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OPINION Vestibular rehabilitation
Susan J. Herdman

Purpose of review
This review examines the research from 2011 through 2012 on treatment efficacy in two common
vestibular disorders – vestibular hypofunction and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
Recent findings
Significant numbers of randomized controlled trials now support the use of specific exercises for the
treatment of patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular hypofunction. We do not know if some treatment
approaches are more effective than others. There is preliminary evidence that head movement may be
the component critical to recovered function and decreased symptoms. Some patient characteristics and
initial assessment results appear to predict treatment outcome but the evidence is incomplete. Treatment
of posterior canal BPPV canalithiasis is well established. New evidence supports certain treatments for
horizontal canal BPPV.
Treatments for unilateral vestibular hypofunction and for posterior canal BPPV are effective; however,
there are many as yet unanswered questions such as why some patients with vestibular hypofunction
do not improve with a course of vestibular exercises. We also do not know what would be the best
treatment for anterior canal BPPV or for multiple-canal involvement BPPV.
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular hypofunction, vestibular rehabilitation

INTRODUCTION movements. Different exercise approaches have

There is compelling evidence that specific exercises been proposed to address these different problems.
are effective in ameliorating the symptomatic Habituation exercises are designed to decrease
and functional problems associated with certain symptoms by systematically provoking those
vestibular disorders. There is also evidence that symptoms [1–4]. Adaptation exercises are based
these exercises are not universally effective, some on inducing long-term changes in the neuronal
patients do not benefit from these exercises, response of the vestibular system to a specific error
and furthermore that there are several vestibular signal – retinal slip. The goals of these exercises are
disorders for which the use of exercise is not appro- to decrease visual blurring during head movement,
priate. This review will explore some of the evidence improve postural stability, and decrease symptoms.
published in 2011 and 2012 on the application The exercises consist of repeated head movements
of vestibular rehabilitation therapy. New and while fixating a small stationary target or a target
promising treatment approaches will also be dis- moving in the opposite direction of the head
cussed. Some research published prior to 2011 has movements performed with progressively greater
been included to provide the necessary background challenges ([5], pp. 314–315). The third traditional
for the review.
Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine and Otolaryngology–Head and
EXERCISES FOR PATIENTS WITH Neck Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, Georgia, USA
VESTIBULAR HYPOFUNCTION Correspondence to Susan J. Herdman, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Professor,
Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine and Otolaryngology–Head
People with unilateral and bilateral vestibular and Neck Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, Center for
hypofunction typically have subjective complaints Rehabilitation Medicine, Rm 228, 1441 Clifton Rd, NE Atlanta, GA
of dizziness and dysequilibrium, motion sensitivity, 30322, USA. Tel: +1 404 712 0612; fax: +1 404 712 5895; e-mail:
oscillopsia – visual blurring or jumping of the
environment during head movement, as well as Curr Opin Neurol 2013, 26:96–101
gait ataxia and imbalance, especially with head DOI:10.1097/WCO.0b013e32835c5ec4 Volume 26  Number 1  February 2013

Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Vestibular rehabilitation Herdman

tolerated and effective for patients with unilat-

KEY POINTS eral vestibular hypofunction (UVH) or loss.
 Vestibular rehabilitation is effective and well tolerated (2) There is moderate evidence that vestibular
for patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction. rehabilitation therapy is an effective treat-
ment of patients during the acute period after
 New treatments utilizing moving force platforms may resection of vestibular schwannoma or after
be effective adjuncts for the problems associated with
vestibular neuritis.
vestibular hypofunction.
(3) Improvements have been reported in dizziness,
 Some patient characteristics and pretherapy gait and balance, activities of daily living, vision
assessments contribute to poor subjective complaint, during head movements, and quality of life.
slow gait speed and fall risk at discharge, and may (4) There is moderate evidence that these improve-
help therapists predict outcome of vestibular
ments are sustained for months after the reha-
rehabilitation exercises for patients with vestibular
hypofunction. bilitation process ends.

