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Introduction to
Nondestructive Testing

Marvin W. Trimm, Westinghouse Savannah River

Company, Aiken, South Carolina (Part 2)

Part 1. Nondestructive Testing, 2

Part 2. Management of Nondestructive Testing, 13
Part 3. Measurement Units for Nondestructive
Testing, 19
References, 30
PART 1. Nondestructive Testing

pressure testing is a form of proof testing

Scope of Nondestructive that sometimes destroys the test object.
A gray area in the definition of
Testing nondestructive testing is the phrase future
Nondestructive testing is a materials usefulness. Some material investigations
science concerned with many aspects of involve taking a sample of the test object
quality and serviceability of materials and for a test that is inherently destructive. A
structures. The science of nondestructive noncritical part of a pressure vessel may
testing incorporates all the technology for be scraped or shaved to get a sample for
process monitoring and for detection and electron microscopy, for example.
measurement of significant properties, Although future usefulness of the vessel is
including discontinuities, in items not impaired by the loss of material, the
ranging from research test objects to procedure is inherently destructive and
finished hardware and products in service. the shaving itself — in one sense the true
Nondestructive testing examines materials test object — has been removed from
and structures without impairment of service permanently.
serviceability and reveals hidden The idea of future usefulness is relevant
properties and discontinuities. to the quality control practice of
Nondestructive testing is becoming sampling. Sampling (that is, less than
increasingly vital in the effective conduct 100 percent testing to draw inferences
of research, development, design and about the unsampled lots) is
manufacturing programs. Only with nondestructive testing if the tested sample
appropriate nondestructive testing can the is returned to service. If steel bolts are
benefits of advanced materials science be tested to verify their alloy and are then
fully realized. The information required returned to service, then the test is
for appreciating the broad scope of nondestructive. In contrast, even if
nondestructive testing is available in spectroscopy in the chemical testing of
many publications and reports. many fluids is inherently nondestructive,
the testing is destructive if the samples are
poured down the drain after testing.
Nondestructive testing is not confined
Definition to crack detection. Other anomalies
Nondestructive testing (NDT) has been include porosity, wall thinning from
defined as those methods used to test a corrosion and many sorts of disbonds.
part or material or system without Nondestructive material characterization
impairing its future usefulness. The term is a field concerned with properties
is generally applied to nonmedical including material identification and
investigations of material integrity. microstructural characteristics — such as
Nondestructive testing is used to resin curing, case hardening and stress —
investigate specifically the material that directly influence the service life of
integrity or properties of a test object. A the test object.
number of other technologies — for
instance, radio astronomy, voltage and
amperage measurement and rheometry
(flow measurement) — are nondestructive
Methods and Techniques
but are not used specifically to evaluate Nondestructive testing has also been
material properties. Radar and sonar are defined by listing or classifying the
classified as nondestructive testing when various techniques.1,2 This approach to
used to inspect dams, for instance, but nondestructive testing is practical in that it
not when used to chart a river bottom. typically highlights methods in use by
Nondestructive testing asks “Is there industry.
something wrong with this material?” In In the Nondestructive Testing Handbook,
contrast, performance and proof tests ask the word method is used for a group of test
“Does this component work?” It is not techniques that share a form of probing
considered nondestructive testing when energy. The ultrasonic test method, for
an inspector checks a circuit by running example, uses acoustic waves at a
electric current through it. Hydrostatic frequency higher than audible sound.
Infrared and thermal testing and

2 Nondestructive Testing Overview

radiographic testing are two test methods better product design, (6) to control
that use electromagnetic radiation, each manufacturing processes, (7) to lower
in a defined wavelength range. The word manufacturing costs, (8) to maintain
technique, in contrast, denotes a way of uniform quality levels and (9) to ensure
adapting the method to the application. operational readiness.
Through-transmission immersion testing These reasons for widespread and
is a technique of the ultrasonic method, profitable nondestructive testing are
for example. sufficient in themselves but parallel
developments have contributed to the
technology’s growth and acceptance.

Purposes of Increased Demand on Machines

Nondestructive Testing In the interest of greater performance and
Since the 1920s, the art of testing without reduced cost for materials, the design
destroying the test object has developed engineer is often under pressure to reduce
from a laboratory curiosity to an weight. Mass can be saved sometimes by
indispensable tool of fabrication, substituting aluminum alloys, magnesium
construction, manufacturing and alloys or composite materials for steel or
maintenance processes. No longer is iron but such light parts may not be the
visual testing of materials, parts and same size or design as those they replace.
complete products the principal The tendency is also to reduce the size.
nondestructive test for quality. These pressures on the designer have
Nondestructive tests in great variety are in subjected parts of all sorts to increased
worldwide use to detect variations in stress levels. Even such commonplace
structure, minute changes in surface objects as sewing machines, sauce pans
finish, the presence of cracks or other and luggage are also lighter and more
physical discontinuities, to measure the heavily loaded than ever before. The stress
thickness of materials and coatings and to to be supported is known as dynamic stress
determine other characteristics of or dynamic loading, as opposed to static
industrial products. Scientists and stress. It often fluctuates and reverses at
engineers of many countries have low or high frequencies. Frequency of
contributed greatly to nondestructive test stress reversals increases with the speeds
development and applications. of modern machines, so components tend
How is nondestructive testing useful? to fatigue and fail more rapidly.
Why do thousands of industrial concerns Another cause of increased stress on
buy the test equipment, pay the modern products is a reduction in the
subsequent operating costs of the testing safety factor. An engineer designs with
and even reshape manufacturing certain known loads in mind. On the
processes to fit the needs and findings of supposition that materials and
nondestructive testing? Modern workmanship are never perfect, a safety
nondestructive tests are used by factor of 2, 3, 5 or 10 is applied. However,
manufacturers (1) to ensure product
integrity and in turn reliability, (2) to
avoid failures, prevent accidents and save
human life (Figs. 1 and 2), (3) to make a
profit for the user, (4) to ensure customer FIGURE 2. Boilers operate with high internal steam pressure.
satisfaction and maintain the Material discontinuities can lead to sudden, violent failure
manufacturer’s reputation, (5) to aid in with possible injury to people and damage to property.

FIGURE 1. Fatigue cracks caused damage to aircraft fuselage,

causing death of flight attendant and injury to passengers
(April 1988).

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 3

a lower factor is often used that depends has been another strong force in the
on considerations such as cost or weight. development of nondestructive tests.
New demands on machinery have also
stimulated the development and use of Rising Costs of Failure
new materials whose operating
characteristics and performances are not Aside from awards to the injured or to
completely known. These new materials estates of the deceased and aside from
could create greater and potentially costs to the public (because of evacuations
dangerous problems. For example, an occasioned by chemical leaks, for
aircraft part was built from an alloy whose example), there are other factors in the
work hardening, notch resistance and rising costs of mechanical failure.
fatigue life were not well known. After These costs are increasing for many
relatively short periods of service, some of reasons. Some important ones are
the aircraft using these parts suffered (1) greater costs of materials and labor,
disastrous failures. Sufficient and proper (2) greater costs of complex parts,
nondestructive tests could have saved (3) greater costs because of the complexity
many lives. of assemblies, (4) a greater probability that
As technology improves and as service failure of one part will cause failure of
requirements increase, machines are others because of overloads, (5) the
subjected to greater variations and probability that the failure of one part
extremes of all kinds of stress, creating an will damage other parts of high value and
increasing demand for stronger or more (6) part failure in an integrated automatic
damage tolerant materials. production machine, shutting down an
entire high speed production line. In the
past, when production was carried out on
Engineering Demands for Sounder many separate machines, the broken one
Materials could be bypassed until repaired. Today,
Another justification for nondestructive one machine is often tied into the
tests is the designer’s demand for sounder production cycles of several others. Loss
materials. As size and weight decrease and of such production is one of the greatest
the factor of safety is lowered, more losses resulting from part failure.
emphasis is placed on better raw material
control and higher quality of materials,
manufacturing processes and
workmanship. Classification of Methods
An interesting fact is that a producer of The National Materials Advisory Board
raw material or of a finished product (NMAB) Ad Hoc Committee on
sometimes does not improve quality or Nondestructive Evaluation classified
performance until that improvement is techniques into six major method
demanded by the customer. The pressure categories: visual, penetrating radiation,
of the customer is transferred to magnetic-electrical, mechanical vibration,
implementation of improved design or thermal and chemical/electrochemical.2 A
manufacturing. Nondestructive testing is modified version of their system is
frequently called on to confirm delivery presented in Table 1.
of this new quality level. Each method can be completely
characterized in terms of five principal
Public Demands for Greater Safety factors: (1) energy source or medium used
to probe the object (such as X-rays,
The demands and expectations of the ultrasonic waves or thermal radiation),
public for greater safety are widespread. (2) nature of the signals, image or
Review the record of the courts in signature resulting from interaction with
granting high awards to injured persons. the object (attenuation of X-rays or
Consider the outcry for greater reflection of ultrasound, for example),
automobile safety as evidenced by the (3) means of detecting or sensing
required automotive safety belts and the resultant signals (photoemulsion,
demand for air bags, blowout proof tires piezoelectric crystal or inductance coil),
and antilock braking systems. The (4) means of indicating or recording
publicly supported activities of the signals (meter deflection, oscilloscope
National Safety Council, Underwriters trace or radiograph) and (5) basis for
Laboratories, the Occupational Safety and interpreting the results (direct or indirect
Health Administration, the Federal indication, qualitative or quantitative and
Aviation Administration and other pertinent dependencies).
agencies around the world are only a few The objective of each method is to
of the ways in which this demand for provide information about one or more of
safety is expressed. It has been expressed the following material parameters:
directly by passengers who cancel (1) discontinuities and separations (such
reservations following a serious aircraft as cracks, voids, inclusions and
accident. This demand for personal safety delaminations), (2) structure or

4 Nondestructive Testing Overview

TABLE 1. Nondestructive test method categories.
Categories Test Objectives

Basic Categories

Mechanical and optical color; cracks; dimensions; film thickness; gaging; reflectivity; strain distribution and magnitude; surface
finish; surface flaws; through-cracks
Penetrating radiation cracks; density and chemistry variations; elemental distribution; foreign objects; inclusions; microporosity;
misalignment; missing parts; segregation; service degradation; shrinkage; thickness; voids
Electromagnetic and electronic alloy content; anisotropy; cavities; cold work; local strain, hardness; composition; contamination;
corrosion; cracks; crack depth; crystal structure; electrical conductivities; flakes; heat treatment;
hot tears; inclusions; ion concentrations; laps; lattice strain; layer thickness; moisture content;
polarization; seams; segregation; shrinkage; state of cure; tensile strength; thickness; disbonds; voids
Sonic and ultrasonic crack initiation and propagation; cracks, voids; damping factor; degree of cure; degree of impregnation;
degree of sintering; delaminations; density; dimensions; elastic moduli; grain size; inclusions;
mechanical degradation; misalignment; porosity; radiation degradation; structure of composites;
surface stress; tensile, shear and compressive strength; disbonds; wear
Infrared and thermal anisotropy; bonding; composition; emissivity; heat contours; plating thickness; porosity; reflectivity;
stress; thermal conductivity; thickness; voids; cracks; delaminations; heat treatment; state of cure;
moisture; corrosion
Chemical and analytical alloy identification; composition; cracks; elemental analysis and distribution; grain size; inclusions;
macrostructure; porosity; segregation; surface anomalies
Auxiliary Categories
Image generation dimensional variations; dynamic performance; anomaly characterization and definition; anomaly
distribution; anomaly propagation; magnetic field configurations
Signal image analysis data selection, processing and display; anomaly mapping, correlation and identification; image
enhancement; separation of multiple variables; signature analysis

