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Mallari, Daniel Understand The Self

HMA-201 3/12/20

1. Remedyo attitude- a Filipino trait of being creative and resourceful. The ability to dothings that are
next to impossible.

Example: Timmy saw a mug with a broken handle but instead of throwing it, he saw it as an opportunity
to turn it into something useful. He used the mug as a flower pot in their garden

2. Regionalism- a Filipino trait of giving more priority or preference in giving favors to his province mate
before others.

Example: Timmy voted for Gloria Arroyo for the position of the president in the 2004 elections.

3. Jackpot mentality- a “get rich quick” mentality of some Filipinos who would rather engage in fast ways
of acquiring money than through hardwork and sacrifice by getting in lottery, joining raffle draws and

Example: Timmy’s birthday is coming up so betted 30 pesos on Jueteng hoping that he would win at
least 4,000 pesos so that he could treat his parent.

4. TSAMBA LANG attitude- a Filipino attitude of simplicity by declaring that his/her accomplishments are
results of luck and not from perseverance and ability.

Example: Timmy got the highest score on the exam and he was praised by his classmates but he humbly
said that it is just luck even though he studied all night

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