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JL. BRATAYUDHA NO. 150 Kel. Kota Kulon Kec. Garut Kota Kab. Garut - 44112


NAMA : ______________________________
WAKTU : 09.00 – 10.00

A. Cross (X) at the option a, b, c, or d as the right answer!

1. I am wearing a pair of … (sepatu)

a. shoes c. pants
b. hat d. skirt

2. My little sister is wearing a … (rok)

a. shirt c. skirt
b. pants d. uniform

3. … is my favourite food. (donat)

a. bread c. cake
b. doughnuts d. pie

4. I like … very much. (mie)

a. noodles c. meatballs
c. rice d. pizza

5. Do you like an …? (apel)

a. tomato c. pineapple
b. apple d. mango

6. I put my head on the … when I sleep. (bantal)

a. blanket c. pillow
b. bolster d. bed

7. We watch the cartoon movie on … (Televisi)

a. radio c. internet
b. newspaper d. television

8. My mother cooks in the … (dapur)

a. bedroom b. kitchen c. bathroom d. garden

9. We study in the … (sekolah)

a. school b. shop c. market d. park

10. We can see soap, shampoo, bathtub, and toothpaste in the … (kamar mandi)
a. bedroom b. bedroom c. bathroom d. kitchen

11. We can see with our … (mata).

a. ears b. nose c. eyes d. teeth

12. They are listening to music with their … (telinga)

a. nose b. ears c. eyes d. mouth

13. We are … (sedang membaca) a book in the library.

a. watching b. running c. listening to d. reading

14. She is … (sedang minum) a glass of milk.

a. drinking b. eating c. sleeping d. sitting

15. Reza is … (sedang tidur) in his bedroom.

a. swimming b. sleeping c. watching d. eating

16. like – you – Do – spaghetti - ?

The correct arrangements of the above jumbled word is …
a. You like do spaghetti? c. Do you like spaghetti?
b. Like you do spaghetti? d. Do like you spaghetti?

17. are – They – wearing – jacket.

The correct order of the above jumbled words is …
a. They are wearing jacket c. Are they wearing jacket.
b. They are jacket wearing d. They jacket are wearing.

18. My mother buys fruits and vegetables in the … (pasar)

a. school b. garden c. market d. bank

19. I want to drink … (jus mangga)

a. avocado juice b. orange juice c. mango juice d. iced juice

20. It is very cold. Please wear your … (jaket)

a. pyjamas b. sweater c. jacket d. T-shirt

B. Answer the following questions! (Jawablah pertanyaan berikut!)

1. Arrange these jumbled letters into a correct English word!

a. k – e – J – a – t – c = _____________ (jaket) d. h – u – M – o – t = ________(mulut)
b. c – h – e – K – i – n – t = ____________ (dapur) e. k – i – l – M = __________(susu)
c. a – r – B – e – d = _______________ (roti)
2. Arrange these jumbled words into a correct English sentence!
a. wearing – is – mother – My – dress = _________________________________________
b. have – five – fingers – I = __________________________________________________
c. likes – Ratih – much – apple – very = ________________________________________
d. see – can – with – our – We – eyes = _________________________________________
e. father – like – My – coffee – doesn’t = ________________________________________
3. Write down three parts of our body in English that you know!
Tuliskan 3(tiga) anggota tubuh dalam bahasa Inggris yang kamu ketahui!
4. Write down the meaning in Indonesian! Tuliskan artinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia!
a. Sleeping = ______________________ d. beautiful dress = ____________________
b. Wearing = ______________________ e. meatball = ____________________
c. New shoes = ____________________
5. Write down the English word for these Indonesian! Tuliskan Bahasa Inggrisnya!
a. Piyama = _____________________ d. selimut = _______________________
b. Dasi = _______________________ e. kamar tidur = ____________________
c. Baso = _______________________

Selamat Mengerjakan…!!!

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