malstructure (such as crystalline structure, Classification by Test Object

grain size, segregation and misalignment),
Nondestructive test techniques may be
(3) dimensions and metrology (such as
classified according to how they detect
thickness, diameter, gap size and
indications relative to the surface of a test
discontinuity size), (4) physical and
object. Surface methods include liquid
mechanical properties (such as reflectivity,
penetrant testing, visual testing and moiré
conductivity, elastic modulus and sonic
testing. Surface/near-surface methods
velocity), (5) composition and chemical
include tap, holographic, shearographic,
analysis (such as alloy identification,
magnetic particle and electromagnetic
impurities and elemental distributions),
testing. When surface or near-surface
(6) stress and dynamic response (such as
methods are applied during intermediate
residual stress, crack growth, wear and
manufacturing, they provide preliminary
vibration), (7) signature analysis (such as
assurance that volumetric methods
image content, frequency spectrum and
performed on the completed object or
field configuration) and (8) heat sources.
component will reveal few rejectable
Material characteristics in Table 1 are
discontinuities. Volumetric methods
further defined in Table 2 with respect to
include radiography, ultrasonic testing
specific objectives and specific attributes
and acoustic emission testing.
to be measured, detected and defined.
Through-boundary techniques include
Methods that use electromagnetic
leak testing, some infrared thermographic
radiation (Table 3) can be divided
techniques, airborne ultrasonic testing
according to the segment of the spectrum
and certain techniques of acoustic
each uses as interrogating energy: radar,
emission testing. Other less easily
thermography, visual testing and
classified methods are material
X-radiography (Fig. 3). Methods using
identification, vibration analysis and
vibration and ultrasound are in a different
strain gaging.
spectrum: the acoustic.
No one nondestructive test method is
The limitations of a method include
all revealing. In some cases, one method
conditions (such as access, physical
or technique may be adequate for testing
contact and surface preparation) and
a specific object or component. However,
requirements to adapt the probe to the
in most cases, it takes a series of test
test object. Other factors limit the
methods to do a complete nondestructive
detection or characterization of
test of an object or component. For
discontinuities or attributes and limit
example, if surface cracks must be
interpretation of signals or images.
detected and eliminated and if the object

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 5

or component is made of ferromagnetic internal discontinuities are to be detected,
material, then magnetic particle testing then ultrasonic testing or radiography
would be the appropriate choice. If the would be chosen. The exact technique in
material is aluminum or titanium, then each case depends on the thickness and
the choice would be liquid penetrant or nature of the material and the types of
electromagnetic testing. However, if discontinuities that must be detected.

TABLE 2. Objectives of nondestructive test methods.

Objectives Attributes Measured or Detected

Discontinuities and Separations

Surface anomalies roughness, scratches, gouges, crazing, pitting, imbedded foreign material
Surface connected anomalies cracks, porosity, pinholes, laps, seams, folds, inclusions
Internal anomalies cracks, separations, hot tears, cold shuts, shrinkage, voids, lack of fusion, pores, cavities, delaminations,
disbonds, poor bonds, inclusions, segregations
Microstructure molecular structure; crystalline structure and/or strain; lattice structure; strain; dislocation; vacancy;
Matrix structure grain structure, size, orientation and phase; sinter and porosity; impregnation; filler and/or reinforcement
distribution; anisotropy; heterogeneity; segregation
Small structural anomalies leaks (lack of seal or through-holes), poor fit, poor contact, loose parts, loose particles, foreign objects
Gross structural anomalies assembly errors; misalignment; poor spacing or ordering; deformation; malformation; missing parts
Dimensions and Measures
Displacement, position linear measurement; separation; gap size; discontinuity size, depth, location and orientation
Dimensional variations unevenness; nonuniformity; eccentricity; shape and contour; size and mass variations
Thickness, density film, coating, layer, plating, wall and sheet thickness; density or thickness variations
Physical and Mechanical Properties
Electrical properties resistivity; conductivity; dielectric constant and dissipation factor
Magnetic properties polarization; permeability; ferromagnetism; cohesive force, susceptibility
Thermal properties conductivity; thermal time constant and thermoelectric potential; diffusivity; effusivity; specific heat
Mechanical properties compressive, shear and tensile strength (and moduli); Poisson’s ratio; sonic speed; hardness; temper
and embrittlement
Surface properties color, reflectivity, refraction index, emissivity
Chemical Composition and Analysis
Elemental analysis detection, identification, distribution and/or profile
Impurity concentrations contamination, depletion, doping and diffusants
Metallurgical content variation; alloy identification, verification and sorting
Physiochemical state moisture content; degree of cure; ion concentrations and corrosion; reaction products
Stress and Dynamic Response
Stress, strain, fatigue heat treatment, annealing and cold work effects; stress and strain; fatigue damage and residual life
Mechanical damage wear, spalling, erosion, friction effects
Chemical damage corrosion, stress corrosion, phase transformation
Other damage radiation damage and high frequency voltage breakdown
Dynamic performance crack initiation, crack propagation, plastic deformation, creep, excessive motion, vibration, damping,
timing of events, any anomalous behavior
Signature Analysis
Electromagnetic field potential; intensity; field distribution and pattern
Thermal field isotherms, heat contours, temperatures, heat flow, temperature distribution, heat leaks, hot spots, contrast
Acoustic signature noise, vibration characteristics, frequency amplitude, harmonic spectrum, harmonic analysis, sonic
emissions, ultrasonic emissions
Radioactive signature distribution and diffusion of isotopes and tracers
Signal or image analysis image enhancement and quantization; pattern recognition; densitometry; signal classification, separation
and correlation; discontinuity identification, definition (size and shape) and distribution analysis;
discontinuity mapping and display

6 Nondestructive Testing Overview

TABLE 3. Nondestructive test methods and corresponding parts of electromagnetic spectrum.
Approximate Approximate
Interrogating Energy Test Method Wavelengths (m) Frequencies (Hz)

X-rays or gamma rays radiography (RT) 10 –16 to 10 –8 1024 to 1017

Ultraviolet radiation various minor methodsa 10 –8 to 10 –7 1017 to 1015
Light (visible radiation) visual testing (VT) 4 × 10 –7 to 7 × 10 –7 1015
Heat or thermal radiation infrared and thermal testing (IR) 10 –6 to 10 –3 1015 to 1011
Radio waves radar and microwave methods 10 –3 to 101 1011 to 107
a. Ultraviolet radiation is used in various methods: (1) viewing of fluorescent indications in liquid penetrant testing and
magnetic particle testing; (2) lasers and optical sensors operating at ultraviolet wavelengths.

FIGURE 3. Electromagnetic spectrum.

Radiation wavelength (nm)

106 105 104 103 102 10 1 10 –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 –4 10 –5 10 –6

Visible X–rays
Infrared light Ultraviolet
Radio Cosmic rays
Gamma rays

10 –9 10 –8 10 –7 10 –6 10 –5 10 –4 10 –3 10 –2 10 –1 1 10 102 103

Photon energy (MeV)

methods. The following section briefly

Nondestructive Testing’s describes major methods and the
applications associated with them.
In manufacturing, nondestructive testing Visual Testing
may be accepted reluctantly because its
contribution to profits may not be Principles. Visual testing (Fig. 4) is the
obvious to management. Nondestructive observation of a test object, either directly
testing is sometimes thought of only as a with the eyes or indirectly using optical
cost item and can be curtailed by industry instruments, by an inspector to evaluate
downsizing. When a company cuts costs, the presence of surface anomalies and the
two vulnerable areas are quality and object’s conformance to specification.
safety. When bidding contract work, Visual testing is the first nondestructive
companies add profit margin to all cost test method applied to an item. The test
items, including nondestructive testing, so procedure is to clear obstructions from the
a profit should be made on the surface, provide adequate illumination
nondestructive testing. The attitude
toward nondestructive testing is positive
when management understands its value.
Nondestructive testing should be used FIGURE 4. Visual test using borescope to
as a control mechanism to ensure that view interior of cylinder.
manufacturing processes are within design
performance requirements. When used
properly, nondestructive testing saves
money for the manufacturer. Rather than
costing the manufacturer money,
nondestructive testing should add profits
to the manufacturing process.

Nondestructive Test
To optimize nondestructive testing, it is
necessary first to understand the
principles and applications of all the

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 7

and observe. A prerequisite necessary for following are some of the typically
competent visual testing of an object is detected discontinuities: surface
knowledge of the manufacturing processes discontinuities, seams, cracks, laps,
by which it was made, of its service porosity and leak paths.
history and of its potential failure modes,
as well as related industry experience. Leak Testing
Applications. Visual testing is widely used
on a variety of objects to detect surface Principles. Leak testing is concerned with
anomalies associated with various the flow of liquids or gases from
structural failure mechanisms. Even when pressurized components or into evacuated
other nondestructive tests are performed, components. The principles of leak testing
visual tests often provide a useful involve the physics of liquids or gases
supplement. When the eddy current flowing through a barrier where a pressure
testing of process tubing is performed, for differential or capillary action exists.
example, visual testing is often performed Leak testing encompasses procedures
to examine the surface more closely. The that fall into these basic functions: leak
following discontinuities may be detected location, leakage measurement and
by a simple visual test: surface leakage monitoring. There are several
discontinuities, cracks, misalignment, subsidiary methods of leak testing,
warping, corrosion, wear and dents. entailing tracer gas detection (Fig. 6),
pressure change measurement,
observation of bubble formation, acoustic
Liquid Penetrant Testing emission leak testing and other principles.
Principles. Liquid penetrant testing (Fig. 5) Applications. Like other forms of
reveals discontinuities open to the nondestructive testing, leak testing affects
surfaces of solid and nonporous materials. the safety and performance of a product.
Indications of a wide variety of Reliable leak testing decreases costs by
discontinuity sizes can be found regardless reducing the number of reworked
of the configuration of the test object and products, warranty repairs and liability
regardless of discontinuity orientations. claims. The most common reasons for
Liquid penetrants seep into various types performing a leak test are to prevent the
of minute surface openings by capillary loss of costly materials or energy, to
action. The cavities of interest can be very prevent contamination of the
small, often invisible to the unaided eye. environment, to ensure component or
The ability of a given liquid to flow over a system reliability and to prevent an
surface and enter surface cavities depends explosion or fire.
on the following: cleanliness of the
surface, surface tension of the liquid,
configuration of the cavity, contact angle FIGURE 6. Leakage measurement dynamic leak testing using
of the liquid, ability of the liquid to wet vacuum pumping: (a) pressurized system mode for leak
the surface, cleanliness of the cavity and testing of smaller components; (b) pressurized envelope
size of the surface opening of the cavity. mode for leak testing of larger volume systems.
Applications. The principal industrial uses
of liquid penetrant testing include (a)
postfabrication testing, receiving testing, Envelope
in-process testing and quality control,
testing for maintenance and overhaul in Leak detector
the transportation industries, in-plant and System
machinery maintenance testing and under test
testing of large components. The

Source of tracer gas

FIGURE 5. Liquid penetrant indication of

under test

Leak detector
Source of tracer gas

8 Nondestructive Testing Overview

Infrared and Thermal Testing and systems, tank cars and elsewhere),
friction in rotating equipment (bearings,
Principles. Conduction, convection and couplings, gears, gearboxes, conveyor
radiation are the primary mechanisms of belts, pumps, compressors and other
heat transfer in an object or system. components) and fluid flow (steam lines;
Electromagnetic radiation is emitted from heat exchangers; tank fluid levels;
all bodies to a degree that depends on exothermic reactions; composite
their energy state. structures; heating, ventilation and air
Thermal testing involves the conditioning systems; leaks above and
measurement or mapping of surface below ground; cooling and heating; tube
temperatures when heat flows from, to or blockages; environmental assessment of
through a test object. Temperature thermal discharge; boiler or furnace air
differentials on a surface, or changes in leakage; condenser or turbine system
surface temperature with time, are related leakage; pumps; compressors; and other
to heat flow patterns and can be used to system applications).
detect discontinuities or to determine the
heat transfer characteristics of an object.
For example, during the operation of an Radiographic Testing
electrical breaker, a hot spot detected at Principles. Radiographic testing (Fig. 8) is
an electrical termination may be caused based on the test object’s attenuation of
by a loose or corroded connection (Fig. 7). penetrating radiation — either
The resistance to electrical flow through electromagnetic radiation of very short
the connection produces an increase in wavelength or particulate radiation
surface temperature of the connection. (X-rays, gamma rays and neutrons).
Applications. There are two basic Different portions of an object absorb
categories of infrared and thermal test different amounts of penetrating radiation
applications: electrical and mechanical. because of differences in density and
The specific applications within these two variations in thickness of the test object
categories are numerous. or differences in absorption characteristics
Electrical applications include caused by variation in composition. These
transmission and distribution lines, variations in the attenuation of the
transformers, disconnects, switches, fuses, penetrating radiation can be monitored
relays, breakers, motor windings, by detecting the unattenuated radiation
capacitor banks, cable trays, bus taps and that passes through the object.
other components and subsystems. This monitoring may be in different
Mechanical applications include forms. The traditional form is through
insulation (in boilers, furnaces, kilns, radiation sensitive film. Radioscopic
piping, ducts, vessels, refrigerated trucks sensors provide digital images. X-ray
computed tomography is a three-
dimensional, volumetric radiographic
FIGURE 7. Infrared thermography of
automatic transfer switches for emergency
diesel generator. Hot spots appear bright in
thermogram (inset). FIGURE 8. Representative setup for
radiographic testing.