 The canalith repositioning maneuver is considered to

be an effective treatment for posterior canal benign Moving force platform exercise approaches
paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Post-treatment in the treatment of patients with vestibular
instructions are considered optional for treatment. hypofunction
 Evidence now supports the use of the Roll treatment and Several studies have examined whether training
the Gufoni maneuver as treatment for horizontal canal balance on force platforms has an added
BPPV canalithiasis. benefit to the more traditional vestibular exercises.
Nardone et al. [7] compared postural control and
subjective scores of stability in patients perform-
exercise approach, substitution, has patients per- ing Cawthorne–Cooksey habituation exercises
form exercises that foster the substitution of alterna- and patients performing balance training on an
tive strategies to replace the lost or compromised oscillating force platform. Both forms of exercise
vestibular function. The goal of these exercises, such resulted in improved balance and in decreases
as performing eye and head movements between in the subjective rating of dysequilibrium. Winkler
two or more targets and the remembered target and Esses [8] noted that the use of exercises incor-
exercises in which visual fixation is maintained porating platform perturbation with changes in foot
during a head movement performed with eyes position and in visual cues and habituation and gaze
closed, is to improve gaze stability during head stabilization exercises resulted in greater improve-
movement ([5], pp. 311, 315–316). Finally, most ment than habituation and gaze stabilization
vestibular rehabilitation programs include balance exercises alone. Another study compared the effect
and gait exercises, especially while walking or of computerized dynamic posturography and treat-
performing other activities. ment using optokinetic stimulation in patients with
chronic UVH [9]. Both groups improved in the over-
all posturography score but there were differences
Evidence supporting the use of vestibular noted in the performance based on which sensory
rehabilitation exercises in the treatment of cues were altered. Finally, a study by Marioni et al.
patients with vestibular hypofunction [10] demonstrated that gaze stability and weight
A Cochrane Review in 2011 on vestibular rehabili- shifting exercises with biofeedback resulted in
tation added six studies to the 21 identified in the improved stability compared to no treatment.
2007 review [6]. Exercises used in these articles
include habituation, adaptation, and substitution.
These studies compared vestibular rehabilitation Are different treatment approaches equally
therapy for patients with unilateral peripheral ves- effective for vestibular hypofunction?
tibular hypofunction to sham treatments, no treat- Only one study has compared habituation and gaze
ment, and other forms of vestibular rehabilitation stabilization exercises in the treatment of patients
therapy. The patients in all studies were either com- with UVH [11]. This study had a small number
munity dwelling or in-patients following surgery of participants (n ¼ 7) and therefore the results
who had been community dwelling prior to admis- should be considered as preliminary. Furthermore,
sion to the hospital. The authors concluded: the study did not include gait and balance outcome
measures. Nevertheless, in this randomized com-
(1) There is moderate to strong evidence that parison study patients were treated with either
vestibular rehabilitation therapy is both well habituation exercises or gaze stabilization exercises

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Neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology

(adaptation and substitution exercises). Both groups

Table 1. Mean (SD) in outcome measures for patients with peripheral unilateral vestibular hypofunction at baseline and at discharge after a course of

Fall risk (DGI)

improved in measures of handicap, motion

19.8 (3.0)
14.2 (4.0)

sensitivity, and visual acuity during head movement


[computerized dynamic visual acuity (DVA)]. These
findings were unanticipated because while habitu-
ation exercises are designed to reduce symptoms,
they theoretically should not result in an improved

0.80 (0.15)
DVA. Similarly, gaze stabilization exercises are

Gait speed

expected to improve DVA but not necessarily reduce

symptoms, although this has been shown in at


least one previous study [12]. The author suggests
that the important factor for successful outcome for
patients with UVH may be the inclusion of head

0.327 (0.134)
0.210 (0.138)

movements in the exercises.


It is possible that treatment efficacy is not only
dependent on matching the exercise appropriately



to the patient’s problems but also is dependent on
the characteristics of the individual patient.

1.39 (1.4)
2.9 (0.95)


Are there factors that can be identified that


are associated with who will and who will

not show improvement?
Herdman et al. [13 ] examined data from

59 (29.8)
24 (30.1)
209 patients with UVH, all of whom had been % of time

treated with similar courses of vestibular adaptation,


substitution, and balance and gait exercises. As with

numerous other studies, the results documented
that whereas most patients improve with a course

51.5 (16.9)
78.5 (16.0)
of vestibular exercises, some patients do not improve


or improve in only certain areas (Table 1). This



prognostic study examined the relationship between


vestibular adaptation, substitution and balance and gait exercises

patient characteristics, pretreatment measures of

subjective complaints, and physical function and
treatment outcome. The strength of the relation-
visual analogue

ships between patient characteristics, initial sub-

3.97 (2.54)
1.58 (1.91)


jective complaints, and initial physical function

DGI, Dynamic Gait Index; DVA, dynamic visual acuity. Adapted from [13
with outcome measures was determined using



bivariate correlation analysis. Factors or groups of

factors that influenced recovery were determined
using regression analysis. The primary findings of
Oscillopsia visual

the study were:

analogue scale

3.05 (2.66)
0.79 (1.65)


(1) In agreement with previous studies, age did


not affect which patients would improve [14].



