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C: assalamualaikum, Good Morning, I’m ……. Please have a seat, maam.

N: wa’alaikumussalam, Good morning, thank you

C: Sorry, with whom am I talking to? (what can I do for you? I’m sorry, Ms…)

N: I’m …. So, last week I came here to get some information about Syariah’s bank products. I’m
interested with BNI Tabungan iB Hasanah. So now I’m going to open an account in here

C: okay, so you’ve got the information about the syariah’s bank products here. Previously, there are 2
contracts in BNI Tabungan iB Hasanah such as wadiah contract and mudharabah contract. Have you
known the information about both of the contracts?

N: Yes, I have. And now I would like to open a saving account with mudharabah contract

C: Okay ms, I’m going to help you to open a saving account. First, May I have your identity card and
taxpayer identification number?

N: Yaa okay, here it is

C: ok, I’m going to verify the data first. May I ask about what is your biological mother’s name?

N: Sure, her name is Maryam

C: Could you tell me your phone number?

N: 087792657100

C: Ms… I will give you opening account form, please fill this form. The part that needs to be filled only
the part that I signed with the checklist. Here’s the pen. While you are filling the form, I’m going to copy
your identity card and taxpayer identification number, is it okay?

N: okay. *filling the form*

N: Here’s the form.

C: okay Maam, I’m going to input the data first.

C: The process of opening the account has done. This your saving book, please write your signature first
here. This is your debit card and please write your signature here. In the saving book there is a pin code
for your ATM, and you can change the pin code in the closest BNI ATM or BNI Syariah ATM.

N: okay

C: The facilities that you can get such as, make a withdrawal, transfer in and out the country, or the
other activities in the ATM. For the administration fee, it’s Rp7500/months with nisbah (sharing profit)
18 devided 82. there’s also a minimum balance for mudharabah contract, it’s Rp.100.000. Okay, after
this you can go to the teller to give the initial deposit. Is there anything that you want to ask more,

N: No. It’s enough, thank you.

C: Okay maam, thank you for being a participant in our bank and have a good day. Wassalamualaikum.

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