
In the late 1800s, what is now known as chronic odontal disease that primarily affected some or all of
periodontitis was clinically characterized as a slowly the permanent incisors and first molars of young
progressive destruction of the periodontium due to individuals (29–33). Based on certain histological
the accumulation of Ôlime depositsÕ on the teeth (21), observations such as thin cementum on extracted
or Ôcalcic inflammation of the peridental membraneÕ teeth from affected sites, he believed that the disease
secondary to deposits of ÔsalivaryÕ and ⁄ or ÔserumalÕ was due to defective deposition of cementum or
calculus (13). The calcified deposits were considered ÔcementopathiaÕ (32–34). Gottlieb applied the princi-
to be mechanical irritants that led to gingival reces- ples of classical pathology as they were practiced in
sion and a generalized or even pattern of bone loss the 1920s, which stated that all human non-neo-
(13, 21). Throughout most of the 20th century, this plastic diseases could be classified as either inflam-
form of periodontitis has been considered an matory or non-inflammatory (4). Since his adolescent
inflammatory disease associated with local irritants patients did not exhibit the intense gingival inflam-
and the formation of dental plaque (biofilms) on mation ordinarily seen in other patients (i.e. adults)
tooth surfaces (4). This concept prevails today. with periodontitis, he believed that the disease was a
What is now known as Ôgeneralized aggressive non-inflammatory or degenerative condition. It was
periodontitisÕ was not clearly described until the lat- claimed that initial stages of the disease were not
ter part of the 20th century. However, G.V. Black used associated with local irritants such as dental plaque
the terms Ôphagedenic pericementitisÕ and Ôchronic or calculus, and therefore the disease was subse-
suppurative pericementitisÕ to describe patients who quently referred to as Ôdiffuse atrophy of the alveolar
suffered from a rapid destruction of alveolar bone boneÕ or ÔperiodontosisÕ (34, 63). According to this
(14). In the past three decades, authors have used a hypothesis, the alveolar bone degenerated and the
variety of terms for cases in which there is general- teeth drifted apart or migrated without the formation
ized severe periodontal destruction in young of periodontal pockets (90). Since it was thought that
patients, including Ôgeneralized juvenileÕ (16, 94), continuous deposition of cementum was required in
Ôrapidly progressiveÕ (46, 64), or simply ÔsevereÕ order to prevent the apical migration of epithelium
periodontitis (18). In most respects, the disease along the root surface, pockets formed at sites that
clinically resembles chronic periodontitis except the were supposedly afflicted with cementopathia. As a
affected individuals are much younger and the rate of secondary phenomenon, once a pocket formed, it
progression is assumed to be rapid since there is became susceptible to colonization by oral bacteria
extensive periodontal damage in a young person. and was Ô…a potential trap for accumulating deposits
Current views regarding the major characteristics from salivaÕ (63). In the final stage of the disease,
of localized aggressive periodontitis have been con- bacterial toxins and other irritants eventually caused
siderably influenced by historical perspectives of the some inflammation, which contributed to additional
disease. In a series of papers from 1920 to 1928, loss of bone and connective tissue attachment to the

Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

tooth. Therefore, it was believed that periodontal regarding the etiology of the disease, Ôjuvenile peri-
inflammation was often observed in cases of peri- odontitisÕ replaced ÔperiodontosisÕ as the preferred
odontosis, but only after non-inflammatory degen- term for the condition (48, 49, 57, 70, 81, 94). How-
eration of the alveolar bone and impairment of ever, all of the other characteristics of the disease
cementum deposition established conditions that listed by Baer in 1971 (10) have been retained. In the
promoted pocket formation. 1999 classification system, the name of the disease
Scientific proof for this hypothetical series of was changed to localized aggressive periodontitis (3,
events could not be provided, and, at the 1966 World 45).
Workshop in Periodontics, it was concluded that
there is little to no evidence for the existence of non-
inflammatory degenerative periodontal disease. It Shared clinical features
was the consensus of the group of experts at the
workshop Ô…that the term periodontosis is ambigu- In a general way, chronic and aggressive periodontitis
ous and that the term should be eliminated from share many clinical features, but the specific details
periodontal nomenclatureÕ (86). Nevertheless, the of the shared features are not necessarily identical in
group also acknowledged the possible existence of a both forms of the disease. Nevertheless, it is well
form of periodontitis in adolescents and young adults established that they are both complex infections that
that was clinically different from the common Ôadult occur in susceptible hosts and are caused by biofilms
periodontitisÕ found in older individuals (86). that form on tooth surfaces (37, 47, 66, 83, 96, 99). In
In 1971, Paul Baer wrote a paper in which he sug- both cases, the disease-producing biofilms comprise
gested that the term ÔperiodontosisÕ be retained (10). microorganisms that are components of the indige-
He also supplied a definition based on some of the nous (normal) oral microbiota (7). In addition, host
clinical features of the disease, which has not been inflammatory ⁄ immune reactions to the presence of
significantly modified in the past four decades (10): the biofilms are primarily responsible for the loss of
ÔPeriodontosis is a disease of the periodontium periodontal attachment and alveolar bone supporting
occurring in an otherwise healthy adolescent, which the teeth (26, 27, 78). Anti-infective treatment is
is characterized by a rapid loss of alveolar bone about usually effective in the management of both chronic
more than one tooth of the permanent dentition. and aggressive forms of periodontitis (23). The
There are two basic forms in which it occurs. In one eventual outcome of untreated disease is tooth loss.
form of the disease, the only teeth affected are the One of the shared clinical characteristics of chronic
first molars and incisors. In the other, more gener- and aggressive periodontitis is that affected individ-
alized form, it may affect most of the dentition. The uals have no known medical or general health con-
amount of destruction manifested is not commen- ditions that might contribute to development of their
surate with the amount of local irritants present.Õ periodontitis. According to the 1999 classification (3),
He also indicated that the disease appeared to have if an individual has a systemic disease that can pro-
its onset in the circumpubertal period (i.e. between foundly modify the initiation and clinical course of
the ages of 11 and 13 years), was more common in periodontal infections, the resulting periodontitis
females than males, and had a familial background. should be classified as Ôperiodontitis as a manifesta-
Furthermore, he stated that, in a few patients, the tion of systemic diseaseÕ. Examples include severe
disease may be self-limiting as Ô…the loss of alveolar cases of plaque-induced periodontitis associated
bone may progress only to a certain point, and then with immunosuppression acquired via chemother-
may remain stationary for many yearsÕ (10). apy (41), viral infection (44, 67) or any other means,
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the idea that the and inherited defects in neutrophil function (19, 20,
disease may be due to degeneration of cementum, or 68, 87, 98), as well as other syndromic perturbations
any other components of the periodontium, was laid in host–parasite interactions (1, 11, 17, 22, 24, 38, 39,
to rest when it was shown that the condition was an 71, 73, 97). Therefore, individuals with significant and
infection (49, 61, 62, 81, 94, 96) that could be effec- powerful modifiers of the innate and adaptive
tively treated by therapy based on excellent plaque immune responses should not be classified as having
control (95). These findings were of major clinical either chronic or aggressive periodontitis. The term
importance since infections were considered treat- Ôperiodontitis as a manifestation of systemic diseaseÕ
able, whereas degenerative diseases were deemed should only be used when the systemic disease pro-
beyond the scope of conventional therapeutic ap- foundly impairs the ability of the host to cope with
proaches. As a reflection of this changing opinion the bacterial challenge associated with periodontitis.

