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Name: Vixlianne Brightsun

Title: Vixilianne The Magnificently Spooky (unofficial)

Race: Sin'dorei (Blood Elf)
Sub Race: San'Layn (vampire)
Class: Warlock
Eye Color: Fel Green (Illusion) Bright Red (natural)
Age: 125
Weight: 112Lbs
Height: 5'11
Body Shape: Slender
Birthplace: Quel'thalas
Residence: Pyrewood Village
Nicknames: Vixi

Vixilianne is a slender Sin'dorei of average height. She tends to wear dark and
scary looking robes with a hood or veil because she enjoys spooking people. Her
skin is pale and covered in cryptic looking, purple tattoos. She would lead you to
believe that these are the words of some dark ritual in a strange language when in
reality theyre just meaningless scribbles. When not covered by some sort of hood or
veil her face is actually quite fair in appearence. Sharp angles and a high brow
give her an almost noble appearence but that illusion is quickly taken away when
one notes the lopsided grin that she almost always displays. Her raven black hair
tumbles down her shoulders and over her respectable bust and tends to not cooperate
with her attempts at styling it. She also likes to wear dark makeup, purple being
the color of choice

Quick Facts!
Vixi has an older sister named Thalsaira, who she is terrified of
Vixi is a bit of a masochist... ok more than a bit. She has an obsession with
experiencing different types of pain and the sensations they offer.
Vixi often suffers from very intense Night Terrors involving her older sister,
Vixi likes to give people nicknames
Vixi has a Wrathsteed named Otis
Vixi is very easily distracted
Vixi tends to babble and go off on tangents
Vixi has had some truly horrific injuries over the years including, but not limited
to, being burned alive in lava, having her limbs chopped off, and being forced to
swallow corrosive acid amongst other things. Luckily healthiness is just a
soulstone or a healthstone away!
Vixi is TERRIBLE at keeping secrets.
Vixi has a hard time understanding metaphors and sarcasm, often misunderstanding or
taking them literally.
Vixi does not mind mentioning her past casually but in depth conversation scares
her and can lead to panic attacks.
Vixi has an absurdly high pain tolerance.
Vixi has created her own versions of Healthstones and Soulstones that function much
more effectively with a small downside.
Vixi loves to be the center of attention
Vixi is quite flirtacious, especially with women.
Vixi enjoys collecting and wearing costumes, current costumes include a pirate, a
white ninja, a rich noble, and a creepy cultist.
Vixi has died a whopping thirty two thousand four hundred and fifty nine times
Vixi has taken up residence in an abandoned human village called Pyrewood Village
near the Ruins of Gilneas
The name of her Scythe is Mahcrj, The Soul Reaper.

Vixi is a prankster and a goofball, she loves getting people riled up only to watch
them fall flat on their face when they give chase because she had tied their shoe
laces together earlier. She likes to spin tall tales that are usually quite
obviously false that make her out to be a much more powerful warlock than she
actually is, though she is still quite strong.. She tends to be fearless and
stubborn, both of which have gotten her into tough situations. She also enjoys
torturing her enemies with dark magic, she is a master of affliction spells and can
cause a great deal of pain with little effort. She comes off as extremely childish,
but can be serious when she chooses to... she just chooses not to more often than
not. She has a rather bad habit of walking up to strangers who have dangerous
looking weapons or armor and attempting to get them to use said dangerous items to
harm her. If it wasnt obvious, she has an unusual obsession with the sensation of
pain and will often purposely put herself in dangerous situations that will result
in her being maimed or injured. From drinking poison, to self mutilation she's done
just about every painful thing you can think of to hserlf. Luckily, being a
warlock, she has access to various demonic magics and has created a more powerful
version of the Warlock's signature Soulstones and Healhstones that heal MUCH faster
and much more effectively but come at the cost of a reduced lifespan based on the
damage healed. Be it missing limbs or a totally disintigrated body she can heal
herself or bring herself back to life so long as she has one or both of thsee
stones handy. Despite an incredibly dark and disturbing past she maintains a bright
outlook on life and is almost always in good, if not psychotic, spirits. She can
often be found walking around with her succubus, Angriana, and an adorable kitten
named Miss Snugglebutt

When Vixi was a little girl she and her sister were abducted by a dark and namless
cult. The goal of this group was to study and understand the Old Gods and they
performed experiments on captured subjects in order to better understand the
effects they had on the living. Vixi and her older sister were quickly locked up
with all of the other captives they had taken. Elves, Tauren, Draenei, of all ages
and genders. It didnt seem to matter to this cult who they took. After a few days
without any food and barely any water the experiments had begun. Vixi and her
sister were separated from one another and didnt end up seeing eachother for around
a century after that. All manner of experiments and torture were performed on the
poor Sin'dorei child. For the first few decades the pain was nearly unbearable. The
experiments performed on her were to test what limits a mortal body could be taken
to before death took them. Time after time Vixi wished they would just kill her and
be done with it. But death was not an escape for her, every time she couldnt bare
the torture and her life was lost they would simply resurrect her, record the
results, and lock her in her cage until it was time for the next experimented. This
continued daily for the next century or so and she died countless times. Eventually
Vixilianne cracked, her sanity pushed over the edge. She learned to ignore the
pain, and eventually to enjoy it. After seventy years of daily torture she looked
forward to what the next experiment would be and gleefully played along, all the
way working up a way to escape. As much fun as she was having now things had
started to get boring, the methods of torture less effective and more reptitive,
and she longed to see her sister again. Another thirty years passed and she had
finally had enough of the monotony and decided she was going to break out. In the
time between her tortures she studied these cultist, watching and learning their
magic. A century was a long time, plenty of time for her to gain mastery over the
magic of Warlocks. When the time was right she sprung her trap and after what felt
like hours she had managed to kill a majority of the cultists who had tortured her
for so long. She was unable to find her sister amongst the carnage and eventually
wandered off to rejoin society. It had been far too long and she had much to learn.
A lot can happen in a century, and the world was not as she left it all those years

At a glance
1: Unnaturally attractive. Vixi’s Facial features seem almost too perfect.
2: A little off. Vixi isnt quite right in the head, and comes off as rather
3: Flickering Features. Vixi's face seems to almost flicker sometimes if one
looks hard
enough, almost as if there was an illusion...
4: Masochist: Vixi quite obviously does not avoid dangerous situations and
enjoys the
unique sensation of pain.
5: Container of Ashes: Vixi has a small, cat shaped container filled with
ashes tied to her
waist. She is NEVER seen without this.

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