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2/28/2018 Data Types and Memory Allocation

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Data Types and Memory Allocation

1. Integer Data Types

2. Allocating Memory for Integer Variables
3. Data Organization: DB, DW, and EQU
4. Endianness: Byte Ordering in Computer Memory
5. Little Endian Example
6. Big and Little Endian
7. Data Allocation Directives
8. Abbreviated Data Allocation Directives
9. Multi-byte Definitions
10. Symbol Table
11. Correspondence to C Data Types
12. Data Allocation Directives, Cont.
13. Size of an Integer
14. Integer Formats
15. Data Allocation Directives for Uninitialized Data
16. Working with Simple Variables, PTR operator
17. Copying Data Values
18. The MOV Instruction
19. More MOV Instruction Types
20. XCHG Instruction, Exchanging Integers
21. The XCHG Examples
22. Memory-to-memory exchange
23. BSWAP Instruction Swap Bytes
24. Extending Signed and Unsigned Integers
25. Sign Extending Signed Value
26. Sign Extending Unsigned Value
27. Sign Extending with MOVSX and MOVZX
28. The XLATB Instruction

1. Integer Data Types

In this section:

data allocation

data types and sizes

pointers to objects in memory

MOV instruction, copying data

sign-extending integers

2. Allocating Memory for Integer Variables

Intel x86 CPU performs operations on different sizes of data.

An integer is a whole number with no fractional part.

In assembler, the variables are created by data allocation directives.

Assembler declaration of integer variable assigns a label to a memory space allocated for the integer.

The variable name becomes a label for the memory space. For example, 1/12
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MyVar db 77h ; byte-sized variable called MyVar initialised to 77h


MyVar is variable name

db is directive for byte-sized memory allocation

77h is initializer specifying initial value.

3. Data Organization: DB, DW, and EQU

Representing data types in assembly source files

requires appropriate assembler directives.

The directives allocate data and format x86 little-

endian values.

Bytes are allocated by define bytes DB.

Words are allocated by define words DW.

Both allow more than one byte or word to be


Question marks specify uninitialized data.

Strings allocate multiple bytes.

Labels in front of the directives remember offsets

from the beginning of the segment which
accommodates the directive.

DUP allows to allocate multiple bytes. The

following two lines produce identical results:

DB ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
DB 5 DUP(?)

Note that EQU directive does not allocate any

memory: it creates a constant value to be used by

mov al, CR

4. Endianness: Byte Ordering in Computer Memory

Consider a small program, little_endian.asm .

Assembler fragment of little_endian.lst listing file shows generated data and code:

00000000 .DATA
00000000 EE FF byte0 BYTE 0EEh, 0FFh
00000002 1234 word2 WORD 1234h
00000004 56789ABC var4 DWORD 56789ABCh
00000008 00000000 var8 DWORD 0 2/12
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00000000 .CODE
00000000 _start:
00000000 B8 00000002 R mov eax, OFFSET word2
00000005 A3 00000008 R mov [var8], eax
0000000A C3 ret ; Exit program

DUMPBIN output for this program yields:

C:\>DUMPBIN /DISASM little_endian.exe

Dump of file E:\little_endian.exe
00301000: B8 02 40 30 00 mov eax,304002h
00301005: A3 08 40 30 00 mov dword ptr ds:[00304008h],eax
0030100A: C3 ret

Did you notice something strange about highlighted opcodes?

The byte sequence that belongs to the 32-bit displacement seems out of order: instead of expected

00 30 40 08

we see a reversed sequence,

08 40 30 00.

5. Little Endian Example

Step-by step execution of little_endian.asm program in OllyDbg debugger view looks like this:

At the beginning: At the end:

The byte sequence of 304002h was reversed when the value was stored in memory.