Armitage & Cullinan

Exacerbation of the periodontal infection becomes so are usually associated with complex combinations of
marked that any existing periodontitis is transformed incompletely understood risk factors and etiological
into a clinically different entity. For example, an agents. Simple cause-and-effect dual-purpose clas-
uncomplicated case of chronic periodontitis super- sification and diagnostic statements (e.g. strepto-
imposed on a patient with severe neutropenia be- coccal sore throat) are not possible because of an
comes a periodontal infection with a significantly insufficient understanding of the etiopathogenesis of
modified clinical course. Effective treatment of such a the disease. Classification systems for these types of
systemically modified infection requires a different diseases are useful in studying disease patterns and
strategy than would be routinely used for a medically types in large populations of patients. They can
healthy individual with chronic periodontitis. provide a framework for studying the epidemiology,
This raises the interesting question ÔAt what point etiology and treatment outcomes for a given group
does a modifier of host immune responses become so of similar diseases (6). Such systems can serve as a
important that the periodontitis becomes a manifes- starting point for considering a diagnosis for a given
tation of that modifier?Õ. There is no simple answer to patient, but are ill-suited for direct and rigid appli-
this question. In a patient with severe chronic perio- cation to individuals. Indeed, one of the main
dontitis who also has poorly controlled type 2 diabe- objections to the 1999 classification has been from
tes mellitus, there are excellent data to show that the those who have found it difficult to apply the system
systemic disease (i.e. diabetes) significantly modifies to individual patients and have therefore advocated
the course of the periodontal infection (35, 69, 84, 89). a nominalistic or descriptive approach to the clas-
It can be argued that the periodontal disease in such a sification of periodontitis (9, 59, 91, 92). Van der
patient could properly be categorized as any of the Velden (93) has stated that it would be worthless to
following: (i) diabetes-associated chronic periodonti- group periodontal diseases on the basis of their
tis, (ii) periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic probable causes since Ô…the causal web for perio-
disease, or (iii) diabetes-associated periodontitis. In dontitis is so complex and involves so many differ-
the last two categories, omission of the term ÔchronicÕ ent constellations that a classification based on
implies that the periodontitis has become a different etiology is effectively precludedÕ. Part of the problem
entity than a routine and relatively uncomplicated for those who have resisted acceptance of the 1999
form of slowly progressing periodontal disease. In this system is that they have attempted to use a classi-
case, for all practical purposes, it does not matter fication scheme to generate clinical diagnoses for
what the condition is called so long as it is recognized individual patients. As mentioned above, any exist-
that medical management of the systemic disease is ing classification system for periodontal infections
an important component of successful treatment of cannot be simply applied to generate diagnoses for
the periodontal infection. A similar situation exists in patients with these types of multifactorial diseases.
heavy cigarette smokers whose longstanding habit is Such systems are not intended to be rigidly and
clearly a powerful modifier of the severity of perio- inflexibly used to generate a diagnosis for an indi-
dontal infections (43, 72). Should a longtime heavy vidual patient. The best these systems can do is
smoker with severe chronic periodontitis be catego- to serve as a first step in generating a clinically
rized as having: (i) chronic periodontitis in a smoker, meaningful diagnosis for an individual.
(ii) smoking-associated chronic periodontitis, or A diagnosis is a summary statement of the clini-
simply (iii) smoking-associated periodontitis? Again, cianÕs best estimate regarding the disease or condi-
in clinical practice, it does not matter what the con- tion detected in a given patient. It is derived from a
dition is called so long as it is recognized that the thorough analysis of all information collected during
treatment of the periodontal infection should a review of relevant data from medical ⁄ dental his-
include recommendation or inclusion of a program tories, the results of diagnostic tests, and findings
of smoking cessation. from a careful clinical examination (5, 6). Most
importantly, a diagnosis should be a short and con-
cise statement that conveys an idea or mental picture
Classification systems versus of what disease or condition is present in a specific
diagnoses patient. It is extremely valuable in communication
with colleagues and provides a basis for thinking
Classification systems and diagnoses often serve about appropriate treatment approaches. For a vari-
different functions when multifactorial diseases or ety of practical reasons, such as categorizing a dis-
conditions are under consideration. Such diseases ease for third-party payment purposes, it should be

Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

possible to fit the diagnosis assigned to a specific management of specific patients in clinical practice,
patient somewhere into a currently recognized or as the diagnosis is tailor-made for the individual.
widely used classification system. The fit of the
diagnosis into the classification system does not have
to be precise, somewhere in the general vicinity is
usually sufficient. Clinicians should avoid rigid Significant clinical differences
application of disease-category definitions of classi- between chronic and aggressive
fication systems in arriving at a diagnosis. For periodontitis
example, arguments among clinicians about whether
the patient has chronic or aggressive periodontitis are Although similar in many general or overall respects,
pointless, especially if the proposed treatment is it has been suggested that chronic and aggressive
going to be the same. forms of periodontitis have a number of significant
This flexibility is not possible for clinician scien- clinical differences including: (i) age of onset (i.e.
tists who intend to carefully study the epidemiology, detection), (ii) rates of progression, (iii) patterns of
etiology or treatment for a well-defined group of destruction, (iv) clinical signs of inflammation and (v)
periodontal infections. Prior to performing their relative abundance of plaque and calculus. Indeed,
study, the investigators should use or adopt a clas- combinations of these clinical differences are the
sification system that can be reproducibly applied to primary basis for placing affected individuals into
a study population. For example, if epidemiologists one of the three major categories of periodontitis (i.e.
intend to study the prevalence of severe generalized chronic periodontitis, localized aggressive periodon-
aggressive periodontitis in a given population, they titis and generalized aggressive periodontitis).
must first agree upon an acceptable Ôcase definitionÕ Localized and generalized chronic periodontitis are
for the disease. Such a case definition must be able usually considered to be two clinical expressions of
to clearly distinguish individuals without overlap the same disease. In both cases, there are similar
with other disease categories. If a new anti-infective signs of inflammation (e.g. redness, swelling, bleed-
treatment for generalized severe chronic periodon- ing on probing) associated with moderate to heavy
titis is going to be tested, investigators must agree deposits of plaque and calculus. They also share slow
on the disease criteria (i.e. inclusion ⁄ exclusion cri- rates of progression, affect similar populations (e.g.
teria) for potential study volunteers prior to starting age range, gender), and are associated with similar
the study. Disease category definitions found in genetic and environmental risk factors. Except for a
classification systems can be extremely important in general tendency to exhibit bilateral symmetry (60),
planning most types of clinical studies. In these no consistent pattern of destruction is usually ob-
situations, arguments among scientists about whe- served. In addition, there do not appear to be any
ther a potential study volunteer has chronic or noticeable differences in the subgingival microbiota
aggressive periodontitis are very important. Their (7) or histopathological features (82) between local-
decision will influence how the results of the ized and generalized forms of the disease.
investigation will be interpreted. For example, the In contrast, localized and generalized aggressive
presence of severe disease does not necessarily periodontitis can be considered to be different dis-
mean that the condition should be classified as eases. In localized aggressive periodontitis, especially
aggressive periodontitis. The case definition of in its early stages, there are often only minimal signs
aggressive periodontitis needs to include as many of of clinical inflammation associated with a thin and
the primary features as possible to discriminate unimpressive biofilm on the affected tooth surfaces
sufficiently between a severe case of chronic peri- (10). Fig. 1 shows a 17-year-old Hispanic female with
odontitis and aggressive periodontitis. Unfortu- localized aggressive periodontitis on the mesial sur-
nately, at the current time, there is no universal face of a mandibular first molar. There was only mild
agreement among researchers as to the optimal or inflammation, no detectable supragingival or sub-
best case definitions for studies of periodontal dis- gingival dental calculus, and the lesion was associ-
eases (25, 56, 74). In addition, no existing or pro- ated with a relatively thin biofilm. Fig. 2 shows the
posed classification system is able to provide precise appearance of a 15-year-old white male with gener-
guidelines for selecting an optimal case definition. alized aggressive periodontitis affecting most of the
This problem has been around for a long time and permanent dentition. There were very heavy deposits
will not be resolved anytime soon. Fortunately, the of plaque and calculus and extremely intense
case definition problem is not a major issue in the gingival inflammation. Although there are extensive

