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The Allies achieved victory in Europe because they seized key places and used their advantages.

1. Allies created a two front war and seized north Africa

Capturing north Africa allowed the US and Britain to come at the Germans through the south
and the west, forcing them to battle a harder war. Hitler wanted to avoid this at all costs and it
resulted in an allied victory
2. The allies had peace with the Soviet Union, allowing them to apply more pressure to the center
of Europe.
Stalin had one of the largest armies in the world, and with them against the Nazis now, it made
it easier for the Allied forces to zone in on the Nazis.
3. Hitler chose to invade the Soviet Union
Hitler invading the soviet union created more attention to the east, allowing the British and
Americans to hit hard from the west and south. Now fighting a 3-Front war, Hitler had no choice
but to basically give up and kill himself, resulting in V-E day and ending the war.

World War II started due to the strong leadership of Hitler, and the fear of war throughout the rest of
the world.

1. Appeasement towards Hitler

Because Hitler was allowed to do so much by other world leaders not wanting to fight another
war, he took advantage while he could and gained as much power up until he invaded Poland,
ultimately starting war again.
2. Treaty of Versailles
After the treaty of Versailles was put into effect, Germany reached an all time low. They needed
a new leader for their country and there was one man that particularly stood out. Hitler
promised the german people success in the future and got elected, then building up his idea for
world takeover.
3. Japanese power in the East
Hitler viewed the Japanese as a strong power in Asia and looked to them as a role model. He
saw what they were doing and thought of how he could do the same in Europe. This motive
grew and grew until the war started and he took off from there.

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