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Name : Tobias Nagma Jumdin (A1M218098)

Muh Syahrul Ramadan (A1M218124)

Assignment : 1st Draft
Floods And Drought

‘’you are not a human if you don’t have a problem’’ – Anonymous. In Indonesia right
now we are facing 2 different problems at the same time. Back in early 2020 all Indonesian who
are living in Jakarta are facing a big floods that is caused by a heavy rain that never stop for
days. In the other hand in few places Indonesia they are facing drought. It is caused by
deforestation which then becomes drought. Both of this are environmental damage is caused by
the human itself who cannot protect the environment. So in this essay I will tell you two
environment problems and the solutions.

According to Wikipedia A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is

usually dry, problem that Indonesia facing every year. It is not Indonesia if there is no flood
because it happening in every year. Some people saying if this is caused because of the
government which not take a serious this issue and some people say it is because the people in
Indonesia are not aware about the environment there’s still a lot of people who throw their
rubbish anywhere they want. ‘’ Jakarta Produces 7,700 Tons of Trash per Day’’ – Sains Kompas,
and its only in Jakarta but unfortunately it is enough to make a big flood every year in Jakarta.

Indonesia is known as the lungs of the world but I think its not gonna stay any longer.
After what happened last year in 2019 which is forest fire that happened in Sumatera and
Kalimantan we couldn’t agree more if global warming is real and affected Indonesian
environment. One of them is drought, it is a serious problem because when a forest get drought a
lot of animals will lost their home and also foods to eat it is happened because the investor gets a
permission to make the conversion of forest into oil palm plantations from the government which
shows how lack of government attention about the environmental damage.

The most important thing that we need to do to stop flooding is to make the people
aware that littering is a bad thing. We already know that Jakarta produces a lot of trash even per
day but unfortunately it is enough to make a big flood every year. That is why I think the best
solution to stop flooding is to make people aware not to litter. Because trash is the main problem
that caused a flood. No matter how much tree that we plant it will never stop flooding if we still
have a lot of trash. To start the movement maybe can make campaign about littering and then we
should doing a socialization about littering to people who are living around the river.
The best solution for overcoming Drought with reforestation. A simple thing but make
a big impact for a our environment. Reforestation would be best done in the upstream area
followed by reducing land conversion in the upstream area, land conversion can reduce the
ability of land to absorb rainwater , reforestation will be useful to reduce sedimentation so that
reservoir siltation will occur. But its going to be great if the people are less aware to the
environment we can teach people since they are kids so when they become an adult they will get
used to it.

To sum up, flooding and drought are environment damage are mostly caused by
human due to ack of knowledge about the environment itself which make a lot of people are
doing litter and tree logging. It may be two different problems but the main culprit who caused
this was the human itself so it is really important to make them realize how big their impact due
to environment. We need to stop littering so we can stop the flood so we can live without any
fear of flooding every year. Forestation is also the best way to stop a drought we can simply
doing this in the upstream areas, simple thing but make a big impact to our future while living in
this world

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