Test object


Image plane images

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 9

Applications. The principal industrial uses wall tubing in pressurized water reactors,
of radiographic testing involve testing of steam generators, turbine condensers and
castings and weldments, particularly air conditioning heat exchangers. Eddy
where there is a critical need to ensure current testing is also used in aircraft
freedom from internal discontinuities. maintenance. The following are some of
Radiographic testing is often specified for the typical material characteristics that
thick wall castings and for weldments in may affect conductivity and be evaluated
steam power equipment (boiler and by eddy current testing: cracks, inclusions,
turbine components and assemblies). The dents and holes; grain size; heat
method can also be used on forgings and treatment; coating and material thickness;
mechanical assemblies, although with composition, conductivity or
mechanical assemblies radiographic permeability; and alloy composition.
testing is usually limited to testing for
conditions and proper placement of Magnetic Particle Testing
components. Radiographic testing is used
to detect inclusions, lack of fusion, cracks, Principles. Magnetic particle testing
corrosion, porosity, leak paths, missing or (Fig. 10) is a method of locating surface
incomplete components and debris. and near-surface discontinuities in
ferromagnetic materials. When the test
Eddy Current Testing object is magnetized, discontinuities that
lie in a direction generally transverse to
Principles. Based on electromagnetic the direction of the magnetic field will
induction, eddy current testing is the best
known of the techniques in the
electromagnetic test method. Eddy
FIGURE 9. Electromagnetic testing:
current testing is used to identify or
(a) representative setup for eddy current
differentiate among a wide variety of
test; (b) inservice detection of
physical, structural and metallurgical
conditions in electrically conductive
ferromagnetic and nonferromagnetic (a) Primary
metals and metal test objects. The method electromagnetic Direction of
is based on indirect measurement and on field primary alternating
correlation between the instrument Coil in current
eddy current
reading and the structural characteristics probe
and serviceability of the test objects.
With a basic system, the test object is
placed within or next to an electric coil in Induced field
which high frequency alternating current Induced field
is flowing. This excitation current
establishes an electromagnetic field
around the coil. This primary field causes
eddy currents to flow in the test object
because of electromagnetic induction Direction of
(Fig. 9). Inversely, the eddy currents eddy current Conducting
affected by all characteristics test object
Eddy current intensity
(conductivity, permeability, thickness, decreases with
discontinuities and geometry) of the test increasing depth
object create a secondary magnetic field (b)
that opposes the primary field. This
interaction affects the coil impedance and
can be displayed in various ways.
Eddy currents flow in closed loops in
the test object. Their two most important
characteristics, amplitude and phase, are
influenced by the arrangement and
characteristics of the instrumentation and
test object. For example, during the test of
a tube, the eddy currents flow
symmetrically in the tube when
discontinuities are not present. However,
when a crack is present, then the eddy
current flow is impeded and changed in
direction, causing significant changes in
the associated electromagnetic field.
Applications. An important industrial use
of eddy current testing is on heat
exchanger tubing. For example, eddy
current testing is often specified for thin

10 Nondestructive Testing Overview

cause a magnetic flux leakage field to be Acoustic Emission Testing
formed at and above the surface of the
test object. The presence of this leakage Principles. Acoustic emissions are stress
field and therefore the presence of the waves produced by sudden movement in
discontinuity is detected with fine stressed materials. The classic sources of
ferromagnetic particles applied over the acoustic emission are crack growth and
surface, with some of the particles being plastic deformation. Sudden movement at
gathered and held to form an outline of the source produces a stress wave that
the discontinuity. This generally indicates radiates out into the test object and
its location, size, shape and extent. excites a sensitive piezoelectric sensor. As
Magnetic particles are applied over a the stress in the material is raised,
surface as dry particles or as wet particles emissions are generated. The signals from
in a liquid carrier such as water or oil. one or more sensors are amplified and
measured to produce data for display and
Applications. The principal industrial uses
of magnetic particle testing include final,
The source of acoustic emission energy
receiving and in-process testing; testing
is the elastic stress field in the material.
for quality control; testing for
Without stress, there is no emission.
maintenance and overhaul in the
Therefore, an acoustic emission test
transportation industries; testing for plant
(Fig. 12) is usually carried out during a
and machinery maintenance; and testing
of large components. Some discontinuities
typically detected are surface
discontinuities, seams, cracks and laps. FIGURE 11. Classic setups for ultrasonic
testing: (a) longitudinal wave technique;
(b) transverse wave technique.
Ultrasonic Testing
Principles. In ultrasonic testing (Fig. 11), (a)
beams of acoustic waves at a frequency
too high to hear are introduced into a
material for the detection of surface and
subsurface discontinuities. These acoustic
waves travel through the material with
some energy loss (attenuation) and are
reflected and refracted at interfaces. The
echoes are then analyzed to define and
locate discontinuities.
Applications. Ultrasonic testing is widely
used in metals, principally for thickness Back
measurement and discontinuity detection. surface
This method can be used to detect
internal discontinuities in most
engineering metals and alloys. Bonds
produced by welding, brazing, soldering
and adhesives can also be ultrasonically
tested. Inline techniques have been
developed for monitoring and classifying Transducer Crack
materials as acceptable, salvageable or
scrap and for process control. Also tested (b)
are piping and pressure vessels, nuclear
systems, motor vehicles, machinery,
railroad stock and bridges.

FIGURE 10. Test object demonstrating

magnetic particle method.

Entry surface


Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 11

controlled loading of the test object. This Applications. Acoustic emission is a
can be a proof load before service; a natural phenomenon occurring in the
controlled variation of load while the widest range of materials, structures and
structure is in service; a fatigue, pressure processes. The largest scale events
or creep test; or a complex loading observed with acoustic emission testing
program. Often, a structure is going to be are seismic; the smallest are microscopic
loaded hydrostatically anyway during dislocations in stressed metals.
service and acoustic emission testing is The equipment used is highly sensitive
used because it gives valuable additional to any kind of movement in its operating
information about the expected frequency (typically 20 to 1200 kHz). The
performance of the structure under load. equipment can detect not only crack
Other times, acoustic emission testing is growth and material deformation but also
selected for reasons of economy or safety such processes as solidification, friction,
and loading is applied specifically for the impact, flow and phase transformations.
acoustic emission test. Therefore, acoustic emission testing is also
used for in-process weld monitoring, for
detecting tool touch and tool wear during
automatic machining, for detecting wear
FIGURE 12. Acoustic emission monitoring of floor beam on and loss of lubrication in rotating
suspension bridge. equipment, for detecting loose parts and
loose particles, for preservice proof testing
and for detecting and monitoring leaks,
cavitation and flow.

Other Methods
There are many other methods of
nondestructive testing, including optical
methods such as holography,
Sensor shearography and moiré imaging; material
identification methods such as chemical
spot testing, spark testing and
spectroscopy; strain gaging; and acoustic
methods such as vibration analysis and

12 Nondestructive Testing Overview

PART 2. Management of Nondestructive Testing

In today’s world, industrial designers push specify requirements when nondestructive

the limits of materials, engineering testing techniques are to be used.
knowledge and manufacturing processes Engineers use nondestructive testing
to produce system components. More for plant life extension. Most designs
than ever, component reliability at a project an expected life of operation. For
reduced cost is central in original designs example, nuclear reactors at energy
of most items. Because nondestructive generation stations in the United States
testing can reveal, characterize and were designed originally for a service life
quantify anomalies on the surface and of forty years. After their designed service
throughout a component’s volume, it has life, the reactor would be shut down and
become a major tool to ensure that raw decommissioned. However, because of the
materials and fabricated components meet critical need for energy, lead time for the
design expectation for quality, reliability construction of new power plants and
and service life. To reduce fabrication cost, enormous cost of construction, plant
designers look for ways to conserve energy owners have commissioned studies to
and develop raw materials that allow determine if plant operations can safely
smaller, lighter components while continue beyond forty years. Once
maintaining the strength and durability complete, the plant owner will submit a
to satisfy increased service demands. formal request to the appropriate
Nondestructive testing can provide data regulatory authority (in this example, the
to let engineers optimize safety factors Nuclear Regulatory Commission) using a
and cost. study as a basis for continued service.
Engineers have long used
nondestructive testing during component
fabrication, and codes and standards
require nondestructive testing to ensure Management of
quality during fabrication. Anyone Nondestructive Testing
managing nondestructive testing will be
confronted with requirements that Programs
originate in one or more national Management of a nondestructive testing
standards. Codes and standards require a program requires consideration of many
deep knowledge of both written items to produce the desired results. There
requirements and technique applications. are five basic questions.
Because of the success of 1. Do regulatory requirements mandate
nondestructive testing in fabrication, program characteristics?
operation engineers use nondestructive 2. What is the magnitude of the program
testing to locate and describe service for desired results?
induced discontinuities and monitor their 3. What is the date to fully implement a
growth. Today’s nondestructive testing program?
technologies ensure structural integrity of 4. What is the cost benefit of
operating components and allow nondestructive testing?
continued service of critical components. 5. What resources in personnel and
Extended component life reduces money are available?
operational costs while ensuring
continued safe operation. For this and Once these questions are answered,
other reasons, national codes and then a recommendation can be made to
standards have also adopted determine the best path forward. Three
nondestructive testing in inservice primary paths are (1) service companies,
requirements. The American Society of (2) consultants and (3) in-house programs.
Mechanical Engineers’ Boiler and Pressure Though these are primary paths, some
Vessel Code,3 for example, has an entire programs may on a routine or on
section dedicated to inservice inspection as-needed basis require support personnel
of critical components. That section uses from a combination of two or more of
nondestructive testing as its primary tool. these sources. Before a final decision is
ASME Section V (Nondestructive made, advantages and disadvantages of
Examination) tells how to perform the each path must be considered. Therefore,
various nondestructive testing methods. the following details must be considered.
Other sections of the Boiler Code also