Note that command switch /base:0x300000 was used to change the base address of the executable image:

LINK /base:0x300000 /debug /subsystem:console /entry:_start /out:little_endian.exe little_endian.obj

6. Big and Little Endian

Different processors store multibyte integers in different orders in Byte sequence order
Data Little
type Value(*) Big endian
endian 3/12
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There are two popular methods of storing integers: big endian and little WORD
indian. 1234 12 34 34 12

Big endian method is the most natural:

DWORD 47D5A8 00 47 d5 a8 a8 d5 47 00
the biggest (i.e. most significant) byte is stored first, then the next
biggest, etc.
DWORD 56789ABC 56 78 9a bc bc 9a 78 56
IBM mainframes, most RISC processors and Motorola processors all
use this big endian method.
(*) All values shown in base 16.
However, Intel-based processors use the little endian method, in which
the least significant byte is stored first.

Normally, the programmer does not need to worry about which format
is used, unless

1. Binary data is transfered between different computers e.g. over a


All TCP/IP headers store integers in big endian format

(called network byte order.)

2. Binary data is written out to memory as a multibyte integer and

then read back as individual bytes or vise versa.

Endianness does not apply to the order of array elements.

See also: wikipedia article about endianness .

Big Endian: Little Endian:

7. Data Allocation Directives

Five define directives allocate memory space for initialized data:

DB Define Byte, allocates 1 byte

DW Define Word, allocates 2 bytes

DD Define Doubleword, allocates 4 bytes

DQ Define Quadword, allocates 8 bytes

DT Define Ten bytes, allocates 10 bytes 4/12
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sorted DB 'y'
value DW 25159
Total DD 542803535
float1 DD 1.234

8. Abbreviated Data Allocation Directives

Multiple definitions can be abbreviated.

For example,
message DB 'B'
DB 'y'
DB 'e'

can be written as

message DB 'B', 'y', 'e', 0DH, 0AH

and even more compactly as

message DB 'Bye', 0DH, 0AH

9. Multi-byte Definitions

Multiple definitions can be cumbersome to initialize data structures such as arrays

For example, to declare and initialize an integer array of 8 elements

values DW 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

What if we want to declare and initialize to zero an array of a lot more elements?

Assembler provides a better way of doing this by DUP directive:

values DW 8 DUP (0)

10. Symbol Table

For multiple data directives Assembler builds a symbol table

Both offset (in bytes) and label refer to the allocated storage space in memory:

; label memory
; name offset
.DATA ; -------- -------
value DW 0 ; value 0
sum DD 0 ; sum 2
marks DW 10 DUP (?) ; marks 6
message DB 'The grade is:',0 ; message 26
char1 DB ? ; char1 40 5/12
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11. Correspondence to C Data Types

Directive C data type

---------- ---------------------
DB char
DW int, unsigned int
DD float, long
DQ double
DT internal intermediate float value

12. Data Allocation Directives, Cont.

Keyword Description
BYTE, DB (byte) Allocates unsigned numbers from 0 to 255.
SBYTE (signed byte) Allocates signed numbers from 128 to +127.
WORD, DW (word = 2 bytes) Allocates unsigned numbers from 0 to 65,535 (64K).
SWORD (signed word) Allocates signed numbers from 32,768 to +32,767.
DWORD, DD (doubleword = 4
Allocates unsigned numbers from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (4 megabytes)
SDWORD (signed
Allocates signed numbers from 2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647.
FWORD, DF (farword = 6 Allocates 6-byte (48-bit) integers. These values are normally used only as pointer variables on the
bytes) 80386/486 processors.
QWORD, DQ (quadword = 8
Allocates 8-byte integers used with 8087-family coprocessor instructions.
TBYTE, DT (10 bytes) Allocates 10-byte (80-bit) integers if the initializer has a radix specifying the base of the number.

13. Size of an Integer

Storing different data types in register:

Data Type Bytes

TBYTE 10 6/12
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14. Integer Formats

The data types

and SDWORD tell
the assembler to
treat the initializers
as signed data.

It is important to use
these signed types
with high-level
constructs such as
.IF, .WHILE, and
.REPEAT, and with
INVOKE directives.

