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SUMMER(PANAS) : Summer is a season that occurs in temperate countries. Summer is experienced by

the northern hemisphere such as in the United States and Europe for about three months, starting
from around June 20 to September 21-22 every year.

GUGUR : Autumn is a transition season from summer to winter. This season runs from September to
winter in late November or early December, for the northern part of the earth.

DINGIN : Winter is one of the four seasons in a country that is subtropical and temperate. This season
is also the coldest season of the other seasons. Winter starts in December to February. the
temperature in this season can reach 0 degrees Celsius

SEMI : Spring is a transition from winter back to summer. Spring usually starts in the middle of
February to May. This season is usually the season for flowers to bloom, so it's called ‘spring’ because
the flowers are blooming.

HUJAN : The rainy season is usually marked by increasing rainfall in an area compared to usual in a
certain period of time. This season is only known in tropical climates such as in Indonesia. The
beginning of the rainy season can occur earlier (advanced), same, or slower (backward) than normal
(the average of the 30-year period specified.

KEMARAU : In the tropics, the rainy season alternates with the dry season and is strongly influenced
by the annual pseudo-sun movement. The movement of the sun changes the air temperature and
land surface and ocean surface maps. In turn, the temperature difference will change the
concentration of water vapor in the air.

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