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 13

Service Companies 9. Does the consultant possess
qualifications and certifications
1. Who will identify the components to required by contract and by applicable
be examined within the facility? regulations?
2. Will the contract be for time and 10. Does the consultant require training
materials or have a specific scope of specific to the site, such as confined
work? space entry, electrical safety and
3. If a time and materials contract is hazardous materials? Do they need
awarded, who will monitor the time clearance to enter and work in the
and materials charged? facility?
4. If a scope of work is required, who is 11. Does the consultant retain any
technically qualified to develop and liability for test results?
approve it?
5. After the inspection, what documents
(such as test reports, trending, In-House Programs
recommendations and root cause
analysis) will the service company 1. Who will determine the scope of the
provide? program?
6. Who will evaluate and accept the 2. What are the regulatory requirements
product (test reports, trending, associated with program development
recommendations, root cause analysis and implementation?
and other information) within your 3. Who will develop a cost benefit
company? analysis for the program?
7. Do the service company workers 4. How much time and resources are
possess qualifications and available to establish the program?
certifications required by contract and 5. What are the qualification
by applicable regulations? requirements (including education,
8. Do the service company workers training and experience) for
require training specific to the site, personnel?
such as confined space entry, electrical 6. Do program personnel require
safety and hazardous materials? Do additional training (for safety or
they need clearance to enter and work confined space entry, for example) or
in the facility? qualifications?
9. If quantitative tests are performed, do 7. Are subject matter experts required to
program requirements mandate provide technical guidance during
equipment calibration? personnel development?
10. Does the service company retain any 8. Are procedures required to perform
liability for test results? work in the facility?
9. If procedures are required, who will
develop, review and approve them?
Consultants 10. Who will determine the technical
specifications for test equipment?
1. Will the contract be for time and
materials or have a specific scope of
work? Test Procedures for
2. If a scope of work is required, who is Nondestructive Testing
technically qualified to develop and
The conduct of facility operations
approve it?
(in-house or contracted) should be
3. Who will identify the required
performed in accordance with specific
qualifications of the consultant?
instructions from an expert. This
4. Is the purpose of the consultant to
compliance is typically accomplished
develop a program or is it to oversee
using written instructions in the form of a
and evaluate the performance of an
technical procedure. In many cases, codes
existing program?
and specifications will require a technical
5 Will the consultant have oversight
procedure for required tests.
responsibility for tests performed?
The procedure process can take many
6. After the inspection, what documents
forms, including general instructions that
(such as trending, recommendations
address only major aspects of test
and root cause analysis) will the
techniques. Or a procedure may be
consultant provide?
written as a step-by-step process requiring
7. What products (trending,
a supervisor’s initial or signature after
recommendations, root cause analysis
each step. The following list is typical for
etc.) are provided once the tests are
an industrial procedure.
8. Who will evaluate the consultant’s 1. The purpose identifies the intent of the
performance (such as test reports, procedure.
trending, recommendations, root 2. The scope establishes the latitude of
cause analysis) within your company? items, tests and techniques covered
and not covered by the procedure.

14 Nondestructive Testing Overview

3. References are specific documents from Selection of Nondestructive
which criteria are extracted or are Testing Method/Technique
documents satisfied by
implementation of the procedure. 1. Does a code or standard dictate a
4. Definitions are needed for terms and specific test technique?
abbreviations not commonly known 2. Nondestructive test techniques must
by people who will read the be selected to detect the target
procedure. discontinuities. The approaches may
5. Statements about personnel requirements be established by applicable codes and
address requirements for performing standards. If not, they must be
tasks in accordance with the procedure determined by a subject matter expert.
— issues such as personnel Subject matter experts document their
qualification, certification and access expertise through established
clearance. certification programs.
6. Equipment characteristics, calibration 3. What type of documentation is
requirements and model numbers of required?
qualified equipment must be specified.
7. The test procedure provides a sequential
process to be used to conduct Interpretation
inspection activities. Interpretation may be complex because of
8. Acceptance criteria establish component the technique selected and the
characteristics that will identify the component configuration or presence of
items suitable for service. unknown materials, such as inserts and
9. Reports (records) provide the means to repairs. Discontinuities may be detected
document specific test techniques, primarily through pattern recognition or
equipment used, personnel performing image interpretation by an experienced
activity, date performed and test operator. Beware of false calls or missed
results. discontinuities caused by component
10. Attachments may include (if required) design, material type, inspection
items such as report forms, instrument technique or personnel.
calibration forms, qualified equipment
matrices and schedules.
Standards and Specifications for
Once the procedure is completed,
typically an expert in the subject matter
Nondestructive Testing
performs a technical evaluation. If the Standards have undergone a process of
procedure meets requirements, the expert peer review in industry and can be
will approve it for use. Some codes and invoked with the force of law by contract
standards also require the procedure to be or by government regulation. In contrast,
qualified — that is, demonstrated to the a specification represents an employer’s
satisfaction of a representative of a instructions to employees and is specific
regulatory body or jurisdictional to a contract or work place. Specifications
authority. may form the basis of standards through a
review process. Standards and
specifications exist in three basic areas:
equipment, processes and personnel.
Test Specifications for 1. Standards for equipment and materials
Nondestructive Testing include electronic and optical
Nondestructive testing specifications must equipment. Standardized reference
anticipate a number of issues that arise objects such as calibration blocks
during testing. would also fit in this category.
2. ASTM International (formerly the
American Society for Testing and
Test Condition Requirements Materials) and other organizations
publish standards for test techniques.4
1. What and where are the items to be
Standards for quality assurance are not
specific to a test method or even to
2. What are the target discontinuities
inspection in general.
and where in the item are they located
3. Qualification and certification of test
(surface, internal or both)?
personnel are discussed below, with
3. Are there any environmental and
specific reference to recommendations
safety considerations (temperature,
of ASNT Recommended Practice
ventilation or radiation, for example)
No. SNT-TC-1A.5
that must be addressed?

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 15

Personnel Qualification and skills and knowledge for application of
Certification company procedures using techniques
designated and equipment identified
One of the most critical aspects of the test for specific tests.7
process is the qualification of inspection
personnel. Nondestructive testing is
sometimes referred to as a special process, Sample Specifications from
meaning simply that it is very difficult to SNT-TC-1A
evaluate an inspection by merely
observing either the process or the To give an overview of the contents of
documentation generated at its these documents, the following items are
conclusion. The quality of the test largely specified in the 2006 edition of
depends on the skills and knowledge of SNT-TC-1A. (For this example, the
the inspector. quantities cited are those that address
The American Society for ultrasonic testing only.)
Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) has been a Scope. This recommended practice has been
world leader in the qualification and prepared to establish guidelines for the
certification of nondestructive testing qualification and certification of
nondestructive testing personnel whose
personnel for many years. By 1999, the
specific jobs require appropriate knowledge
American Society for Nondestructive of the technical principles underlying the
Testing had instituted three major nondestructive test they perform, witness,
programs for the qualification and monitor or evaluate. This document
certification of nondestructive testing provides guidelines for the establishment of
personnel. a qualification and certification program.
1. ASNT Recommended Practice Written Practice. The employer shall
No. SNT-TC-1A provides guidelines for establish a written practice (personnel
qualification and certification procedure) for
personnel qualification and
the control and administration of
certification in nondestructive testing. nondestructive testing personnel training,
This recommended practice identifies examination and certification. The
the specific attributes that should be employer’s written practice should describe
considered when qualifying the responsibility of each level of
nondestructive testing personnel. It certification for determining the
requires the employer to develop and acceptability of materials or components in
implement a written practice accordance with applicable codes, standards,
(procedure) that details the specific specifications and procedures.
process and any limitation in the Education, Training, Experience. Education,
qualification and certification of training and experience requirements for
nondestructive test personnel.5 initial qualification are identified in each of
the ASNT certification programs. Candidates
2. ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for
for certification in nondestructive testing
Qualification and Certification of should have sufficient education, training
Nondestructive Testing Personnel, and experience to ensure qualification in
resembles SNT-TC-1A but also those nondestructive testing methods for
establishes specific attributes for the which they are being considered for
qualification and certification of certification. The employer’s written practice
nondestructive test personnel. documents the training and experience
However, CP-189 is a consensus factors for initial qualification of Level I and
standard as defined by the American II individuals.
National Standards Institute (ANSI). It Training Programs. Personnel being
is recognized as the American standard considered for initial certification should
for nondestructive testing. It is not complete sufficient organized training to
become thoroughly familiar with the
considered a recommended practice; it is
principles and practices of the specified
a national standard.6 nondestructive testing method related to
3. The ASNT Central Certification Program the level of certification desired and
(ACCP), unlike SNT-TC-1A and CP-189, applicable to the processes to be used and
is a third party certification process. the products to be tested. ANSI/ASNT
Currently it has identified Standard CP-1058 provides topical outlines
qualification and certification for training. These outlines are established
attributes for Level II and Level III base on certification level and NDT Method.
nondestructive test personnel. The Examinations. For Level I and II personnel, a
American Society for Nondestructive composite grade should be determined by a
Testing certifies that the individual has simple averaging of the results of the
the skills and knowledge for many general, specific and practical examinations
described below. Examinations administered
nondestructive testing method
for qualification should result in a passing
applications. It does not remove the composite grade of at least 80 percent, with
responsibility for the final no individual examination having a passing
determination of personnel grade less than 70 percent.
qualifications from the employer. The Vision Examination. The examination for
employer evaluates an individual’s near vision acuity should ensure natural or

16 Nondestructive Testing Overview

corrected near distance acuity in at least one international standards is normally carried
eye such that applicant can read a out through technical committees of the
minimum of jaeger size 2 or equivalent type International Organization for
and size letter at a distance of not less than Standardization. Each member body
305 mm (12 in.) on a standard jaeger test
chart. This test should be administered
interested in a subject for which a
annually. Note that some national codes technical committee has been established
require different vision acuity (for example, has the right to be represented on that
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code3 committee. International organizations,
requires jaeger size 1). governmental and nongovernmental, in
Written Examination for NDT Levels I and II. liaison with the International
The minimum number of questions that Organization for Standardization, also
should be administered in the written take part in the work. The International
examination for ultrasonic test personnel is Organization for Standardization
as follows: 40 questions in the general collaborates closely with the International
examination and 20 questions in the specific Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
examination. The number of questions is matters of electrotechnical
the same for Level I and Level II.
Practical Examination for NDT Level I and II. Technical Committee ISO/TC 135,
The candidate should demonstrate Non-Destructive Testing Subcommittee
familiarity with the ability to operate the
necessary nondestructive test equipment,
SC 7, Personnel Qualification, prepared
record and analyze the resultant international standard ISO 9712,
information to the degree required. At least Nondestructive Testing — Qualification and
one selected specimen should be tested and Certification of Personnel.9,10 In its
the results of the nondestructive test statement of scope, ISO 9712 states that it
analyzed by the candidate. “establishes a system for the qualification
Certification. Certification of all levels of and certification, by a certification body,
nondestructive testing personnel is the of personnel to perform industrial
responsibility of the employer. Certification nondestructive testing (NDT) using any of
of nondestructive testing personnel shall be the following methods: (a) eddy current
based on demonstration of satisfactory testing; (b) liquid penetrant testing;
qualification in accordance with sections of (c) magnetic particle testing;
the appropriate ASNT Qualification and
Certification Program on education,
(d) radiographic testing; (e) ultrasonic
training, experience and examinations, as testing” and that the “system described in
modified by the employer’s written practice. this International Standard may also
Personnel certification records shall be apply to visual testing (VT), leak testing
maintained on file by the employer. (LT), neutron radiography (NR), acoustic
Recertification. All levels of nondestructive emission (AE) and other nondestructive
testing personnel shall be recertified test methods where independent
periodically in accordance with the certification programs exist.” The
following: evidence of continuing applicability of ISO 9712 to any method
satisfactory performance or reexamination depends on activity of the national
in those portions of examinations (Section 8 certifying body.
of SNT-TC-1A) deemed necessary by the The American Society for
employer’s NDT Level III.
Nondestructive Testing has the ASNT NDT
Recommended maximum Level III Certification Program that
recertification intervals are five years for includes most nondestructive test
all levels. methods. If industry requirements evolve
These recommendations from and leaders of the industry request a third
SNT-TC-1A are cited only to provide a party/ISO compliant certification, the
flavor of the specific items that must be American Society for Nondestructive
considered in the development of an Testing is prepared to develop and
in-house nondestructive testing program. implement this certification within the
However, if an outside agency is ASNT Central Certification Program
contracted for ultrasonic test services, (ACCP) for those methods currently not
then the contractor must have a included in the program.
qualification and certification program to
satisfy most codes and standards.