For descriptions of
these directives,
refer to the sections





15. Data Allocation Directives for Uninitialized Data

There are five reserve directives:

RESB Reserve a Byte, allocates 1 byte

RESW Reserve a Word, allocates 2 bytes

RESD Reserve a Doubleword, allocates 4 bytes

RESQ Reserve a Quadword, allocates 8 bytes

REST Reserve a Ten bytes, allocates 10 bytes


response resb 1
buffer resw 100
Total resd 1 7/12
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16. Working with Simple Variables, PTR operator

CPU has instructions to copy, move, and sign-extend integer values.

These instructions require operands to be the same size.

However, we may need to operate on data with size other than that originally declared.

The PTR operator forces expression to be treated as the specified type:

num DWORD 0

mov ax, WORD PTR num[0] ; Load a word-size value from
mov dx, WORD PTR num[2] ; a doubleword variable

PTR operator re-casts the DWORD-sized memory location pointed by num[ index ] expression into a WORD-sized value.

17. Copying Data Values

The primary instructions for moving data from operand to operand and loading them into registers are

MOV (Move)

XCHG (Exchange)

CWD (Convert Word to Double)

CBW (Convert Byte to Word).

18. The MOV Instruction

MOV instruction is a copy instruction.

MOV copies the source operand to the destination operand without affecting the source.
; Immediate value moves
mov ax, 7 ; Immediate to register
mov mem, 7 ; Immediate to memory direct
mov mem[bx], 7 ; Immediate to memory indirect

; Register moves
mov mem, ax ; Register to memory direct
mov mem[bx], ax ; Register to memory indirect
mov ax, bx ; Register to register
mov ds, ax ; General register to segment register

; Direct memory moves

mov ax, mem ; Memory direct to register
mov ds, mem ; Memory to segment register

; Indirect memory moves

mov ax, mem[bx] ; Memory indirect to register
mov ds, mem[bx] ; Memory indirect to segment register

; Segment register moves

mov mem, ds ; Segment register to memory
mov mem[bx], ds ; Segment register to memory indirect
mov ax, ds ; Segment register to general register 8/12
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19. More MOV Instruction Types

The following example shows several common types of moves that require not one, but two instructions.

; Move immediate to segment register

mov ax, DGROUP ; Load AX with immediate value
mov ds, ax ; Copy AX to segment register

; Move memory to memory

mov ax, mem1 ; Load AX with memory value
mov mem2, ax ; Copy AX to other memory

; Move segment register to segment register

mov ax, ds ; Load AX with segment register
mov es, ax ; Copy AX to segment register

20. XCHG Instruction, Exchanging Integers

The XCHG (exchange data) instruction exchanges the contents of two operands.

There are three variants:

XCHG reg, reg

XCHG reg, mem
XCHG mem, reg

You can exchange data between registers or between registers and memory, but not from memory to memory:
xchg ax, bx ; Put AX in BX and BX in AX
xchg memory, ax ; Put "memory" in AX and AX in "memory"
xchg mem1, mem2 ; Illegal, can't exchange memory locations!

The rules for operands in the XCHG instruction are the same as those for the MOV instruction...

...except that XCHG does not accept immediate operands.

21. The XCHG Examples

In array sorting applications, XCHG provides a simple way to exchange two array elements.

Few more examples using XCHG:

xchg ax, bx ; exchange 16-bit regs

xchg ah, al ; exchange 8-bit regs
xchg eax, ebx ; exchange 32-bit regs
xchg [response], cl ; exchange 8-bit mem op with CL
xchg [total], edx ; exchange 32-bit mem op with EDX

Without the XCHG instruction, we need a temporary register to exchange values if using only the MOV instruction.

22. Memory-to-memory exchange

To exchange two memory operands, use a register as a temporary container and combine MOV with XCHG. For example, 9/12
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val1 WORD 1000h
val2 WORD 2000h

mov ax, [val1] ; AX = 1000h
xchg ax, [val2] ; AX = 2000h, val2 = 1000h
mov [val1], ax ; val1 = 2000h

23. BSWAP Instruction Swap Bytes

The XCHG instruction is useful for conversion of 16-bit data between little endian and big endian forms.
xchg al, ah

For example, the following XCHG converts the data in AX into the other endian form.

