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(NATELCO) & Luciano Maggay, petitioners, Amount should be computed from the date of filing of the complaint. Same
vs. COURT OF APEALS and Camarines Sur II Electric Cooperative, Inc. has been held for the 2nd cause of action. While the 3rd cause of action was
(CASURECO II), respondents [1994] not sufficiently proven.
 NATELCO: telephone co. rendering local & long distance services in Naga  CA: affirmed trial court decision based on the ff grounds:
 CASURECO II: private corporation w/c operates electric power service in 1. New Civil Code Art. 12671. Although the contract was fair to both
Naga parties at the time of its execution (then, NATELCO still had very
 The 2 companies entered into a contract wherein NATELCO will be using limited capability), supervening circumstances (NATELCO’s expansion)
CASURECO electric light posts in Naga in operating its telephone services. have made the contract too one-sided in favor of NATELCO to the
In return, former will install 10 phone connections for the use of the latter great disadvantage of CASURECO. Continued enforcement of the
free of charge. Term/period will be as long as former needs to use the contract has gone beyond the contemplation of the latter, thus it should
latter’s posts. Contract will be terminated if the latter will forced to stop, be released therefrom. Equity demands certain economic equilibrium
abandon its operation as a public service & it becomes necessary to between the prestation the counter-prestation & does not permit the
remove the posts. Contract was prepared by Atty. Maggay, member of the unlimited impoverishment of one party for the benefit of the other by
CASURECO Board of Directors & legal counsel of NATELCO. the excessive rigidity of the principle of the obligatory force of
 1st cause of action: After 10 yrs of enforcing the contract, CASURECO filed contracts.
for reformation of the contract w/damages to abolish inequalities based on 2. Contract was subject to a potestative condition w/ rendered the
the ff grounds: condition void.
1. it was too one-sided in favor of NATELCO
2. it was not in accordance w/the National Electrification Administration Issues & Ratio:
(NEA) guidelines w/c provide that the reasonable compensation for the 1. WON Art. 1267 is applicable. -YES
use of posts should be P10/post/month.  NATELCO claims it’s not since contract in this case doesn’t
3. telephone cables strung on the posts have become much heavier & involve rendition of service/personal prestation and it’s not for future service
worsened by linemen who bore holes thru the posts w/c resulted into w/future unusual change. It invokes Occena vs. Jabson. And the article was
posts broken during typhoons w/c posts cost P2,630.00 each. never raised by CASURECO.
 2nd cause of action: CASURECO likewise alleged that since  The provision speaks of service (meaning performance of the
1981, NATELCO used 319 of their posts outside Naga w/o any contract and obligation) w/c has become so difficult. It doesn’t require that the contract
latter company should pay P10.00/post amounting to P267,960.00 w/c the be for future service w/future unusual change. Rather, it speaks of
latter refused to pay despite demands. 3rd cause of action: Former also unforeseen events or the discredited theory of rebus sic stantibus in public
complained that the latter provided poor service causing great international law wherein parties stipulate in the light of certain prevailing
inconvenience & damages amounting to not less than P100k. conditions & once these conditions cease to exist the contract also ceases.
 NATELCO’s answer prayed for the dismissal of the 1st cause Equity & good faith demand that when basis of the contract disappears, the
of action since it does not sufficiently state a cause of action, and it’s barred prejudiced party has a right to relief.
by estoppel & prescription. They claim that they could not have caused the  Fact that this provision was not raised by the parties in their
deterioration of CASURECO’s posts since they’ve used them for 11 yrs. pleadings & was never subject of trial is immaterial. Court has discretion to
Also, their expenses for the 10 free phones lines are far in excess of the consider an unassigned error that is closely related to an error properly
amounts claimed by CASURECO. They refused to pay the amount assigned as long as the consideration is necessary in arriving at a just
specified in the 2nd cause of action because what is due to them from decision. The material allegations of fact in the complaint & not the legal
CASURECO is more than latter’s claim against them. WRT the 3rd cause of conclusion made or the prayer that determines the relief to w/c the plaintiff
action, they claim that the National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) is entitled and plaintiff is entitled to as much relief as the facts warrant
classified their service as very high & of superior quality. although that relief is not specifically prayed for. NATELCO was given the
 Both companies presented witnesses to support their opportunity to present its evidence WRT this matter when they were given
allegation. Atty. Magay testified supporting NATELCO’s claims. the chance to answer the issue of WON the contract has become too one-
 Trial Court: contract has become disadvantageous to sided in its favor & too iniquitous, unfair & disadvantageous to CASURECO.
CASURECO due to increase in volume of NATELCO’s subscribers.
Contract should be reformed to abolish the inequities. NATELCO should 2. WON the ruling in Occena is applicable. – NO.
pay for the use of CASURECO’s posts at P10.00/post while the latter 1
Art. 1267. When the service has become so difficult as to be manifestly beyond the contemplation of
should pay the monthly bills for the use of former’s phone lines in Naga.
the parties, the obligor may also be released therefrom, in whole or in part.
 Case provides that Art. 1267 doesn’t authorize the courts to remake, modify
or revise the contract or to fix the division of shares between the parties as
contractually stipulated w/the force of law between the parties. Complaint
for the modification of contract was dismissed for failure to state a cause of
 In this case, CASURECO’s complaint & evidence it presented sufficiently
made out a cause of action under Art. 1267.
 Parties are released from their correlative obligations under the contract.
But taking into account the possible consequences of merely releasing the
parties from the contract, the SC decided to uphold the trial court ruling
WRT payment for use of post and the phone lines so as not disrupt the
basic & essential services being rendered by both companies and to avoid
unjust enrichment by NATELCO at the expense of CASURECO.

3. Cause of action has not yet prescribed since CC Art. 1144 provides
that an action upon a written contract must be brought w/in 10yrs from the
time the rt of cause of action accrues. In this case, cause of action arose
when CASURECO asked its counsel to review the contract w/c was in
1982/83. Case was filed in 1989, thus, 10 yrs has not lapsed.

4. Prestations are not purely potestative. Conditions do not depend

solely on the will of either party. CA, in ruling that the term/period (3rd bullet,
Facts part) of the contract is potestaive, overlooked the condition that the
contract will be terminated when CASURECO will be forced to stop,
abandon its operation as a public service & it becomes necessary to
remove the electric light post. They are actually casual conditions w/c
depend on chance, hazard or will of a 3rd person. The contract is subject to
mixed conditions w/c don’t invalidate the contract stipulations.

Holding: Petition denied. CA decision affirmed.

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