Central Certification Safety in Nondestructive

Another standard that may be a source for
compliance is contained in the To manage a nondestructive test program,
requirements of the International as with any test program, the first
Organization for Standardization (ISO). obligation is to ensure safe working
The International Organization for conditions. The following are components
Standardization is a worldwide federation of a safety program that may be required
of national standards bodies (ISO member or at least deserve serious consideration.
bodies). The work of preparing

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 17

1. Identify the safety and operational Standards in the United States that should
rules and codes applicable to the areas, be reviewed are Occupational Safety and
materials, equipment and processes Health Standards for general industry13 and
before work is to begin. the Occupational Safety and Health
2. Provide proper safety equipment Standards for the Construction Industry.14
(safety glasses, hard hat, safety Toxic substances in systems inspected
harnesses, steel toed shoes, hearing and in the work site are also a
protection, others). concern.14-17
3. If needed, obtain a qualified assistant Safety considerations specific to
who knows the plant’s electrical, particular nondestructive test techniques
mechanical or process systems. are covered in detail in method volumes
4. Before the test, perform a thorough of the Nondestructive Testing Handbook.
visual survey to determine all the Personnel safety is always the first
hazards and identify necessary consideration for every job.
safeguards to protect test personnel
and equipment.
5. Notify operative personnel to identify
the location and specific equipment Ensuring Reliability of Test
that will be examined. In addition, Results
determine if signs or locks restrict
access by personnel. Be aware of When a test is performed, there are four
equipment that may be operated possible outcomes: (1) a discontinuity can
remotely or may be started by time be found when a discontinuity is present;
delay. (2) a discontinuity can be missed even
6. Be aware of any potentially explosive when a discontinuity is present; (3) a
atmospheres. Determine whether it is discontinuity can be perceived when none
safe to take your equipment into the is present; and (4) no discontinuity is
area. found when none is present. A reliable
7. Do not enter any roped off or no entry testing process and a reliable inspector
areas without permission and should find all discontinuities of concern
approval. with no discontinuities missed (no errors
8. Determine if electrical safety courses as in case 2, above) and no false callouts
are required for the performance of (case 3, above).
electrical surveys. To achieve this goal, the probability of
9. When working on or around electrical finding a discontinuity must be high and
equipment, remove pens, watches, the inspector must be both proficient in
rings or objects in your pockets that the testing process and motivated to
may touch (or fall into) energized perform at maximum efficiency. A reckless
equipment. inspector may accept parts that contain
10. Know interplant communication and discontinuities, with the result of possible
evacuation systems. inservice part failure. A cautious inspector
11. Never let unqualified personnel may reject parts that do not contain
operate equipment. discontinuities, with the result of
12. Keep a safe distance between you and unnecessary scrap and repair. Neither
any energized equipment. In the inspector is doing a good job.
United States, these distances can be
found in documents from the
Occupational Safety and Health Summary
Administration, the National Fire
Prevention Association (National As noted in this discussion, many factors
Electric Code11), the Institute of must be considered before a program of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers nondestructive testing can begin at a
(National Electrical Safety Code12) and facility. To manage a nondestructive
other organizations. testing program many options must be
13. Be aware of the personnel considered. The final decision for a path
responsibilities before entering a forward must be based on requirements
confined space. All such areas must be (codes, standards and specifications) and
tested satisfactorily for gas and oxygen what is best for the project. If a customer
levels before entry and periodically lacks the expertise for this critical
thereafter. If odors are noticed, or decision, the industry has many talented
unusual sensations such as ear aches, individuals that are willing to assist. The
dizziness or difficulty in breathing are American Society for Nondestructive
experienced, leave the area Testing is a place to begin the decision
immediately. making process.
Most facilities in the United States are
required by law to follow the
requirements in the applicable standard.
Two Occupational Safety and Health

18 Nondestructive Testing Overview

PART 3. Measurement Units for
Nondestructive Testing

example, a millimeter (mm) is

International System 0.001 meter (m). The volume unit cubic
centimeter (cm3) is (0.01 m)3 or 10–6 m3.
In 1960, the General Conference on Unit submultiples such as the centimeter,
Weights and Measures established the decimeter, dekameter and hectometer are
International System of Units. Le Systéme less common in scientific and technical
International d’Unités (SI) was designed so uses of the International System of Units
that a single set of measurement units because of their variance from the
could be used by all branches of science, convenient 103 or 10–3 intervals that
engineering and the general public. make equations easy to manipulate.
Without the International System of In the International System of Units,
Units, the Nondestructive Testing Handbook the distinction between upper and lower
series would contain a confusing mix of case letters is meaningful and should be
obsolete centimeter gram second (CGS) observed. For example, the meanings of
units, inch pound units and the units the prefix m (milli) and the prefix M
preferred by certain localities or scientific (mega) differ by nine orders of magnitude.
specialties. For more information, the reader is
The International System of Units is referred to the information available
the modern version of the metric system through national standards organizations
and ends the division between metric and specialized information compiled by
units used by scientists and metric units technical organizations.18-20
used by engineers and the public.
Scientists have given up their units based
on centimeter and gram and engineers
have abandoned the kilogram-force in TABLE 5. SI derived units with special names.a
favor of the newton. Electrical engineers Relation
have retained the ampere, volt and ohm to Other
but changed all units related to Quantity Units Symbol SI Unitsb
Table 4 lists the seven base units of the Capacitance farad F C·V –1
International System of Units. Table 5 lists Catalytic activity katal kat s –1 ·mol
derived units with special names. In the Conductance siemens S A·V –1
International System of Units, the unit of Energy joule J N·m
time is the second (s); the hour (h) is Frequency (periodic) hertz Hz 1·s –1
recognized for use with the International
Force newton N kg·m·s –2
System of Units.
Old units should not be used in science Inductance henry H Wb·A –1
and engineering. Table 6 gives some Illuminance lux lx lm·m –2
conversions to units in the International Luminous flux lumen lm cd·sr
System of Units. Electric charge coulomb C A·s
In science and engineering, very large Electric potentialc volt V W·A –1
or very small numbers with units are Electric resistance ohm Ω V·A –1
expressed by using multipliers, prefixes of Magnetic flux weber Wb V·s
103 intervals (Table 7). The multiplier Magnetic flux density tesla T Wb·m –2
becomes a part of the SI symbol. For Plane angle radian rad 1
Power watt W J·s –1
Pressure (stress) pascal Pa N·m –2
TABLE 4. SI base units. Radiation absorbed dose gray Gy J·kg –1
Radiation dose equivalent sievert Sv J·kg –1
Quantity Unit Symbol
Radioactivity becquerel Bq 1·s –1
Length meter m Solid angle steradian sr 1
Mass kilogram kg Temperature degree celsius °C K
Time second s Timea hour h 3600 s
Electric current ampere A Volumea liter L dm3
Temperature kelvin K a. Hour and liter are not SI units but are accepted for use with SI.
Amount of substance mole mol b. Number one (1) expresses a dimensionless relationship.
Luminous intensity candela cd c. Electromotive force.

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 19

Units for Visual Testing TABLE 7. SI prefixes and multipliers.
Prefix Symbol Multiplier
Illumination yotta Y 10 24
Many characteristics of light, light zetta Z 10 21
sources, lighting materials and lighting exa E 10 18
installations may be measured, including peta P 10 15
illuminance, luminance, luminous tera T 10 12
intensity, luminous flux, contrast, color giga G 10 9
(appearance and rendering), spectral
mega M 10 6
distribution, electrical characteristics and
radiant energy. kilo k 10 3
In visual testing, units express hectoa h 10 2
measurements of visible light as part of dekaa da 10
the electromagnetic spectrum. In the decia d 10–1
electromagnetic spectrum, radiometry is centia c 10–2
the measurement of radiant energy, both milli m 10–3
visible and invisible. Photometry in Greek micro μ 10–6
means simply light measurement. nano n 10–9
Radiometry measures all forms of pico p 10–12
electromagnetic radiation, including light;
femto f 10–15
photometry measures light alone.
Radiometry and photometry have the atto a 10–18
same principles but different units of zepto z 10–21
measure (Table 8). yocto y 10–24
Vision requires a source of a. Avoid these prefixes (except in dm3 and cm3) for
illumination. The luminous intensity in a science and engineering.
given direction is measured in candela

TABLE 6. Examples of conversions to SI units.

Quantity Measurement in Non-SI Unit Multiply by To Get Measurement in SI Unit

Angle minute (min) 2.908 882 × 10–4 radian (rad)

degree (deg) 1.745 329 × 10–2 radian (rad)
Area square inch (in.2) 645 square millimeter (mm2)
Distance angstrom (Å) 0.1 nanometer (nm)
inch (in.) 25.4 millimeter (mm)
Energy British thermal unit (BTU) 1.055 kilojoule (kJ)
calorie (cal), thermochemical 4.184 joule (J)
Power British thermal unit per hour (BTU·h–1) 0.293 watt (W)
Specific heat British thermal unit per pound 4.19 kilojoule per kilogram per kelvin (kJ·kg–1·K–1)
degree fahrenheit (BTU·lbm–1·°F–1)
Force pound force 4.448 newton (N)
Torque (couple) foot-pound (ft-lbf) 1.36 newton meter (N·m)
Pressure pound force per square inch (lbf·in.–2) 6.89 kilopascal (kPa)
Frequency (cycle) cycle per minute 60–1 hertz (Hz)
Illuminance footcandle (ftc) 10.76 lux (lx)
phot (ph) 10 000 lux (lx)
Luminance candela per square foot (cd·ft–2) 10.76 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
candela per square inch (cd·in.–2) 1.550 003 × 10–3 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
footlambert (ftl) 3.426 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
lambert 3.183 099 × 10–3 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
nit (nt) 1 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
stilb (sb) 10 000 candela per square meter (cd·m–2)
Radioactivity curie (Ci) 37 gigabecquerel (GBq)
Ionizing radiation exposure roentgen (R) 0.258 millicoulomb per kilogram (mC·kg–1)
Mass pound (lbm) 0.454 kilogram (kg)
Temperature (increment) degree fahrenheit (°F) 0.556 kelvin (K) or degree celsius (°C)
Temperature (scale) degree fahrenheit (°F) (°F – 32) ÷ 1.8 degree celsius (°C)
Temperature (scale) degree fahrenheit (°F) (°F – 32) ÷ 1.8 + 273.15 kelvin (K)

20 Nondestructive Testing Overview

TABLE 8. Photometric quantities and corresponding radiometric quantities.
Photometric Photometric Radiometric Radiometric
Quantity Unit Quantity Unit

Color temperature kelvin (K) radiance temperature kelvin (K)

Illuminance lux·(lx)b irradiance watt per square meter (W·m–2)
Luminance candela per square meter (cd·m–2)c radiance watt per steradian per square meter (W·sr –1·m–2)
Luminous energy lumen second (lm·s) radiant energy joule (J)
Luminous exitance lumen per square meter (lm·m–2) radiant exitance watt per square meter (W·m–2)
Luminous exposure lux second (lx·s) radiant exposure watt per square meter second (W·m–2·s)
Luminous flux lm (lumen) radiant flux watt (W)
Luminous intensity candela (cd)a radiant intensity watt per steradian (W·sr –1)
a. 1 cd = 1 lm·sr –1.
b. 1 lx = 1 lm·m–2.
c. 1 cd·m–2 = 1 lm·sr –1·m–2.

