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EE444/544 Wireless Communications

Homework 2
Assignment Date: March 15, 2018
Due Date: March 21, 2018

Question 1) Consider a QPSK signal that is represented by the equivalent low pass signal

g (t )  a
k 
k p (t  kTs ) ,

where ak takes on four possible and equally likely values {1, j, -1, -j}. The sequence { ak }
is statistically independent from symbol to symbol.

a. Determine and sketch the psd of g (t ) when

 A, 0  t  Ts
p (t )   .
0, otherwise

b. Repeat part (a) when

 A, 0  t  TS / 2

p (t )   A, TS / 2  t  TS
 0, otherwise

c. Compare the spectra obtained in parts (a) and (b) in terms of the bandwidth to the first
spectral null.

Question 2) Determine an expression of the psd for the signal x(t )  g (t ) cos(2 f C t ) ,
with the baseband pulse train

g (t )  a
k 
k p (t  kTs )

for the two cases, where p (t ) is a pulse shape defined on [0, Tb ], and the random
variables { ak } are defined in terms of independent and identically distributed random
variables { bk } as follows:
a. bk is a binary variable, with values -1 and +1 equally likely, and ak  bk  0.5bk 1 ,
k  .....  2, 1, 0,1, 2,.... .
b. bk ~ N (0,  2 ) and ak  bk  ak 1 .

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