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What can we do?

You can join the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition

and its members that focus on Syria – SAMS and PHR – in
our advocacy for the protection of health care and the
implementation of Resolution 2286 by sharing the following
recommendations to the UN and its member states :
 Call on the UN Security Council to demand that all parties to
the conflict immediately end attacks on civilians, health care,
and civilian infrastructure, and allow unhindered humanitarian
access to besieged areas across Syria.
 Demand that all parties immediately comply with their
obligations under international law, including
international human rights law, as applicable, and
international humanitarian law, to: protect civilians;
ensure the respect and protection of all medical
personnel and humanitarian personnel exclusively
engaged in medical duties, their means of transport and
equipment, as well as hospitals and other medical
facilities; fully and immediately implement all
provisions of all relevant Security Council resolutions.
 Call on UN Security Council member states to refer the
case of Syria to the International Criminal Court.
 Call on the UN Secretary-General and UN General
Assembly to continue to support the International
Impartial Investigative Mechanism for Syria (IIIM) that
the General Assembly established in 2017 as a
preliminary accountability step to national, regional,
and international accountability for the war crimes
committed in Syria.

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