(cd), defined as the intensity of luminous quantity of illumination is illuminance.

flux in a given direction of a source that The names of some units have changed:
emits monochromatic radiation with a the meter candle is now lux; the nit is
frequency of 540 THz and that has a now candela per square meter (cd·m–2).
radiant intensity in that direction of Footcandle (ftc) and phot convert to lux
1/683 watt per steradian (W·sr–1). (lx). Stilb (sb), footlambert and lambert
Luminous flux is the time rate of flow each convert to candela per square meter
of light. The luminous flux in a solid (cd·m–2). See Table 6 for conversion
angle is measured in lumens (lm). factors for luminance and illuminance.
Although the candela is a base unit,
luminous flux is more fundamental Optometry
because other photometric quantities are
defined in terms of luminous flux, The diopter is a variable used to express
measured in lumens with appropriate the refracting power of curved mirrors,
geometric factors. The measurement in lenses and the eye. The diopter is the
lumens is the product of candela and inverse of the distance (in meters) from
solid angle (for example, 1 lm = 1 cd·sr). A the lens (or mirror) to an image of a
light flux of one lumen (1 lm) striking distant object; that is, the diopter is the
one square meter (1 m2) on the surface of inverse of the focal distance of the lens or
the sphere around the source illuminates mirror (where that distance is measured in
it with one lux (1 lx), the unit of meters).
illuminance: 1 lm·m–2 = 1 lx. To express retinal illuminance, the
Luminance (in candelas per square troland (Td) is most often used. It is not a
meter) is the luminous flux at a specified true unit of illumination but is the
angle where the angle of incidence or product of the target luminance (in
refraction is considered. The luminous candela per square meter) and the pupil
flux may be exiting, passing through or area (in square millimeters).
arriving at the surface. If the source itself
is scaled to one square meter (1 m2) and Wavelength
emits one candela (1 cd), the luminance
of the source is 1 cd·m–2. Historically, Nanometer (nm) is used rather than
luminance has been referred to as angstrom (Å) for wavelength. The velocity
photometric brightness. c of light is expressed as a ratio of distance
The intensity of light — visible in meters (m) to time in seconds (s): in a
radiation perceived as the brightness of an vacuum, c = 2.99792458 × 108 m·s–1.
illuminated surface — was formerly Wavelength is inversely related to
measured in footcandles (ftc) and is now frequency. Color temperature is a
expressed in lux (lx): 1 ftc = 10 lx. characteristic of light sources such as
Illuminance is the density (in lux) of discharge lamps. Hue depends on the
luminous flux incident on a given area of temperature of the source across a
a planar surface at a given instant. A spectrum of frequencies. The color
typical indoor office has illumination of temperature reported is generally that of
about 400 lx. Daylight ranges from 1 to the peak frequency, the frequency at
25 klx; direct sunlight, several times more. which the source temperature is greatest.
Terms for some quantities have been Color temperature is measured in kelvins.
replaced in the International System.
Brightness is luminance, and transmission
factor is transmittance. The measured

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 21

Ultraviolet Radiation Units for Penetrant Testing
Ultraviolet radiation is of concern to and Leak Testing
visual inspectors because they are often The quantities of pressure, volume,
called on to document the vision acuity viscosity and porosity are relevant for the
and color discrimination of personnel methods of both penetrant testing and
who use ultraviolet lamps to perform leak testing.
liquid penetrant and magnetic particle Ultraviolet radiation is often used to
testing. The term light is widely used for reveal penetrant indications. Its
electromagnetic radiation in the visible measurement is discussed above, after
part of the spectrum. The term black light, visual testing.
however, should not be used for
ultraviolet radiation, because (1) the term
has become ambiguous, denoting Pressure
sometimes the ultraviolet lamp and The pascal (Pa), equal to one newton per
sometimes its radiation, (2) the term black square meter (1 N·m–2), is used to express
here means merely invisible and not a pressure, stress and similar quantities. It is
color and (3) ultraviolet radiation is not used in place of units of pound force per
truly light, any more than X-rays are. square inch (lbf·in.–2), atmosphere,
Although both light and ultraviolet millimeter of mercury (mm Hg), torr, bar,
radiation are measured in watts per square inch of mercury (in. Hg), inch of water
meter, their wavelengths have distinct (H2O) and other units (Table 9).
ranges. Because ultraviolet radiation is Specifications must indicate whether
invisible, photometric measurement units gage, absolute or differential pressure is
such as the lumen and lux should never meant. Negative pressures might be used
be applied to ultraviolet radiation. in heating duct technology and in
Ultraviolet radiation is divided into vacuum boxes used for bubble testing, but
three ranges: UV-A (320 to 400 nm), UV-B in vacuums used in tracer leak testing
(280 to 320 nm) and UV-C (100 to absolute pressures are used.
280 nm). This is analogous to the
segmentation of visible light into the
wavelengths that produce the colors. Blue Volume
light, for example, generally has The cubic meter (m3) is the volume
wavelengths between 455 and 492 nm. measurement unit in the International
Yellow light is between 577 and 597 nm. System of Units. It takes the place of cubic
The analogy to visible radiation might foot, cubic inch, gallon, pint, barrel and
help those first learning to measure others. In the International System of
ultraviolet radiation. A certain intensity of Units, the liter (L) is also approved for
yellow light will produce on a surface a use. The liter is a special name for cubic
certain illuminance measured in lux. In decimeter (1 L = 1 dm3 = 10–3 m3). Only
the same way, a certain amount of the milli (m) and micro (µ) prefixes may be
ultraviolet radiation will produce an used with liter.
irradiance on a test surface. The fundamental units of time,
Ultraviolet irradiance is a time temperature, pressure and volume are
dependent measure of the amount of expressed every time that a movement of
energy falling on a prescribed surface area a fluid (liquid or gas) is measured.
and is expressed in watts per square meter
(W·m–2) or (to avoid exponents) Viscosity
microwatts per square centimeter
(µW·cm–2). One unit of irradiance Dynamic viscosity is expressed in the
(1 µW·cm–2) is the power (microwatt) International System of Units by the
falling on one square centimeter (cm–2) of pascal second. An older unit is the
surface area. At higher irradiance, the
milliwatt per square centimeter
(mW·cm–2) is sometimes used:
1000 µW·cm–2 = 1 mW·cm–2, and TABLE 9. Factors for conversion of
1 µW·cm–2 = 1010 W·m–2. pressure values to pascal (Pa).
More information on the physics and
safe use of ultraviolet radiation can be To convert from Multiply by
found in literature about liquid penetrant
and magnetic particle testing. pound per square inch (lbf·in.–2) 6.8948 × 103
kilogram per square millimeter 9.8066 × 105
atmosphere (atm) 1.01325 × 105
inch mercury (in. Hg) 3.3864 × 103
torr 1.3332 × 102

22 Nondestructive Testing Overview

poise (P), or centipoise (cP): 100 cP = 1 P = Quantitative Description of
0.1 Pa·s. Leakage Rates
Kinematic viscosity is expressed in the
International System of Units as square The significant quantitative measurement
meter per second, equivalent to the resulting from leak testing is the
dynamic viscosity divided by mass volumetric leakage rate or mass flow rate
density. An older unit is the stokes (St): of fluid through one or more leaks.
1 cSt = 0.01 St = 1 mm2·s–1; Leakage rate thus has dimensions
1 St = 0.0001 m2·s–1. equivalent to pressure times volume
divided by time. The units used previously
for volumetric leakage rate were standard
Porosity cubic centimeter per second (std cm3·s–1).
Porosity is reported as a ratio of volume to In SI units, the quantity of gas is
volume and can be expressed as a measured in units of pascal cubic meter
percentage. For example, if hydrogen (Pa·m3). The leakage rate is measured in
content in aluminum is measured as pascal cubic meter per second (Pa·m3·s–1).
2.5 mm3·g–1, this value reduces to For this leakage rate to be a mass flow, the
2.50 mm3·(0.37 cm3)–1 × 1000 mm3·cm–3 = pressure and temperature must be at
0.675 or about 0.7 percent. Therefore the standard values of 101 kPa (760 torr) and
hydrogen content should be reported as 0 °C (32 °F). Table 11 gives factors for
6.75 mm3·cm–3 in volume, for a porosity conversion of leakage rates in various
of 0.7 percent. common units, past and present. Table 12
provides leakage rate comparisons that
permit a better understanding of the
Abrasives and Finish Treatment
Surface abrading is a matter of concern in
liquid penetrant testing because grinding,
shot peening and sand blasting can close TABLE 11. Mass flow conversion factors
surface breaking cracks and so keep them for leakage rate.
from being indicated in tests. Finish also
affects adherence of materials to a surface. To Convert from To Multiply by
In preparation of test panels for
Pascal cubic meter per stdcm3·s–1 9.87 (≅ 10)
evaluation, the type and size of abrasive
second (Pa·m3·s–1) mol·s–1 4.40 × 10–4
blasting is often specified.
Abrasive particle size (coarse versus Standard cubic Pa·m3·s–1 1.01 × 10–1
fine) in the United States has traditionally centimeter per mol·s–1 4.46 × 10–5
been specified using industry accepted second (std cm3·s–1)
gage numbers that correspond to the Mole per second Pa·m3·s–1 2.27 × 103
number of lines (or wires) per inch in (mol·s–1) std cm3·s–1 2.24 × 104
sieves used to sift the abrasive grit. A Torr liter per second Pa·m3·s–1 1.33 × 10–1
number of standards govern grit (torr·L·s–1) std cm3·s–1 1.32
specifications in the abrasive industries — mol·s–1 5.87 × 10–5
for example, ANSI B 74.16 for industrial Millibar liter per Pa·m3·s–1 1.00 × 10–1
diamonds. Table 10 shows several of the second (mb·L·s–1) std cm3·s–1 9.87 × 10–1
many levels of grit designations based on mol·s–1 2.27 × 104
particle size.21
Standard cubic foot per Pa·m3·s–1 0.80
Organizations that issue standards in
hour (std ft3·h–1) std cm3·s–1 7.87
this area include ASTM International, the
mol·s–1 3.51 × 10–4
American National Standards Institute
(ANSI), the Federation of the European
Producers of Abrasives (FEPA) and the
International Standardization
Organization (ISO). TABLE 12. Leakage rates expressed in
various units
Pa·m3·s–1 std cm3·s–1 mol·s–1
TABLE 10. Abrasive particle size and sieve apertures. 1 10 4.40 × 10–4
Mesh Designation Sieve Lines 10–1 1 4.40 × 10–5
___________________ Nominal ISO __________________
USA FEPA Sieve Aperture per (per 10–2 10–1 4.40 × 10–6
Grit Grit (µm) 10 mm 1.0 in.) 10–3 10–2 4.40 × 10–7
10 10–3 4.40 × 10–8
70 to 80 213 212 to 180 30.3 (76.9) 10–5 10–4 4.40 × 10–9
80 to 100 181 180 to 150 39.4 (100.0) 10–6 10–5 4.40 × 10–10
100 to 120 151 150 to 125 43.7 (111.1) 10–7 10–6 4.40 × 10–11
120 to 150 126 125 to 106 49.2 (125.1) 10–8 10–7 4.40 × 10–12
140 to 170 107 106 to 90 59.1 (150.1) 10–9 10–8 4.40 × 10–13
10–10 10–9 4.40 × 10–14

