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While it is true big billboards is a good advertisement, it cost a ton of money not only to

create, but to also maintain it. Billboard production can cost you a fortune. It’s price varies
depending on the format and construction, but it typically range from $300 to $ 500 (RM1.256-
RM2.094) and the pricier one can even cost you up to $1000(RM4.189) due to the difficulty and the
sheer size of it. When buying a billboard many people thought only the production cost that is
pricey, in reality the maintenance cost can also be quite a hefty price. It usually cost $85(356) per
month just to change the the lights and an extra $30 to keep it clean. In the end of the day, do you
really want to buy and maintain something that cost you an arm and a leg and may not even worth

In the other hand billboard always known for it’s size, design, and placement on the highway
with their flashy shape and unique slogan. For example when people are driving they’re required to
utilize their focus to a higher degree, but if there’s an interesting and colourful ads within line of
sight they’re more compelled to read the ads rather than paying attention to what’s in front of them.
By making the driver lose their focus these so called big billboards can get into an accident or maybe
even looses their lives. While it is true accident caused by distracted by billboard are not as high as
driving intoxicated, it is a percentage that we can easily lower by just removing the big billboards.
After all it’s “better to prevent than to cure”. Why should we allowed big billboards ads that people
may forget even before they got home rather than saving human lives?. After all it’s better to
prevent than to cure.

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