Armitage & Cullinan

A in both conditions, with the only difference being the

number of affected teeth or pattern of damage (i.e.
localized to incisors and molars versus generalized
involvement). However, the two forms of aggressive
periodontitis appear to be associated with somewhat
different bacterial profiles in the subgingival micro-
biota (7) and have separate genetic risk factors (79).

Age of onset
The age of onset, or age at the time of detection, is an
important feature that has traditionally been used to
help place patients in either the aggressive or chronic
periodontitis category. The 1999 classification rec-
ommended deletion of age-dependent terms such as
ÔadultÕ and ÔjuvenileÕ periodontitis since age is not an
appropriate descriptor for use in diagnostic catego-
ries (3). There was considerable uncertainty about
setting arbitrary upper age limits for certain forms of
periodontitis. For example, it was not clear what
criteria should be used to distinguish between an
adult and a juvenile. Should one use legal definitions
for the age ranges of an adult versus juvenile, or
should an attempt be made to develop a more
Fig. 1. (A) Clinical appearance of the mandibular right biologically based definition? Therefore, the age-
gingiva in a 17-year-old Hispanic female with localized
dependent categories were eliminated from the
aggressive periodontitis. The mesial surface of the first
molar had a probing depth of 8 mm, with 7 mm of clinical
attachment loss. There was some bleeding on probing Nevertheless, age is still an important characteristic
immediately after the site was examined. Note that there that can be useful in differentiating between chronic
are no heavy deposits of supragingival dental plaque. (B) and aggressive forms of periodontitis. Given similar
Radiograph of the site shown in (A).
amounts of periodontal damage (i.e. probing depths,
attachment loss, alveolar bone resorption), people
differences between the clinical appearance of the with aggressive periodontitis are significantly youn-
patients shown in Figs 1 and 2, this striking contrast ger than individuals with chronic periodontitis. The
is not always found when comparing the two dis- age difference is a general feature that can be useful
eases. In some instances, the levels of inflammation in preliminarily deciding whether a patient has
and amounts of plaque are approximately the same chronic or aggressive periodontitis. However, there is


Fig. 2. (A) Clinical appearance of the gingival tissues in a shown in Fig. 1. (B) Representative radiographs showing
15-year-old white male with generalized aggressive perio- examples of the massive bone loss that was present on
dontitis. Note the intense gingival inflammation and heavy virtually all teeth.
deposits of plaque and calculus. Compare with the patient

Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

no fixed or arbitrary upper age limit that can be used observation period was provided by the general
for this purpose. It is a mistake to rigidly adhere to an dentist, and included scaling and root planing at
arbitrary age when deciding whether a patient has baseline followed by coronal polishing (Ôoral pro-
chronic or aggressive periodontitis. It is pointless for phylaxisÕ) once a year. Appropriate periodontal
clinicians to argue about what is the best cut-off age maintenance therapy was not provided. The average
to distinguish between aggressive and chronic perio- annual rate of progression was approximately
dontitis (e.g. should it be 30 or 35 years?). In fact, the 0.25 mm at affected sites.
diagnostic label is unimportant as the treatment of a Rates of progression of various forms of perio-
30-year-old patient with severe periodontitis will dontitis are difficult to study in a formal or organized
probably be the same regardless of what the disease way since there are many factors that influence how
is called. However, for research purposes and rapidly periodontal tissues are destroyed. Progression
depending on the research question, it may well be of periodontal diseases is affected by the effective-
reasonable to include age limits in case definitions to ness of oral hygiene habits, access to dental care,
reduce heterogeneity within study groups and to genetically controlled susceptibility to periodontal
ensure that there is no overlap in disease categories. infections, certain systemic diseases (e.g. diabetes
mellitus) and other powerful host-response modifiers
(e.g. smoking). Several longitudinal studies have
Rates of progression
demonstrated that there is a tendency for increased
The rate at which loss of supporting periodontal tis- progression of periodontitis with age (2, 8, 52, 65, 77).
sues occurs has long been considered an important In the few studies that have been performed on the
characteristic by which chronic and aggressive forms natural history of progression of chronic periodon-
of periodontitis can be clinically distinguished. titis, the disease was found to progress at a full-
Chronic periodontitis has traditionally been viewed mouth average rate of approximately 0.2 mm ⁄
as a slowly progressing disease, whereas aggressive year (15, 50, 52, 53, 65, 88). On a population basis,
forms of periodontitis progress at a rapid rate (10). untreated chronic periodontitis progresses slowly
Baer estimated that the loss of attachment in over time, and the 0.2 mm ⁄ year rate appears to be
aggressive periodontitis patients progressed three or applicable to sites without prior attachment loss as
four times faster than in cases of chronic periodon- well as to those with advanced disease at the initial
titis (10). examination (50).
Figures 3 and 4 show the progression of chronic In contrast, there are forms of periodontitis with
periodontitis in posterior regions of the mandible faster rates of progression. In a longitudinal study of
over a 9-year period in a white male who was 51 years Sri Lankan workers on a tea plantation, one group
of age at baseline. Periodontal treatment during this of individuals lost, on a full-mouth basis, an average


Fig. 3. Progression of bone loss over

a 9-year period in a patient with
chronic periodontitis without fol-
low-up periodontal maintenance
care. No maintenance care was gi-
ven after an initial subgingival scal-
ing at the baseline visit. (A) Age
51 years at baseline prior to sub-
gingival scaling by a general dentist.
(B) Age 51 years, immediately after
scaling. (C) Age 56 years; note the
additional loss of bone on the distal
surface of the first molar. (D) Age
60 years; note the additional loss of

Armitage & Cullinan


Fig. 4. Progression of bone loss over

a 9-year period in a patient with
chronic periodontitis without fol-
low-up periodontal maintenance
care. This is the same patient as
shown in Fig. 3. (A) Age 51 years,
immediately after subgingival scal-
ing. (B) Age 56 years; note the addi-
tional bone loss. (C) Age 60 years;
note the additional bone loss
including the furcation area of the
first molar.

of 0.46 mm ⁄ year (53). This group was referred to as nostic label (i.e. periodontosis) led her dentist to
Ôrapidly progressiveÕ, and would probably be classi- believe that her disease was untreatable. Most den-
fied as generalized aggressive periodontitis using the tists trained prior to 1960 were taught that the disease
current system of nomenclature. However, in a lon- would not respond to conventional therapy.
gitudinal assessment of young individuals with There is a long-standing clinical impression that
localized aggressive periodontitis (n = 40) or gener- the rate of disease progression slows down or stops
alized aggressive periodontitis (n = 48), it was found entirely in a small percentage of patients with local-
that the average full-mouth rate of attachment loss ized aggressive periodontitis (10, 45). Baer (10)
was only 0.06 mm ⁄ year (36). The reasons for this referred to this phenomenon as Ôburn outÕ of the
difference are unclear, but many of the patients in the disease. A possible example of this apparent self-
latter study received some form of periodontal ther- limiting feature of the disease is shown in Fig. 6, in
apy. Further, use of full-mouth averages probably which there was no radiographic evidence of pro-
had a diluting effect, especially in the case of local- gression of untreated localized aggressive periodon-
ized aggressive periodontitis where the majority of titis in a white female from the age of 12 to 16 years.
sites are unaffected and show no attachment loss. The patient was temporarily lost to follow-up and
The most compelling argument indicating that received no periodontal therapy during the 4-year
aggressive periodontitis progresses at a rapid rate period. Fig. 7 shows a 24-year-old African-American
comes from case series and epidemiological reports female who had periodontal destruction localized to
showing extensive periodontal damage at some sites all first molars and two mandibular incisors in a
in adolescents and young adults (10, 18, 49, 57, 76). pattern consistent with that observed in cases of
Fig. 5 shows the relatively rapid progression of localized aggressive periodontitis. She had no history
untreated localized aggressive periodontitis over an of any periodontal therapy and her periodontal
8-year period in a white female who was 12 years of tissues had minimal to no signs of clinical inflam-
age at baseline. At affected sites, the annual rate of mation. In these two cases, it is possible that the
progression was approximately 1–2 mm. The radio- periodontal disease had merely gone into remission
graphs were taken in the early 1960s and were re- and could become active sometime in the future.
trieved from old dental records. The patient was There are data suggesting that the progression of
regularly seen by her general dentist, who assigned periodontal diseases is an episodic phenomenon,
her a diagnosis of ÔperiodontosisÕ. She was provided with alternating periods of exacerbation and remis-
with oral prophylaxis at 6-month intervals. Her den- sion (28). In a longitudinal study of patients with ei-
tist believed that she had a degenerative periodontal ther localized or generalized forms of aggressive
disease that would not respond to anti-infective periodontitis, Gunsolley et al. (36) noted that the
therapy. This is an excellent example of how a diag- localized form appeared to be a Ôstable disease in

Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis




Fig. 5. Progression of bone loss over

an 8-year period in a white female
with untreated localized aggressive
periodontitis. Radiographs were re-
trieved from dental records from the
G 1960s. The patientÕs general dentist
believed that the patient had an
untreatable degenerative disease
(i.e. ÔperiodontosisÕ). (A) Age 12 years
+ 2 months. (B) Age 13 years + 4
months. (C) Age 14 years + 1 month.
(D) Age 16 years + 1 month. (E) Age
18 years + 7 months. (F) Age 19
years + 5 months. (G) Age 20 years
+ 4 months.

most individualsÕ, whereas individuals with the gen- that was not treated and appears to have spread to
eralized form continued to lose periodontal attach- the mandibular bicuspids and the cuspid on the
ment and teeth over time. Despite this observation, it mandibular left side. It is of interest that the infection
should not be assumed that all, or even most, cases of on the mandibular right side does not appear to have
localized aggressive periodontitis will be self-limiting. involved the bicuspids and cuspid. This is the same
Indeed, in the study by Gunsolley et al. (36), it was patient who is shown in Fig. 5 whose periodontal
found that two of the 42 patients initially diagnosed infection was mistakenly thought to be an untreat-
with localized aggressive periodontitis were re-clas- able degenerative disease (i.e. periodontosis) by her
sified as having the generalized form of the disease at general dentist in the 1960s. It is clear that the peri-
the end of a 3-year observation period. This is con- odontal infection is not limited to the permanent first
sistent with the conclusions of Hørmand & Frandsen molars and incisors in this patient. At the present
(40) and Saxén (75) who suggested, based on cross- time, it is not possible to predict when, or if, a peri-
sectional data, that localized forms of the disease odontal infection will go into remission or become
become generalized with increasing age. self-limiting. It must be assumed that localized
Fig. 8 shows radiographs of a 20-year-old white periodontal infections have the potential to spread to
female who had localized aggressive periodontitis adjacent teeth and must be treated accordingly.

Armitage & Cullinan


Fig. 6. Possible example of self-

limiting of untreated localized
C aggressive periodontitis over a
4-year period in a white female. (A)
Age 12 years, radiographic appear-
ance of bone loss on the distal of the
first molar. (B) Age 16 years, radio-
graphic appearance of the same site
4 years later. The patient was lost to
follow-up and had received no
periodontal therapy in the inter-
vening period. (C) Clinical appear-
ance at age 16 years.