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 23

quantities involved, when leakage rates standard cubic centimeter per second
are specified. (std cm3·s–1). Use of the word standard in
Leakage is not simply the volume of air units such as std cm3·s–1 requires that gas
entering the vacuum chamber. Instead, leakage rate be converted to standard
the critical factor is the number of gaseous temperature and pressure conditions
molecules entering the vacuum system. (293 K and 101.325 kPa), often even
This number of molecules, in turn, during the process of collecting data
depends on the external pressure, during leakage rate tests. Leakage rates
temperature and the volume of gas at this given in units of std cm3·s–1 can be
pressure that leaks into the vacuum converted to SI units of Pa·m3·s–1 at any
system. The leakage rate is expressed in time by simply dividing the SI leakage
terms of the product of this pressure rate by 10 or (more precisely) by 9.87.
difference multiplied by the gas volume Gas Permeation Rate. The compound unit
passing through the leak, per unit of time. for permeation rate in SI is pascal cubic
Thus, the leakage rate is directly meter per second per square meter per
proportional to the number of molecules meter (Pa·m3·s–1)/(m2·m–1). Permeation is
leaking into the vacuum system per unit the leakage of gas through a (typically
of time. solid) substance that is not impervious to
The molecular unit of mass flow used gas flow. The permeation rate is larger
for gas by the National Institute of with an increased exposed area, a higher
Standards and Technology is mole per pressure differential across the substance
second (mol·s–1), a mass flow unit (such as a membrane or gasket) and is
measured at standard atmospheric smaller with an increasing thickness of
pressure and standard temperature of 0 °C permeable substance. In vacuum testing,
(32 °F). A common unit of gas is the the pressure differential is usually
standard cubic meter (std m3). This unit is considered to be one atmosphere (about
equivalent to one million units given as 100 kPa). One sometimes finds
atmospheric cubic centimeter (atm cm3). permeation rate measured where the gas
Both units indicate the quantity of gas quantity is expressed in units of mass.
(air) contained in a unit volume at
average sea level atmospheric pressure at a
temperature of 0 °C (32 °F). The average
atmospheric pressure at sea level is Units for Infrared
101.3 kPa (760 mm Hg or 760 torr). The
SI unit of pressure, the pascal (Pa), is
equivalent to newton per square meter Old units are converted (Table 6). British
(N·m–2). thermal unit (BTU) and calorie convert to
joule (J). British thermal unit per hour
converts to watt (W). For measurement of
Derived Units for Leak Testing wavelength, nanometer (nm) obviates
Gas Quantity. The SI unit used for angstrom (Å): 10 Å = 1 nm.
measuring gas quantity is pascal cubic
meter (Pa·m3). The quantity of gas which Volume
is stored in a container or which has
passed through a leak is described by the The cubic meter (m3) is the volume
derived SI unit of pascal cubic meter, the measurement unit in the International
product of pressure and volume. To be System of Units. It takes the place of cubic
strict, the temperature should be specified foot, cubic inch, gallon, pint, barrel and
for the gas quantity or leakage more. In SI, the liter (L) is also approved
measurement to define the gas quantity for use. The liter is a special name for
(sometimes loosely described as the mass cubic decimeter (1 L = 1 dm3 = 10–3 m3).
of gas) more precisely. Often, gas quantity Only the milli (m) and micro (µ) prefixes
is defined for standard temperature and may be used with liter.
pressure, typically the standard The fundamental units of time,
atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa (1 atm) temperature, pressure and volume are
and a temperature of 0 °C (32 °F). expressed every time movement of a fluid
Temperature corrections are usually (liquid or gas) is measured.
required if temperature varies significantly
during leak testing. However, small Heat, Temperature and Thermal
changes in temperature may sometimes Radiation
be insignificant compared with many
orders of magnitude of change in gas Heat can be described as the energy
pressure or leakage quantity. transfer associated with the random and
chaotic motions of the atomic particles
Gas Leakage Rate. The SI unit for leakage from which matter is composed. The unit
rate is pascal cubic meter per second of heat is the joule (J), equal to about
(Pa·m3·s–1). The leakage rate is defined as 0.24 calorie (cal) or 9.481 × 10–4 British
the quantity (mass) of gas leaking in one thermal units (BTUs).
second. The unit in prior use was the

24 Nondestructive Testing Overview

Temperature is a measure of the observations that were then used for
intensity of particle motion (or vibration) measurement purposes. This practical
in degrees celsius (°C) or fahrenheit (°F) approach was acceptable at the time, but
or, in the absolute scale, kelvin (K) or a broader understanding of physics and
rankine (°R), where per increment 1 K = the modern practice of using only one
1 °C = 1.8 °R = 1.8 °F. Fahrenheit and unit for a quantity has led to the
rankine are obsolete units and never used modification of many of the original units
in scientific work. (Tables 14 to 16). In the International
All materials (hot or cold) transfer heat System of Units, radiation units have been
and radiate infrared energy. As a material given established physical foundations
is cooled, it continuously loses heat and and new names where necessary.
radiation power. At absolute zero (0 K = 0
°R = –273.16 °C = –459.69 °F), all energy Physical Quantities
content, radiation and particle motion
cease to exist. It has been physically Three physical quantities in particular
impossible to create the temperature of (Table 14) are widely used as measurement
absolute zero. units — the electronvolt (eV), the speed of
Quantities in infrared and thermal light (c) and the unified atomic mass unit
testing are measured and expressed with a (u). Their precise values, however, are
variety of compound units. Some of the obtained experimentally.
more common are listed in Table 13. Electronvolt. The electronvolt is the
Thermal conductivity is a body’s relative kinetic energy acquired by an electron in
ability to carry heat by conduction in a passing through a potential difference of
static temperature gradient. A material’s 1 V in vacuum; 1 eV = 1.602 176 462 ×
thermal resistance is its resistance to the 10–19 J with a combined standard
flow of thermal energy and is inversely uncertainty of 6.3 × 10–27 J.20 The
proportional to the material’s thermal electronvolt is accepted for use with SI.
conductance. Speed of Electromagnetic Radiation. The
quantity c represents the speed of light,
that is, the speed of electromagnetic
Units for Radiography waves in vacuum; 1 c = 299 792 458 m·s–1
exactly (670 616 629 mi·h–1). The speed of
The original discoveries of radioactivity light is a physical quantity but can be
helped establish units of measurement used as a unit of measure.
based on observation rather than precise
Unified Atomic Mass Unit. The unified
physical phenomena. Later, scientists who
atomic mass unit (u) is 1/12 of the mass
worked with radioactive substances (or
of the atom of the nuclide carbon-12; 1 u
who managed to manufacture radioactive
= 1.660 538 73 × 10–27 kg with a combined
beams) again made circumstantial
standard uncertainty of ±1.3 × 10–34 kg.20

TABLE 13. Compound units used in infrared and thermal testing.

Thermal SIa SIa
Quantity Units Symbols

Heat capacity, or entropy joule per cubic meter kelvin J·m–3·K–1

Heat density joule per square meter J·m–2
Heat flow rate watt (1 W = 1 J·s–1) W
Heat irradiance, or heat flux density watt per square meter W·m–2
Heat transfer coefficient watt per square meter kelvin W·m–2·K–1
Radiance watt per square meter kelvin W·m–2·K–1
Radiant intensity watt per steradian W·sr–1
Specific heat joule per kilogram kelvin J·kg–1·K–1
Thermal conductance watt per square meter kelvin W·m–2·K–1
Thermal conductivity watt per meter kelvin W·m–1·K–1
Thermal diffusivity square meter per second m2·s–1
Thermal expansion meter per meter kelvin m·m–1·K–1
Thermal resistance square meter kelvin per watt m2·K·W–1
Thermal resistivity meter kelvin per watt m·K·W–1
Thermal transmittance watt per square meter kelvin W·m–2·K–1

a. International System of Units (SI).

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 25

Radiation Measurement prefix giga (109) is used and the unit is
normally seen as gigabecquerel (GBq).
Because of existing practice in certain
fields and countries, the International Coulomb per Kilogram Replaces
Committee for Weights and Measures Roentgen. The unit for quantity of
(CIPM, Comité Internationale des Poids et electric charge is the coulomb (C), where
Mesures) permitted the units given in 1 C = 1 A × 1 s. The original roentgen (R)
Table 15 (curie, roentgen, rad and rem) to was the quantity of radiation that would
continue to be used with the ionize 1 cm3 of air to 1 electrostatic unit
International System of Units until of electric charge, of either sign. It is now
1998.18-20 However, these units must not known that a roentgen is equivalent to
be introduced where they are not 258 microcoulombs per kilogram of air
presently used. The National Institute of (258 µC·kg–1 of air). This corresponds to
Standards and Technology strongly 1.61 × 1015 ion pairs per 1 kg of air, which
discourages the continued use of curie, has then absorbed 8.8 mJ (0.88 rad, where
roentgen, rad and rem.18-20 ASTM rad is the obsolete unit for radiation
International, the American National absorbed dose, not the SI symbol for
Standards Institute, the Institute of radian).
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Gray Replaces Rad. The roentgen (R) was
International Organization an intensity unit but was not
Standardization (ISO) and the American representative of the dose absorbed by
Society for Nondestructive Testing all material in a radiation field. The radiation
support the replacement of older English absorbed dose (rad) was first created to
units with the International System of measure this quantity and was based on
Units. the erg, the energy unit from the old
Becquerel Replaces Curie. The original centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system. In
unit for radioactivity was the curie (Ci), the SI system, the unit for radiation dose
simply the radiation of one gram of is the gray (Gy). The gray is useful because
radium. Eventually all equivalent it applies to doses absorbed by matter at a
radiation from any source was measured particular location. It is expressed in
with this same unit. It is now known that energy units per mass of matter or in
a curie is equivalent to 3.7 × 1010 joules per kilogram (J·kg–1). The mass is
disintegrations per second. In SI, the unit that of the absorbing body.
for radioactivity is the becquerel (Bq), Sievert Replaces Rem. The SI system’s unit
which is one disintegration per second. for the dose absorbed by the human body
Because billions of disintegrations are (formerly rem for roentgen equivalent man;
required in a useful source, the multiplier also known as ambient dose equivalent,

TABLE 14. Physical quantities used as units. Values of physical quantities are experimentally obtained
and may only be approximated in SI. Conversions are provided here for descriptive purposes.
Physical Quantity Symbol Multiply by SI Unit SI Symbol

Electronvolt a eV 1.6 × 10–19 joule J

Speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum c 2.997 924 58 × 108 meter per second m·s–1
Unified atomic mass unit a,b u 1.66 x 10–27 kilogram kg
a. Approved for use with SI.
b. Mass of unified atomic mass unit is 12–1 of the mass of the atom of the nuclide carbon-12.

TABLE 15. Conversion to SI radiographic units.

Traditional Unit Symbol Multiply by Resulting SI Unit SI Symbol

Curie Ci 3.7 × 1010 becquerel Bq

37 gigabecquerel GBq
Rad rad a 10–2 gray Gy
10 milligray mGy
Rem rem 10–2 sievert Sv
10 millisievert mSv
Roentgen R 2.58 × 10–4 coulomb per kilogram C·kg–1
258 microcoulomb per kilogram µC·kg–1
a. The abbreviation rd may be used for radiation absorbed dose where there is possibility of confusion with radian
(rad), the SI unit for plane angle.