However, the current study showed that older

patients walked more slowly and had poorer
visual acuity during head movement than did
Prepost comparison: P value
No. of prepost comparisons

% of patients significantly

younger patients at discharge. This was expected

No. of patients abnormal

95% Confidence interval

because there is a naturally occurring decrement

No. of patients tested

in gait speed and in DVA with age. Older patients

Outcome measures

were also more likely to remain at risk for falls

at baseline

At discharge

than were younger patients. This may reflect slow

At baseline

gait speed as that is a component of scoring in the

Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) test or it may indicate
a lesser degree of recovery in older patients.

98 Volume 26  Number 1  February 2013

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Vestibular rehabilitation Herdman

(2) Time from onset was not related to any out- ‘Vestibular rehabilitation’ for patients with
come, supporting the use of these exercises nonvestibular dizziness
in patients regardless of chronicity. Patients The use of the some of the vestibular rehabilitation
in this study had a mean time from onset of exercises appears to have benefits in people with
14.5 months (range 1 week to 12 years; median nonvestibular imbalance and dizziness. A random-
5.0 months). ized placebo controlled trial studied older people
(3) The presence of different comorbidities did not with nonvestibular dizziness who performed a
affect whether or not improvement occurred. 6-week course of either balance exercises or balance
The exception was the presence of anxiety and/ exercises and gaze stabilization exercises [16].
or depression. They found that both groups improved in all out-
(4) Several patterns were identified in which come measures; however, the group that performed
multiple factors accounted for significant the gaze stabilization exercises had a significantly
percentages of recovery of some of the outcome greater improvement in fall risk compared to the
measures. balance exercises only group.
(a) Poor subjective complaint outcome:
Patients with a high percentage of time
symptoms interfered with activities (%TSI) The future
at discharge were those who had anxiety Although there is insufficient evidence at this
and/or depression and who had a high time to determine the benefits of the use of exercises
%TSI at the time of the initial assessment. in the virtual reality environment, the possibilities
These two factors together accounted for are promising. For example, virtual reality environ-
83.7% (R2 ¼ 0.837) of the outcome. ments can be used to help patients who have
Similarly, patients who rated their dis- difficulty maintaining balance while walking in a
ability as high at discharge had higher busy visual environment. Gaming paradigms are
%TSI initially, worse disability scores also being used in the treatment of patients with
initially, and poor DVA score initially. vestibular hypofunction [17]. Another anticipated
These three factors accounted for 47.8% intervention for patients with vestibular loss is the
(R2 ¼ 0.478) of the disability score at development of implantable vestibular prostheses
discharge. [18]. These prosthetic devices will require the thera-
(b) Slow gait speed at discharge: Patients pist to re-examine which vestibular exercises will be
who walked more slowly at discharge most effective.
had slower gait speed initially and were
older. Approximately 55% of gait speed at
discharge was accounted for by those VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION OF
(c) Fall risk: Patients had lower (poorer) fall POSITIONAL VERTIGO
risk scores at discharge, as measured Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the
by the DGI test, if they had a history most common cause of vertigo due to a peripheral
of falls, had poor fall risk scores initially, vestibular disorder. It is especially common in
and were older. These three factors older persons, making it important that physicians
accounted for 42.5% of DGI at discharge. screen for this disorder considering our growing
Interestingly, initial DVA score, which older population.
has previously been show to predict fall
risk at discharge, was not a significant
factor [15]. Treatment of posterior semi-circular canal
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
The results of this study provide guidelines The effectiveness of exercises for the most common
that therapists and other clinicians can use to form of BPPV, posterior semi-circular canal
develop expectations for recovery. More research canalithiasis, is supported by a Cochrane review
is needed, however, to determine other factors and other systematic reviews. A Cochrane review
that may explain treatment outcome such as noted that the canalith repositioning maneuver
psychological factors including coping mechanisms (CRM) was both well tolerated and effective
and personality traits that may affect recovery. The as a treatment for posterior canal BPPV [19] and
identification of factors that influence recovery a systematic review by Helminski et al. [20]
should lead to different and more effective treat- similarly concluded that the canalith repositioning
ment protocols. procedure is more effective than sham treatments

