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0191705 ONGJOOYI

Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual act that is offensive, insulting or intimidating. It

can be written, verbal or physical and can be done in person or online. Both men and women
can be victims of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment at work, school or university may
constitute gender discrimination. The causes of sexual harassment vary from person to person
and vary from case to case. This discussion can only cover a few major factors. Many reasons
are interrelated and related to the culture and values in society and companies, and to the
roles and relative powers of men and women involved. 
Men and women were brought up to see themselves and others strongly influences their
behavior. Various viewpoints could create a climate that allows sexual harassment: Men who
were brought up with macho beliefs like "real men pinch bottoms", "girls were made to hug
and kiss", "the more, the merrier", easily carry these social values into the workplace, and
treat their female colleagues accordingly. Such men often even think that women take their
harassment as a compliment and If women see themselves as dependent on, or of lesser value
than men, or are unassertive, they find it difficult to handle harassers or to complain. Often
women who are breadwinners are vulnerable and fear victimization or even job loss, if they
reject advances or complain.  
For example : The concept of male chauvinism in the whole society in Japan is deeply rooted
in the socialization and they are still retain a strong traditional thinking.Women are also
affected by this concept, so most of them are not dare to be stunned after being sexually
harassed. After the Japanese professional women were sexually harassed, they did not dare to
speak out. On the one hand, according to the unspoken rules of Japanese society, women's
patience with men is regarded as a great traditional virtue. Because of the unfair treatment
and the courage to open things, the counter-laws will lead to various accusations and
Powerful game  
Social and political changes in recent years have changed power relations. Some men feel
that the career development of women and people of color is threatened or uncomfortable
with the independence and confidence that women find new in their families and/or work.
Other men who have recently gained power positions (which may have been discriminated
against for decades) may also try to prove themselves by harassing female subordinates.
Some men even regard it as a “spin-off benefit”, and their status, ability and gender give them
“rights”. In times of uncertainty, fear, limited opportunities for promotion, layoffs, personal
stress and performance pressures, there is indeed a real danger that sexual harassment and
sexual orientation transactions will form part of the game of power played.  
For example, There is a famous writing in Japan named in #WithYou: How women
journalists in Japan are fighting harassment  and write about the case of sexual assault, the
isolated private space is called the “black box”, and when the “black box” is uncovered, it is
exposed to a larger “black box” in the investigation institution and the judicial system in
japan (subcultureist, 2017). 
Lack of company policy 
 Many South African companies do not have clear policies, complaints and disciplinary
procedures to deal with harassment - they will not be implemented if there is harassment.
Women usually resign rather than complain because they don't know where to go, or if they
do complain, it is either used as a joke or management does not take any action. If
management tolerates such behavior, or if the victim is ultimately blamed, the perpetrators
are encouraged to continue harassment, affecting more and more women.  
For example, according to a report by BBC News (2019), Nuril Marnon was sentenced to six
years in prison for recording the so-called sexual harassment of the boss. He was jailed for
one month. She used to be a bookkeeper at school, and the principal of the school often called
Nuril into his office and sexually harassed her words. After discovering the incident, Nuril
was fired and her boss sued her. Nuril lost her last right of appeal, the Supreme Court
sentenced her to six months in prison and ordered her to pay a fine of 500 million rupees
($35,000). Instead, her so-called harassers were not affected by the law, but were promoted to
government public officials. 
BBC News. (2019). Woman who recorded lewd call from boss spared jail. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 29 Jul. 2019]. 
subcultureist, V. (2017). Rape in Japan is a crime but justice is rarely served. A Non-Arrest
& Shiori Ito’s Full Statement – Japan Subculture Research Center. [online] Available at:
on-her-ordeal/ [Accessed 1 Oct. 2017]. 
Tammy Lim Pei Yee 0191704  

 Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favors or

other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated

and intimidated, where a reasonable person would anticipate that reaction in the

circumstances. There are three discussion of the main factors that occurs in sexual harassment

and most are interrelated, and are linked to the culture and values in society and in

companies, and to the roles, relative power and status of the men and women concerned.  

Firstly, Socialization is a cause that will happened in sexual harassment which is The way

men and women grow up to see themselves and others can greatly affect their behavior and

different perspectives could make an atmosphere that permits sexual harassment. In a

culture until the past, sexual harassment typical of abuse of power or humiliation is not

uncommon. Harassment is often closely related to widespread prejudice and gender-

discriminatory attitudes. Men who grew up in masculinity, it is easy to bring these social

values into the workplace and treat female colleagues accordingly. This kind of man often

even thinks that harassment is a compliment to women. for example , On the last day of 2016,

New Year’s celebrations were held all over the world, but in India’s “Silicon Valley” in

Bangalore, there was a large-scale harassment of women in New Year’s events However

officials blame women for wearing less (NBC News ,2017) 

Secondly, Social and politic are changed the power relationship in workplace. When, some

men feel that the career development of women and people of color is threatened, or that feel

that women are uncomfortable to them so that they are use the power of work to harass

female subordinates to prove themselves. . Some men even regard it as a “spin-off benefit”,

and their status, ability and gender give them this right. In times of uncertainty, fear, limited

opportunities for promotion, layoffs, personal stress and performance pressures, there is

indeed a real danger that sexual harassment and sexual interest transactions will form part of

the game of power played. For example, The shift in attitudes toward sexual harassment has

sparked a social media campaign. #“Mee Too” became the global female battle slogan.

Women posted this tag on Twitter and Facebook, publicly admitting their experiences and

showing the extent of the problem. Time magazine of the United States named the "silence

breakers" as the 2017 person of the year. This issue is dedicated to those who accuse the

powerful people of sexual misconduct, calling them "the voice of a sport." 

Lastly, many companies do not have clear policies, complaints and disciplinary procedures to

deal with harassment, in which case there will be no action to deal with the problem if it

happens. In the study of MBL papers (completed by the male concerned), 76% of female

respondents indicated that they were harassed at work, and there were few policies in their

company and said that if management tolerates such behavior Or, if the victim is ultimately

blamed, encourage the perpetrators to continue harassment, affecting more and more women

in workplace. For example: Baiq Nuril Maknun, a 41-year-old woman from Indonesia,

worked as an accountant at the middle school in Mataram, Lombok. During the period, the

principal continued to call her to sexually harass her, and the other party continued to talk
about sexual relations with other women. Macanu was worried about his own safety and

decided to record the content of the call with his superiors. After the recording was exposed,

the principal was angered to Macanu and the Supreme Court ruled that she violated the

Information and Electronic Transactions Act. The ruling has caused criticism from all walks

of life. Plasetti has decided to suspend execution of the sentence for hearing the public’s call

for justice (BBC News ,2019). 


BBC News. (2019). Woman who recorded lewd call from boss spared jail. [online] Available

at: [Accessed 29 Jul. 2019].  

NBC News. (2017). A movement grows in India following reports of mass sexual

harassment. Retrieved 13 January 2017, from


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