26 Nondestructive Testing Overview

directional dose equivalent, dose equivalent,
equivalent dose and personal dose equivalent)
is similar to the gray but includes quality
Units for Electromagnetic
factors dependent on the type of Testing
radiation. This absorbed dose has been In this discussion, electromagnetic testing
given the name sievert (Sv) but its includes techniques such as magnetic
dimensions are the same as the gray, that particle and eddy current testing.
is, 1 Sv = 1 J·kg–1.
Compound Units The radian (rad) is the international unit
Exposure to ionizing radiation could be for measurement of plane angle and is
measured in roentgens with an ionization equal to the angle subtended by an arc
chamber that, when placed 1 m (39 in.) from the center of a circle and equal to its
from the radiation source, provided radius. The radian is useful in theoretical
necessary information — one roentgen physics, but physical measurements are
per curie per hour at one meter (R·Ci–1·h–1 typically in degrees. The degree (deg) is
at 1 m), for example. The numbers, approved for use with the International
however, had limited physical meaning System of Units.
and could not be used for different
applications such as high voltage X-ray
CGS Units
The roentgen per hour (R·h–1) was used Centimeter-gram-second (CGS) units such
to designate the exposure to an ionizing as the oersted, gauss and maxwell are not
radiation of the stated value. Because the accepted for use with the International
radiation received from 1 R·h–1 was System of Units. Furthermore, no other
considered about equal to 1 rem, the units of the various CGS systems of units,
relationship is approximated as 1 R·h–1 = which includes the CGS electrostatic, CGS
0.01 Gy·h–1 = 10 mGy·h–1. electromagnetic and CGS gaussian
A previously popular unit, roentgen per systems, are accepted for use with the
curie per hour at one meter (R·Ci–1·h–1 at International System of Units except such
1 m), is expressed in the International units as the centimeter (cm), gram (g) and
System of Units as millisievert per second (s) that are also defined in the
gigabecquerel per hour at one meter International System of Units.
(mSv·GBq–1·h–1 at 1 m), such that The oersted, gauss and maxwell are
1 mSv·GBq–1·h–1 at 1 m = 3.7 R·Ci–1·h–1 at part of the electromagnetic
1 m. In this relationship, roentgen three-dimensional CGS system. When
converts to millisieverts on a one-to-ten only mechanical and electric quantities
basis. are considered, these three units cannot
Exposure charts were often made by strictly speaking be compared each to the
using curie minutes at a source-to-film corresponding unit of the International
distance in inches squared. This was System of Units, which has four
written Ci·min·in.–2. Exposure charts dimensions. The SI units include the
made in SI use gigabecquerel minutes for weber (Wb) and the tesla (T).
a source-to-film distance in centimeters Magnetic Field Intensity. The ampere per
squared, where 1 Ci·min·in.–2 = meter replaces the oersted. Magnetic field
50 GBq·min·cm–2. Table 16 lists some of intensity (magnetic field strength) is
these compound units. expressed in ampere per meter (A·m–1).
One ampere per meter (A·m–1) equals
about one eightieth of an oersted (Oe).
The relationship is 1 Oe = 1000·(4π)–1
TABLE 16. Compound radiographic units. A·m–1 = 79.57747 A·m–1. 1 A·m–1 =
Traditional Multiply Resulting 0.013 Oe = 13 mOe.
Unit by SI Unit Magnetic Flux Density. The tesla replaces
the gauss. Magnetic flux density is
R·Ci–1·h–1 at 1 m 0.27 mSv·GBq–1·h–1 at 1 m expressed in weber per square meter
Ci·min·in.–2 50 GBq·min.·cm–2 (Wb·m–2), or tesla (T), to indicate flux per
R·min–1 a 0.01 Gy·min–1 unit area. One tesla equals ten thousand
R·min–1 b 0.01 Sv·min–1 gauss (G): 1 T = 104 G = 10 kG.
R 2.58 × 10–4 C·kg–1 1 G = 10–4 T = 0.1 mT. Tesla is a large unit
a. Absorbed dose. and is often used with the multiplier
b. Dose absorbed by human body. prefixes (Table 7) in the International
System of Units.
Magnetic Flux. The weber replaces the
maxwell. One weber (Wb) equals 108
maxwell (Mx): 1 Wb = 100 MMx.
1 Mx = 10–8 Wb = 0.01 µWb = 10 nWb.

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 27

Conductivity and Resistivity Ultraviolet radiation is often used to
reveal magnetic particle indications. Its
In the twentieth century, the conductivity
measurement is discussed above, after
of a given metal was conventionally
visual testing.
expressed as a percentage of pure copper’s
conductivity with reference to the
International Annealed Copper Standard
(IACS).22 In the International System of Units for Acoustics
Units, conductivity is expressed in
siemens per meter (S·m–1). The In this discussion, acoustics includes the
conductivity of pure copper (100 percent methods of ultrasonic testing and acoustic
IACS) is 58 MS·m–1. emission testing.
Resistivity is the inverse of
conductivity and is expressed in ohm Pressure, Displacement and
meter. Table 17 gives the formulas for Related Quantities
conversion to and from units for
conductivity and resistivity. Acoustic emission and ultrasound are
mechanical waves inside a stressed
material, where a displacement ripples
Units for Magnetic Testing through the material and moves its
In magnetic testing, units are mainly for surface. A transducer on that surface
magnetism, visible light and ultraviolet undergoes this displacement as a pressure.
radiation. The units in the International The pressure is measured as force per unit
System of Units include the weber (Wb), area in pascal (Pa), equivalent to newton
the tesla (T) and several derived units. per square meter (N·m–2). The signal from
Originally, these units were developed by the transducer is sometimes related to
scientists using the CGS (centimeter gram velocity (m·s–1), displacement (m) or
second) metric system. For magnetic acceleration (m·s–2).
theories, the introduction of SI meant the Properties of piezoelectric transducers
removal of intermediate units (such as the are related to electric charge: a pressure on
unit pole) and made possible a direct the element creates a charge (measured in
conversion from flux per second to coulomb) on the electrodes. A rapidly
voltage. changing pressure alters the charge fast
enough to allow the use of either voltage
or charge amplifiers. After this, signal
processing may analyze and store data in
TABLE 17. Conversion of Units for terms of distance in meter (m), velocity in
Conductivity σ and Resistivity ρ. meter per second (m·s–1), acceleration in
From Unit Operation To Get Unit meter per second per second (m·s–2),
signal strength in volt·second (V·s),
Conductivity Unit to Conductivity Unita energy in joule (J), signal in volt (V) or
S·m–1 (S·m–1) × 10–6 MS·m–1 power in watt (W).
S·m–1 (S·m–1) × (1.724 × 10–6) %IACS
MS·m–1 (MS·m–1) × 106 S·m–1 Hertz
MS·m –1 –1
(MS·m ) × 1.724 %IACS Frequencies usually correspond to
%IACS %IACS × (5.800 × 105) S·m–1 bandwidths for specific applications.
%IACS %IACS × 0.580 MS·m–1 Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz),
Conductivity Unita to Resistivity Unit where 1 Hz equals one cycle per second.
S·m–1 1 ÷ (S·m–1) Ω·m
S·m–1 (1 × 108) ÷ (S·m–1) µΩ·cm Decibel
MS·m–1 (1 × 10–6) ÷ (MS·m–1) Ω·m
The term loudness refers to amplitude in
MS·m–1 (1 × 102) ÷ (MS·m–1) µΩ·cm
audible frequencies. Some acoustic waves
%IACS (1.724 × 10–6) ÷ %IACS Ω·m are audible; others have frequencies above
%IACS 172.4 ÷ %IACS µΩ·cm or below audible frequencies (ultrasonic
Resistivity Unit to Conductivity Unita or subsonic, respectively). A signal at an
Ω·m 1 ÷ (Ω·m) S·m–1 inaudible frequency has measurable
Ω·m –6
(1 × 10 ) ÷ (Ω·m) MS·m–1 amplitude but is not called loud or soft.
Ω·m (1.724 × 10–6) ÷ (Ω·m) %IACS A customary unit for measuring the
µΩ·cm (1 × 108) ÷ (µΩ·cm) S·m–1 amplitude of an acoustic signal is the
µΩ·cm (1 × 102) ÷ (µΩ·cm) MS·m–1 decibel (dB), one tenth of a bel (B). The
decibel is extensively used in acoustics
µΩ·cm 172.4 ÷ (µΩ·cm) %IACSa
and electronics. The decibel is not a fixed
Resistivity Unit to Resistivity Unit measurement unit but rather expresses a
Ω·m (Ω·m) × 108 µΩ·cm logarithmic ratio between two conditions
µΩ·m (µΩ·m) × 10–8 Ω·m of the same dimension (such as voltage or
a. %IACS: percentage of International Annealed Copper energy). In auditory acoustics, an arbitrary
Standard.18 sound pressure such as 20 µPa can be used

28 Nondestructive Testing Overview

for the reference level of 0 dB. In
acoustics, the reference level 0 dBAE is
defined as a signal of 1 µV at the
transducer before any amplification.
Because they are ratios of reference
values, bel and decibel are not part of the
International System of Units. There are
often two definitions given for the
decibel, so voltage decibel is sometimes
written dB(V).

In calculating and reporting
measurements, care must be given to
expressing values with a precision that
does not exceed the resolution of the
interrogating system. This care requires
both a mathematical understanding of
significant digits and an appreciation of
what sort of data are needed and possible
from the sensors. A reasonable and useful
number of significant digits should be
reflected in the instrument settings, and
this resolution may be specified in the
written test procedure.
The mathematical concepts of accuracy
and precision are discussed in published

Introduction to Nondestructive Testing 29


1. Wenk, S.A. and R.C. McMaster. 13. 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and
Choosing NDT: Applications, Costs and Health Standards [Code of Federal
Benefits of Nondestructive Testing in Your Regulations: Title 29, Labor.]
Quality Assurance Program. Columbus, Washington, DC: United States
OH: American Society for Department of Labor, Occupational
Nondestructive Testing (1987). Safety and Health Administration.
2. TO33B-1-1 (NAVAIR 01-1A-16) 14. 29 CFR 1926, Occupational Safety and
TM43-0103, Nondestructive Testing Health Standards for the Construction
Methods. Washington, DC: Department Industry [Code of Federal Regulations:
of Defense (June 1984). Title 29, Labor]. Washington, DC:
3. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. United States Department of Labor,
New York, NY: American Society of Occupational Safety and Health
Mechanical Engineers. Administration.
4. Annual Book of ASTM Standards: 15. Documentation of the Threshold Limit
Section 3, Metals Test Methods and Values for Physical Agents, seventh
Analytical Procedures. Vol. 03.03, edition. Cincinnati, OH: American
Nondestructive Testing. West Conference of Governmental
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM Industrial Hygienists (2008;
International (2009). supplements).
5. Recommended Practice 16. Guide to Occupational Exposure Values.
No. SNT-TC-1A, Personnel Qualification Cincinnati, OH: American Conference
and Certification in Nondestructive of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Testing. Columbus, OH: American (2011).
Society for Nondestructive Testing 17. Threshold Limit Values [for Chemical
(2006). Substances and Physical Agents] and
6. ANSI/ASNT CP-189, Standard for Biological Exposure Indices. Cincinnati,
Qualification and Certification of OH: American Conference of
Nondestructive Testing Personnel. Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Columbus, OH: American Society for (2001; supplements).
Nondestructive Testing (2006). 18. IEEE/ASTM SI 10, Standard for Use of
7. ASNT Central Certification Program the International System of Units (SI):
(ACCP), Revision 4 (March 2005). The Modern Metric System. New York,
Columbus, OH: American Society for NY: IEEE (2011).
Nondestructive Testing (2005). 19. Thompson, A. and B.N. Taylor. NIST
8. ANSI/ASNT Standard CP-105, ASNT SP 811, Guide for the Use of the
Standard Topical Outlines for International System of Units (SI).
Qualification of Nondestructive Testing Washington, DC: United States
Personnel. Columbus, OH: American Government Printing Office (2008).
Society for Nondestructive Testing 20. Taylor, B.N. and A. Thompson. NIST
(2006). SP 330, The International System of
9. ISO 9712, Nondestructive Testing — Units (SI). Washington, DC: United
Qualification and Certification of States Government Printing Office
Personnel. Geneva, Switzerland: (2008).
International Organization for 21. ANSI B 74.16, Checking the Size of
Standardization. Diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride
10. ANSI/ASNT CP-106 (ISO 9712-2005, Abrasive Grain. New York, NY:
modified), Non-Destructive Testing — American National Standards Institute
Qualification and Certification of (2007).
Personnel, third edition. Geneva, 22. IEC 60028, International Standard of
Switzerland: International Resistance for Copper. Geneva,
Organization for Standardization Switzerland: International
(2008). Electrotechnical Commission (2001).
11. NFPA National Electric Code. Quincy, 23. JCGM 200, International Vocabulary of
MA: National Fire Prevention Metrology — Basic and General Concepts
Association. and Associated Terms (VIM). Sèvres,
12. IEEE National Electrical Safety Code. France: Bureau International des Poids
New York, NY: Institute of Electrical et Mesures (2008).
and Electronics Engineers.

30 Nondestructive Testing Overview

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