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Face Scrub Tips To Try Out At Home

Don’t you just hate the moment when you look in the mirror after a long day only to realise that
your skin has become dull and lost its natural glow? You are not alone. This is a scenario that is all
too familiar for most people, since pollution can cause havoc on skin and cause damage to it that
can sometimes be irreparable. However, a proper and regular face scrub routine can be really
helpful when it comes to dealing with the dead skin and clogged pores that come with exposure to
polluted air. You don’t necessarily have to head off to a salon to get an amazing glow either. Here
are a few skin scrubbers you can try out at home to make your skin appear young, healthy and

Make a skin scrubber out of coffee grounds:

It can be hard for many to imagine using coffee for anything else except to drink it. However, if you are a
coffee lover, the good news is that you can drink your coffee and make a skin scrubber out of it too. You can
use leftover coffee grounds for this purpose. All you have to do is mix it with honey, and a little bit of yogurt or
milk to make yourself an exfoliating face scrub. Since coffee has antioxidant properties, it can help in making
your skin appear younger, and to improve the blood circulation on your face. You can use this natural face
scrub twice a week for best results.

Mix up a sweet face scrub with chocolate:

If you are a chocoholic, you must have fantasised about covering yourself in chocolate at some point. You can
do that now if you make a sweet and fragrant chocolate face scrub, which can be used as a natural pore
cleaner to exfoliate your face. To make it, you have to mix dark chocolate with sugar, coffee grounds and
coconut oil. This mixture can smoothen and soften your skin because chocolate can increase the production
of collagen on your body. It is also rich in antioxidants, because of which it will help you keep your skin young
and rejuvenated. Eating a few pieces of dark chocolate once in a while won’t hurt either. Use this mixture
every week to get better results.

Scrub on with an oatmeal face scrub:

The grainy texture of oatmeal is what makes it a great skin scrubber option. It is a great pore cleaner, since it
can easily remove all the dirt clogged in your pores, and it can also be used to exfoliate your skin gently to
remove blackheads. Moreover, it works really well when it comes to removing dead skin cells from the face
and preventing their buildup in the long run. To make an oatmeal face scrub, you can mix it with rosewater
and olive oil. This mixture can be applied on your face every week to keep your skin clean, smooth acne-free
and beautiful. Make sure to wash it off with cold water after a few minutes each time.

Use an ultrasonic skin scrubber regularly:

The perfect exfoliating face scrub exists, and it can be bought in the form of an ultrasonic skin scrubber. It can
be used to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, remove excess dirt from the face, and make skin young and
beautiful. It is the best scrubbing option to try out on your skin because it is safe and extremely convenient to
use. It also involves far less hassle to set it up as compared to natural face scrubs that you have to carefully
make each time before use. It offers the perfect way to give your skin a salon like treatment at home without
having to waste time and money in an actual salon.

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