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Furunculosis Chronic Diffuse Otitis Externa

It is a chronic infection of the ear canal. Acute exacerbations of this

condition may occur. The skin of the pinna may also get involved.

etiology It is the staphylococcal infection of the root of the hair follicle The inflammation of the canal skin may be a part of
and sebaceous gland, occurring in the cartilaginous meatus. The seborrhoeic dermatitis or a generalised skin disorder such as
bony meatus is not involved as it does not contain any hair eczema.
follicles or sebaceous glands.
The discharge of chronic otitis media may irritate the skin of
The infection usually follows trauma to the canal caused by the canal and produce its inflammation.
pricking or abrasion at attempts to clean the ear.
Organisms commonly found are of the gram- negative group
such as Proteus and Pseudo- monas aeruginosa.

Clinical 1. Severe ear pain 1. itching,

features Since there is absence of subcutaneous tissue, the
inflammatory exudate produces great pressure on the 2. pain,
nerve endings.
2. There may be pain on opening the jaws. 3. discharge and
3. Furunkel red & swollen bs aja ampe nutupin CAE
4. The movements of the tragus or any part of the pinna are 4. excessive desquamation
very painful.
5. Bisa nyebabin selulitis terutama di preauricular 5. Sometimes impairment of hearing may also be a
6. The infection may lead to perichondritis and postaural complaint
6. The canal appears narrowed,

7. The skin is red, swollen and dry

8. The epithelial debris may be seen filling the canal.

9. The discharge is scanty, thick and foul smelling.

px  Usually, there is no deafness  The tympanic membrane should be examined by gently
passing the speculum into the canal.
 X-ray of the mastoid shows clarity of air cell system in
contrast to mastoiditis.  Scalp and other areas of the skin are examined for skin

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