It is possible that instances where localized is Ô…attachment loss on 8 or more teeth, at least 3 of
aggressive periodontitis appears to spread to adjacent which were not first molars or incisorsÕ. These case
teeth and acquire a generalized pattern of destruction definitions may be useful for the purposes of epide-
are due to the development of a new periodontal miological investigations but they lose most of their
infection rather than the spread of an existing one. clinical utility in the diagnosis and management of an
This possibility is supported by the observation of individual patient. For example, if only eight teeth are
multiple types of periodontitis in the same family (54, affected, most clinicians would characterize the
58, 85) or in a single individual (80). This issue is disease as a localized rather than a generalized
primarily of academic interest as it is likely that condition.
treatment would be the same for a spreading infec- It was the consensus of the group at the 1999
tion or superimposition of a new infection on an old Classification Workshop that the extent of the dis-
one. ease be considered localized if £ 30% of the sites (or
teeth) are affected, and generalized if > 30% of the
sites (or teeth) are involved (3). This suggestion was
Patterns of destruction
not based on any data and was completely arbitrary.
In cases of chronic periodontitis, there is no consis- The only reason for including a description of the
tent pattern to the number and types of teeth in- extent of the disease is to facilitate communication
volved. The disease can be localized to a few teeth or among colleagues as to the general location of the
can affect the entire dentition. There is a slight ten- problem. For example, in written communications,
dency for the destruction to exhibit bilateral sym- most clinicians simply state the diagnosis (e.g.
metry (60), but there is no well-defined pattern in chronic periodontitis) followed by a list of the af-
most cases. In cases of generalized aggressive peri- fected teeth. When the list of the affected teeth be-
odontitis, most permanent teeth are usually affected. comes quite long, it is often easier to merely indicate
There are no evidence-based criteria to determine that the disease is generalized. The fallacy of rigidly
when a localized periodontal infection becomes using the 30% cut-off point between localized and
generalized. The 1999 classification (45) suggested generalized patterns of disease is nicely demon-
that the pattern of damage in generalized aggressive strated in a classic case of localized aggressive peri-
periodontitis includes situations where there is odontitis in which 12 teeth are affected (i.e. all
Ô…generalized interproximal attachment loss affect- incisors and first molars). If such a patient has only
ing at least three permanent teeth other than first 28 teeth, then 12 ⁄ 28 or 42.9% teeth have the dis-
molars and incisorsÕ. This is similar to the criteria ease. Therefore, if the 30% figure is rigidly applied,
used by Burmeister et al. (18), who suggested that a some individuals with localized aggressive perio-
generalized pattern of destruction is present if there dontitis paradoxically have generalized disease!

Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis


Fig. 7. Possible example of self-limiting of untreated Radiographically visible bone loss localized to all first
localized aggressive periodontitis in a 24-year-old African molars. (F) Clinical and radiographic appearance of the
American female. (A) Gingival tissues show no obvious mandibular right first molar. Note the absence of clinically
clinical signs of inflammation. (B) Healthy gingival tissues visible inflammation and supragingival plaque. There was
on anterior palate. (C) Slight gingival inflammation with slight bleeding on probing of the mesial and distal inter-
visible supragingival calculus on the distal surface of the proximal surfaces. Based on these findings, it is impossi-
mandibular left central incisor. (D) Radiographs of the ble to determine whether the disease is in remission or
anterior teeth showing bone loss isolated to a few sites. (E) progressing.

Fig. 9 shows a classic case of localized aggressive ranged from 3 to 6, whereas in the seven patients
periodontitis in a 19-year-old white male in whom 12 with chronic periodontitis, the number ranged from
permanent teeth were affected (i.e. all maxillary and 18 to 28. This is consistent with the observations of
mandibular incisors and first molars). This pattern is other investigators who reported similar variations in
probably the exception rather than the rule (18). In the patterns or numbers of affected teeth (12, 18, 40,
many cases, a subset of these teeth are affected, often 42, 76).
only including the first molars and a few incisors. In In some instances, the isolated periodontal damage
the case series reported by Liljenberg & Lindhe (49), associated with localized aggressive periodontitis can
of the eight patients with localized aggressive perio- be mimicked by an infection around a retained root
dontitis, the number of affected teeth per patient fragment of a primary tooth. Fig. 10A shows a

Armitage & Cullinan


Fig. 8. Radiographic appearance of
untreated localized aggressive perio-
dontitis in a 20-year-old white
female. This is the same patient as
shown in Fig. 5. (A) On the right
side, the periodontal infection has
apparently spread to the adjacent
teeth. (B) On the left side, there is no
radiographic evidence that the dis-
ease has affected the adjacent
bicuspids. (C) Radiographs showing
the pattern of bone loss in the entire
mandibular anterior region.

radiograph from a 10-year-old female with a retained According to the 1999 classification system (3), the
root fragment of a carious primary tooth adjacent to patientÕs problem could be classified as a periodontal
the mesial surface of a mandibular left permanent abscess (associated with a root fragment) or a gingi-
first molar (i.e. tooth 19). Similar cases have been val lesion (not otherwise specified). No clinically
reported in the literature (55). Bitewing radiographs useful purpose is served by forcing the patientÕs
(Fig. 10B,C) show that the bone loss was only on the problem into the existing matrix of a classification
left side, and that this patient had a severe problem system. Although not likely, the working diagnosis
with multiple carious teeth. The root fragment was might be wrong, and the patient may actually have
most certainly heavily colonized by bacteria, which localized aggressive periodontitis isolated to the
presumably resulted in a biofilm-induced destruction mesial surface of a single molar.
of the periodontal tissues on the permanent molar.
An appropriate working diagnosis for such a situation
Clinical signs of inflammation
might be: Ôsevere periodontitis on the mesial of tooth
19 associated with a retained root fragment of a pri- One of the features of localized aggressive perio-
mary molarÕ. In this case, it is unnecessary to include dontitis described originally was the relatively low
any decision on the type of periodontitis (i.e. chronic level of gingival inflammation (e.g. redness, swelling)
versus aggressive). It serves no purpose in the compared with other forms of periodontitis (10, 29–
management of the problem. Appropriate treatment 33, 63). It was this observation that was partly
included removal of the root fragment and debride- responsible for early authors concluding that the
ment of the site. condition was a degenerative non-inflammatory dis-
The above case is a good example of the limitations ease. In fact, most patients with the disease often
of any classification system when a diagnostic state- exhibit some clinical inflammation at affected sites,
ment for a specific patient is being generated. such as bleeding upon gentle probing along with

Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis


Fig. 9. Localized aggressive periodontitis in a 19-year-old redness) around all incisors. (C) Lingual view of lower
white male in whom all permanent incisors and first anterior teeth showing gingival inflammation. (D) Re-
molars were affected. There was no significant involve- presentative radiographs showing massive bone loss
ment on any of the other teeth. (A) Facial view. (B) Palatal confined to first molars and incisors.
view of maxilla showing slight inflammation (i.e. gingival


Fig. 10. (A) Radiograph showing periodontal damage on fragment from a primary tooth is the likely reason for the
the mesial surface of a mandibular first permanent molar bone loss. (B) Bitewing radiographs showing that bone
in a 10-year-old white male. The lesion resembles the loss is only found at the site with the retained root.
pattern of bone loss found in cases of localized aggressive Note the numerous carious lesions visible in the radio-
periodontitis. However, infection around a retained root graphs.

slight redness and swelling of the gingival margin very deep probing depths together with massive loss
(Fig. 9B,C). Burmeister et al. (18) examined a popu- of periodontal support, the clinical inflammation can
lation of these patients and found that the gingival be quite marked (Fig. 11). In contrast, patients with
index, gingival bleeding and suppuration scores at generalized aggressive or chronic forms of perio-
sites with attachment loss were equally high in pa- dontitis usually present with relatively intense gingi-
tients with localized or generalized forms of aggres- val inflammation (Figs. 2 and 12). The reasons for
sive periodontitis. Late in the disease, when there are these differences are not understood, but they are

Armitage & Cullinan


Fig. 11. Late signs of localized

aggressive periodontitis. Migration
and drifting of teeth with marked
gingival inflammation. (A) Facial
view of maxillary anteriors. Note the
diastema between the central and
lateral incisor. (B) Palatal view. (C)
Facial view of mandibular incisors.
One central incisor has been lost.
(D) Lingual view of the same site.

The microbiota on the root surfaces was described as

Ô…relatively sparse and simpleÕ (51). In contrast, teeth
with chronic periodontitis usually have very complex
and thick deposits of polymicrobial communities on
affected root surfaces (51). In addition, population
surveys of patients with localized aggressive perio-
dontitis have shown that there are clinically detect-
able biofilms at affected sites (18).

Summary and Conclusions

Overall, while most clinicians would agree that
aggressive forms of periodontitis exist as clinical
entities, the clinical distinction between chronic and
Fig. 12. Severe inflammation, marked gingival recession,
and heavy deposits of calculus in a 47-year-old white male aggressive periodontitis (especially generalized) is
with chronic periodontitis. not clear cut. This may not be all that significant from
a treatment perspective, in so far as individualized
probably related to the time of initial presentation anti-infective therapies are effective for both forms of
and hence amounts of microbial biomass that form the disease. However, from a research perspective, it
on tooth surfaces over time. In localized aggressive is essential that these diseases be clearly distin-
periodontitis, the biofilms that form on tooth sur- guished in order to gain a complete understanding of
faces are often quite thin, but these deposits are their etiology and pathogenesis. The relative lack of
usually quite thick and abundant in the other forms clinical inflammation often associated with the
of periodontitis (51). localized molar-and-incisor form of aggressive peri-
odontitis has been commented on for almost
100 years, and it is generally accepted that this form
Plaque and calculus formation
of the disease is associated with a thin biofilm, at
In many patients with localized aggressive perio- least in its early stages. In contrast, the presence of
dontitis, there are only thin deposits of dental plaque clinical inflammation in generalized aggressive peri-
(i.e. biofilm), with little or no calculus (10, 49, 51). odontitis appears to be similar to that observed in
However, sites affected by the disease are not bio- chronic periodontitis, and in this situation age of
film-free. Electron microscopic observations of teeth onset and family history are important additional
extracted because of localized aggressive periodon- criteria for either diagnosis or classification. It is also
titis revealed that root surfaces were covered with generally recognized that chronic periodontitis may
thin deposits of gram-negative coccoid and filamen- subsequently be superimposed on both localized and
tous bacteria together with other microorganisms. generalized forms of aggressive periodontitis. While

Comparison of the clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis

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