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Neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology

in managing posterior semi-circular canal canali- weak, with no control groups or with control groups
thiasis. Furthermore, both the American Academy consisting of patients who refused treatment or
of Neurology and the American Association of who could not be treated. Recently a randomized
Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery study examined 170 consecutive patients with HC-
published practice guidelines and concluded that BPPV canalithiasis [28]. The authors reported that
the CRM was an effective treatment for posterior both the roll treatment and the Gufoni maneuver
canal BPPV [21,22]. resulted in a higher remission rate (69.1 and 60.9%,
The original canalith repositioning procedure respectively) than a sham treatment (35.4%) on the
included detailed post-treatment instructions, initial day of treatment. At 1 month after treatment,
such as the patient was to remain upright for treatment efficacy for both the roll and the Gufoni
48 h after the treatment. Numerous studies treatment group was still significantly better
suggested that these post-treatment instructions than the sham treatment group. Another study
are unnecessary. A 2012 Cochrane review, based compared the Gufoni maneuver to a modification
on nine papers, concluded that although there of the Gufoni maneuver in which patients moved to
was a statistically significant improvement in out- the sidelying position in stages rather than in a
come when the post-treatment instructions were single rapid movement [29]. Treatment of the
used, the difference was so small that the use of modified Gufoni resulted in a similar rate of
these post-treatment restrictions was optional [23]. remission (93%) as treatment with the original
Although strong evidence supports the use of Gufoni maneuver (88%). However, the modified
the CRM for the treatment of posterior semi-circular Gufoni resulted in only a 2% conversion to PC-BPPV
canal BPPV (PC-BPPV), there has been little evidence compared to a 16% rate for the original Gufoni
supporting the use of an alternative treatment, the maneuver [29].
Liberatory (Semont) maneuver. Fortunately, two
recent, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-
blinded studies reported a significantly greater per- A final note
centage of remission following using the Liberatory For better or worse the treatment of BPPV has moved
maneuver (86.8 and 84% remission, respectively) into cyberspace. Kerber et al. [30 ] noted that in 2011
compared to the sham treatment groups (0 and there were 33 videos on YouTube that demonstrated
&& &&
14% remission, respectively) [24 ,25 ]. the CRM. The ‘good’ news is that the video with the
most ‘hits’ (over 800 000) was one that accurately
demonstrated the CRM. The ‘bad’ news is that 36%
Advances in the treatment of horizontal of the videos were considered by the authors to
semi-circular canal benign paroxysmal inaccurately demonstrate the treatment. The ease
positional vertigo of access to videos on YouTube may enable patients
One of the difficulties of successfully treating to review treatments that they perform at home.
patients with horizontal semi-circular canal BPPV However, access to inaccurate information may
(HC-BPPV) has been the determination of which delay appropriate treatment and recovery.
side is the affected side. Historically, in the canal-
ithiasis form the affected side is the most sympto-
matic side, and in the cupulolithiasis form the CONCLUSION
affected side is the least symptomatic side. In Although there is an increasing body of knowledge
2006, the ‘bow and lean test’ (BLT) was proposed supporting the use of vestibular exercises, there
as an addition to the roll test to identify the affected are certain important questions that remain
side in HSC-BPPV [26]. In the BLT, the roll test unanswered. First, we do not understand the mech-
is performed first to determine whether the anisms underlying the improvement that occurs
BPPV is canalithiasis or cupulolithiasis based on with various treatment approaches for patients with
the duration of the nystagmus. The BLT is then vestibular hypofunction. Identifying the underlying
performed to determine the affected side by observ- mechanisms should lead to the development
ing the direction of the nystagmus in the bow of better treatment approaches. We do not know
and lean positions. Lee et al. [27] found that the why some patients with vestibular hypofunction do
use of the BLT with the roll test increases treatment not improve with a course of vestibular exercises.
efficacy from 67.4 to 83.1% for the canalithiasis Although we have strong evidence for treatments
form of HC-BPPV and from 61.1 to 74.7% for the for PC-BPPV, and some evidence that supports
cupulolithiasis form of HC-BPPV. certain treatments for HC-BPPV, we do not have
For the most part, evidence of treatment efficacy similar evidence for treatment of anterior canal
for treatment of HC-BPPV canalithiasis has been BPPV nor for multiple-canal BPPV.

100 Volume 26  Number 1  February 2013

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Vestibular rehabilitation Herdman

13. Herdman SJ, Hall CD, Delaune W. Variables associated with outcome in
Acknowledgements && patients with unilateral vestibular hypofunction. Neurorehabil Neural Repair
None. 2012; 26:151–162.
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Conflicts of interest which may help therapists develop more effective treatments for individual patients.
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The author has no financial conflict of interest with vestibular rehabilitation outcomes. Laryngoscope 2002; 112:1785–1790.
15. Hall CD, Schubert MC, Herdman SJ. Prediction of fall risk reduction in indi-
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