Pentium provides BSWAP instruction to do similar conversion on 32-bit data:

BSWAP 32-bit register

Note: BSWAP works only on data located in a 32-bit register.

BSWAP swaps bytes of its operand. For example,

bswap eax

Result of BSWAP EAX

24. Extending Signed and Unsigned Integers

Since moving data between registers of different sizes is illegal, you must sign-extend integers to convert signed data to a larger

Sign-extending means copying the sign bit of the unextended operand to all bits of the operand's next larger size.

This widens the operand while maintaining its sign and value.

The four instructions presented below act only on the accumulator register (AL, AX, or EAX), as shown:

Instruction Sign-extend
CBW (convert byte to word) AL to AX
CWD (convert word to doubleword) AX to DX:AX
CWDE (convert word to doubleword extended) AX to EAX
CDQ (convert doubleword to quadword) EAX to EDX:EAX 10/12
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25. Sign Extending Signed Value

mem8 SBYTE -5
mem16 SWORD +5
mem32 SDWORD -5

mov al, mem8 ; Load 8-bit -5 (FBh)
cbw ; Convert to 16-bit -5 (FFFBh) in AX
mov ax, mem16 ; Load 16-bit +5
cwd ; Convert to 32-bit +5 (0000:0005h) in DX:AX
mov ax, mem16 ; Load 16-bit +5
cwde ; Convert to 32-bit +5 (00000005h) in EAX
mov eax, mem32 ; Load 32-bit -5 (FFFFFFFBh)
cdq ; Convert to 64-bit -5

Sign extending instructions efficiently convert unsigned values as well, provided the sign bit is zero.

This example, for instance, correctly widens mem16 whether you treat the variable as signed or unsigned.

The processor does not differentiate between signed and unsigned values.

For instance, the value of mem8 in the previous example is literally 251 (0FBh) to the processor.

It ignores the human convention of treating the highest bit as an indicator of sign.

The processor can ignore the distinction between signed and unsigned numbers because binary arithmetic works the same in either

The programmer, not the processor, must keep track of which values are signed or unsigned, and treat them accordingly.

26. Sign Extending Unsigned Value

If sign extension was not what you had in mind, that is, if you need to extend the unsigned value, explicitly set the higher register
to zero:

mem8 BYTE 251
mem16 WORD 251
mov al, mem8 ; Load 251 (FBh) from 8-bit memory
sub ah, ah ; Zero upper half (AH)

mov ax, mem16 ; Load 251 (FBh) from 16-bit memory

sub dx, dx ; Zero upper half (DX)

sub eax, eax ; Zero entire extended register (EAX)

mov ax, mem16 ; Load 251 (FBh) from 16-bit memory

27. Sign Extending with MOVSX and MOVZX

The 80386/486/Pentium processors provide instructions that move and extend a value to a larger data size in a single step. 11/12
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MOVSX moves a signed value into a register and sign-extends it with 1.

MOVZX moves an unsigned value into a register and zero-extends it with zero.

mov bx, 0C3EEh ; Sign bit of bl is now 1: BH == 1100 0011, BL == 1110 1110
movsx ebx, bx ; Load signed 16-bit value into 32-bit register and sign-extend
; EBX is now equal FFFFC3EEh
movzx dx, bl ; Load unsigned 8-bit value into 16-bit register and zero-extend
; DX is now equal 00EEh

MOVSX and MOVZX instructions usually execute much faster than the equivalent CBW, CWD, CWDE, and CDQ.

28. The XLATB Instruction

Belongs to the family of x86 data transfer instructions.

XLATB translates bytes The format is XLATB

To use xlat instruction,

EBX should be loaded with the starting address of the translation table

AL must contain an index in to the table.

Index value starts at zero

The instruction

reads the byte at this index in the translation table, and

stores this value in AL.

The original index value in AL is lost

Translation table can have at most 256 entries (due to AL)

See also XLAT.ASM sample. 12/12

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